Poverty line against military operations


Nov 2, 2012
Soon America would resemble a crowd of poverty stricken hobos. Don't you sense it yourselves? Since the beginning of 2000s we've been living worse and worse. Officially more than 46 million of Americans are living on the breadline. They can not afford themselves to spend even a half of the poverty line sum. But guys sitting in White House continue their dirty games in Afghanistan, and Iraq, and Iran and other poor devils happened to be in their way to Middle East energy resources. Just note that the start of such military activity fell within beginning of the same notorious 2000s. No matter who's sitting on the President's place. All of them take our taxes and give us nothing in exchange. What would I get from those Iranian or Syrian or someoneelsian "bad guys"? Billions of bucks from our pockets were buried there. Military operations, local militants' financing and armament, appropriations for Afghan-Iraqi-Egypt-Libyan-Syrian-etc (delete if not applicable) fight for freedom or raising after war. And new operations again and again. And who would think about us? When I was a little boy I thought that I'm living in the most democratic and most free and happiest country in the world. Now I see just a freedom for vegetating in beggary and dying of famine, or being beaten up and imprisoned for expressing your protest of such life.
Is there any hope here? I don't see any :(

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