President Biden Governs Through Obvious, Ham-Fisted Lies


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
President Biden Governs Through Obvious, Ham-Fisted Lies
Biden’s most recently revealed Afghanistan lie is just the latest in a string of outright falsehoods and deceptions the White House is resorting to in the face of failure.​
29 Sep 2021 ~~ By John Daniel Davidson
Hardly a day passes anymore that President Joe Biden or members of his administration do not stand before the American people and lie through their teeth.
The latest lie to be exposed came Tuesday, when Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that he advised Biden to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan, and that withdrawing them “would lead inevitably to the collapse of the Afghan military forces and eventually, the Afghan government.” Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Mark Milley said he told Biden the same thing.
The generals’ testimony flatly contradicts Biden’s claim in an August 19 interview with George Stephanopoulos of ABC News that none of his military advisors told him to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan, or ever warned him that withdrawing those troops would trigger the collapse of the Afghan military and government. Here is how the exchange went:
Often, the lies are obvious, like when Biden said last week that mounted Border Patrol agents in Del Rio, Texas, were “running over” Haitians migrants and “strapping” or whipping them with their reins, a false claim that was repeated over and over by the press and administration officials after photos of a horse patrol confronting illegal immigrants appeared on social media.

Before Biden even repeated this smear, along with a vile threat that the Border Patrol agents involved “will pay,” the whole story had been proven to be a complete fiction. The agents did not whip or strike anyone. In fact, they did exactly as they are trained to do, using their reins to control the horses and maintain a safe distance between horse and pedestrian.
The photographer who took the viral photos later confirmed he never saw the mounted Border Patrol agents strike anyone, and subsequent video footage of the incident should have settled the matter definitively. Instead of slandering and threatening the agents, the president should have come out and apologized to them profusely.

But Biden appears to be incapable of not lying all the time, even when his abject dishonesty is an insult to the intelligence of every American. It is simply pervasive.
Consider the idiotic lie Biden was peddling last week, that his $3.5 trillion climate change and welfare bill would actually cost zero dollars. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, who is terrible at her job in part because she’s such a clumsy and unconvincing liar, went on to repeat the “zero dollars” false claim on Monday.
Above all, Biden has made it clear, through an unrelenting fusillade of lies, that he does not consider himself to be the least bit accountable to the American people, does not think ordinary rules and norms apply to his administration, and does not think he owes anyone an honest word about anything that happens on his watch.
He has decided, that is, to govern by lies. The least we can do, at this point, is be honest about that.

Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists, Biden, Blinken, Mayorkas, and Psaki, the cabinet; all just say what they want, do what they want, and there is no accountability from the press, the courts, or anyone else. We are in new and dangerous territory as far as governance goes.
President Biden Governs Through Obvious, Ham-Fisted Lies
Biden’s most recently revealed Afghanistan lie is just the latest in a string of outright falsehoods and deceptions the White House is resorting to in the face of failure.​
29 Sep 2021 ~~ By John Daniel Davidson
Hardly a day passes anymore that President Joe Biden or members of his administration do not stand before the American people and lie through their teeth.
The latest lie to be exposed came Tuesday, when Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that he advised Biden to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan, and that withdrawing them “would lead inevitably to the collapse of the Afghan military forces and eventually, the Afghan government.” Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Mark Milley said he told Biden the same thing.
The generals’ testimony flatly contradicts Biden’s claim in an August 19 interview with George Stephanopoulos of ABC News that none of his military advisors told him to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan, or ever warned him that withdrawing those troops would trigger the collapse of the Afghan military and government. Here is how the exchange went:
Often, the lies are obvious, like when Biden said last week that mounted Border Patrol agents in Del Rio, Texas, were “running over” Haitians migrants and “strapping” or whipping them with their reins, a false claim that was repeated over and over by the press and administration officials after photos of a horse patrol confronting illegal immigrants appeared on social media.

Before Biden even repeated this smear, along with a vile threat that the Border Patrol agents involved “will pay,” the whole story had been proven to be a complete fiction. The agents did not whip or strike anyone. In fact, they did exactly as they are trained to do, using their reins to control the horses and maintain a safe distance between horse and pedestrian.
The photographer who took the viral photos later confirmed he never saw the mounted Border Patrol agents strike anyone, and subsequent video footage of the incident should have settled the matter definitively. Instead of slandering and threatening the agents, the president should have come out and apologized to them profusely.

