CDZ Please explain why Gina Carano's tweets and posts were bad. Post the tweet, then explain.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
On the daily wire podcast Ben Shapiro went through the tweets and posts that Disney used to fire Gina Carano...none of them rose to anything offensive, or dangerous...yet they still fired her.

If you support Disney firing her....please list the exact post, and then explain how the post is what you claim it is and why she deserved to be fired.

Ben explains the situation at the 4:18 mark on the video...

At this point, Gina should sue Disney for defamation of Character and win about a billion dollars...they have libled and slandered her...she really should sue...

Wtf? You post the tweet...I'm not doing your Homework. Wtf kinda topic is this. "Find the tweet, post it, and write a book report on it. due tomorrow"

You're new here. We like that. But this is our ONE discussion forum that's heavily moderated. So make certain you're here to discuss the topic and check the foul language at the door please..
On the daily wire podcast Ben Shapiro went through the tweets and posts that Disney used to fire Gina Carano...none of them rose to anything offensive, or dangerous...yet they still fired her.

If you support Disney firing her....please list the exact post, and then explain how the post is what you claim it is and why she deserved to be fired.

Ben explains the situation at the 4:18 mark on the video...

At this point, Gina should sue Disney for defamation of Character and win about a billion dollars...they have libled and slandered her...she really should sue...

I believe she was fired because both her employer and publicist asked her to knock it off, and she didn't....That would mean she was fired for insubordination, not anything she tweeted.

Freedom of speech doesn't exempt you from the consequences of that speech.
Wtf? You post the tweet...I'm not doing your Homework. Wtf kinda topic is this. "Find the tweet, post it, and write a book report on it. due tomorrow"

You're new here. We like that. But this is our ONE discussion forum that's heavily moderated. So make certain you're here to discuss the topic and check the foul language at the door please..
I use the "New topics" on the right of my screen...I didn't know this was posted in the special-zone.

...what foul language? anyways I deleted da post
On the daily wire podcast Ben Shapiro went through the tweets and posts that Disney used to fire Gina Carano...none of them rose to anything offensive, or dangerous...yet they still fired her.

If you support Disney firing her....please list the exact post, and then explain how the post is what you claim it is and why she deserved to be fired.

Ben explains the situation at the 4:18 mark on the video...

At this point, Gina should sue Disney for defamation of Character and win about a billion dollars...they have libled and slandered her...she really should sue...

If you work as an actor/actress for a giant woke corporation these days -- you have TWO acting jobs. The 1st is on a set with a script and the 2nd is to be ACTING WOKE in all your personal interactions with the public and the media. The same way that Mickey and Minnie are in CHARACTER from the moment they leave their cars in the parking lot.

Doubt it appears in their contracts that way, but that's the new employment agreement..

Nothing in those tweets was germane to her relationship with Disney other than "not acting" as Disney representative to the public.
According to Overlord DVD’s sources (which have been proven to be reliable), Kathleen Kennedy has been waiting for the opportunity to launch a smear campaign on Gina. She hates the Star Wars fandom ever since they rejected her insane SJW movies, and she hates the Mandalorian show’s success because it proves her wrong.

Kennedy actually colluded with the media to launch the attack once she saw the Tweet. It’s all feigned outrage.

On the daily wire podcast Ben Shapiro went through the tweets and posts that Disney used to fire Gina Carano...none of them rose to anything offensive, or dangerous...yet they still fired her.

If you support Disney firing her....please list the exact post, and then explain how the post is what you claim it is and why she deserved to be fired.

Ben explains the situation at the 4:18 mark on the video...

At this point, Gina should sue Disney for defamation of Character and win about a billion dollars...they have libled and slandered her...she really should sue...

Here's Newsweek's explanation, which Ben Shapiro covered somewhat in the vid... But the explanation is totally bogus...

"Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future," a Lucasfilm spokesperson said in a statement, per The Hollywood Reporter. "Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable."

Carano, a vocal Donald Trump supporter, came under heavy criticism after posting the offensive Instagram post.

It read: "Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors... even by children... Because history is edited, most people today don't realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?"

I agree with my fellow Jew Ben Shapiro. Even the National Holocaust museum makes CERTAIN that folks understand this is NOT just about preventing recurrences to Jewish people. THEY have materials in that museum that explain how getting the PUBLIC to dehumanize and vilify any section of a population is the NECCESSARY PRELUDE to a Nazi style holocaust..

She was right on the TRUE and REAL message of the Holocaust. Not offensive -- brilliant..
I believe she was fired because both her employer and publicist asked her to knock it off, and she didn't....That would mean she was fired for insubordination, not anything she tweeted.

If my employer were to learn what religion I practiced, and told me to “knock it off”, but I insubordinately continued to practice my religion instead of some different religion that my employer prefers, would that be just cause to fire me?

Freedom to hold and express whatever opinions one will, is surely just as essential a right when it pertains to political opinions, as to religious opinions, isn't it?
I believe she was fired because both her employer and publicist asked her to knock it off, and she didn't....That would mean she was fired for insubordination, not anything she tweeted.

If my employer were to learn what religion I practiced, and told me to “knock it off”, but I insubordinately continued to practice my religion instead of some different religion that my employer prefers, would that be just cause to fire me?

Freedom to hold and express whatever opinions one will, is surely just as essential a right when it pertains to political opinions, as to religious opinions, isn't it?
Poor analogy.

