Please help !


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2020
Can anyone on this board think back at everything these democrats threw at Donald Trump since the day he walked down that escalator? I mean think about it how many fake hoaxes , propaganda hit pieces, and all out lies! His taxes, grabbing snatch , stormy, Russia, how many books ..impeachment, Lolita express lies, and on and on and on ! Crying and kicking their feet for 3.5 years! Burning down cities, killing cops , a pandemic! And guess what ! You dummies continue to make him stronger and more liked by the American people . Your pathetic tantrums didn't even slow him down, he is just shifting into third. Third supreme court justice, third. So desperate your getting sloppy , all Americans are on to your lefty lies and dirty tricks. And come November, when you fool's get flushed to where you belong you still won't get it . But nobody cares , you are irrelevant .... Hey, you deserve everything coming your way .... I have never seen such a pathetic bunch ...
It's a shame such a pure-hearted paragon of virtue has to contend with so much. LOL, you people know better. He's a total bastard and a lifelong system rigger and you love him for that. He supplies you with a steady supply of "liberal tears". Nothing else matters to you sick sadistic fucks.
It's a shame such a pure-hearted paragon of virtue has to contend with so much. LOL, you people know better. He's a total bastard and a lifelong system rigger and you love him for that. He supplies you with a steady supply of "liberal tears". Nothing else matters to you sick sadistic fucks.
Nobody said he was a pure-hearted paragon of virtue, dickless.....That said, if you hapless nincompoops had a single thing on him of any substance, we would have been gone long ago.

Yes, your tears are salty deliciousness.
It's a shame such a pure-hearted paragon of virtue has to contend with so much. LOL, you people know better. He's a total bastard and a lifelong system rigger and you love him for that. He supplies you with a steady supply of "liberal tears". Nothing else matters to you sick sadistic fucks.
If you folks would learn to operate on facts and reason, you'd cry a lot less.

But no, you operate on nothing but emotion -- rage and hatred.

It must really suck to be a leftist.
That said, if you hapless nincompoops had a single thing on him of any substance, we would have been gone long ago.

THAT'S the key point that doesn't get brought up OFTEN enough.. You and me have NO motivation to wake up every morning to DEFEND "The Greatest Troll on Earth".. The Dems call Trumpers a cult or his followers stupid for hanging with him.. When in reality, It's THEY who were used as "convenient dupes:" by the political action groups called media that kept them in the dark and feed them shit like mushrooms for 4 yrs..

Stuff like Russia Russia Russia that they never looked back on to see the idiocy of putting Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Avenatti, et al out there to spread LIES that they all retracted when under oath.. Even BEFORE the Mueller investigation, RATIONALE folks informed on all that, were telling them it was an Intel operation to spy on a political campaign without a sufficient predicate reason to do so...

They shot themselves in the feet so often, that they have to all have motorized scooters to get around. Imbecilic things like DEMANDING that Mueller testify only to find out the old geezer had NO fucking clue what was in the report with his name on it.. Or the TDS cable networks pushing the creepy porn lawyer out there for 63 interviews before he got shipped to prison.. Even NOMINATED HIM to run for President !!!! :eek:

One of the most INCOMPETENT coupes and lame hissy fits in the political history of the entire world..
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That said, if you hapless nincompoops had a single thing on him of any substance, we would have been gone long ago.

THAT'S the key point that doesn't get brought up OFTEN enough.. You and me have NO motivation to wake up every morning to DEFEND "The Greatest Troll on Earth".. The Dems call Trumpers a cult or his followers stupid for hanging with him.. When in reality, It's THEY who were used as "convenient dupes:" by the political action groups called media that kept them in the dark and feed them shit like mushrooms for 4 yrs..

Stuff like Russia Russia Russia that they never looked back on to see the idiocy of putting Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Avenatti, et al out there to spread LIES that they all retracted when under oath.. Even BEFORE the Mueller investigation, RATIONALE folks informed on all that were telling them it was an Intel operation to spy on political campaign without a sufficient predicate reason to do so...

