Political Identifying Terms


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, progressive, communist, socialist, commies, righties, lefties. You name it, and lefties have claimed to be one. Maybe as a Trojan horse strategy, or maybe just to wear like a new sweater for awhile, but either way I cannot believe these terms when I hear them anymore. In our current political landscape, I no longer recognize all those terms that once meant so much. All I need are a few minutes chatting and/or looking at somebody, and I can quickly identify which of the two sides of the political war a person is on. That's right, just two sides are what we have in the political war that defines our current political landscape, so there is no longer any need to process fancy hybrid terms like moderate lefty, or centrist whatever, all I need to do is figure out a person is on my side or the enemy side.

What are you, a lefty, or a righty?
For those who have not already noticed, I still use three terms . Lefty, righty, and of course my favorite; "commie". Commie is just a synonym for lefty, but I like the sound of it when I use it to describe lefties. Using the term commie is like turning on the lights in a roach infested motel and seeing how the cockroaches switch into high gear. Either way, I only recognize people as lefties or righties now.
Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, progressive, communist, socialist, commies, righties, lefties. You name it, and lefties have claimed to be one. Maybe as a Trojan horse strategy, or maybe just to wear like a new sweater for awhile, but either way I cannot believe these terms when I hear them anymore. In our current political landscape, I no longer recognize all those terms that once meant so much. All I need are a few minutes chatting and/or looking at somebody, and I can quickly identify which of the two sides of the political war a person is on. That's right, just two sides are what we have in the political war that defines our current political landscape, so there is no longer any need to process fancy hybrid terms like moderate lefty, or centrist whatever, all I need to do is figure out a person is on my side or the enemy side.

What are you, a lefty, or a righty?
And that is the problem. You have reduced everything to “my side” or “the enemy”.

People used to be adversaries. Now it is the “enemy”. And ya, reducing a complex political spectrum does make it easier to apply labels and fits neatly on a bumper sticker.
Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, progressive, communist, socialist, commies, righties, lefties. You name it, and lefties have claimed to be one. Maybe as a Trojan horse strategy, or maybe just to wear like a new sweater for awhile, but either way I cannot believe these terms when I hear them anymore. In our current political landscape, I no longer recognize all those terms that once meant so much. All I need are a few minutes chatting and/or looking at somebody, and I can quickly identify which of the two sides of the political war a person is on. That's right, just two sides are what we have in the political war that defines our current political landscape, so there is no longer any need to process fancy hybrid terms like moderate lefty, or centrist whatever, all I need to do is figure out a person is on my side or the enemy side.

What are you, a lefty, or a righty?
And that is the problem. You have reduced everything to “my side” or “the enemy”.

People used to be adversaries. Now it is the “enemy”. And ya, reducing a complex political spectrum does make it easier to apply labels and fits neatly on a bumper sticker.

I believe the OP has reduced it down to just 3 terms is because that is all he can process. And I say that as somebody on your “side”, as a conservative.
Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, progressive, communist, socialist, commies, righties, lefties. You name it, and lefties have claimed to be one. Maybe as a Trojan horse strategy, or maybe just to wear like a new sweater for awhile, but either way I cannot believe these terms when I hear them anymore. In our current political landscape, I no longer recognize all those terms that once meant so much. All I need are a few minutes chatting and/or looking at somebody, and I can quickly identify which of the two sides of the political war a person is on. That's right, just two sides are what we have in the political war that defines our current political landscape, so there is no longer any need to process fancy hybrid terms like moderate lefty, or centrist whatever, all I need to do is figure out a person is on my side or the enemy side.

What are you, a lefty, or a righty?
And that is the problem. You have reduced everything to “my side” or “the enemy”.

People used to be adversaries. Now it is the “enemy”. And ya, reducing a complex political spectrum does make it easier to apply labels and fits neatly on a bumper sticker.

I believe the OP has reduced it down to just 3 terms is because that is all he can process. And I say that as somebody on your “side”, as a conservative.
Did you actually READ the whole opening post?
Only two lefties and I can spot immediately. It is amazing how easy it is to pick out the lefties.
Commies are like cockroaches that like to hide in the dark. They need all those political identifiers to hide behind, so they will fight hard to defend them. They want to be able to be repubs like romney and Paul ryan, but we can spot them. They can call themselves dems, but we can still spot the commie.
I believe the OP has reduced it down to just 3 terms is because that is all he can process. And I say that as somebody on your “side”, as a conservative.

The reason why I no longer trust people when they use all those political identifiers was made very clear in the opening post, but you ignored it. You claim to be a conservative, but I do not believe you. Even if you really are a conservative, too many commies have made this same claim. Romney, McCain, Paul ryan, and many other commies and never trumpers have tried to hijack the term, but they have only ruined it for you. If you are truly a righty, don't frown on me for not trusting your use of the word, blame the commies who have exploited it.
Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, progressive, communist, socialist, commies, righties, lefties. You name it, and lefties have claimed to be one. Maybe as a Trojan horse strategy, or maybe just to wear like a new sweater for awhile, but either way I cannot believe these terms when I hear them anymore. In our current political landscape, I no longer recognize all those terms that once meant so much. All I need are a few minutes chatting and/or looking at somebody, and I can quickly identify which of the two sides of the political war a person is on. That's right, just two sides are what we have in the political war that defines our current political landscape, so there is no longer any need to process fancy hybrid terms like moderate lefty, or centrist whatever, all I need to do is figure out a person is on my side or the enemy side.

