Preserving America

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
If we could leave one thing for our children, grandchildren, and future generations of Americans, what would that one thing be? In an ever-changing world, where change is normal, where change is inevitable, if we could leave one thing constant and unchanged, what would that one thing be? What do we value most that we have now, that we would not want future generations of Americans to not have?
Freedom: we used to have that is now being chipped away daily by those people you elected for this government. and then just sit here and watch and say NOTHING

If we could leave one thing for our children, grandchildren, and future generations of Americans, what would that one thing be? In an ever-changing world, where change is normal, where change is inevitable, if we could leave one thing constant and unchanged, what would that one thing be? What do we value most that we have now, that we would not want future generations of Americans to not have?
banana splits....
Liberty....of course, we do not have it now...we lost it long ago when we allowed the power elite to take it.
Unlimited opportunity to participate in the American Dream and retain the fruits of one industriousness and hard work within the framework of the founding fathers.
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Freedom: we used to have that is now being chipped away daily by those people you elected for this government. and then just sit here and watch and say NOTHING

I have NOT elected any of them. I do NOT vote for professional politicians, never. I write-in a candidate on election day. Also, I say plenty, and have been for many years now. I am never silent when it comes to the injustices that I see every single day. And, you're correct about freedom. Its become just a nice sounding word with little meaning.
Freedom: we used to have that is now being chipped away daily by those people you elected for this government. and then just sit here and watch and say NOTHING

I have NOT elected any of them. I do NOT vote for professional politicians, never. I write-in a candidate on election day. Also, I say plenty, and have been for many years now. I am never silent when it comes to the injustices that I see every single day. And, you're correct about freedom. Its become just a nice sounding word with little meaning.

You are a good patriotic American dear. That's how things were back about 40 years ago. Now today? They elect someone and then say, have at it, do as you want we don't have the time...that is the problem I see and the reason someone like Obama and his gang of commies can dupe so many and proceed to (Transform America) into a third world shit hole. then it's they who holds all the power. is it too late? I think so
Freedom: we used to have that is now being chipped away daily by those people you elected for this government. and then just sit here and watch and say NOTHING

I have NOT elected any of them. I do NOT vote for professional politicians, never. I write-in a candidate on election day. Also, I say plenty, and have been for many years now. I am never silent when it comes to the injustices that I see every single day. And, you're correct about freedom. Its become just a nice sounding word with little meaning.

You are a good patriotic American dear. That's how things were back about 40 years ago. Now today? They elect someone and then say, have at it, do as you want we don't have the time...that is the problem I see and the reason someone like Obama and his gang of commies can dupe so many and proceed to (Transform America) into a third world shit hole. then it's they who holds all the power. is it too late? I think so
I've understood what "government" is for a very long time. I don't play their game, nor do I play politics. But, many in this country suffer from "Blind Patriotism", thus the reason this country is in the sad shameful state that it's in now.
Freedom: we used to have that is now being chipped away daily by those people you elected for this government. and then just sit here and watch and say NOTHING

I have NOT elected any of them. I do NOT vote for professional politicians, never. I write-in a candidate on election day. Also, I say plenty, and have been for many years now. I am never silent when it comes to the injustices that I see every single day. And, you're correct about freedom. Its become just a nice sounding word with little meaning.

You are a good patriotic American dear. That's how things were back about 40 years ago. Now today? They elect someone and then say, have at it, do as you want we don't have the time...that is the problem I see and the reason someone like Obama and his gang of commies can dupe so many and proceed to (Transform America) into a third world shit hole. then it's they who holds all the power. is it too late? I think so
I've understood what "government" is for a very long time. I don't play their game, nor do I play politics. But, many in this country suffer from "Blind Patriotism", thus the reason this country is in the sad shameful state that it's in now.

Biggest problem we face in America right now, is party before country. Everything else be damned, as long as it's "my" party that can screw things up.
I wonder if my generation will be intelligent enough to run the world when you folks are done. I've met some pretty smart people in my high school. I'm being optimistic
I wonder if my generation will be intelligent enough to run the world when you folks are done. I've met some pretty smart people in my high school. I'm being optimistic

There are intelligent people that come from all generations. The only thing that changes are world views.

And welcome aboard.
If we could leave one thing for our children, grandchildren, and future generations of Americans, what would that one thing be? In an ever-changing world, where change is normal, where change is inevitable, if we could leave one thing constant and unchanged, what would that one thing be? What do we value most that we have now, that we would not want future generations of Americans to not have?

The Authorized King James Bible.

Any society that has freedom - has the King James Bible - the less free a society is - the less the Bible is free to be preached and distributed throughout the society. You can look at North Korea for an example. If you own a bible? You are executed. There is no freedom in North Korea. In America - the Bible is not permitted in the Classroom. It is not permitted to be carried with the Soldier into battle - or onto the battlefield - it is not permitted to be preached from some street corners - it is not permitted to be preached on school properties, school buses, and now the ten commandments was challenged to not be permitted in our courts - so we are on the way to less freedom here. The signs are all about us.

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