Predictions for Super Tuesday and Beyond...


May 23, 2014
California: 1. Sanders 2. Buttegieg 3. Bloomberg
Texas: 1. Sanders 2. Bloomberg 3. Buttegeige
North Carolina: 1. Sanders 2. Buttegieg 3. Klobachur
Massachusetts: 1. Warren very close second Sanders
Maine: 1. Sanders 2. Bloomberg
Virginia: 1. Biden 2. Sanders
Minnesota: 1. Klobachur 2. Sanders
Utah: 1. Sanders 2. Warren 3. Klobachur
Oklahoma: 1. Biden 2. Bloomberg

DNC Ticket for 2020
Sanders for President and Amy Klobachur for VP. Bernie will want to have a woman on the ticket and also wants to hang on to barely blue Minnesota. He would go with a black woman like Harris...but he knows he will win California anyway.
A woman on the ticket will not help only hurt.
No it would not hurt for leftist base. I may stand corrected. Made some calls. The DNC machine is in full "stop Bernie" mode. They are going to fuck him raw out of the nomination.
so in reality one would be voting for klobachur........
Boy, I thought it would be "The Bern" but man...these people at the top of DNC have it in for this guy. If he really can start a movement, a real movement, he might get the nomination. I firmly believe Klobachur is his pick for VP.
California: 1. Sanders 2. Buttegieg 3. Bloomberg
Texas: 1. Sanders 2. Bloomberg 3. Buttegeige
North Carolina: 1. Sanders 2. Buttegieg 3. Klobachur
Massachusetts: 1. Warren very close second Sanders
Maine: 1. Sanders 2. Bloomberg
Virginia: 1. Biden 2. Sanders
Minnesota: 1. Klobachur 2. Sanders
Utah: 1. Sanders 2. Warren 3. Klobachur
Oklahoma: 1. Biden 2. Bloomberg

DNC Ticket for 2020
Sanders for President and Amy Klobachur for VP. Bernie will want to have a woman on the ticket and also wants to hang on to barely blue Minnesota. He would go with a black woman like Harris...but he knows he will win California anyway.

Why doesn't Crazy Bernie pick Alan Grayson for VP? Florida is going to be a key state this fall.
California: 1. Sanders 2. Buttegieg 3. Bloomberg
Texas: 1. Sanders 2. Bloomberg 3. Buttegeige
North Carolina: 1. Sanders 2. Buttegieg 3. Klobachur
Massachusetts: 1. Warren very close second Sanders
Maine: 1. Sanders 2. Bloomberg
Virginia: 1. Biden 2. Sanders
Minnesota: 1. Klobachur 2. Sanders
Utah: 1. Sanders 2. Warren 3. Klobachur
Oklahoma: 1. Biden 2. Bloomberg

DNC Ticket for 2020
Sanders for President and Amy Klobachur for VP. Bernie will want to have a woman on the ticket and also wants to hang on to barely blue Minnesota. He would go with a black woman like Harris...but he knows he will win California anyway.

Might happen. CA’s second largest political party is those who register as independents. The problem is that to vote for Sanders in the primary, you have to have a Democratic Party ballot. So the end result may be a bit skewed by Sanders supporters not planning this out properly. Especially if your voting blocks are the old and the young. Knowing you need to vote is great; knowing how the machinery of casting a ballot is another thing
California: 1. Sanders 2. Buttegieg 3. Bloomberg
Texas: 1. Sanders 2. Bloomberg 3. Buttegeige
North Carolina: 1. Sanders 2. Buttegieg 3. Klobachur
Massachusetts: 1. Warren very close second Sanders
Maine: 1. Sanders 2. Bloomberg
Virginia: 1. Biden 2. Sanders
Minnesota: 1. Klobachur 2. Sanders
Utah: 1. Sanders 2. Warren 3. Klobachur
Oklahoma: 1. Biden 2. Bloomberg

DNC Ticket for 2020
Sanders for President and Amy Klobachur for VP. Bernie will want to have a woman on the ticket and also wants to hang on to barely blue Minnesota. He would go with a black woman like Harris...but he knows he will win California anyway.

Might happen. CA’s second largest political party is those who register as independents. The problem is that to vote for Sanders in the primary, you have to have a Democratic Party ballot. So the end result may be a bit skewed by Sanders supporters not planning this out properly. Especially if your voting blocks are the old and the young. Knowing you need to vote is great; knowing how the machinery of casting a ballot is another thing
Sanders people not planning a primary properly? But he wants to have same people run the country?
California: 1. Sanders 2. Buttegieg 3. Bloomberg
Texas: 1. Sanders 2. Bloomberg 3. Buttegeige
North Carolina: 1. Sanders 2. Buttegieg 3. Klobachur
Massachusetts: 1. Warren very close second Sanders
Maine: 1. Sanders 2. Bloomberg
Virginia: 1. Biden 2. Sanders
Minnesota: 1. Klobachur 2. Sanders
Utah: 1. Sanders 2. Warren 3. Klobachur
Oklahoma: 1. Biden 2. Bloomberg

DNC Ticket for 2020
Sanders for President and Amy Klobachur for VP. Bernie will want to have a woman on the ticket and also wants to hang on to barely blue Minnesota. He would go with a black woman like Harris...but he knows he will win California anyway.

Might happen. CA’s second largest political party is those who register as independents. The problem is that to vote for Sanders in the primary, you have to have a Democratic Party ballot. So the end result may be a bit skewed by Sanders supporters not planning this out properly. Especially if your voting blocks are the old and the young. Knowing you need to vote is great; knowing how the machinery of casting a ballot is another thing
Sanders people not planning a primary properly? But he wants to have same people run the country?

The state is the one planning the primaries. Not the Sanders campaign. If you run as a democrat, you’re on the Democratic Party ballot. A lot of Sanders supporters are going to try to vote for him as an independent. Probably not enough to change the outcome.
California: 1. Sanders 2. Buttegieg 3. Bloomberg
Texas: 1. Sanders 2. Bloomberg 3. Buttegeige
North Carolina: 1. Sanders 2. Buttegieg 3. Klobachur
Massachusetts: 1. Warren very close second Sanders
Maine: 1. Sanders 2. Bloomberg
Virginia: 1. Biden 2. Sanders
Minnesota: 1. Klobachur 2. Sanders
Utah: 1. Sanders 2. Warren 3. Klobachur
Oklahoma: 1. Biden 2. Bloomberg

DNC Ticket for 2020
Sanders for President and Amy Klobachur for VP. Bernie will want to have a woman on the ticket and also wants to hang on to barely blue Minnesota. He would go with a black woman like Harris...but he knows he will win California anyway.

Might happen. CA’s second largest political party is those who register as independents. The problem is that to vote for Sanders in the primary, you have to have a Democratic Party ballot. So the end result may be a bit skewed by Sanders supporters not planning this out properly. Especially if your voting blocks are the old and the young. Knowing you need to vote is great; knowing how the machinery of casting a ballot is another thing
Sanders people not planning a primary properly? But he wants to have same people run the country?

The state is the one planning the primaries. Not the Sanders campaign. If you run as a democrat, you’re on the Democratic Party ballot. A lot of Sanders supporters are going to try to vote for him as an independent. Probably not enough to change the outcome.
I meant "primary strategy." Sanders will have a big night tonight.
Revised predictions for tonight. Sanders takes first in every state but Alabama, North Carolina, and Tennessee. Those states will go for Biden because of African American vote. Because DNC uses proportionality to a lot delegates he won't have a commanding lead. Establishment trying to stop him...convention will be a dogfight ending with some really pissed off people on both sides. Look for a racial division component to convention. It will be messy.

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