Police Find Body in Prominent Democrat's Yard - Foul Play Suspected


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
The Washington DC Police Department has discovered a deceased body in the back yard of a prominent Democrat. The victim was identified as 32 year old Defon Polis, a Hungarian immigrant. Defon Polis was a well-known advocate and political activist who was involved in the nation-wide movement to remove funding from local and state police departments.

Foul play is suspected, although the police have very little evidence to go on. The only clue as to the person who committed the murder is some grainy security camera footage. The footage shows an individual described as an elderly white male. After canvassing the area, the police have been able to identify this person as going by the initials of "JB", and is believed to be employed by the federal government. The police have also taken his son into custody on a drug-related charge, and are questioning him as to the whereabouts of his father.

More details will be available, pending notification of next of kin.

"Defon Polis supporters tell Biden they’re ‘not going away"

"Supporters of Defon Polis say they are “not going away” just because Joe Biden will be the next president.

“What we’ve heard so far from the Democratic Party is what they’re not going to do,” Defon advocate Andrea Ritchie told Mother Jones. “I don’t expect they will be supportive of the main demand from the streets … It’s gonna be a fight. We’re not going away...."

"... I’m very pessimistic about what we can expect, at least initially, from the Biden administration,” said Alex Vitale, a professor and author of a book about police abolition. “He’s made it very clear that he wants to put more resources into policing, that he supports the kind of superficial and ineffective procedural reforms that the Obama administration proposed.”


House Democrats had expected to expand their majority but instead saw it drastically shrink after the 2020 election despite Biden’s defeat of President Trump. Some blamed their poor showing on the Defon movement. House Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C., called it left-wing “foolishness” that hurt more moderate members, and Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, said it “hurt a lot of our candidates."

https://thespectator.info/2020/11/26/Defon Polis-supporters-tell-biden-theyre-not-going-away/
Defon Polis was a well-known advocate and political activist who was involved in the nation-wide movement to remove funding from local and state police departments.
Defund Police? Drunk?
>>>With new money from an alcohol tax, the city will fund a team of mental health first responders that can take the place of a police officer when responding to someone with a mental health issue.
>>>The idea is that first responders trained in mental health can be dispatched to situations that police are not trained to respond to. >>>Anchorage Assemblywoman Meg Zaletel, one of the sponsors, said that will better suit the needs of the person in crisis while easing the burden on the Anchorage Police Department.
>>>Zaletel, an attorney who has practiced mental health law for 15 years, called it a “fundamental shift” to the local response system. She championed the idea, along with Assemblymen Chris Constant and Forrest Dunbar and Acting Mayor Austin Quinn-Davidson.<<<

Austin Quinn-Davidson being an out-and-proud lesbian herself.

Come on now. Damn cops can't even sober up on duty downtown Anchorage. the cop cars are all dented and scratched from habitual drunken driving, and some damn attorney is specializing in revoking gun rights and promoting and compelling the business of liquor stores. Stay safe and stick with the two and twenty, because anything over two arrests and twenty traffic citations a month is overdoing it for a small-town cop. You're in too deep over your head with all that small-town law money.

Defon Polis was a well-known advocate and political activist who was involved in the nation-wide movement to remove funding from local and state police departments.
Defund Police? Drunk?
>>>With new money from an alcohol tax, the city will fund a team of mental health first responders that can take the place of a police officer when responding to someone with a mental health issue.
>>>The idea is that first responders trained in mental health can be dispatched to situations that police are not trained to respond to. >>>Anchorage Assemblywoman Meg Zaletel, one of the sponsors, said that will better suit the needs of the person in crisis while easing the burden on the Anchorage Police Department.
>>>Zaletel, an attorney who has practiced mental health law for 15 years, called it a “fundamental shift” to the local response system. She championed the idea, along with Assemblymen Chris Constant and Forrest Dunbar and Acting Mayor Austin Quinn-Davidson.<<<

Austin Quinn-Davidson being an out-and-proud lesbian herself.

Come on now. Damn cops can't even sober up on duty downtown Anchorage. the cop cars are all dented and scratched from habitual drunken driving, and some damn attorney is specializing in revoking gun rights and promoting and compelling the business of liquor stores. Stay safe and stick with the two and twenty, because anything over two arrests and twenty traffic citations a month is overdoing it for a small-town cop. You're in too deep over your head with all that small-town law money.

That's exclusively an Alaska thing. Most people I've met from there were pretty wacky. They're like the "hillbillies of the frozen tundra."
That's not really surprising... Sooner or later it's going to start being "Journalists"... *shrugs*
That's exclusively an Alaska thing.
Not by any means.
Most people I've met from there were pretty wacky.
There'a gal or two on the local police force think they're awfully pretty all by themselves, and the guys are driving off drunk in the squad cars with a cup of coffee from the pot in the police station break room, and wacking off over their pretty girls on the force, whom they hired at 21 with full honors straight out of the police academy.
The Washington DC Police Department has discovered a deceased body in the back yard of a prominent Democrat. The victim was identified as 32 year old Defon Polis, a Hungarian immigrant. Defon Polis was a well-known advocate and political activist who was involved in the nation-wide movement to remove funding from local and state police departments.

Foul play is suspected, although the police have very little evidence to go on. The only clue as to the person who committed the murder is some grainy security camera footage. The footage shows an individual described as an elderly white male. After canvassing the area, the police have been able to identify this person as going by the initials of "JB", and is believed to be employed by the federal government. The police have also taken his son into custody on a drug-related charge, and are questioning him as to the whereabouts of his father.

More details will be available, pending notification of next of kin.

"Defon Polis supporters tell Biden they’re ‘not going away"

"Supporters of Defon Polis say they are “not going away” just because Joe Biden will be the next president.

“What we’ve heard so far from the Democratic Party is what they’re not going to do,” Defon advocate Andrea Ritchie told Mother Jones. “I don’t expect they will be supportive of the main demand from the streets … It’s gonna be a fight. We’re not going away...."

"... I’m very pessimistic about what we can expect, at least initially, from the Biden administration,” said Alex Vitale, a professor and author of a book about police abolition. “He’s made it very clear that he wants to put more resources into policing, that he supports the kind of superficial and ineffective procedural reforms that the Obama administration proposed.”


House Democrats had expected to expand their majority but instead saw it drastically shrink after the 2020 election despite Biden’s defeat of President Trump. Some blamed their poor showing on the Defon movement. House Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C., called it left-wing “foolishness” that hurt more moderate members, and Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, said it “hurt a lot of our candidates."

https://thespectator.info/2020/11/26/Defon Polis-supporters-tell-biden-theyre-not-going-away/
If they get an honest recount on all persons seeking public office at the Federal level, the President and V.P. would be Trump and Pence, and Republicans would have majorities in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

That's why the control freak left is tagging their judges to put down all Trump inquiries into all that cheating at the polls.
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