Poisoning America - The Devil we know

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

I watched this last night. It was on the BBC but I am sure you can get it on one of your channels.

It concerns the pollution of the Ohio River by Dupont and the actions of the people there to get justice.

It was horrific. We follow the story of Bucky who was born deformed, so bad that his Mam broke down in tears when the nurse handed him over at birth. It was due to the chemicals in the Dupont plant she worked in. Those same chemicals were regularly released into the Ohio River and caused all sorts of health problems for people and animals alike.

The chemical was used in the making of Teflon which was a huge moneymaker for DUpont who were keen to keep a lid on the problem. One farmer couldnt even get a vet to come and look at his dead cows.

Much of the film relied on Dupont execs reading out internal docs which revealed their complete lack of concern for the people. It was considered too valuable to come clean and make recompense.

It then outlined the failure of government through the actions of the EPA. The deputy head of the EPA was actually employed by Dupont in some capacity and the relationship saw the EPA draft press releases for Dupont. It was incredible.

Pretty much every trick in the book was employed by Dupont and it was like a real life Erin Brokovich.

Bucky had a childhood of treatment trying to sort out his deformities and he eventually met someone and settled down. His wife gt pregnant and we then followed them to the hospital for scans with the young couple praying that their baby did not suffer as his father had.

I wont give away the ending to this but I was weeping like a big girl at the end.

The locals won their case in the end but Dupont really got away with it. The useless EPA fined them $16m which was a pittance. People should have gone to jail.

Water quality and the environment seems to be a low priority for the US Govt regardless of who is in power. Dupont and their ilk own all the politicians that they need and it seems that things do not change. The government should protect people not corporations.

I give it 10/10. A great documentary.
I also give the good people of Parkersville WV 10/10 for their courage in taking on this giant. Heroes one and all.

I watched this last night. It was on the BBC but I am sure you can get it on one of your channels.

It concerns the pollution of the Ohio River by Dupont and the actions of the people there to get justice.

It was horrific. We follow the story of Bucky who was born deformed, so bad that his Mam broke down in tears when the nurse handed him over at birth. It was due to the chemicals in the Dupont plant she worked in. Those same chemicals were regularly released into the Ohio River and caused all sorts of health problems for people and animals alike.

The chemical was used in the making of Teflon which was a huge moneymaker for DUpont who were keen to keep a lid on the problem. One farmer couldnt even get a vet to come and look at his dead cows.

Much of the film relied on Dupont execs reading out internal docs which revealed their complete lack of concern for the people. It was considered too valuable to come clean and make recompense.

It then outlined the failure of government through the actions of the EPA. The deputy head of the EPA was actually employed by Dupont in some capacity and the relationship saw the EPA draft press releases for Dupont. It was incredible.

Pretty much every trick in the book was employed by Dupont and it was like a real life Erin Brokovich.

Bucky had a childhood of treatment trying to sort out his deformities and he eventually met someone and settled down. His wife gt pregnant and we then followed them to the hospital for scans with the young couple praying that their baby did not suffer as his father had.

I wont give away the ending to this but I was weeping like a big girl at the end.

The locals won their case in the end but Dupont really got away with it. The useless EPA fined them $16m which was a pittance. People should have gone to jail.

Water quality and the environment seems to be a low priority for the US Govt regardless of who is in power. Dupont and their ilk own all the politicians that they need and it seems that things do not change. The government should protect people not corporations.

I give it 10/10. A great documentary.
I also give the good people of Parkersville WV 10/10 for their courage in taking on this giant. Heroes one and all.

youre not an american,,,
I dont know what you are on about but dupont poisoned the whole world with this shit.
His country of origin is immaterial to the facts- there is a book I read a few years ago, about a similar situation in the north east- apparently this story is on TV which might be better since stupid people refuse to read-

There are many, many such stories about the coal mines in Kentucky? IMS ruining the water- burying your head in the sand because you don't like a person or where he's from is just fucking stupid. Knowledge isn't biased in its origin, but by god, it is bias in its settling- geezus- we are so fucked in this country-
His country of origin is immaterial to the facts- there is a book I read a few years ago, about a similar situation in the north east- apparently this story is on TV which might be better since stupid people refuse to read-

There are many, many such stories about the coal mines in Kentucky? IMS ruining the water- burying your head in the sand because you don't like a person or where he's from is just fucking stupid. Knowledge isn't biased in its origin, but by god, it is bias in its settling- geezus- we are so fucked in this country-
I see your point,,

but if he didnt spend most of his time on this form slamming americans and talking shit about us he would receive a better response,,

until then hes just a slimey limey,,

I watched this last night. It was on the BBC but I am sure you can get it on one of your channels.

It concerns the pollution of the Ohio River by Dupont and the actions of the people there to get justice.

