President Biden says he's trying to 'figure out' why illegal immigrants leave their countries


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
right after he figures out if he has to pee or not

Didn't kneepads say it was her job to figure out the "root causes"? I guess xiden forgot to ask what she found out. LMAO

Read my tag line in my sig. The Spanish never adopted it.
He is just buying time while they bring in more illegals. Everytime he addresses the border it's always some vauge comment where "we don't know why this is happening" or "were looking into it". It's all just stalling so they can keep importing future voters for themselves.

And I can't believe most people are so stupid. Trump put a lot in place to stop this and things were in pretty good shape, then Biden undoes all of it on purpose and then stands there at the border with his hands on his hips watching illegals flood in and just says "well I don't understand how this happened" while he has thousands and thousands of agents behind him that can stop it if he would say so but still just says "I'll have to look into this one day".

It's like a guy going up to the water line and hitting it with a hammer then standing there watching a busted water line flood his house and destroy it and while he is holding a phone with a plumber on speed and staring at the main shutoff handle he says "maybe I need to sit and really think about what's going on here".

He should be brought up on a lot of charges, and this one should definitely be towards the top of the list
They are coming because he invited them and is paying them.

Not a tough connection to make, huh?

Holy shit, Biden is a fucking embarassment.

Him and his 3 degrees and full scholarship and graduating Magna Cum Laude or whatever his lies were…
right after he figures out if he has to pee or not

Simple: most foreign countries are shitholes. However, the prog agenda says they are all just as good as the USA.
I consider Biden a traitor for allowing our home to be invaded by illegal aliens and doing absolutely nothing to stop it.

It's one of the most important issues for the next couple of elections, imo.

It's clear that democrats will do nothing to protect our country. All they're good for, is encouraging BLM slimeballs to riot and steal as much as they can. Fuck the democrats.
Didn't kneepads say it was her job to figure out the "root causes"? I guess xiden forgot to ask what she found out. LMAO

Knee pads?
You're too complimentary for a guy that hates with a passion for no reason.
Well done you scumbag.

Knee pads?
You're too complimentary for a guy that hates with a passion for no reason.
Well done you scumbag.

And the ignorant foreigner chimes in again to prove his stupidity. Kneepads literally got her political start, worshiping at Browns Willie when he was mayor of SF. I guess that's where she learned to look for the "root causes". :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:


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