Political Donations

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Isn't it time to get the money out of politics?

Would you support changes in the tax code disallowing all write-offs for political donations?

Would you support changes in the tax code making the acceptance of any political donations income and taxable?

Of course the devil is in the details of any such proposal, but in principle, shouldn't donations be called what in fact they truly are: BRIBES?
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I'm not so sure about the donation thing. I do think that it should be illegal for any political candidate to spend more on the election campaign than what the job pays. Example, if the political office pays $200,000 per year than no more than $200,000 could be spent on the campaign. It amazes me how many millions are spend on a Presidential election. I think the whole process is corrupt.
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I'm not so sure about the donation thing. I do think that it should be illegal for any political candidate to spend more on the election campaign than what the job pays. Example, if the political office pays $200,000 per year than no more than $200,000 could be spent on the campaign. It amazes me how many millions are spend on a Presidential election. I think the whole process is corrupt.

Good point.
Free airtime for qualified candidates would go along way

Radio and TV stations are in business to make money. They have expenses including salaries for their employees.

Perhaps you should buy a TV station and provide free airtime for all 535 Senators and Representatives and all of the Presidential candidates.

There are also 50 states that have Governors and state legislators in the thousands that need that free airtime.

When you get that TV station, I am going to run for President, so reserve me some of that free airtime.

You will probably stay in business for 10 or 15 seconds.
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Abolishing the IRS and going with a flat tax would be great.

I agree. I'll vote for you if you run for President.

Explain if you will why both of you support a flat tax? I support a progressive income tax for the simple reason it helps prevent a nobility rising in America.

I support it because it eliminates the need for subjectivity in the confines of class tax system in which we have right now. Basically, everyone pays the same amount.

What Is a Flat Income Tax - Details on the Flat Tax
Isn't it time to get the money out of politics?

Would you support changes in the tax code disallowing all write-offs for political donations?

Would you support changes in the tax code making the acceptance of any political donations income and taxable?

Of course the devil is in the details of any such proposal, but in principle, shouldn't donations be called what in fact they truly are: BRIBES?

I agree that there shouldn't be a tax deduction for political donations.
Free airtime for qualified candidates would go along way

Radio and TV stations are in business to make money. They have expenses including salaries for their employees. Perhaps you should buy a TV station and provide free airtime for all 535 Senators and Representatives and all of the Presidential candidates.

When you do that, I am going to run for President, so reserve me some of that free airtime. You will probably stay in business for 10 or 15 seconds.

Maybe those Senators and Representatives ought to work for their 'donation', stand up and both speak to and listen to the voters.
Isn't it time to get the money out of politics?

Would you support changes in the tax code disallowing all write-offs for political donations?

Would you support changes in the tax code making the acceptance of any political donations income and taxable?

Of course the devil is in the details of any such proposal, but in principle, shouldn't donations be called what in fact they truly are: BRIBES?

We should disallow political donations as soon as Congress can no longer spend money
Free airtime for qualified candidates would go along way

Radio and TV stations are in business to make money. They have expenses including salaries for their employees.

Perhaps you should buy a TV station and provide free airtime for all 535 Senators and Representatives and all of the Presidential candidates.

There are also 50 states that have Governors and state legislators in the thousands that need that free airtime.

When you get that TV station, I am going to run for President, so reserve me some of that free airtime.

You will probably stay in business for 10 or 15 seconds.

I have for a long time suggested a Cable Network that was devoted to all things political... much like this site! Where candidates were given ad time, debates were covered as was political news and information.

That would allow us to tune in when we wanted and make up our own mind.

Last night's debate for instance could be broadcast at 9pm, 12am, 6am and 9am. Anyone that wanted to watch it could tune in and see what they missed. Anyone that fell asleep during the event could catch it later.

Important topics such as abortion, the economy, the debt ceiling etc. etc. etc. could be covered from multiple points of view.

Abolishing the IRS and going with a flat tax would be great.

I agree. I'll vote for you if you run for President.

Explain if you will why both of you support a flat tax? I support a progressive income tax for the simple reason it helps prevent a nobility rising in America.

It does?

Hmmm, that is not what libs are saying. They are saying the rich are too prominent and getting more prominent in our society as I write this. Seems that the liberal policies of tax the rich... tax the rich... tax the rich... are complete failures.

Why, I don't remember which lib it was or which ones it was who on this very site told us basically that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Yet, we have been suffering under "progressive tax rates" for almost a century. When exactly are we in the middle and lower classes going to start catching up under the failed tax code we have today?


Sorry, got to run to pick up my wife. Be back later.
Abolishing the IRS and going with a flat tax would be great.

I agree. I'll vote for you if you run for President.

Explain if you will why both of you support a flat tax? I support a progressive income tax for the simple reason it helps prevent a nobility rising in America.

I believe that everybody in America should be taxed at the same rate. There is a large segment of people in this country that pay no Federal taxes at all, yet there are those that cry at every opportunity that the "rich should pay their fair share". Why should they pay more when almost half pay none? Where's the fairness in that? Seems a bit one-sided to me.
Isn't it time to get the money out of politics?

Would you support changes in the tax code disallowing all write-offs for political donations?

Would you support changes in the tax code making the acceptance of any political donations income and taxable?

Of course the devil is in the details of any such proposal, but in principle, shouldn't donations be called what in fact they truly are: BRIBES?

I support public financing of elections. Heck with disallowing deductions, disallow it altogether.
In a nation seriously interested in putting the DEMOCRATIC in a democratic republic, there would be absolute limits to how much any person can donate to a political campaign or party.

Don't count on such a thing happening is this shamocratic republic, though.

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