It was horrific. We follow the story of Bucky who was born deformed, so bad that his Mam broke down in tears when the nurse handed him over at birth. It was due to the chemicals in the Dupont plant she worked in. Those same chemicals were regularly released into the Ohio River and caused all sorts of health problems for people and animals alike.

The chemical was used in the making of Teflon which was a huge moneymaker for DUpont who were keen to keep a lid on the problem. One farmer couldnt even get a vet to come and look at his dead cows.

Much of the film relied on Dupont execs reading out internal docs which revealed their complete lack of concern for the people. It was considered too valuable to come clean and make recompense.

It then outlined the failure of government through the actions of the EPA. The deputy head of the EPA was actually employed by Dupont in some capacity and the relationship saw the EPA draft press releases for Dupont. It was incredible.

Pretty much every trick in the book was employed by Dupont and it was like a real life Erin Brokovich.

Bucky had a childhood of treatment trying to sort out his deformities and he eventually met someone and settled down. His wife gt pregnant and we then followed them to the hospital for scans with the young couple praying that their baby did not suffer as his father had.

I wont give away the ending to this but I was weeping like a big girl at the end.

The locals won their case in the end but Dupont really got away with it. The useless EPA fined them $16m which was a pittance. People should have gone to jail.

Water quality and the environment seems to be a low priority for the US Govt regardless of who is in power. Dupont and their ilk own all the politicians that they need and it seems that things do not change. The government should protect people not corporations.

I give it 10/10. A great documentary.
I also give the good people of Parkersville WV 10/10 for their courage in taking on this giant. Heroes one and all.
Did the mother at any time do chemicals that could of affected the birth? I bet that was never asked...

I watched this last night. It was on the BBC but I am sure you can get it on one of your channels.

It concerns the pollution of the Ohio River by Dupont and the actions of the people there to get justice.

It was horrific. We follow the story of Bucky who was born deformed, so bad that his Mam broke down in tears when the nurse handed him over at birth. It was due to the chemicals in the Dupont plant she worked in. Those same chemicals were regularly released into the Ohio River and caused all sorts of health problems for people and animals alike.

The chemical was used in the making of Teflon which was a huge moneymaker for DUpont who were keen to keep a lid on the problem. One farmer couldnt even get a vet to come and look at his dead cows.

Much of the film relied on Dupont execs reading out internal docs which revealed their complete lack of concern for the people. It was considered too valuable to come clean and make recompense.

It then outlined the failure of government through the actions of the EPA. The deputy head of the EPA was actually employed by Dupont in some capacity and the relationship saw the EPA draft press releases for Dupont. It was incredible.

Pretty much every trick in the book was employed by Dupont and it was like a real life Erin Brokovich.

Bucky had a childhood of treatment trying to sort out his deformities and he eventually met someone and settled down. His wife gt pregnant and we then followed them to the hospital for scans with the young couple praying that their baby did not suffer as his father had.

I wont give away the ending to this but I was weeping like a big girl at the end.

The locals won their case in the end but Dupont really got away with it. The useless EPA fined them $16m which was a pittance. People should have gone to jail.

Water quality and the environment seems to be a low priority for the US Govt regardless of who is in power. Dupont and their ilk own all the politicians that they need and it seems that things do not change. The government should protect people not corporations.

I give it 10/10. A great documentary.
I also give the good people of Parkersville WV 10/10 for their courage in taking on this giant. Heroes one and all.
At least you got one thing straight....USELESS EPA....every once in a while a Prog slave tells a FAUX PAU about their god.....

I watched this last night. It was on the BBC but I am sure you can get it on one of your channels.

It concerns the pollution of the Ohio River by Dupont and the actions of the people there to get justice.

It was horrific. We follow the story of Bucky who was born deformed, so bad that his Mam broke down in tears when the nurse handed him over at birth. It was due to the chemicals in the Dupont plant she worked in. Those same chemicals were regularly released into the Ohio River and caused all sorts of health problems for people and animals alike.

The chemical was used in the making of Teflon which was a huge moneymaker for DUpont who were keen to keep a lid on the problem. One farmer couldnt even get a vet to come and look at his dead cows.

Much of the film relied on Dupont execs reading out internal docs which revealed their complete lack of concern for the people. It was considered too valuable to come clean and make recompense.

It then outlined the failure of government through the actions of the EPA. The deputy head of the EPA was actually employed by Dupont in some capacity and the relationship saw the EPA draft press releases for Dupont. It was incredible.

Pretty much every trick in the book was employed by Dupont and it was like a real life Erin Brokovich.

Bucky had a childhood of treatment trying to sort out his deformities and he eventually met someone and settled down. His wife gt pregnant and we then followed them to the hospital for scans with the young couple praying that their baby did not suffer as his father had.

I wont give away the ending to this but I was weeping like a big girl at the end.

