Pocahontas Elizabeth Warren has a plan to address white nationalist violence, & it's a doozy, folks!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
read all about it:

"On Tuesday, the Massachusetts senator released a plan with a simple premise: Make the government take the problem seriously—maybe for the first time.⁠

In April 2009, the Department of Homeland Security issued an internal report warning of a rise in right-wing extremism. The analyst who authored it, Daryl Jones, deduced that the election of the first black president and the financial crisis had created fertile ground for extremism. When the document leaked, it prompted a backlash from conservatives. The Obama administration caved, rescinding the report.⁠

Warren’s plan seems designed to prevent any such future drawdowns, envisioning a federal bureaucracy that makes stopping white nationalist violence a priority by studying the problem, tracking it, and prosecuting it.⁠

It also calls for early prevention measures, gun control, and building trust and police reform in targeted communities to improve relationships with law enforcement. But Warren isn't the first 2020 Democratic contender to issue such a plan. Julián Castro also has a detailed plan to curb white nationalist violence by prioritizing a federal response to the problem, as did Beto O’Rourke before he exited the race. All three included gun control in the their plans.⁠

“There are also other statutes that can be sued to prosecute white nationalist extremists, including hate crimes and organized crime laws," the plan says. "We have the laws. What we lack is the will to prioritize investigating and prosecuting.”⁠"

Fighting Back Against White Nationalist Violence | Elizabeth Warren
basquebromance published: Warren’s plan seems designed to prevent any such future drawdowns, envisioning a federal bureaucracy that makes stopping white nationalist violence a priority by studying the problem, tracking it, and prosecuting it.⁠

Does Sen. Warren have a plan for STOPPING HATE, VIOLENCE and RACIAL DISCRIMINATION embraced by a large population of her supporters?

Elizabeth Warren, Tariq Nasheed, Mechee X.png

Elizabeth Warren, Politicians, Candace Owens, VILIFY.png

Ignoring illogical bullies, bravely, this American speaks about experiencing HATEFUL #PROBLACK influence during his childhood upbringing.

"I Used to Hate White People | My #WalkAway Story" by It's Kyou 415,795 views

"Look into the Democratic Party...these are the true racist." ~Lee Green

"Black Democrat #WalkAway after Discovering Truth Of Democratic Party" by Lee Green 147,876 views

PRO BLACK Mental Health, tiffany cross.png


Give us back our country and the problem will be solved,don't and expect the war to continue.

I, for one , wish there was white supremacy.
don't wonder why white guys sperg out, wonder why it does not happen more often. White people are docile, keep poking the bear and see what happens.
Give us back our country and the problem will be solved,don't and expect the war to continue.
Go back to Europe and you will have solved your problem.
Give us back our country and the problem will be solved,don't and expect the war to continue.

I, for one , wish there was white supremacy.
don't wonder why white guys sperg out, wonder why it does not happen more often. White people are docile, keep poking the bear and see what happens.
The bear is not white racist men. If you white racist men continue this, you will be stomped out by the multi racial coalition elephant that opposes white supremacy. You racists are vastly outnumbered and you need to understand that.
read all about it:

"On Tuesday, the Massachusetts senator released a plan with a simple premise: Make the government take the problem seriously—maybe for the first time.⁠

In April 2009, the Department of Homeland Security issued an internal report warning of a rise in right-wing extremism. The analyst who authored it, Daryl Jones, deduced that the election of the first black president and the financial crisis had created fertile ground for extremism. When the document leaked, it prompted a backlash from conservatives. The Obama administration caved, rescinding the report.⁠

Warren’s plan seems designed to prevent any such future drawdowns, envisioning a federal bureaucracy that makes stopping white nationalist violence a priority by studying the problem, tracking it, and prosecuting it.⁠

It also calls for early prevention measures, gun control, and building trust and police reform in targeted communities to improve relationships with law enforcement. But Warren isn't the first 2020 Democratic contender to issue such a plan. Julián Castro also has a detailed plan to curb white nationalist violence by prioritizing a federal response to the problem, as did Beto O’Rourke before he exited the race. All three included gun control in the their plans.⁠

“There are also other statutes that can be sued to prosecute white nationalist extremists, including hate crimes and organized crime laws," the plan says. "We have the laws. What we lack is the will to prioritize investigating and prosecuting.”⁠"

Fighting Back Against White Nationalist Violence | Elizabeth Warren
Warren's idea is long past due.
read all about it:

"On Tuesday, the Massachusetts senator released a plan with a simple premise: Make the government take the problem seriously—maybe for the first time.⁠

In April 2009, the Department of Homeland Security issued an internal report warning of a rise in right-wing extremism. The analyst who authored it, Daryl Jones, deduced that the election of the first black president and the financial crisis had created fertile ground for extremism. When the document leaked, it prompted a backlash from conservatives. The Obama administration caved, rescinding the report.⁠

Warren’s plan seems designed to prevent any such future drawdowns, envisioning a federal bureaucracy that makes stopping white nationalist violence a priority by studying the problem, tracking it, and prosecuting it.⁠

It also calls for early prevention measures, gun control, and building trust and police reform in targeted communities to improve relationships with law enforcement. But Warren isn't the first 2020 Democratic contender to issue such a plan. Julián Castro also has a detailed plan to curb white nationalist violence by prioritizing a federal response to the problem, as did Beto O’Rourke before he exited the race. All three included gun control in the their plans.⁠