Practicing one's religion is a private affair....Going out and proselytizing is another.
The symbol chosen to represent fascism consists of a bundle of sticks holding a cutting blade in place and references the political power people can wield when they all speak in the same voice -- even if they represent a small fraction of the population.

Cancel culture is exactly that. .
Just an another example of woke corporation "cleansing" the population of dissidents who threaten their political views. Probably complaints from workers who have forgotten about tolerance being a prerequisite to liberty and freedom..

The purge is on...

Oh, come on, man -- they are just celebrating diversity!! forcing everybody to be exactly alike.
If my employer were to learn what religion I practiced, and told me to “knock it off”, but I insubordinately continued to practice my religion instead of some different religion that my employer prefers, would that be just cause to fire me?

Freedom to hold and express whatever opinions one will, is surely just as essential a right when it pertains to political opinions, as to religious opinions, isn't it?
Poor analogy.

Practicing one's religion is a private affair....Going out and proselytizing is another.

Assuming that I do it on my own time, and do not make any claims, as I am so doing, that my employer endorses or has anything to do with it, can my employer fire me for going out and proselytizing, or order me to knock it off?
If my employer were to learn what religion I practiced, and told me to “knock it off”, but I insubordinately continued to practice my religion instead of some different religion that my employer prefers, would that be just cause to fire me?

Freedom to hold and express whatever opinions one will, is surely just as essential a right when it pertains to political opinions, as to religious opinions, isn't it?
Poor analogy.

Practicing one's religion is a private affair....Going out and proselytizing is another.

Assuming that I do it on my own time, and do not make any claims, as I am so doing, that my employer endorses or has anything to do with it, can my employer fire me for going out and proselytizing, or order me to knock it off?
Have you ever been a part of the corporate rat race?

I have, and you get held to standards off the job too....That's one of the top reasons I got out.

Though I don't like what happened to Corano in the least, she played the corporate game and suffered its consequences.
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I believe she was fired because both her employer and publicist asked her to knock it off, and she didn't....That would mean she was fired for insubordination, not anything she tweeted.

Freedom of speech doesn't exempt you from the consequences of that speech.

If it were simply that, agreed.

However, when costars commit the same "sin" (making tweets that at all reference the holocaust), and in a much more divisive manner (he said putting kids in cages on the southern border was the same as concentration camps, while she simply said turning on your neighbors isn't good)... it makes it clear that it's not an objective standard. Different rules apply to employees based on their political beliefs, and she was terminated specifically because of those, not because she broke a rule.

I'm not calling for legal action. I'm simply on board with calling Disney what they are... so spiteful of people who aren't leftist-woke that they'll try to eliminate them from social public society, and will smear them ruthlessly.

Meanwhile, lest we forget, Disney is on record thanking the CCP for their assistance with Mulan.. the same CCP that is putting their own unwanted people in concentration camps and forcing sterilizations.

Yea.. THAT Disney.. is firing their employee because she made a tweet that said turning in your neighbors to a mob isn't a good thing to do.


It is important to note the completely aloofness in application of standards and morality by institutions who constantly lecture and brow-beat others. If you're a Conservative, Disney doesn't like you. It's important for all of us, Right and Left, to know that.
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On the daily wire podcast Ben Shapiro went through the tweets and posts that Disney used to fire Gina Carano...none of them rose to anything offensive, or dangerous...yet they still fired her.

If you support Disney firing her....please list the exact post, and then explain how the post is what you claim it is and why she deserved to be fired.

Ben explains the situation at the 4:18 mark on the video...

At this point, Gina should sue Disney for defamation of Character and win about a billion dollars...they have libled and slandered her...she really should sue...

Her tweets were just fine. The whole issue is redonkulous. Plus she is hot
Her tweets were just fine. The whole issue is redonkulous. Plus she is hot

It just shows how powerful the woke mob is as far as their hold on corporations, human resource departments, and PR departments... I would imagine now that most leftists in society, or those who only hear leftist headlines, think she did something awful and is some abrasive, foul, disrespectful bigot.. because how else would she get fired? Right?

Well, times change. You could be a nice, loving, warm, tender person and get abruptly fired for a non-offensive tweet that simply isn't lock-step with your woke employer's personal perceptions of the world. And your reputation will be smothered by their negative labels. Disney deserves any backlash it gets, and sadly it won't be as much as it should be considering that most of the MSM won't jump on board, since it's a Conservative being silenced. Yes, actual journalists.. those who should support the right to openly speak the most... nod their heads in agreeance when woke mobs and corporations silence and censor people. It's a 180 turn.
Her tweets were just fine. The whole issue is redonkulous. Plus she is hot

It just shows how powerful the woke mob is as far as their hold on corporations, human resource departments, and PR departments... I would imagine now that most leftists in society, or those who only hear leftist headlines, think she did something awful and is some abrasive, foul, disrespectful bigot.. because how else would she get fired? Right?

Well, times change. You could be a nice, loving, warm, tender person and get abruptly fired for a non-offensive tweet that simply isn't lock-step with your woke employer's personal perceptions of the world. And your reputation will be smothered by their negative labels. Disney deserves any backlash it gets, and sadly it won't be as much as it should be considering that most of the MSM won't jump on board, since it's a Conservative being silenced. Yes, actual journalists.. those who should support the right to openly speak the most... nod their heads in agreeance when woke mobs and corporations silence and censor people. It's a 180 turn.
I’m a leftist drone right? Why don’t I believe everything you think the MSM is brainwashing me with?

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