They shot themselves in the feet so often, that they have to all have motorized scooters to get around. Imbecilic things like DEMANDING that Mueller testify only to find out the old geezer had NO fucking clue what was in the report with his name on it.. Or the TDS cable networks pushing the creepy porn lawyer out there for 63 interviews before he got shipped to prison.. Even NOMINATED HIM to run for President !!!! :eek:

One of the most INCOMPETENT coupes and lame hissy fits in the political history of the entire world..

TSDR...but I'll catch it in the morning.
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That said, if you hapless nincompoops had a single thing on him of any substance, we would have been gone long ago.

THAT'S the key point that doesn't get brought up OFTEN enough.. You and me have NO motivation to wake up every morning to DEFEND "The Greatest Troll on Earth".. The Dems call Trumpers a cult or his followers stupid for hanging with him.. When in reality, It's THEY who were used as "convenient dupes:" by the political action groups called media that kept them in the dark and feed them shit like mushrooms for 4 yrs..

Stuff like Russia Russia Russia that they never looked back on to see the idiocy of putting Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Avenatti, et al out there to spread LIES that they all retracted when under oath.. Even BEFORE the Mueller investigation, RATIONALE folks informed on all that, were telling them it was an Intel operation to spy on a political campaign without a sufficient predicate reason to do so...

They shot themselves in the feet so often, that they have to all have motorized scooters to get around. Imbecilic things like DEMANDING that Mueller testify only to find out the old geezer had NO fucking clue what was in the report with his name on it.. Or the TDS cable networks pushing the creepy porn lawyer out there for 63 interviews before he got shipped to prison.. Even NOMINATED HIM to run for President !!!! :eek:

One of the most INCOMPETENT coupes and lame hissy fits in the political history of the entire world..

And each time that Rump has broken the law and it's been allowed, he just gets even more Granduir. His latest is Election Tampering which is against a Federal Code and also State Codes. I predict that whether he ends up stealing the election or not, the States are going after him. The Supreme Court already threw out that stupid Justice Memo so they can charge and try him for Election Tampering. He's just getting worse and worse. I knew that was coming. And about November 20th, looks like they are going to need to get those Impeachment Pens back.
That said, if you hapless nincompoops had a single thing on him of any substance, we would have been gone long ago.

THAT'S the key point that doesn't get brought up OFTEN enough.. You and me have NO motivation to wake up every morning to DEFEND "The Greatest Troll on Earth".. The Dems call Trumpers a cult or his followers stupid for hanging with him.. When in reality, It's THEY who were used as "convenient dupes:" by the political action groups called media that kept them in the dark and feed them shit like mushrooms for 4 yrs..

Stuff like Russia Russia Russia that they never looked back on to see the idiocy of putting Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Avenatti, et al out there to spread LIES that they all retracted when under oath.. Even BEFORE the Mueller investigation, RATIONALE folks informed on all that, were telling them it was an Intel operation to spy on a political campaign without a sufficient predicate reason to do so...

They shot themselves in the feet so often, that they have to all have motorized scooters to get around. Imbecilic things like DEMANDING that Mueller testify only to find out the old geezer had NO fucking clue what was in the report with his name on it.. Or the TDS cable networks pushing the creepy porn lawyer out there for 63 interviews before he got shipped to prison.. Even NOMINATED HIM to run for President !!!! :eek:

One of the most INCOMPETENT coupes and lame hissy fits in the political history of the entire world..

And each time that Rump has broken the law and it's been allowed, he just gets even more Granduir. His latest is Election Tampering which is against a Federal Code and also State Codes. I predict that whether he ends up stealing the election or not, the States are going after him. The Supreme Court already threw out that stupid Justice Memo so they can charge and try him for Election Tampering. He's just getting worse and worse. I knew that was coming. And about November 20th, looks like they are going to need to get those Impeachment Pens back.

You're becoming a lot more shrill and deranged.. Have no idea what laws he's broken. Or when the cuffs are going on for "Election Tampering" -- but this is a bad look for you...
That said, if you hapless nincompoops had a single thing on him of any substance, we would have been gone long ago.

