Pres Obama hails Senate/House Budget compromise

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Don't know whether Ryan is being serious or he has something up his sleeve to use at a latter date :eusa_think: He IS a self-described Randian but maybe, just maybe, he outgrew that college repub fantasy novel after his 2012 campaign :dunno:

Obama praises Ryan-Murray budget pact | TheHill
“It’s balanced, and includes targeted fee increases and spending cuts designed in a way that doesn’t hurt our economy or break the ironclad promises we’ve made to our seniors,’ he added.
it's take's little to thrill Obama and his followers

after he's spent and wasted Billions on some new Government entitlement called OfailScam

but pop open the champagne..lets all bow
To the OP
Obama is going to make this about Obama. What it really is, is the GOP not allowing the DNC to take the focus off Obamacare.
It's really not much of a "compromise".

Huge corporate tax loopholes remain untouched to the tune of a 100 billion a year and there is a raise in Federal employee contributions to their benefits.

Additionally the numbers mirror the Ryan budget.

But it's better than the Sequester, I guess. And passage would do the economy a world of good.
Paul Ryan is just another DC tool, fucking with the lives of Americans for his own ends.

DC is a poisonous trough. God bless the men and women who do not drink from it, but maintain principles and ethics, but sadly they are few.
Overall, the deal includes about $85 billion in budgetary savings. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said the deal would reduce long-term deficits by $23 billion.


WOW! This is gonna knock it out of the park!!
Overall, the deal includes about $85 billion in budgetary savings. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said the deal would reduce long-term deficits by $23 billion.


WOW! This is gonna knock it out of the park!!

I heard this on the radio earlier. The deal includes raising airline ticket prices for the TSA fee by 100%, lowering Medicaid reimbursements to Doctors by 2%, and other fun stuff like sticking it to military families a little bit more.

Paul Ryan is a piece of garbage. To think I voted for him.
These people in our government have all become frikken jokes

We need to throw half the idiots out and then we can have some REAL CUTS and Savings

self serving scumbags most of them are
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Yes, guys, the congresscritters are US: we voted them in.

It would be mo' bettah if people in congress had to follow the same sorts of rules the rest of America does at work.

-No, you can't vote for stuff that personally adds to your wealth.
-No, you can't vote for stuff that assures you a job in the corporation you just helped.
-No, you can't engage in insider trading.
-No, you can't accept gifts from your "clients".

You know..simple, common sense stuff.

Yes, guys, the congresscritters are US: we voted them in.

Flawed logic. The members of congress represent only those who voted for them. No one else. Which is of course the biggest flaw regarding a "voting" system. Eventually we'll have to get passed the idea of rulers. Considering this is how it always ends up.

But, you'll all vote again next round for new rulers and then bitch that they are only out for themselves.


Humans, for the most part - the majority, are fucking imbeciles.
Yes, guys, the congresscritters are US: we voted them in.

Flawed logic. The members of congress represent only those who voted for them. No one else. Which is of course the biggest flaw regarding a "voting" system. Eventually we'll have to get passed the idea of rulers. Considering this is how it always ends up. But, you'll all vote again next round for new rulers and then bitch that they are only out for themselves. :lmao: Humans, for the most part - the majority, are fucking imbeciles.

You are in the top 1% of your group of imbeciles. The fact is the congresscritters are a reflection of US.
No, they are not. There is no 'US'. I'm not in the group of imbeciles. I see it clearly and will not vote to oppress others with my views. L. Spooner said it all best long ago.
No, they are not. There is no 'US'. I'm not in the group of imbeciles. I see it clearly and will not vote to oppress others with my views. L. Spooner said it all best long ago.

No, young Donne, you are one of US, whether you wish or not.
It's really not much of a "compromise".

Huge corporate tax loopholes remain untouched to the tune of a 100 billion a year and there is a raise in Federal employee contributions to their benefits.

Additionally the numbers mirror the Ryan budget.

But it's better than the Sequester, I guess. And passage would do the economy a world of good.

It appears that ryan (R) wanted to end run his tea party contingent so their poll #'s wouldn't drop below 8% w/ another tea party shutdown

heres some of the meat and bones:
This deal is possible only because there are many Republicans who really hate the defense cuts. But there are fewer of those Republicans than there were in the past. There are many fewer of them than Democrats thought in 2011.

11. Whether this deal can be a model for future deals is an open question. The core principle of this deal is that Democrats didn't have to touch entitlements and Republicans didn't have to touch taxes. But a lot of the policies that made that possible got used up in this deal. It's not clear that another deal like this would work in 2016.

quelle surprise. Its where they get their campaign coffers filled/their biggest cash cow. Lawd knows they don't know the first thing about the military.
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No, they are not. There is no 'US'. I'm not in the group of imbeciles. I see it clearly and will not vote to oppress others with my views. L. Spooner said it all best long ago.

No, young Donne, you are one of US, whether you wish or not.

No, I am not. NO matter how much you wish to coerce others to comforming to your tyranny, I am not one of you, Fake. There is only one of you anyway. A mentally deficient one at that.
looks like a shot across the bow of the tea party contingent. Lyin' Ryan (R) doesn't want them to tank Repubs poll #'s AGAIN w/ hostage taking maneuvers. Boehner(R) must've told him to reach a deal/compromise.
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looks like a shot across the bow of the tea party contingent. Lyin' Ryan (R) doesn't want them to tank Repubs poll #'s AGAIN w/ hostage taking maneuvers. Boehner(R) must've told him to reach a deal/compromise.


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