“There are also other statutes that can be sued to prosecute white nationalist extremists, including hate crimes and organized crime laws," the plan says. "We have the laws. What we lack is the will to prioritize investigating and prosecuting.”⁠"

Fighting Back Against White Nationalist Violence | Elizabeth Warren
Warren's idea is long past due.

what is over due is white people standing up for themselves by using any and all means necessary
read all about it:

"On Tuesday, the Massachusetts senator released a plan with a simple premise: Make the government take the problem seriously—maybe for the first time.⁠

In April 2009, the Department of Homeland Security issued an internal report warning of a rise in right-wing extremism. The analyst who authored it, Daryl Jones, deduced that the election of the first black president and the financial crisis had created fertile ground for extremism. When the document leaked, it prompted a backlash from conservatives. The Obama administration caved, rescinding the report.⁠

Warren’s plan seems designed to prevent any such future drawdowns, envisioning a federal bureaucracy that makes stopping white nationalist violence a priority by studying the problem, tracking it, and prosecuting it.⁠

It also calls for early prevention measures, gun control, and building trust and police reform in targeted communities to improve relationships with law enforcement. But Warren isn't the first 2020 Democratic contender to issue such a plan. Julián Castro also has a detailed plan to curb white nationalist violence by prioritizing a federal response to the problem, as did Beto O’Rourke before he exited the race. All three included gun control in the their plans.⁠

“There are also other statutes that can be sued to prosecute white nationalist extremists, including hate crimes and organized crime laws," the plan says. "We have the laws. What we lack is the will to prioritize investigating and prosecuting.”⁠"

Fighting Back Against White Nationalist Violence | Elizabeth Warren
Yeah, oh boy that white nationalist violence is a scourge upon the land both near and far! She cited forty-three deaths in a span of only four fuckin’ years and a few months, by golly! What a massacre by these racist white folks.

Meanwhile, a check of black nationalist violence on the streets of just Chicago over the same period of time would likely yield a number north of 2000 dead blacks, courtesy of the nationalist among them.

The squaw thinks with forked brain.
What about gang violence? You know, shit that happens every day at a much larger percentage
read all about it:

"On Tuesday, the Massachusetts senator released a plan with a simple premise: Make the government take the problem seriously—maybe for the first time.⁠

In April 2009, the Department of Homeland Security issued an internal report warning of a rise in right-wing extremism. The analyst who authored it, Daryl Jones, deduced that the election of the first black president and the financial crisis had created fertile ground for extremism. When the document leaked, it prompted a backlash from conservatives. The Obama administration caved, rescinding the report.⁠

Warren’s plan seems designed to prevent any such future drawdowns, envisioning a federal bureaucracy that makes stopping white nationalist violence a priority by studying the problem, tracking it, and prosecuting it.⁠

It also calls for early prevention measures, gun control, and building trust and police reform in targeted communities to improve relationships with law enforcement. But Warren isn't the first 2020 Democratic contender to issue such a plan. Julián Castro also has a detailed plan to curb white nationalist violence by prioritizing a federal response to the problem, as did Beto O’Rourke before he exited the race. All three included gun control in the their plans.⁠

“There are also other statutes that can be sued to prosecute white nationalist extremists, including hate crimes and organized crime laws," the plan says. "We have the laws. What we lack is the will to prioritize investigating and prosecuting.”⁠"

Fighting Back Against White Nationalist Violence | Elizabeth Warren
Warren's idea is long past due.

what is over due is white people standing up for themselves by using any and all means necessary

White people have done that for the last 243 years.
What about gang violence? You know, shit that happens every day at a much larger percentage
You might want to check that. I think what you see may shut your mouth.
read all about it:

"On Tuesday, the Massachusetts senator released a plan with a simple premise: Make the government take the problem seriously—maybe for the first time.⁠

In April 2009, the Department of Homeland Security issued an internal report warning of a rise in right-wing extremism. The analyst who authored it, Daryl Jones, deduced that the election of the first black president and the financial crisis had created fertile ground for extremism. When the document leaked, it prompted a backlash from conservatives. The Obama administration caved, rescinding the report.⁠

Warren’s plan seems designed to prevent any such future drawdowns, envisioning a federal bureaucracy that makes stopping white nationalist violence a priority by studying the problem, tracking it, and prosecuting it.⁠

It also calls for early prevention measures, gun control, and building trust and police reform in targeted communities to improve relationships with law enforcement. But Warren isn't the first 2020 Democratic contender to issue such a plan. Julián Castro also has a detailed plan to curb white nationalist violence by prioritizing a federal response to the problem, as did Beto O’Rourke before he exited the race. All three included gun control in the their plans.⁠

“There are also other statutes that can be sued to prosecute white nationalist extremists, including hate crimes and organized crime laws," the plan says. "We have the laws. What we lack is the will to prioritize investigating and prosecuting.”⁠"

Fighting Back Against White Nationalist Violence | Elizabeth Warren
Yeah, oh boy that white nationalist violence is a scourge upon the land both near and far! She cited forty-three deaths in a span of only four fuckin’ years and a few months, by golly! What a massacre by these racist white folks.

Meanwhile, a check of black nationalist violence on the streets of just Chicago over the same period of time would likely yield a number north of 2000 dead blacks, courtesy of the nationalist among them.

The squaw thinks with forked brain.
White nationalism is a major global threat, and we must confront it as such. From Charleston to Christchurch, Pittsburgh, and El Paso, this scourge has claimed too many lives.
Everyone who wants a race war, on both sides, should just meet in the desert somewhere and have it out, leave the rest of us normal people out of it.

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