political beartrap


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
Personal Interviews
Alinsky, Saul D. Mr. Alinsky and I met twice during October in Boston and during January at Wellesley. Both times he was generous with ideas and interest. His offer of a place in the new Institute was tempting but after spending a year trying to make sense out of his inconsistency, I need three years of legal rigor. Haffner, John. Reporter on the Back of the Yards Journal who represents the views of his neighbors regarding the community’s future in conservatively chauvinistic terms. January, 1969, in Chicago. Hoffman, Nicholas von. One of the best of Alinsky’s organizers and now a superb writer for the Washington Post. Talked with him by telephone in Washington in October. He was both helpful and provocative. Ryan, Phyllis. Social Worker on the staff of the Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council who left soon after I interviewed her in January, 1969. Her honesty about conditions in the area as well as her obvious distress over them contributed greatly to my understanding of the situation. Shimony, Annemarie. Professor in the Department of Sociology at Wellesley College. Mrs. Shimony criticized Alinsky’s method during our conversation in March, 1969, helping me to focus my own opinions.

hillary's senior college thesis:
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Sorry, Billy

I missed your point as well.

Hillary wrote a thesis Saul Alinsky--and?
The point is that they have no ammo. They recognize that her financial/foreign policies ride close to their own and rather than draw attention to this they want to try to whip people up into a frenzy. They will only be successful with those that haven't read it before or those that are so inclined to believe that way anyway.

It's why they flat out refuse to focus on the issues.
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The point is that they have no ammo. They recognize that her financial/foreign policies ride close to their own and rather than draw attention to this they want to try to whip people up into a frenzy. They will only be successful with those that haven't read it before or those that are so inclined to believe that way anyway.

It's why they flat out refuse to focus on the issues.
alinsky is at the center of democrat politics. rules for radicals is a philosophy. it's also a chicago thing. i thought it would be nice for folks to look at, since it's the complete evolution of hillary, politically, it gives insight, the way she writes and thinks. since she's running for president, i think it's interesting, thanks for the help. :) i'd like to find something obama wrote, other than his "autobiographies".
The point is that they have no ammo. They recognize that her financial/foreign policies ride close to their own and rather than draw attention to this they want to try to whip people up into a frenzy. They will only be successful with those that haven't read it before or those that are so inclined to believe that way anyway.

It's why they flat out refuse to focus on the issues.
alinsky is at the center of democrat politics. rules for radicals is a philosophy. it's also a chicago thing. i thought it would be nice for folks to look at, since it's the complete evolution of hillary, politically, it gives insight, the way she writes and thinks. since she's running for president, i think it's interesting, thanks for the help. :) i'd like to find something obama wrote, other than his "autobiographies".
And yet the thesis is not an endorsement of his methods but a sometimes harsh critique.
The point is that they have no ammo. They recognize that her financial/foreign policies ride close to their own and rather than draw attention to this they want to try to whip people up into a frenzy. They will only be successful with those that haven't read it before or those that are so inclined to believe that way anyway.

It's why they flat out refuse to focus on the issues.
alinsky is at the center of democrat politics. rules for radicals is a philosophy. it's also a chicago thing. i thought it would be nice for folks to look at, since it's the complete evolution of hillary, politically, it gives insight, the way she writes and thinks. since she's running for president, i think it's interesting, thanks for the help. :) i'd like to find something obama wrote, other than his "autobiographies".
And yet the thesis is not an endorsement of his methods but a sometimes harsh critique.
that is correct, here is the political bear trap part. http:// http://

some background. Hillary, Obama And The Cult Of Alinsky

In a letter to the editor of the Boston Globe, Alinsky's son praised Obama for stirring up the masses at the 2008 Democratic National Convention "Saul Alinsky style," saying, "Obama learned his lesson well."

The letter, signed L. David Alinsky, closed with, "I am proud to see that my father's model for organizing is being applied successfully."

Read more at Obama quotes Alinsky in speech to young Israelis

alinsky is a fascinating character. it's not proven if he actually met al capone, however he was a journalist embedded with the chicago mob.
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The point is that they have no ammo. They recognize that her financial/foreign policies ride close to their own and rather than draw attention to this they want to try to whip people up into a frenzy. They will only be successful with those that haven't read it before or those that are so inclined to believe that way anyway.

It's why they flat out refuse to focus on the issues.
alinsky is at the center of democrat politics. rules for radicals is a philosophy. it's also a chicago thing. i thought it would be nice for folks to look at, since it's the complete evolution of hillary, politically, it gives insight, the way she writes and thinks. since she's running for president, i think it's interesting, thanks for the help. :) i'd like to find something obama wrote, other than his "autobiographies".

The entire essay is interesting and especially considering that it was written in 1969. Hell, by the time that I moved to Chicago, nobody knew who he was. Most liberals had no idea who he was. She was all of 23. I don't see any of Alinski in her now. If you're worried that there will be "organizing" then I think you are in for a surprise.
The point is that they have no ammo. They recognize that her financial/foreign policies ride close to their own and rather than draw attention to this they want to try to whip people up into a frenzy. They will only be successful with those that haven't read it before or those that are so inclined to believe that way anyway.

It's why they flat out refuse to focus on the issues.
alinsky is at the center of democrat politics. rules for radicals is a philosophy. it's also a chicago thing. i thought it would be nice for folks to look at, since it's the complete evolution of hillary, politically, it gives insight, the way she writes and thinks. since she's running for president, i think it's interesting, thanks for the help. :) i'd like to find something obama wrote, other than his "autobiographies".

The entire essay is interesting and especially considering that it was written in 1969. Hell, by the time that I moved to Chicago, nobody knew who he was. Most liberals had no idea who he was. She was all of 23. I don't see any of Alinski in her now. If you're worried that there will be "organizing" then I think you are in for a surprise.

So. What do you see in her?
The point is that they have no ammo. They recognize that her financial/foreign policies ride close to their own and rather than draw attention to this they want to try to whip people up into a frenzy. They will only be successful with those that haven't read it before or those that are so inclined to believe that way anyway.

It's why they flat out refuse to focus on the issues.
alinsky is at the center of democrat politics. rules for radicals is a philosophy. it's also a chicago thing. i thought it would be nice for folks to look at, since it's the complete evolution of hillary, politically, it gives insight, the way she writes and thinks. since she's running for president, i think it's interesting, thanks for the help. :) i'd like to find something obama wrote, other than his "autobiographies".

The entire essay is interesting and especially considering that it was written in 1969. Hell, by the time that I moved to Chicago, nobody knew who he was. Most liberals had no idea who he was. She was all of 23. I don't see any of Alinski in her now. If you're worried that there will be "organizing" then I think you are in for a surprise.
it's a fair point, she was young, i'm not trying to pin any philosophy to her. but we have seen alinsky methods used. the well "organised" narratives are specific enough, i have seen the tactics close up as a birther, they were so well deployed, that it's one of the things that tripped the red flag for me. obama taught the 101, he has the socialist tendencies.
above all, it is interesting. with all due respect, the link is in my op, but it was cleverly disguised.

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