*Pope Political Pawn Of Liberals?*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Hey something's rotten in Denmark.
2. This New Pope isn't saying the correct things a spiritual leader would be saying.
3. Sounds more like a liberal candidate for the senate in NYC.
4. Anyone else see a problem here with this Pope?
5. Now the Pope wants immigrants treated better.
6. In America immigrants get everything free, I am unsure how we can do better than that?
Pope highlights 'drama' of migrants, refugees

7. Read the comments at the bottom of the link, the Catholic Church is in decay.

To understand the Pope just read up on liberation theology. It's quite popular in South America. The Pope is right down the line.
"Immigrants get everything for free." Yeah, go pick fruit in the hot sun for three dollars an hour and then say that.
It's like he's running for the Mayor of Chicago. :lol: only nobody has told him that that's a position for life.
The Pope is speaking the word of God...the will of God...what ought to be done...humans are not ready to do what ought to be done...won't be ready for another million years...the slow evolution to perfection of the species. He is not the tool of the LIBTARDS...the LIBTARDS do not have his agenda...they have their own..political power. The Pope is talking the power of love...not to be fulfilled for a long long time.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its hard to understand this Pope.


For you?

Of course.

1) you are NOT Catholic
2) you do not think in a context - this Pope speaks from the perspective of the Third world, and you live in the First
The Pope is speaking the word of God...the will of God...what ought to be done...humans are not ready to do what ought to be done...won't be ready for another million years...the slow evolution to perfection of the species. He is not the tool of the LIBTARDS...the LIBTARDS do not have his agenda...they have their own..political power. The Pope is talking the power of love...not to be fulfilled for a long long time.

Nope. This Pope is giving interviews off the cuff and it does not serve him well.
When he speaks EX CATHEDRA he does not differ from any of his predecessors.
Sorry bout that,

1. Hey something's rotten in Denmark.

It's all that fish I'm thinking...

2. This New Pope isn't saying the correct things a spiritual leader would be saying.

What are the "correct" things?

3. Sounds more like a liberal candidate for the senate in NYC.

hmmm...maybe the Libs have been ahead of the spiritual game then...

4. Anyone else see a problem here with this Pope?

Nope. Seems pretty popely to me :)

5. Now the Pope wants immigrants treated better.

That sounds very Christian to me :)

6. In America immigrants get everything free, I am unsure how we can do better than that?

In America they work hard and get ahead instead of sitting on their fat duffs playing video games. It's why we're such a great country, ya?

Pope highlights 'drama' of migrants, refugees

7. Read the comments at the bottom of the link, the Catholic Church is in decay.


The Catholic Church maybe entering a Rennaisance :)
Sorry bout that,

1. Its hard to understand this Pope.


For you?

Of course.

1) you are NOT Catholic
2) you do not think in a context - this Pope speaks from the perspective of the Third world, and you live in the First

It's how the media is spinning him. And I believe he is so far above it all that he doesn't understand his most Holy thoughts are going to used as political propaganda.
Yeah, this Pope's hard stance on abortion makes him sound like Joe Biden...
*Evangelicals Political Pawn Of Reactionaries?*


We actually read the Word. That's what sets us apart. And when you read and embrace the Word you cannot be any one's pawn.


The Word is clear that we take care of our neighbors: no if ands or buts. Embracing the Word as we do as traditional, liturgical Christians, we don't reinvent it for modern day philosophies.
The Pope is speaking the word of God...the will of God...what ought to be done...humans are not ready to do what ought to be done...won't be ready for another million years...the slow evolution to perfection of the species. He is not the tool of the LIBTARDS...the LIBTARDS do not have his agenda...they have their own..political power. The Pope is talking the power of love...not to be fulfilled for a long long time.

Nope. This Pope is giving interviews off the cuff and it does not serve him well.
When he speaks EX CATHEDRA he does not differ from any of his predecessors.

He is not speaking ex cathedra.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its hard to understand this Pope.


For you?

Of course.

1) you are NOT Catholic
2) you do not think in a context - this Pope speaks from the perspective of the Third world, and you live in the First

It's how the media is spinning him. And I believe he is so far above it all that he doesn't understand his most Holy thoughts are going to used as political propaganda.

I agree that the media are spinning him a lot.

However, I do not actually think he should be in such a spotlight and whatever he thinks is actually irrelevant for this country.
The Pope is speaking the word of God...the will of God...what ought to be done...humans are not ready to do what ought to be done...won't be ready for another million years...the slow evolution to perfection of the species. He is not the tool of the LIBTARDS...the LIBTARDS do not have his agenda...they have their own..political power. The Pope is talking the power of love...not to be fulfilled for a long long time.

Nope. This Pope is giving interviews off the cuff and it does not serve him well.
When he speaks EX CATHEDRA he does not differ from any of his predecessors.

He is not speaking ex cathedra.

that is exactly my point.

Because speaking ex cathedra is what matters when taking into consideration what ANY Pope has to say.
I think he is the one to rock it.

Look at what we are doing :) we're talking about faith and issues from our hearts. This man has opened the door that has been shut for so long.
Yeah, this Pope's hard stance on abortion makes him sound like Joe Biden...

His stance on abortion does not differ even one iota from the stance of any previous Pope. Same is true about gays and other hot topics, spinned by leftards.

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