Poll Vote: Is our false economy about to collapse? or get taken over by workers!


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
A friend and I are debating how this is going to end, good or bad.

He reads articles like this:
Greyerz - Western Governments Moving To Enslave People And Steal Assets Ahead Of Global Collapse And Skyrocketing Gold - King World News

He argues the system has to COLLAPSE first before people will take serious steps to change.
When we have no choice.
My mother also argues we are heading toward riots and no food the way the debts are going.

I argue that the Greens and Labor movement already has a solution.
Independent currency.
Organizing local LABOR POOLS, businesses in networks (YES including growing food supplies
so that isn't cut off if OUTSIDE businesses collapse), SO THAT COMMUNITIES ALREADY BECOME SELF-RELIANT and don't depend on "the federal reserve" or big corporations or companies to bring in jobs.They create and fund jobs themselves, on a sustainable basis, by recognizing each other's labor as the basis of capital, and either barter on it, or trade printed currency.

Time-based currency - Wikipedia
Time Banking: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?
Cowry Collective provides forum for bartering rather than buying services

Where I would agree with my mother and friend who both believe there isn't time for all this wonderful "sustainable" reform to change all communities BEFORE the big collapse occurs:
1. federal dollars are still needed to pay taxes on exchanges even if these occur through local currency
2. the food supplies, the health care, and a number of services aren't set up yet
where every community is self-reliant. some towns just lost their only mom and pop
grocery or hardware store after Wal-Mart drove them out of business, only to closedown and leave the town with nothing to provide those services and supplies.

I AGREE there is major work to do to ORGANIZE the labor and resources
so all DISTRICTS and towns have their own
* teaching hospitals and clinics tied to education so the services can be
provided as part of training doctors, nurses, and medical assistants to meet the
demands of the local populations
* banks and businesses to become economically viable as their own town
* schools, teachers and police unions, and REPRESENTATION that keeps
govt decisions and resources LOCAL instead of depending too much on
outside tax dollars or federal govt to step in

The main issue I would address first is CUTTING CRIME,
rewarding districts for organizing agreements among the community residents
and local taxpayers to STOP crime and addiction/abuse issues that send people
to prison at 30-50K a year, and save those tax resources to build SCHOOLS
and TEACHING HOSPITALS, daycare and elderly care centers with paid staff
so there are enough jobs and services to provide for the community in a stable sustainable manner.

Agreeing to stop crime by preventative health, counseling and medical treatment for
dangerous disorders would also address this fear of RIOTING and violence over
economic issues!

So what do you think.

Do we have time to reorganize all communities to address the threats of
crime and economic collapse before violence and riots occur from shutdowns?

Can't we do better than the crises in Venezuela left to crime and people
dying while waiting for health care because there aren't enough services to meet the demand?

I believe the left and right CAN UNITE IN TIME to divert worst disaster.
I posted links above to the solutions from the Greens on organizing labor back currency.
There is also MICROLENDING that grows local economies to be self-sufficient.

Why aren't we trumpeting these SOLUTIONS through the media?

If all we promote is Doomsday collapse, where are people going to get
the information and resources and support to CHANGE that direction
and get on a SUSTAINABLE path to local empowerment and self-govt.

Aren't both the left and the right demanding the power go back to the people?
Aren't we really pushing for the same end to oppression and to liberate
the workers and taxpayers from enslavement and exploitation by govt and corporate abuses?

who is going to win
and do we have to hit rock bottom first?

The workers taking back control of our own economy?
Or the weight of debts and damages caused by the corruption of others
the system currently charged to the taxpayers. If we did not agree to
pay for those debts and damages, can't we REFUSE those charges?

Can't we track our own Credits and labor and decide which
way the economy is going to be defined. Are we really so weak
and divided we will continue to let the debtors who overspent our
tax money decide to stick us with the bill. Really? We don't have
the guts to refuse to pay and charge the debts back to the wrongdoers who incurred them?

I don't believe people will let that happen.
I believe people are so mad and will refuse to pay taxes for garbage we didn't all approve,
that we CAN unite and demand credits, collections, reimbursement and restitution for
past debts and damages we argue are the responsibility of the WRONGDOERS
not for taxpayers to pay the bill for.

So I call for taxpayers, workers and voters on Left and Right to unite.
Make a list of all the wrongs, debts and damages you REFUSE to pay for.
And let's take our lists to Congress and demand a refund and credit
so we aren't held to pay these costs we didn't authorized.

