Poll: Do you think Bernie Sanders has more integrity than any other candidate in the race?

Do you think Bernie Sanders has more character integrity than any other candidate in the 2016 race?

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Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Put aside what issues he is running on. Do you think he has more integrity than any other candidate in this race?
Put aside what issues he is running on. Do you think he has more integrity than any other candidate in this race?

democratic candidate currently running?

yes, yes I do

Any candidate? No

but I do think he has integrity. He's wrong, he's an idiot, but he is not dishonest...
The parameters you put on the poll makes it hard to answer. I think Bernie has integrity the same as a few others.
The parameters you put on the poll makes it hard to answer. I think Bernie has integrity the same as a few others.
Okay then elaborate here.
I think Bernie has integrity and will honestly fulfill his obligations as POTUS if elected. But I also feel that way about Rubio, Kasich, and Santorum. It is the policies I have problems with. Other candidates, Clinton definetly has NO integrity and Cruz I wonder about.
Bernie has the most integrity on the Democratic side however, that won't get him too far in the primaries.

I think a couple on the GOP have integrity, not sure if they will win either.
Put aside what issues he is running on. Do you think he has more integrity than any other candidate in this race?
I think Bernie will say anything to forward his agenda whether it is true or not. To all left wingers like him the ends justify the means.
The parameters you put on the poll makes it hard to answer. I think Bernie has integrity the same as a few others.
Okay then elaborate here.
I think Bernie has integrity and will honestly fulfill his obligations as POTUS if elected. But I also feel that way about Rubio, Kasich, and Santorum. It is the policies I have problems with. Other candidates, Clinton definetly has NO integrity and Cruz I wonder about.

Gee..no mention of the Integrity of Donald Trump? How surprising. NOT!!!

And how can you say Rubio has integrity when he has said he is no longer interested in being Senator but will not resign his seat to give the people of Florida a chance to elect someone who will serve? This has nothing to do with running for office and his absenteeism as a result. This has to do with the folks in Florida not having a member of Congress that they should have
Bernie is great. He is the only one fighting for the poor and middle class.

Yes, he wants to make more of the former and fewer of the latter.

Integrity is an adherence to moral and ethical principles and a soundness of moral character. Looking to steal other people's money at gunpoint and hand it to someone else, regardless of how "noble" one may consider the reason, is hardly moral.

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