THAT'S the key point that doesn't get brought up OFTEN enough.. You and me have NO motivation to wake up every morning to DEFEND "The Greatest Troll on Earth".. The Dems call Trumpers a cult or his followers stupid for hanging with him.. When in reality, It's THEY who were used as "convenient dupes:" by the political action groups called media that kept them in the dark and feed them shit like mushrooms for 4 yrs..

Stuff like Russia Russia Russia that they never looked back on to see the idiocy of putting Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Avenatti, et al out there to spread LIES that they all retracted when under oath.. Even BEFORE the Mueller investigation, RATIONALE folks informed on all that, were telling them it was an Intel operation to spy on a political campaign without a sufficient predicate reason to do so...

They shot themselves in the feet so often, that they have to all have motorized scooters to get around. Imbecilic things like DEMANDING that Mueller testify only to find out the old geezer had NO fucking clue what was in the report with his name on it.. Or the TDS cable networks pushing the creepy porn lawyer out there for 63 interviews before he got shipped to prison.. Even NOMINATED HIM to run for President !!!! :eek:

One of the most INCOMPETENT coupes and lame hissy fits in the political history of the entire world..

And each time that Rump has broken the law and it's been allowed, he just gets even more Granduir. His latest is Election Tampering which is against a Federal Code and also State Codes. I predict that whether he ends up stealing the election or not, the States are going after him. The Supreme Court already threw out that stupid Justice Memo so they can charge and try him for Election Tampering. He's just getting worse and worse. I knew that was coming. And about November 20th, looks like they are going to need to get those Impeachment Pens back.

You're becoming a lot more shrill and deranged.. Have no idea what laws he's broken. Or when the cuffs are going on for "Election Tampering" -- but this is a bad look for you...

I suggest you uncover your eyes and ears to Rump latest attempts and read up on


His latest series of attempts are in direct violation of that US Code. I won't bother explaining to you what those are because you will just hold your hands up to your eyes and scream, "Lalalalalala" over and over again. But his next series of moves that he's threatened are way over the top. Even the Senate Republicans aren't covering for him anymore.
That said, if you hapless nincompoops had a single thing on him of any substance, we would have been gone long ago.

THAT'S the key point that doesn't get brought up OFTEN enough.. You and me have NO motivation to wake up every morning to DEFEND "The Greatest Troll on Earth".. The Dems call Trumpers a cult or his followers stupid for hanging with him.. When in reality, It's THEY who were used as "convenient dupes:" by the political action groups called media that kept them in the dark and feed them shit like mushrooms for 4 yrs..

Stuff like Russia Russia Russia that they never looked back on to see the idiocy of putting Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Avenatti, et al out there to spread LIES that they all retracted when under oath.. Even BEFORE the Mueller investigation, RATIONALE folks informed on all that, were telling them it was an Intel operation to spy on a political campaign without a sufficient predicate reason to do so...

They shot themselves in the feet so often, that they have to all have motorized scooters to get around. Imbecilic things like DEMANDING that Mueller testify only to find out the old geezer had NO fucking clue what was in the report with his name on it.. Or the TDS cable networks pushing the creepy porn lawyer out there for 63 interviews before he got shipped to prison.. Even NOMINATED HIM to run for President !!!! :eek:

One of the most INCOMPETENT coupes and lame hissy fits in the political history of the entire world..

And each time that Rump has broken the law and it's been allowed, he just gets even more Granduir. His latest is Election Tampering which is against a Federal Code and also State Codes. I predict that whether he ends up stealing the election or not, the States are going after him. The Supreme Court already threw out that stupid Justice Memo so they can charge and try him for Election Tampering. He's just getting worse and worse. I knew that was coming. And about November 20th, looks like they are going to need to get those Impeachment Pens back.

You're becoming a lot more shrill and deranged.. Have no idea what laws he's broken. Or when the cuffs are going on for "Election Tampering" -- but this is a bad look for you...