Then we can set up accounts like the Federal Reserve and manage our
resources on CREDIT, to fund jobs in health care, prison, VA and immigration
reform that SOLVE the problems of crime and corruption costs us billions if not trillions each year.

Whatever charges and policies we ALL AGREE TO PAY FOR AS A NATION
are AUTHORIZED as public funds and policy through govt that our budget approves.

And whatever is DISPUTED is PRIVATE funding, and only the parties that AGREE to pay for that policy are responsible for those charges including debts or damages. And taxpayers are not punished for the wrongdoing of abusers who will be held responsible for illicit costs, wastes or abuse.

If any taxpayers or voters refuse to demand refunds for contested policies, but continue to ENABLE wrongdoing, then those taxpayers and voters will be held responsible for the costs they support.
So taxpayers, voters and officials are equally responsible for funding the policies they advocate, and citizens who contest those policies have the right to fund alternative solutions.

That's what I see happening, and where this is going.

What do you see?
Collapse or massive revolution and reform?
Both? And in what order? Thanks!!!
There will an economic collpase, yes, but not for some years.

Keep an eye on energy, housing sales, and continuing deflation despite the fed hikes.
Seems my experience with Rep Presidents is they either talk a good line about cutting taxes and regulations to create a false sense of security of the economy in their first term so they get voted in for another 4 years and then they cut and it drops and the Dem's get in and have to raise taxes and create stability.

I think its really bad this time, the divide between rich and poor is getting greater and DT and the Reps will make the divide so great that yes the workers will now be at the mercy of the elites, slave labor.

I mean the min wage has not been raised since 08, at 7.25. They are taking away teacher pensions switching to 401K's, they want everyone to put their money in the market. The hedge funds control the market.

The median income will not take over as they will create a police state. They do need workers as we pay taxes and they will need a military, unable to work then you are a drain on the elites.
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With Trump in charge....you dare ask?

Yes, tigerred59 I dare ask you: what exactly YOU see coming or happening.
Specifically, what do think is going on and where is this heading?

With Trump, I would LIKE to see party leaders and teams from ALL parties put
BEST ideas together on economic solutions for the border and for developing
sustainable education, housing and localized govt in each DISTRICT based on
REWARDING taxpayers for investing locally and deducting their investments
from their federal taxes. Shift everything local where district are REWARDED
for reducing crime, increasing jobs in education and law enforcement and health care
to PROVIDE services to meet the local demand at sustainable levels instead of increasing debts and spiralling costs. Stop billions from going down the drain with crime and prisons, save those resources, and invest them in building local clinics and training hospitals in each district to educate and serve the public with the same taxes currently wasted on crime and corruption. End the vicious cycle and start investing in solutions, creating jobs directly with the people per district. Isn't that going to take the "social workers" teaming up with the capitalists with the money to lend to develop such business plans? Requiring collaboration between poor labor groups with no money and big money corporate leaders who can mentor leaders in each district on SUSTAINABLE business plans to grow local economies and stop waste and abuse of govt going in circles?

So what do you see happening first.
A crash and burn or Trump calling and forcing
people to unite if we are going to survive as a nation???
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Your friend is right, there will be a collapse before there is change. And you wont like the change because labor is more oversupplied by the day. And to think your desired change will happen during a period of job collapse is plain silly.
I think its really bad this time, the divide between rich and poor is getting greater and DT and the Reps will make the divide so great that yes the workers will now be at the mercy of the elites, slave labor.


Sir Donald wanted 30 million new jobs tomorrow and huge upward pressure on wages but liberal bleeding hearts for Mexicans prevented it. Don't you dare talk about inequality or low wages without identifying the liberal cause!!!!
Your friend is right, there will be a collapse before there is change. And you wont like the change because labor is more oversupplied by the day. And to think your desired change will happen during a period of job collapse is plain silly.

Dear Jomama
If you really believe there will be a collapse before the changes can take place,
what do you intend to do?
Wait for the collapse and then jump on whatever bandwagon is running at the time?
Or do you intend to take action before then?
Emily, I will make money on the collapse taking over failing businesses for pennies on the dollar. It's what I do for my day job but I dont need a collapse to find opportunities.
Interesting question.

Here is what will happen: as the unpayable debts either default or are inflated away, all of the collateral (the businesses, homes, etc.) will end up owned by the banks. They will then set the terms under which we rent from them, in perpetuity.

