Poverty is the reason for terrorism? Wow. Someone should tell them they are well funded.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
osama bin laden was a very rich man and most of these terror groups are very well funded.

I fucking hate liberals. Today, I hate them more than I did yesterday. They are such unreal pieces of ignorant shit.

They have no clue what we are fighting. Oh wait, according to the muslim in chief, we are not at war with fundamentalist islamists.
osama bin laden was a very rich man and most of these terror groups are very well funded.

I fucking hate liberals. Today, I hate them more than I did yesterday. They are such unreal pieces of ignorant shit.

They have no clue what we are fighting. Oh wait, according to the muslim in chief, we are not at war with fundamentalist islamists.

Fear, love, and desperation cause Terrorism. When you keep dropping bombs on peoples' homes, shooting them down in the street, and launching missiles at them mistakingly believing they're armed, it eventually becomes an armed defensive response to what you've been doing to them uncontested by their own military. Maybe you already wiped out their military, or so outclassed them they didn't try to defend their own country and citizens.

Poverty causes many things including violence born of desperation. But terrorism is a far cry from simple poverty. Have poverty here in the USA but limited terrorism. Places where terrorism is rampant are also places where militaries are dropping bombs on peoples' heads.
osama bin laden was a very rich man and most of these terror groups are very well funded.

I fucking hate liberals. Today, I hate them more than I did yesterday. They are such unreal pieces of ignorant shit.

They have no clue what we are fighting. Oh wait, according to the muslim in chief, we are not at war with fundamentalist islamists.

Fear, love, and desperation cause Terrorism. When you keep dropping bombs on peoples' homes, shooting them down in the street, and launching missiles at them mistakingly believing they're armed, it eventually becomes an armed defensive response to what you've been doing to them uncontested by their own military. Maybe you already wiped out their military, or so outclassed them they didn't try to defend their own country and citizens.

Poverty causes many things including violence born of desperation. But terrorism is a far cry from simple poverty. Have poverty here in the USA but limited terrorism. Places where terrorism is rampant are also places where militaries are dropping bombs on peoples' heads.

Read the book "Now They Call Me Infidel" by Nonie Darwish and you will understand the mindset and the reasons
osama bin laden was a very rich man and most of these terror groups are very well funded.

I fucking hate liberals. Today, I hate them more than I did yesterday. They are such unreal pieces of ignorant shit.

They have no clue what we are fighting. Oh wait, according to the muslim in chief, we are not at war with fundamentalist islamists.

Fear, love, and desperation cause Terrorism. When you keep dropping bombs on peoples' homes, shooting them down in the street, and launching missiles at them mistakingly believing they're armed, it eventually becomes an armed defensive response to what you've been doing to them uncontested by their own military. Maybe you already wiped out their military, or so outclassed them they didn't try to defend their own country and citizens.

Poverty causes many things including violence born of desperation. But terrorism is a far cry from simple poverty. Have poverty here in the USA but limited terrorism. Places where terrorism is rampant are also places where militaries are dropping bombs on peoples' heads.

Read the book "Now They Call Me Infidel" by Nonie Darwish and you will understand the mindset and the reasons

I am not interested in their reasons. They are murderers and have been since their religion has been formed. Their godless book commands them to kill the infidel all through out it. The "good muslims" are actually not following their book.

These fundamentalist fanatics who have no problem burning women alive or burying children alive for the sake of their false god is not going to get me read some book where I can be all understanding towards their savage disposition.

They justify the rape of women, rape of girls, enslavement of girls and the murder of all and anyone who are not lock step with their view. Their false prophet after all had his way with a 9 year old. So, according to them, not only is it permissible, it is the essential aspect of a true muslim.

You can read their crap and get all understanding with these throwbacks if you want. Me? I will not read anything or listen to anything from these stink bombs who think it is sin to wear deodorant.
osama bin laden was a very rich man and most of these terror groups are very well funded.

