Polling Shows Majority Support National Guard To Stop Rioting

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Send in the troops, Trump. Stop the embarrassment caused by Democrats and their militant wing, ANTIFA.

You're losing the narrative Democrats and you will lose the election.

"71 percent of polled American voters said they support the use of the National Guard to supplement city police forces in addressing “protests and demonstrations” (the poll did not use the word “riots”) in American cities."

I wonder why I have never been polled? Not that it matters, I'd tell them to go f themselves.
Let them wring their panties over it. Makes them look ignorant.

Use WHATEVER FORCE is required to stop the violence

Just send in the Marines and clean these shitholes out. Might as well, the inner cities are destroyed and it will take years before anything is close to normal.

Drone a sizeable crowd of these "protestors" and I think they'll get the message. I watched a few them taking pepper paint balls to the face earlier . . . they were screaming like little bitches. Of course the media called them "rubber bullets".
Send in the troops, Trump. Stop the embarrassment caused by Democrats and their militant wing, ANTIFA.

You're losing the narrative Democrats and you will lose the election.

"71 percent of polled American voters said they support the use of the National Guard to supplement city police forces in addressing “protests and demonstrations” (the poll did not use the word “riots”) in American cities."

I don't believe in polls.
Send in the troops, Trump. Stop the embarrassment caused by Democrats and their militant wing, ANTIFA.

You're losing the narrative Democrats and you will lose the election.

"71 percent of polled American voters said they support the use of the National Guard to supplement city police forces in addressing “protests and demonstrations” (the poll did not use the word “riots”) in American cities."

I don't believe in polls.

Get your fat ass back out there and loot to support your militant wing.

You clowns lost the narrative and now every day it goes on support for you commies drops, bigly.
Send in the troops, Trump. Stop the embarrassment caused by Democrats and their militant wing, ANTIFA.

You're losing the narrative Democrats and you will lose the election.

"71 percent of polled American voters said they support the use of the National Guard to supplement city police forces in addressing “protests and demonstrations” (the poll did not use the word “riots”) in American cities."

I don't believe in polls.

Get your fat ass back out there and loot to support your militant wing.

You clowns lost the narrative and now every day it goes on support for you commies drops, bigly.
You are a delusional nitwit, LOL.
Send in the troops, Trump. Stop the embarrassment caused by Democrats and their militant wing, ANTIFA.

You're losing the narrative Democrats and you will lose the election.

"71 percent of polled American voters said they support the use of the National Guard to supplement city police forces in addressing “protests and demonstrations” (the poll did not use the word “riots”) in American cities."

I read your article. What does it have to do with trump? Of course people support the use of National Guard forces, but you do realize all of the National Guard forces that have been activated for the riots have been under state control of the various Governors and Adjutant Generals, right? Nowhere in the article did it say anything about activating under national command authority and taken them out from under the control of the Governors and AGs. If activated by national command authority under trump and the became Army instead of Guard under the Governors of the states, they would become Federal Troops. Pretty sticky constitutional wicket sending in the Army. You don't want him to put an occupying Army on the streets where he would responsible for the possible bloodshed instead of the states controlling their own National Guard forces, do you? Would be a mistake and like I said, not supported by the article you posted. It would be nice though if he augmented their budgets and wanted to pick up the tab for manpower, maintenance, fuel etc. They may have done so already for all I know. I'll ask when I see my USPFO (bean counters and budget people) contact this weekend.
Send in the troops, Trump. Stop the embarrassment caused by Democrats and their militant wing, ANTIFA.

You're losing the narrative Democrats and you will lose the election.

"71 percent of polled American voters said they support the use of the National Guard to supplement city police forces in addressing “protests and demonstrations” (the poll did not use the word “riots”) in American cities."

Rioting and peaceful protesting are not the same.

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Send in the troops, Trump. Stop the embarrassment caused by Democrats and their militant wing, ANTIFA.

You're losing the narrative Democrats and you will lose the election.

"71 percent of polled American voters said they support the use of the National Guard to supplement city police forces in addressing “protests and demonstrations” (the poll did not use the word “riots”) in American cities."

I read your article. What does it have to do with trump? Of course people support the use of National Guard forces, but you do realize all of the National Guard forces that have been activated for the riots have been under state control of the various Governors and Adjutant Generals, right? Nowhere in the article did it say anything about activating under national command authority and taken them out from under the control of the Governors and AGs. If activated by national command authority under trump and the became Army instead of Guard under the Governors of the states, they would become Federal Troops. Pretty sticky constitutional wicket sending in the Army. You don't want him to put an occupying Army on the streets where he would responsible for the possible bloodshed instead of the states controlling their own National Guard forces, do you? Would be a mistake and like I said, not supported by the article you posted. It would be nice though if he augmented their budgets and wanted to pick up the tab for manpower, maintenance, fuel etc. They may have done so already for all I know. I'll ask when I see my USPFO (bean counters and budget people) contact this weekend.

Screw that, why should the taxpayers pay for the destruction done by liberal rats? They created the shitholes, they can pay for their shitholes.
Jesse Watters on the Five said it best. If the National Guard is not used and lawlessness cannot be ended, the people have no choice but to solve the problem themselves. Its the Second Amendment Solution.

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