Political Kidnappings Persist Unchecked In Nicaragua


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Insight Crime – Political kidnappings carried out by pro-government paramilitary groups are going unreported by officials in Nicaragua, revealing another way President Daniel Ortega has masked insecurity and clamped down on his opposition.

....In past years, kidnappings in Nicaragua were relatively few and mostly carried out with the goal of extorting victims. The highest number of such kidnappings in the last five years came in 2017 with six cases. Five cases were recorded in 2013 and 2015, while 2016 saw just four, according to police data cited by La Lupa.

But data collected by civil society and human rights groups over the past two years of unrest in Nicaragua shows kidnappings have spiked exponentially.

In one four month period last year, a report from the Political Prisoners Committee found that 10 political kidnappings were taking place every day, according to local media reports. Victims are often arbitrarily thrown into clandestine jails or, in the worst cases, later found dead.
TODAY NICARAGUANicaragua News and AnalysisPolitical Kidnappings Persist Unchecked in Nicaragua

This is disturbing.

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