In effect we will turn into a feudal economy. 99% of people will have ownership of practically nothing.
Dfens, you almost got it right. The banks will sell those notes or foreclose on assets and sell those assets - for either cash or credit and the world (that small part of the world) will move onward. New owners with an affordable debt structure will rebuild the company, renegotiate all expenses in an over-supplied, post-crash world and moves forward rebuilding wealth in a new America.
I think its really bad this time, the divide between rich and poor is getting greater and DT and the Reps will make the divide so great that yes the workers will now be at the mercy of the elites, slave labor.


Sir Donald wanted 30 million new jobs tomorrow and huge upward pressure on wages but liberal bleeding hearts for Mexicans prevented it. Don't you dare talk about inequality or low wages without identifying the liberal cause!!!!

This has nothing to do with TRUMP .......blame , blame, blame Obama taught you right.

This has been on going way before Trump ever became President .
Interesting question.

Here is what will happen: as the unpayable debts either default or are inflated away, all of the collateral (the businesses, homes, etc.) will end up owned by the banks. They will then set the terms under which we rent from them, in perpetuity.

In effect we will turn into a feudal economy. 99% of people will have ownership of practically nothing.

Those pesky Bible thumpers don't really know much..... Isaiah 50:1 Thus saith the LORD, Where is the bill of your mother's divorcement, whom I have put away? or which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you? Behold, for your iniquities have ye sold yourselves, and for your transgressions is your mother put away.
There will an economic collpase, yes, but not for some years.

Keep an eye on energy, housing sales, and continuing deflation despite the fed hikes.

Deflation in some areas, inflation in others. Housing prices are higher in many parts of the country. Stock market and bond prices have risen dramatically in spite of very little growth. Unfortunately wages have not increased to offset the growth in housing cost. The poor and elderly have been hurt the most by the poor monetary policy of the Fed.
There will an economic collpase, yes, but not for some years.

Keep an eye on energy, housing sales, and continuing deflation despite the fed hikes.

Deflation in some areas, inflation in others. Housing prices are higher in many parts of the country. Stock market and bond prices have risen dramatically in spite of very little growth. Unfortunately wages have not increased to offset the growth in housing cost. The poor and elderly have been hurt the most by the poor monetary policy of the Fed.

That's because Obama's bs was taking from the poor and feeding it to the rich.
There will an economic collpase, yes, but not for some years.

Keep an eye on energy, housing sales, and continuing deflation despite the fed hikes.

Deflation in some areas, inflation in others. Housing prices are higher in many parts of the country. Stock market and bond prices have risen dramatically in spite of very little growth. Unfortunately wages have not increased to offset the growth in housing cost. The poor and elderly have been hurt the most by the poor monetary policy of the Fed.
Parts of the country would be like Flint, MI. Worthless because the property tax base is so outrageous.
There will an economic collpase, yes, but not for some years.

Keep an eye on energy, housing sales, and continuing deflation despite the fed hikes.

Deflation in some areas, inflation in others. Housing prices are higher in many parts of the country. Stock market and bond prices have risen dramatically in spite of very little growth. Unfortunately wages have not increased to offset the growth in housing cost. The poor and elderly have been hurt the most by the poor monetary policy of the Fed.

And some of these idiots think it's a joke how the middle class is being wiped out. Having no g.d. clue wtf is even going on.
Interesting question.

Here is what will happen: as the unpayable debts either default or are inflated away, all of the collateral (the businesses, homes, etc.) will end up owned by the banks. They will then set the terms under which we rent from them, in perpetuity.

In effect we will turn into a feudal economy. 99% of people will have ownership of practically nothing.

Of course that's 100% stupid and liberal.

1) if everybody defaults on their mortgages the banks go bankrupt too since it was their capital that was lost.

2) if everyone rented it would have to be at competitive low prices;then everyone could get a new mortgage and begin to own again for same price as renting.
And some of these idiots think it's a joke how the middle class is being wiped out. Having no g.d. clue wtf is even going on.

Middle class is being wiped out by liberal policies (taxes, unions, regulations, budget deficits, union schools) that, in effect, shipped their jobs to China and by health care which costs $7500 per person more than it should.
He argues the system has to COLLAPSE first before people will take serious steps to change.

System looks good now. Stock markets are at all time highs, employment is at 96%, gold in dead in the water, automation will negate Chinese labor advantage, and Sir Donald will built wall to create 30 million new jobs here with huge upward pressure on wages!

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