What are you, a lefty, or a righty?
And that is the problem. You have reduced everything to “my side” or “the enemy”.

People used to be adversaries. Now it is the “enemy”. And ya, reducing a complex political spectrum does make it easier to apply labels and fits neatly on a bumper sticker.
You have too you hypocrite you ONLY make threads about right leaning stuff you only attack Republicans and the right.
Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, progressive, communist, socialist, commies, righties, lefties. You name it, and lefties have claimed to be one. Maybe as a Trojan horse strategy, or maybe just to wear like a new sweater for awhile, but either way I cannot believe these terms when I hear them anymore. In our current political landscape, I no longer recognize all those terms that once meant so much. All I need are a few minutes chatting and/or looking at somebody, and I can quickly identify which of the two sides of the political war a person is on. That's right, just two sides are what we have in the political war that defines our current political landscape, so there is no longer any need to process fancy hybrid terms like moderate lefty, or centrist whatever, all I need to do is figure out a person is on my side or the enemy side.

What are you, a lefty, or a righty?
And that is the problem. You have reduced everything to “my side” or “the enemy”.

People used to be adversaries. Now it is the “enemy”. And ya, reducing a complex political spectrum does make it easier to apply labels and fits neatly on a bumper sticker.
You have too you hypocrite you ONLY make threads about right leaning stuff you only attack Republicans and the right.

umh...what does that have to do with what I said?

I don't divide the world into "with us" or "against us" - I don't call political adversaries "the enemy" or "traitors" or "treasonous" simply because they hold a different view.

How about you?
I believe the OP has reduced it down to just 3 terms is because that is all he can process. And I say that as somebody on your “side”, as a conservative.

The reason why I no longer trust people when they use all those political identifiers was made very clear in the opening post, but you ignored it. You claim to be a conservative, but I do not believe you. Even if you really are a conservative, too many commies have made this same claim. Romney, McCain, Paul ryan, and many other commies and never trumpers have tried to hijack the term, but they have only ruined it for you. If you are truly a righty, don't frown on me for not trusting your use of the word, blame the commies who have exploited it.

I think you confuse Trumpists with conservatives. That's why you can't process the different terms.
Mods, please excuse my error, it seems that I have accidentally posted this in some general area instead of the political discussion spot where I should have posted it. Discussion of political identifiers and the exploitation of them is obviously extremely political and should have been posted in the political discussion area. Please move this where it belongs and accept my apology for this error. I'll be sure to post extremely political topics in the political topic area in the future.
Commies are like cockroaches that like to hide in the dark. They need all those political identifiers to hide behind, so they will fight hard to defend them. They want to be able to be repubs like romney and Paul ryan, but we can spot them. They can call themselves dems, but we can still spot the commie.

There aren't any commies left except clueless youngsters in Che t-shirts and burnt out hippies. Of course I'm assuming you actually know what communism is.
Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, progressive, communist, socialist, commies, righties, lefties. You name it, and lefties have claimed to be one. Maybe as a Trojan horse strategy, or maybe just to wear like a new sweater for awhile, but either way I cannot believe these terms when I hear them anymore. In our current political landscape, I no longer recognize all those terms that once meant so much. All I need are a few minutes chatting and/or looking at somebody, and I can quickly identify which of the two sides of the political war a person is on. That's right, just two sides are what we have in the political war that defines our current political landscape, so there is no longer any need to process fancy hybrid terms like moderate lefty, or centrist whatever, all I need to do is figure out a person is on my side or the enemy side.

What are you, a lefty, or a righty?
And that is the problem. You have reduced everything to “my side” or “the enemy”.

People used to be adversaries. Now it is the “enemy”. And ya, reducing a complex political spectrum does make it easier to apply labels and fits neatly on a bumper sticker.
You have too you hypocrite you ONLY make threads about right leaning stuff you only attack Republicans and the right.

umh...what does that have to do with what I said?

I don't divide the world into "with us" or "against us" - I don't call political adversaries "the enemy" or "traitors" or "treasonous" simply because they hold a different view.

How about you?
No you just attack them like they are your enemies and ONLY the right. You lie and when caught in a lie you abandon the thread or change the subject. You are one of the people that kept claim Chief Gallagher was a Murderer even after a Court said INNOCENT of all charges. You are the one that refused to answer why ONLY chief Gallagher was charged with posing with a dead combatant. You are EXACTLY what you claim to not be.
I believe the OP has reduced it down to just 3 terms is because that is all he can process. And I say that as somebody on your “side”, as a conservative.

The reason why I no longer trust people when they use all those political identifiers was made very clear in the opening post, but you ignored it. You claim to be a conservative, but I do not believe you. Even if you really are a conservative, too many commies have made this same claim. Romney, McCain, Paul ryan, and many other commies and never trumpers have tried to hijack the term, but they have only ruined it for you. If you are truly a righty, don't frown on me for not trusting your use of the word, blame the commies who have exploited it.

