Posting pics of your kids


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
I hope the mods don't take this as a continuation of a flame thread because I'm curious to know what most people think.

I decided long ago not to post pictures of my kids because one, they can't give consent if they are under 18, and two it seems you would be using them to garner some type of weird approval about your worthiness as a reproducing member of society. Not even mentioning exposing them to pervs that post here.

What do you think?
Ok, seriously though, it might be cliché at this point to say this, but even longtime friends of mine in real life get unfollowed for frequent gratuitous posts of children or pets in innocuous situations. "Oh look, there's Patches with milk dribbling from his chin whiskers in your apartment living room. Check it out, he's making that same face as the one you posted an hour ago of Patches standing in front of the TV. Check it out, here's one where he's in front of the TV again, but this time his head's tilted to the side like a confused puppy! HOLY SHIT!" Until Patches learns how to eat with silverware or shit in a toilet, nobody, and I mean fucking NOBODY, is particularly interested in his day-to-day routine or the pictures you've taken of it.
Ok, seriously though, it might be cliché at this point to say this, but even longtime friends of mine in real life get unfollowed for frequent gratuitous posts of children or pets in innocuous situations. "Oh look, there's Patches with milk dribbling from his chin whiskers in your apartment living room. Check it out, he's making that same face as the one you posted an hour ago of Patches standing in front of the TV. Check it out, here's one where he's in front of the TV again, but this time his head's tilted to the side like a confused puppy! HOLY SHIT!" Until Patches learns how to eat with silverware or shit in a toilet, nobody, and I mean fucking NOBODY, is particularly interested in his day-to-day routine or the pictures you've taken of it.
That would fall under point two.
It seems like you put a lot of thought into not posting pictures of your kids, Ravi.

Consent conshment-it's not an option.

I don't post pics of him unless it is in my circle of people and those pics are few and far between. Consent has nothing to do with it.
I don't post pics of my kids anywhere...I might have people looking for me.....and I don't want them to use my kids to get to me....
No shame in my game. I love my kid.
Do you post pics of him though? And if yes, is it ok without his consent?
Its a her, and shes my avatar, and shes three so her consent is irrelevant to me.
Why? I don't get that GT. What makes you get to decide if she's exposed to pervs or vindictive people or not?
First off, shes not "exposed."

Second, Im her guardian so its sort of my jurisdiction to make those decisions. Shes well loved and protected. Im not going to muslim her up in a veil and hide her from society because some pervert can oddly get off on a 3 yr old smiling.
I wonder if i shouldnt bring her to fairs, the mall, or anywhere public for that matter based on these thought patterns.
I don't post pics of my kids anywhere...I might have people looking for me.....and I don't want them to use my kids to get to me....
But ill bet you take them out in public, alot more dangerous than having their picture somewhere where theyre not.
No shame in my game. I love my kid.
Do you post pics of him though? And if yes, is it ok without his consent?
Its a her, and shes my avatar, and shes three so her consent is irrelevant to me.
Why? I don't get that GT. What makes you get to decide if she's exposed to pervs or vindictive people or not?

This is an -odd- fear, to say the least, Ravi.

If some weirdo in another state decides to paint his keyboard in tadpole-beige in a dark room while checking out pictures of some random 3 year old, how does that detriment said 3 year old? So long as you protect your child's person in real life, no amount of perverted fantasies are going to affect him/her from behind an anonymous computer.
No shame in my game. I love my kid.
Do you post pics of him though? And if yes, is it ok without his consent?
Its a her, and shes my avatar, and shes three so her consent is irrelevant to me.
Why? I don't get that GT. What makes you get to decide if she's exposed to pervs or vindictive people or not?

This is an -odd- fear, to say the least, Ravi.

If some weirdo in another state decides to paint his keyboard in tadpole-beige in a dark room while checking out pictures of some random 3 year old, how does that detriment said 3 year old? So long as you protect your child's person in real life, no amount of perverted fantasies are going to affect him/her from behind an anonymous computer.
Exactly. The logic is twisted. Being physically out in public is MUCH more dangerous.

Let alone kids on movies, shows, tv commercials and in sports competitions. How scary!

Cant live life like that.
Out of all the weird political threads I've read this afternoon, it has to be -this- one that really gets my brain a-wanderin'.

The fear of weirdos masturbating to one's -likeness-. What are the psychological implications? Never thought I'd say this about some faceless internet entity, but, Ravi, I'm gonna be pondering your malfunction all evening!

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