I fucking hate liberals. Today, I hate them more than I did yesterday. They are such unreal pieces of ignorant shit.

They have no clue what we are fighting. Oh wait, according to the muslim in chief, we are not at war with fundamentalist islamists.

You, "fucking hate liberals", huh, and need to spew your hate as if it's a badge of honor? Hating millions you don't know is the way of the terrorist, and seems to make you equally perverse as those who cut the heads off of handcuffed people and burn them alive from a place they cannot escape.

You are too dumb to understand you present the same problem to sane people as do the murderers in the ME, of course they don't hide behind their keyboards, many of them die for their beliefs - hopefully more will die than survive now that a real coalition has formed.
osama bin laden was a very rich man and most of these terror groups are very well funded.

I fucking hate liberals. Today, I hate them more than I did yesterday. They are such unreal pieces of ignorant shit.

They have no clue what we are fighting. Oh wait, according to the muslim in chief, we are not at war with fundamentalist islamists.

You, "fucking hate liberals", huh, and need to spew your hate as if it's a badge of honor? Hating millions you don't know is the way of the terrorist, and seems to make you equally perverse as those who cut the heads off of handcuffed people and burn them alive from a place they cannot escape.

You are too dumb to understand you present the same problem to sane people as do the murderers in the ME, of course they don't hide behind their keyboards, many of them die for their beliefs - hopefully more will die than survive now that a real coalition has formed.

Oh fuck you and your fake love for people you stupid piece of hypocritical shit. Tell us all how much you just love those people.

For you it is as simple as this. They are NOT CHRISTIANS, they are NOT WHITE, they HATE AMERICA, they HATE ISRAEL.

So,to you and fucking morons like you, them lopping the heads off of people, stoning gays, throwing gays off of roof tops for being gay, raping women, burning them alive, burying children alive garners your pathetic feigned patience and understanding for the reasons I mentioned.

Jam your hippy hugs and love bullshit and jam it far up your hippy intolerant, intolerable, left wing, ignorant, hypocritical ass.
osama bin laden was a very rich man and most of these terror groups are very well funded.

I fucking hate liberals. Today, I hate them more than I did yesterday. They are such unreal pieces of ignorant shit.

They have no clue what we are fighting. Oh wait, according to the muslim in chief, we are not at war with fundamentalist islamists.

You, "fucking hate liberals", huh, and need to spew your hate as if it's a badge of honor? Hating millions you don't know is the way of the terrorist, and seems to make you equally perverse as those who cut the heads off of handcuffed people and burn them alive from a place they cannot escape.

You are too dumb to understand you present the same problem to sane people as do the murderers in the ME, of course they don't hide behind their keyboards, many of them die for their beliefs - hopefully more will die than survive now that a real coalition has formed.

Libtards are idiots, look at Obutthurt, he is a perfect example.
osama bin laden was a very rich man and most of these terror groups are very well funded.

I fucking hate liberals. Today, I hate them more than I did yesterday. They are such unreal pieces of ignorant shit.

They have no clue what we are fighting. Oh wait, according to the muslim in chief, we are not at war with fundamentalist islamists.

You, "fucking hate liberals", huh, and need to spew your hate as if it's a badge of honor? Hating millions you don't know is the way of the terrorist, and seems to make you equally perverse as those who cut the heads off of handcuffed people and burn them alive from a place they cannot escape.

You are too dumb to understand you present the same problem to sane people as do the murderers in the ME, of course they don't hide behind their keyboards, many of them die for their beliefs - hopefully more will die than survive now that a real coalition has formed.

Oh fuck you and your fake love for people you stupid piece of hypocritical shit. Tell us all how much you just love those people.

For you it is as simple as this. They are NOT CHRISTIANS, they are NOT WHITE, they HATE AMERICA, they HATE ISRAEL.

So,to you and fucking morons like you, them lopping the heads off of people, stoning gays, throwing gays off of roof tops for being gay, raping women, burning them alive, burying children alive garners your pathetic feigned patience and understanding for the reasons I mentioned.

