Powell's Death Wasn't Failure of the Vaccine?


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
I will preface this with the fact I am vaccinated and I think everyone else should be.

He died from the Chinese virus, or not? I don't get it.

Proving that even those that have been vaccinated twice or three times, have comorbid ailments lowering one immunities can be fatal especially to the elderly.
Whether it be a fall, a cold, COVID, flu etc.. he died because at his age, any one of those health issues is quite a major problem.

His death is only of greater importance due to the current climate over vaccinations and covid, hence people will jump onto the bandwagon to score political points.
Clearly though. it brings into question what I think are the hyper-inflated numbers of Chinese virus deaths. Most of those unfortunates were going to die anyway.

Politics...for the simple-minded.
I will preface this with the fact I am vaccinated and I think everyone else should be.

He died from the Chinese virus, or not? I don't get it.

There are people for who then vaccine is not as effective as it is for most people. Sometimes it is because people's immune systems do not function as well as most (particularly with the old. Sometimes it is because medications that suppress the patient's immune system keep the person from being able to build the antibodies that the vaccines are supposed to create (Arthritus medicines, for instance). Sometimes it is because they just have a lot of crap going on healthwise (HIV patients for instance). Sounds like CP just had a lot of stuff going on at once, including some degree of COVID, and his body said eff it, we're done.
age/obesity/etc etc
covid is only PART of it
if it wasn't covid, it would be pneumonia, heart disease, etc
4 million die of pneumonia every year--most are the elderly
age/obesity/etc etc
covid is only PART of it
if it wasn't covid, it would be pneumonia, heart disease, etc
4 million die of pneumonia every year--most are the elderly

In the US only about 50,000 die from pneumonia each year
Most of those unfortunates were going to die anyway.

But would they have died then and not 6 months or a year or 3 years later? That is the question that has to be asked when determining if COVID had an impact on their death.
I will preface this with the fact I am vaccinated and I think everyone else should be.

He died from the Chinese virus, or not? I don't get it.

If the media are to be believed, then yes, Powell died from a virus against which he was vaccinated.

Not a good look, is it?
Clearly though. it brings into question what I think are the hyper-inflated numbers of Chinese virus deaths. Most of those unfortunates were going to die anyway.

Politics...for the simple-minded.
We're all "going to die". What a stupid comment.

Powell was fighting cancer and was immuno compromised.

He died YESTERDAY because of covid. Anyone that health compromised needs to be VERY careful regardless of their vaccination status
There are people for who then vaccine is not as effective as it is for most people. Sometimes it is because people's immune systems do not function as well as most (particularly with the old. Sometimes it is because medications that suppress the patient's immune system keep the person from being able to build the antibodies that the vaccines are supposed to create (Arthritus medicines, for instance). Sometimes it is because they just have a lot of crap going on healthwise (HIV patients for instance). Sounds like CP just had a lot of stuff going on at once, including some degree of COVID, and his body said eff it, we're done.

Meanwhile you are missing the fact that even healthy people are affected by the vaccine and dying within hours to a week after being vaccinated..
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I will preface this with the fact I am vaccinated and I think everyone else should be.

He died from the Chinese virus, or not? I don't get it.

I've known many patients with impaired immune systems, such as those who have had blood cancers, and didn't respond to the vaccine at all.

That's why it's so important that everyone be vaccinated to reduce community spread.
If the media are to be believed, then yes, Powell died from a virus against which he was vaccinated.

Not a good look, is it?

General Powell had cancer. Between the cancer itself and the treatment the effectiveness of the vaccine was greatly reduced. It was not a failure of the vaccine. It was another condition that made the vaccine less effective.
There are people for who then vaccine is not as effective as it is for most people. Sometimes it is because people's immune systems do not function as well as most (particularly with the old. Sometimes it is because medications that suppress the patient's immune system keep the person from being able to build the antibodies that the vaccines are supposed to create (Arthritus medicines, for instance). Sometimes it is because they just have a lot of crap going on healthwise (HIV patients for instance). Sounds like CP just had a lot of stuff going on at once, including some degree of COVID, and his body said eff it, we're done.
Sod did he die of weak immunity as he could have from the flu or flu-based pneumonia? The default position of course Covid.

This is getting silly.
If the media are to be believed, then yes, Powell died from a virus against which he was vaccinated.

Not a good look, is it?

it would not be had anyone ever claimed the vaccine was 100% effective.

but since that has never been said, not so much
Regardless of the details of this specific case, it's a shame that so many Trumpsters think that the vaccines claim to be 100% effective.

But that's their binary world. All or nothing. Completely effective or absolutely worthless.

Par for the course.

It is part of the us vs them mentality both parties have been fed for the past 30 years.

When everything is black or white people are far easier to control.
It's tempting to call it "human nature", but it sure does seem like we're devolving.

It is not human nature, it is a conscious design by both parties since 1992 when Ross Perot scared the shit out of them. Since then they have worked to divide the nation to ensure we could never unite enough behind a 3rd party because we are too busy fighting each other.

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