I suggest you uncover your eyes and ears to Rump latest attempts and read up on


His latest series of attempts are in direct violation of that US Code. I won't bother explaining to you what those are because you will just hold your hands up to your eyes and scream, "Lalalalalala" over and over again. But his next series of moves that he's threatened are way over the top. Even the Senate Republicans aren't covering for him anymore.
So...we're just to take your butthurt's word for it that Trump is violating election law.

Do you know any reason I shouldn't laugh in your face?

Me, neither. :auiqs.jpg:
That said, if you hapless nincompoops had a single thing on him of any substance, we would have been gone long ago.

THAT'S the key point that doesn't get brought up OFTEN enough.. You and me have NO motivation to wake up every morning to DEFEND "The Greatest Troll on Earth".. The Dems call Trumpers a cult or his followers stupid for hanging with him.. When in reality, It's THEY who were used as "convenient dupes:" by the political action groups called media that kept them in the dark and feed them shit like mushrooms for 4 yrs..

Stuff like Russia Russia Russia that they never looked back on to see the idiocy of putting Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Avenatti, et al out there to spread LIES that they all retracted when under oath.. Even BEFORE the Mueller investigation, RATIONALE folks informed on all that, were telling them it was an Intel operation to spy on a political campaign without a sufficient predicate reason to do so...

They shot themselves in the feet so often, that they have to all have motorized scooters to get around. Imbecilic things like DEMANDING that Mueller testify only to find out the old geezer had NO fucking clue what was in the report with his name on it.. Or the TDS cable networks pushing the creepy porn lawyer out there for 63 interviews before he got shipped to prison.. Even NOMINATED HIM to run for President !!!! :eek:

One of the most INCOMPETENT coupes and lame hissy fits in the political history of the entire world..

And each time that Rump has broken the law and it's been allowed, he just gets even more Granduir. His latest is Election Tampering which is against a Federal Code and also State Codes. I predict that whether he ends up stealing the election or not, the States are going after him. The Supreme Court already threw out that stupid Justice Memo so they can charge and try him for Election Tampering. He's just getting worse and worse. I knew that was coming. And about November 20th, looks like they are going to need to get those Impeachment Pens back.

You're becoming a lot more shrill and deranged.. Have no idea what laws he's broken. Or when the cuffs are going on for "Election Tampering" -- but this is a bad look for you...

I suggest you uncover your eyes and ears to Rump latest attempts and read up on


His latest series of attempts are in direct violation of that US Code. I won't bother explaining to you what those are because you will just hold your hands up to your eyes and scream, "Lalalalalala" over and over again. But his next series of moves that he's threatened are way over the top. Even the Senate Republicans aren't covering for him anymore.

No, we will just laugh at one of the dumbest posts we have seen today. President Trump hasn't violated shit.

Meanwhile, Democrats are overthrowing the entire election process in favor of a fraudulent system. This does require some prison sentences.
That said, if you hapless nincompoops had a single thing on him of any substance, we would have been gone long ago.

THAT'S the key point that doesn't get brought up OFTEN enough.. You and me have NO motivation to wake up every morning to DEFEND "The Greatest Troll on Earth".. The Dems call Trumpers a cult or his followers stupid for hanging with him.. When in reality, It's THEY who were used as "convenient dupes:" by the political action groups called media that kept them in the dark and feed them shit like mushrooms for 4 yrs..

Stuff like Russia Russia Russia that they never looked back on to see the idiocy of putting Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Avenatti, et al out there to spread LIES that they all retracted when under oath.. Even BEFORE the Mueller investigation, RATIONALE folks informed on all that, were telling them it was an Intel operation to spy on a political campaign without a sufficient predicate reason to do so...

They shot themselves in the feet so often, that they have to all have motorized scooters to get around. Imbecilic things like DEMANDING that Mueller testify only to find out the old geezer had NO fucking clue what was in the report with his name on it.. Or the TDS cable networks pushing the creepy porn lawyer out there for 63 interviews before he got shipped to prison.. Even NOMINATED HIM to run for President !!!! :eek:

One of the most INCOMPETENT coupes and lame hissy fits in the political history of the entire world..