But Biden appears to be incapable of not lying all the time, even when his abject dishonesty is an insult to the intelligence of every American. It is simply pervasive.
Consider the idiotic lie Biden was peddling last week, that his $3.5 trillion climate change and welfare bill would actually cost zero dollars. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, who is terrible at her job in part because she’s such a clumsy and unconvincing liar, went on to repeat the “zero dollars” false claim on Monday.
Above all, Biden has made it clear, through an unrelenting fusillade of lies, that he does not consider himself to be the least bit accountable to the American people, does not think ordinary rules and norms apply to his administration, and does not think he owes anyone an honest word about anything that happens on his watch.
He has decided, that is, to govern by lies. The least we can do, at this point, is be honest about that.

Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists, Biden, Blinken, Mayorkas, and Psaki, the cabinet; all just say what they want, do what they want, and there is no accountability from the press, the courts, or anyone else. We are in new and dangerous territory as far as governance goes.

Have you noticed all the Media Fact Checkers must have died?
Biden is far too stupid, his memory is non existent, his judgement is terrible and he thinks the people are stupid - 'they won't remember'. That's why he lies all the time.
President Biden Governs Through Obvious, Ham-Fisted Lies
Biden’s most recently revealed Afghanistan lie is just the latest in a string of outright falsehoods and deceptions the White House is resorting to in the face of failure.​
29 Sep 2021 ~~ By John Daniel Davidson
Hardly a day passes anymore that President Joe Biden or members of his administration do not stand before the American people and lie through their teeth.
The latest lie to be exposed came Tuesday, when Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that he advised Biden to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan, and that withdrawing them “would lead inevitably to the collapse of the Afghan military forces and eventually, the Afghan government.” Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Mark Milley said he told Biden the same thing.
The generals’ testimony flatly contradicts Biden’s claim in an August 19 interview with George Stephanopoulos of ABC News that none of his military advisors told him to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan, or ever warned him that withdrawing those troops would trigger the collapse of the Afghan military and government. Here is how the exchange went:
Often, the lies are obvious, like when Biden said last week that mounted Border Patrol agents in Del Rio, Texas, were “running over” Haitians migrants and “strapping” or whipping them with their reins, a false claim that was repeated over and over by the press and administration officials after photos of a horse patrol confronting illegal immigrants appeared on social media.

Before Biden even repeated this smear, along with a vile threat that the Border Patrol agents involved “will pay,” the whole story had been proven to be a complete fiction. The agents did not whip or strike anyone. In fact, they did exactly as they are trained to do, using their reins to control the horses and maintain a safe distance between horse and pedestrian.
The photographer who took the viral photos later confirmed he never saw the mounted Border Patrol agents strike anyone, and subsequent video footage of the incident should have settled the matter definitively. Instead of slandering and threatening the agents, the president should have come out and apologized to them profusely.

But Biden appears to be incapable of not lying all the time, even when his abject dishonesty is an insult to the intelligence of every American. It is simply pervasive.
Consider the idiotic lie Biden was peddling last week, that his $3.5 trillion climate change and welfare bill would actually cost zero dollars. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, who is terrible at her job in part because she’s such a clumsy and unconvincing liar, went on to repeat the “zero dollars” false claim on Monday.
Above all, Biden has made it clear, through an unrelenting fusillade of lies, that he does not consider himself to be the least bit accountable to the American people, does not think ordinary rules and norms apply to his administration, and does not think he owes anyone an honest word about anything that happens on his watch.
He has decided, that is, to govern by lies. The least we can do, at this point, is be honest about that.

Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists, Biden, Blinken, Mayorkas, and Psaki, the cabinet; all just say what they want, do what they want, and there is no accountability from the press, the courts, or anyone else. We are in new and dangerous territory as far as governance goes.

I don't understand what the thing so hard to understand about democrats lies slander and lie some more while committing treason. That's what they do. Gee everybody knows that!

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