I think you confuse Trumpists with conservatives. That's why you can't process the different terms.
I made it VERY clear in the opening post why I no longer trust the traditional political terms that once had meaning. Lefties have exploited these terms to a point where I can no longer take them at face value. Kinda like how lefties have worn out the word "racist" by exploiting it so many times.
Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, progressive, communist, socialist, commies, righties, lefties. You name it, and lefties have claimed to be one. Maybe as a Trojan horse strategy, or maybe just to wear like a new sweater for awhile, but either way I cannot believe these terms when I hear them anymore. In our current political landscape, I no longer recognize all those terms that once meant so much. All I need are a few minutes chatting and/or looking at somebody, and I can quickly identify which of the two sides of the political war a person is on. That's right, just two sides are what we have in the political war that defines our current political landscape, so there is no longer any need to process fancy hybrid terms like moderate lefty, or centrist whatever, all I need to do is figure out a person is on my side or the enemy side.

What are you, a lefty, or a righty?
And that is the problem. You have reduced everything to “my side” or “the enemy”.

People used to be adversaries. Now it is the “enemy”. And ya, reducing a complex political spectrum does make it easier to apply labels and fits neatly on a bumper sticker.
You have too you hypocrite you ONLY make threads about right leaning stuff you only attack Republicans and the right.

umh...what does that have to do with what I said?

I don't divide the world into "with us" or "against us" - I don't call political adversaries "the enemy" or "traitors" or "treasonous" simply because they hold a different view.

How about you?
No you just attack them like they are your enemies and ONLY the right. You lie and when caught in a lie you abandon the thread or change the subject. You are one of the people that kept claim Chief Gallagher was a Murderer even after a Court said INNOCENT of all charges. You are the one that refused to answer why ONLY chief Gallagher was charged with posing with a dead combatant. You are EXACTLY what you claim to not be.

Umh no...I did not continue claiming Gallagher was a murderer after the court cleared him of those charges. Perhaps you are confusing my comments that were directed against the OTHER pardoned person - they guy that ordered his men to open fire on unarmed civilians. Remember him?

Other than that...why should I not attack rightwing arguments? :dunno: You only attack the left, correct? But you seem to think I should be equal? There is a difference between attacking arguments and attacking people as "traitors" or "enemies".

That's the problem today.
I believe the OP has reduced it down to just 3 terms is because that is all he can process. And I say that as somebody on your “side”, as a conservative.

The reason why I no longer trust people when they use all those political identifiers was made very clear in the opening post, but you ignored it. You claim to be a conservative, but I do not believe you. Even if you really are a conservative, too many commies have made this same claim. Romney, McCain, Paul ryan, and many other commies and never trumpers have tried to hijack the term, but they have only ruined it for you. If you are truly a righty, don't frown on me for not trusting your use of the word, blame the commies who have exploited it.

I think you confuse Trumpists with conservatives. That's why you can't process the different terms.
I made it VERY clear in the opening post why I no longer trust the traditional political terms that once had meaning. Lefties have exploited these terms to a point where I can no longer take them at face value. Kinda like how lefties have worn out the word "racist" by exploiting it so many times.

AH...I keep forgetting Righties don't do any of this shit. Poor clueless snowflakes.
Commies are like cockroaches that like to hide in the dark. They need all those political identifiers to hide behind, so they will fight hard to defend them. They want to be able to be repubs like romney and Paul ryan, but we can spot them. They can call themselves dems, but we can still spot the commie.

There aren't any commies left except clueless youngsters in Che t-shirts and burnt out hippies. Of course I'm assuming you actually know what communism is.
As explained in the opening post, there really are commies everywhere. The reason why you want to eliminate that word is because it reveals commies who do not want to be identified as such. The word "commie" is ugly, so commies have been hiding behind all those other political identifiers that you wish to preserve.
What is someone who is socially liberal AND fiscally conservative? :dunno:
I believe the OP has reduced it down to just 3 terms is because that is all he can process. And I say that as somebody on your “side”, as a conservative.

The reason why I no longer trust people when they use all those political identifiers was made very clear in the opening post, but you ignored it. You claim to be a conservative, but I do not believe you. Even if you really are a conservative, too many commies have made this same claim. Romney, McCain, Paul ryan, and many other commies and never trumpers have tried to hijack the term, but they have only ruined it for you. If you are truly a righty, don't frown on me for not trusting your use of the word, blame the commies who have exploited it.

I think you confuse Trumpists with conservatives. That's why you can't process the different terms.
I made it VERY clear in the opening post why I no longer trust the traditional political terms that once had meaning. Lefties have exploited these terms to a point where I can no longer take them at face value. Kinda like how lefties have worn out the word "racist" by exploiting it so many times.

AH...I keep forgetting Righties don't do any of this shit. Poor clueless snowflakes.
Your argument sounds like it is weakening. I wish lefties wouldn't just fold up like lawn chairs.

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