Pres Peanut Carter Bellows Again

Ole Jimmie needs to STFU! For me the whole terror thing started with the Iran embassy hostage situation. He sat with his thumb up his ass and then fucked it up!

Peanut farming IS HIS thing.
You’re right. Jimmy Carter has done a lot of fine work as a humanitarian since he was booted from the Presidency, but as a statesman and CIC he was an embarrassing failure. For example, during the Iranian rescue mission helicopter crash, military officers credit Carter’s failure of nerve, and micro-management from the Oval Office, as the reason that the effort was humiliatingly called off. But in his worst offense against American and World security, it was Carter’s call to Clinton from North Korea that led to the infamous nuke deal that ended with the duplicitous police state possessing nuclear weapons. Carter should stick to his humanitarian efforts and leave American foreign policy to those with a backbone.
Ever notice it's the former Dem presidents that can't just retire quietly?

Jimmy Carter Backs Communism, Terrorism, Liberalism, and Anti-Americanism

Jimmy Carter says Bush backs torture

From NewsMax:

Former President Jimmy Carter said Monday the Bush administration had eroded America's global influence with its conduct in Iraq and by condoning the torture of terrorism suspects.

"They have redefined torture to make it convenient for them," Carter said of the Bush administration in an interview with Reuters.

"Things that are unanimously almost or globally assumed to be torture, they claim that this is not torture. I don't think there is any doubt that is what they are doing," said Carter , a Democrat who was president from 1977 to 1981.

He has since been a leading voice on global human rights issues and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002. }} more...

The real torture was not only living through the Carter white house years, but having to listen to this anti-American blowhard still.

Jimmy Carter - the worst president in American history - somehow still believes people give a s*** about what he has to say. We don't. We never did.

And about that Nobel Prize. Doesn't one have to be a commie, a terrorist leader, or worse to even make the Nobel short list? Of course one does. The Nobel prize is about as valuable as a bag of Jimmy's peanuts. Billy was the smart one in the family.

China, North Korea, Iran, Arafat, the USSR... these were Carter's friends. Everybody that was an enemy to the United States was on Carter's party list. Now this a****** spouts off about Bush, a man who is 1000 times the president Carter ever was. He spends his pasture days stirring up trouble and undermining his country, our country.

Carter should stick to what he knows, mainly peanuts and Billy Beer. He's just a washed up, burned out, old, effeminate, Dixie wannabe, Southern nitwit, twit, with no balls and no glory.

To you, Jimmy-boy, we say

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