Jam your hippy hugs and love bullshit and jam it far up your hippy intolerant, intolerable, left wing, ignorant, hypocritical ass.

LOL, you sir are one sick puppy.
osama bin laden was a very rich man and most of these terror groups are very well funded.

I fucking hate liberals. Today, I hate them more than I did yesterday. They are such unreal pieces of ignorant shit.

They have no clue what we are fighting. Oh wait, according to the muslim in chief, we are not at war with fundamentalist islamists.

You, "fucking hate liberals", huh, and need to spew your hate as if it's a badge of honor? Hating millions you don't know is the way of the terrorist, and seems to make you equally perverse as those who cut the heads off of handcuffed people and burn them alive from a place they cannot escape.

You are too dumb to understand you present the same problem to sane people as do the murderers in the ME, of course they don't hide behind their keyboards, many of them die for their beliefs - hopefully more will die than survive now that a real coalition has formed.

Libtards are idiots, look at Obutthurt, he is a perfect example.

This ^^^ is a perfect example of an Idiot-Gram.
Wow! Looks like somebody got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

Maybe you should go down for a little nap.
Fear, love, and desperation cause Terrorism. When you keep dropping bombs on peoples' homes, shooting them down in the street, and launching missiles at them mistakingly believing they're armed, it eventually becomes an armed defensive response to what you've been doing to them uncontested by their own military. Maybe you already wiped out their military, or so outclassed them they didn't try to defend their own country and citizens.

Poverty causes many things including violence born of desperation. But terrorism is a far cry from simple poverty. Have poverty here in the USA but limited terrorism. Places where terrorism is rampant are also places where militaries are dropping bombs on peoples' heads.

Just like being a woman causes rape, isn't it?

When you offer such truly idiotic pablum attempting to transfer responsibility for a person's actions away from them and on to their innocent targets -- in this case by supporting mass murder quite blatantly -- you act as an agent for those you defend.

It takes a special kind of stupidity to justify terrorism as "defense".
osama bin laden was a very rich man and most of these terror groups are very well funded.

I fucking hate liberals. Today, I hate them more than I did yesterday. They are such unreal pieces of ignorant shit.

They have no clue what we are fighting. Oh wait, according to the muslim in chief, we are not at war with fundamentalist islamists.

You, "fucking hate liberals", huh, and need to spew your hate as if it's a badge of honor? Hating millions you don't know is the way of the terrorist, and seems to make you equally perverse as those who cut the heads off of handcuffed people and burn them alive from a place they cannot escape.

You are too dumb to understand you present the same problem to sane people as do the murderers in the ME, of course they don't hide behind their keyboards, many of them die for their beliefs - hopefully more will die than survive now that a real coalition has formed.

Libtards are idiots, look at Obutthurt, he is a perfect example.

This ^^^ is a perfect example of an Idiot-Gram.

Yes, you are.
There is probably no single cause which produces a terrorist, and no single solution to defeat what has become a great threat to civilization.

We can be sure pulling against each other won't solve the problem, that is existential and something we as individuals cannot fix. We need to adapt, and our leaders need to grow up and deliberate issues, define problems and debate multifaceted solutions.

To do so requires men and women of good will to speak their mind. Unfortunately we are in a period of demagoguery, where those who want to lead do so from behind. Telling voters what the pol thinks they want to hear, and adjusting their positions on issues via polling.

Diogenes' Lamp would burn out before finding an honest man on the stump.
I believe ones' economics does probably play into those joining up there within the middle east, but we can't solve that.
I would love to see a study of the economic situation of those from 1st world countries, that are joining up. I bet more than likely, it is those of privilege, and of liberal anti-Us policy exposure. Unless isis is paying their way there, which I would hope would be recognized before the transaction completes, what with our supposedly extensive world wide reach of our nsa.

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