Police Threaten Children Singing Outside House Republican Leaders’ Offices With Arres


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Police Threaten Children Singing Outside House Republican Leaders’ Offices With Arrest

Police Threaten Children Singing Outside House Republican Leaders' Offices With Arrest | ThinkProgress

More than 40 youths with the immigration advocacy group Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM) have been busy chasing down Congressional members in Washington, D.C. this week, but very few House members have been willing to meet with them. On Thursday, when activists between the ages of six to 15, marched to the Congressional offices of House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), they were threatened with arrest by Capitol police officers for singing.
If they are here illegally, deport them. Now. Immediately. Have them loaded on to buses and send them off.
So a mob harassing our elected officials is ok? By the way care to point out where any of the reps actually called the cops?

You are an idiot.

Yes, mobs should harass all elected officials continually to remind them that they do not work for lobbyists but the people.
Activists from the ages of 6 to 15?

I think the parents should be charged with child abuse. Let's get them. I'm not kidding.
So a mob harassing our elected officials is ok? By the way care to point out where any of the reps actually called the cops?

You are an idiot.

Yes, mobs should harass all elected officials continually to remind them that they do not work for lobbyists but the people.

6 year old children. I say we charge the parents with child abuse. I say we charge any democrat with child abuse for staging this shit.

Police Threaten Children Singing Outside House Republican Leaders’ Offices With Arrest

Police Threaten Children Singing Outside House Republican Leaders' Offices With Arrest | ThinkProgress

More than 40 youths with the immigration advocacy group Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM) have been busy chasing down Congressional members in Washington, D.C. this week, but very few House members have been willing to meet with them. On Thursday, when activists between the ages of six to 15, marched to the Congressional offices of House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), they were threatened with arrest by Capitol police officers for singing.

Are you promoting this Matthew?
Activists from the ages of 6 to 15?

I think the parents should be charged with child abuse. Let's get them. I'm not kidding.

How young is too young to be politically active? If more young people were for the last 30 years our world would be much, much better. I suppose an unhealthy obsession with video games and processed sugar is a better trait to expect from an American kid?
Activists from the ages of 6 to 15?

I think the parents should be charged with child abuse. Let's get them. I'm not kidding.

How young is too young to be politically active? If more young people were for the last 30 years our world would be much, much better. I suppose an unhealthy obsession with video games and processed sugar is a better trait to expect from an American kid?
I love this shit.
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So a mob harassing our elected officials is ok? By the way care to point out where any of the reps actually called the cops?

You are an idiot.

Yes, mobs should harass all elected officials continually to remind them that they do not work for lobbyists but the people.

6 year old children. I say we charge the parents with child abuse. I say we charge any democrat with child abuse for staging this shit.


Of course, it must be the Democrats "fault" because we all know Republicans hate Hispanics, gays, blacks, Muslims, college professors, scientists, women's rights.........and so on.
Activists from the ages of 6 to 15?

I think the parents should be charged with child abuse. Let's get them. I'm not kidding.

How young is too young to be politically active? If more young people were for the last 30 years our world would be much, much better. I suppose an unhealthy obsession with video games and processed sugar is a better trait to expect from an American kid?

A young generation ended the Vietnam war. The young of this country I hope will do something about the few at the top wanting it all and the hell with everyone else because this is who the cantors, ryans, and boehner work for.
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Activists from the ages of 6 to 15?

I think the parents should be charged with child abuse. Let's get them. I'm not kidding.

How young is too young to be politically active? If more young people were for the last 30 years our world would be much, much better. I suppose an unhealthy obsession with video games and processed sugar is a better trait to expect from an American kid?

A young generation ended the Vietnam war. The young of this country I hope will do something about the few at the top wanting it all and the hell with everyone else.

Ever since then the republicans have been shitting bricks at the thought that the youth of America might wake up and get wise at an early age.
Police Threaten Children Singing Outside House Republican Leaders’ Offices With Arrest

Police Threaten Children Singing Outside House Republican Leaders' Offices With Arrest | ThinkProgress

More than 40 youths with the immigration advocacy group Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM) have been busy chasing down Congressional members in Washington, D.C. this week, but very few House members have been willing to meet with them. On Thursday, when activists between the ages of six to 15, marched to the Congressional offices of House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), they were threatened with arrest by Capitol police officers for singing.

Here is the video:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aA1lqgtCT4#t=127]Cantor's staff has police remove children from office - YouTube[/ame]

They were told very kindly by the aide they needed to make an appointment they refused several times, the police officer was speaking to the adults who refused to make appointments, and he was very kind about it. They should have made an appointment, but refused.
Police Threaten Children Singing Outside House Republican Leaders’ Offices With Arrest

Police Threaten Children Singing Outside House Republican Leaders' Offices With Arrest | ThinkProgress

More than 40 youths with the immigration advocacy group Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM) have been busy chasing down Congressional members in Washington, D.C. this week, but very few House members have been willing to meet with them. On Thursday, when activists between the ages of six to 15, marched to the Congressional offices of House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), they were threatened with arrest by Capitol police officers for singing.

Good. Deport them now.
So a mob harassing our elected officials is ok? By the way care to point out where any of the reps actually called the cops?

You are an idiot.

Yes, mobs should harass all elected officials continually to remind them that they do not work for lobbyists but the people.

But if they try to do it to Obama, they are called racists.
Activists from the ages of 6 to 15?

I think the parents should be charged with child abuse. Let's get them. I'm not kidding.

How young is too young to be politically active? If more young people were for the last 30 years our world would be much, much better. I suppose an unhealthy obsession with video games and processed sugar is a better trait to expect from an American kid?

A young generation ended the Vietnam war. The young of this country I hope will do something about the few at the top wanting it all and the hell with everyone else because this is who the cantors, ryans, and boehner work for.

I pity the young. They will have to live with the results of their colossal stupidity.

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