And each time that Rump has broken the law and it's been allowed, he just gets even more Granduir. His latest is Election Tampering which is against a Federal Code and also State Codes. I predict that whether he ends up stealing the election or not, the States are going after him. The Supreme Court already threw out that stupid Justice Memo so they can charge and try him for Election Tampering. He's just getting worse and worse. I knew that was coming. And about November 20th, looks like they are going to need to get those Impeachment Pens back.

You're becoming a lot more shrill and deranged.. Have no idea what laws he's broken. Or when the cuffs are going on for "Election Tampering" -- but this is a bad look for you...

I suggest you uncover your eyes and ears to Rump latest attempts and read up on


His latest series of attempts are in direct violation of that US Code. I won't bother explaining to you what those are because you will just hold your hands up to your eyes and scream, "Lalalalalala" over and over again. But his next series of moves that he's threatened are way over the top. Even the Senate Republicans aren't covering for him anymore.

No, we will just laugh at one of the dumbest posts we have seen today. President Trump hasn't violated shit.

Meanwhile, Democrats are overthrowing the entire election process in favor of a fraudulent system. This does require some prison sentences.

Another case of circling the women and children and hiding the wagon.
That said, if you hapless nincompoops had a single thing on him of any substance, we would have been gone long ago.

THAT'S the key point that doesn't get brought up OFTEN enough.. You and me have NO motivation to wake up every morning to DEFEND "The Greatest Troll on Earth".. The Dems call Trumpers a cult or his followers stupid for hanging with him.. When in reality, It's THEY who were used as "convenient dupes:" by the political action groups called media that kept them in the dark and feed them shit like mushrooms for 4 yrs..

Stuff like Russia Russia Russia that they never looked back on to see the idiocy of putting Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Avenatti, et al out there to spread LIES that they all retracted when under oath.. Even BEFORE the Mueller investigation, RATIONALE folks informed on all that, were telling them it was an Intel operation to spy on a political campaign without a sufficient predicate reason to do so...

They shot themselves in the feet so often, that they have to all have motorized scooters to get around. Imbecilic things like DEMANDING that Mueller testify only to find out the old geezer had NO fucking clue what was in the report with his name on it.. Or the TDS cable networks pushing the creepy porn lawyer out there for 63 interviews before he got shipped to prison.. Even NOMINATED HIM to run for President !!!! :eek:

One of the most INCOMPETENT coupes and lame hissy fits in the political history of the entire world..

And each time that Rump has broken the law and it's been allowed, he just gets even more Granduir. His latest is Election Tampering which is against a Federal Code and also State Codes. I predict that whether he ends up stealing the election or not, the States are going after him. The Supreme Court already threw out that stupid Justice Memo so they can charge and try him for Election Tampering. He's just getting worse and worse. I knew that was coming. And about November 20th, looks like they are going to need to get those Impeachment Pens back.

You're becoming a lot more shrill and deranged.. Have no idea what laws he's broken. Or when the cuffs are going on for "Election Tampering" -- but this is a bad look for you...

I suggest you uncover your eyes and ears to Rump latest attempts and read up on


His latest series of attempts are in direct violation of that US Code. I won't bother explaining to you what those are because you will just hold your hands up to your eyes and scream, "Lalalalalala" over and over again. But his next series of moves that he's threatened are way over the top. Even the Senate Republicans aren't covering for him anymore.

No, we will just laugh at one of the dumbest posts we have seen today. President Trump hasn't violated shit.

Meanwhile, Democrats are overthrowing the entire election process in favor of a fraudulent system. This does require some prison sentences.

Another case of circling the women and children and hiding the wagon.
It's a shame such a pure-hearted paragon of virtue has to contend with so much. LOL, you people know better. He's a total bastard and a lifelong system rigger and you love him for that. He supplies you with a steady supply of "liberal tears". Nothing else matters to you sick sadistic fucks.
His virtue doesnt doesnt excuse your sides behavior

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