Pope: 'Inhuman' conditions for migrants on US-Mexico border - Not enuf wifi?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
STFU francis. The catholic church is the largest corporation in the world. If you want america to let 40 million illegals run wild, then give us a trillion dollars a year to cover what they cost us.

The Associated Press

feb 5 2015
VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Pope Francis has decried the "inhuman" conditions facing migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border and has encouraged communities there not to judge people by stereotypes but welcome migrants and work to end discrimination.

Francis made the appeal in a letter to a Jesuit priest who helps organize Catholic teens in Nogales, Arizona, to support the Kino Border Initiative, which advocates a more humane solution to migration. The letter was dated Dec. 19 but was made public on Kino's website recently.

"These young people - who have come to learn how to strive against the propagation of stereotypes, from people who only see in immigration a source of illegality, social conflict and violence - can contribute much to show the world a church without borders," Francis wrote.
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I still say this clown is a ringer for famous character actor Jonathan Pryce. And just as loony. Why should america coddle illiterate savages that want to come here and go on welfare and live off the working white people.? All illegals should be deported and while waiting deportation they should be kept in tent cities and given a can of beans a day.
I still say this clown is a ringer for famous character actor Jonathan Pryce. And just as loony. Why should america coddle illiterate savages that want to come here and go on welfare and live off the working white people.? All illegals should be deported and while waiting deportation they should be kept in tent cities and given a can of beans a day.
i would love to see a pussy like you saying this to a Mexican male....i can see you now....
I still say this clown is a ringer for famous character actor Jonathan Pryce. And just as loony. Why should america coddle illiterate savages that want to come here and go on welfare and live off the working white people.? All illegals should be deported and while waiting deportation they should be kept in tent cities and given a can of beans a day.
Re-fried beans?
I still say this clown is a ringer for famous character actor Jonathan Pryce. And just as loony. Why should america coddle illiterate savages that want to come here and go on welfare and live off the working white people.? All illegals should be deported and while waiting deportation they should be kept in tent cities and given a can of beans a day.

That would be a serious human rights violation. Not going to happen.
of course we are and it's been going on for 40 years. Both parties take huge corporate bribes to let them invade.

And giving us prosperity at the same time.

What prosperity, you nitwit.? Illegals destroy our schools and hospitals. Illiterate welfare bums don't create wealth, you fool.

Abundant cheap labor has given us a very high standard of living and made us very comfy. :slap:

There are not nearly enough Americans for that without illegals, and Americans won't work in the fields, for sure either.

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