The locals won their case in the end but Dupont really got away with it. The useless EPA fined them $16m which was a pittance. People should have gone to jail.

Water quality and the environment seems to be a low priority for the US Govt regardless of who is in power. Dupont and their ilk own all the politicians that they need and it seems that things do not change. The government should protect people not corporations.

I give it 10/10. A great documentary.
I also give the good people of Parkersville WV 10/10 for their courage in taking on this giant. Heroes one and all.
Did the mother at any time do chemicals that could of affected the birth? I bet that was never asked...
If you had bothered to watch the film, and if you had a brain, you would realise how disgusting that comment is.
Cheers to the mods who cleaned up this thread. There are some real idiots on this board and they drag it down.

I watched this last night. It was on the BBC but I am sure you can get it on one of your channels.

It concerns the pollution of the Ohio River by Dupont and the actions of the people there to get justice.

It was horrific. We follow the story of Bucky who was born deformed, so bad that his Mam broke down in tears when the nurse handed him over at birth. It was due to the chemicals in the Dupont plant she worked in. Those same chemicals were regularly released into the Ohio River and caused all sorts of health problems for people and animals alike.

The chemical was used in the making of Teflon which was a huge moneymaker for DUpont who were keen to keep a lid on the problem. One farmer couldnt even get a vet to come and look at his dead cows.

Much of the film relied on Dupont execs reading out internal docs which revealed their complete lack of concern for the people. It was considered too valuable to come clean and make recompense.

It then outlined the failure of government through the actions of the EPA. The deputy head of the EPA was actually employed by Dupont in some capacity and the relationship saw the EPA draft press releases for Dupont. It was incredible.

Pretty much every trick in the book was employed by Dupont and it was like a real life Erin Brokovich.

Bucky had a childhood of treatment trying to sort out his deformities and he eventually met someone and settled down. His wife gt pregnant and we then followed them to the hospital for scans with the young couple praying that their baby did not suffer as his father had.

I wont give away the ending to this but I was weeping like a big girl at the end.

The locals won their case in the end but Dupont really got away with it. The useless EPA fined them $16m which was a pittance. People should have gone to jail.

Water quality and the environment seems to be a low priority for the US Govt regardless of who is in power. Dupont and their ilk own all the politicians that they need and it seems that things do not change. The government should protect people not corporations.

I give it 10/10. A great documentary.
I also give the good people of Parkersville WV 10/10 for their courage in taking on this giant. Heroes one and all.
Did the mother at any time do chemicals that could of affected the birth? I bet that was never asked...
I trust the BBB as much as i trust the stuff that comes out of Hollyweird. Again, many mothers who did drugs while in pregnancy ended up with children deformed. But that isnt supposed to be talked about, just "EVIL" corporations....

I watched this last night. It was on the BBC but I am sure you can get it on one of your channels.

It concerns the pollution of the Ohio River by Dupont and the actions of the people there to get justice.

It was horrific. We follow the story of Bucky who was born deformed, so bad that his Mam broke down in tears when the nurse handed him over at birth. It was due to the chemicals in the Dupont plant she worked in. Those same chemicals were regularly released into the Ohio River and caused all sorts of health problems for people and animals alike.

The chemical was used in the making of Teflon which was a huge moneymaker for DUpont who were keen to keep a lid on the problem. One farmer couldnt even get a vet to come and look at his dead cows.

Much of the film relied on Dupont execs reading out internal docs which revealed their complete lack of concern for the people. It was considered too valuable to come clean and make recompense.

It then outlined the failure of government through the actions of the EPA. The deputy head of the EPA was actually employed by Dupont in some capacity and the relationship saw the EPA draft press releases for Dupont. It was incredible.

Pretty much every trick in the book was employed by Dupont and it was like a real life Erin Brokovich.

Bucky had a childhood of treatment trying to sort out his deformities and he eventually met someone and settled down. His wife gt pregnant and we then followed them to the hospital for scans with the young couple praying that their baby did not suffer as his father had.

I wont give away the ending to this but I was weeping like a big girl at the end.

The locals won their case in the end but Dupont really got away with it. The useless EPA fined them $16m which was a pittance. People should have gone to jail.

Water quality and the environment seems to be a low priority for the US Govt regardless of who is in power. Dupont and their ilk own all the politicians that they need and it seems that things do not change. The government should protect people not corporations.

I give it 10/10. A great documentary.
I also give the good people of Parkersville WV 10/10 for their courage in taking on this giant. Heroes one and all.
Did the mother at any time do chemicals that could of affected the birth? I bet that was never asked...
I trust the BBB as much as i trust the stuff that comes out of Hollyweird. Again, many mothers who did drugs while in pregnancy ended up with children deformed. But that isnt supposed to be talked about, just "EVIL" corporations....
Or you could inform yourself and avoid denigrating Americans who have been poisoned.

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