Picture of black privilege


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Threaten whomever you want, hang out with Black Islam leaders that refer to the white race as white devils, have a long list of scandals proving your corrupt, and the world is your oyster.

Maxine really was right when she said she was bullet proof because of her race and party and sex.

Who says hate and violence is condemned in the US?
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Threaten whomever you want, hang out with Black Islam leaders that refer to the white race as white devils, have a long list of scandals proving your corrupt, and the world is your oyster.

Maxine really was right when she said she was bullet proof because of her race and party and sex.

Who says hate and violence is condemned in the US?

Give da bitch her due, she rose to leader of the Crips street gang BEFORE she entered congress. One of the most violent criminal organizations in the world, and Mad Max ran it, probably still does.
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If you are black and famous, feel free to put contracts out on police officers you think are racist

Law enforcement and the judicial system don't care, really.

Mad Max has killed or had killed tens of thousands people, She ran the most brutal drug enterprise in Los Angeles and expanded it nation wide. She is the Pablo Escobar of the West Coast. From Columbia to Mena Arkansas and Hillary, on to regional drug Kingpins like Maxine Waters.
Oh the fragility

Yeah, inciting riots and violence is good.

You Nazis sure are something...
Funny how when you cucks lack a point -- you just make up shit to distract from the fact you have no point.....

Still waiting for these "Anti-White" Jim Crow laws that were put in place by majority white state, local and federal legislatures...

Can you point to one?
Yep. The left wants everything to go public - education, transportation, utilities and energy, whatever they can get their paws on. It's a good excuse to kick God out of these places.

The fascist democrats want to rule every aspect of your life. What you eat, what you think, where you work, what you wear, they will rule with an iron fist.
Oh the fragility
"trump caused an insurrection by saying not to be violent" DERP
Trump lost an election...and fragile minded weak ass cucks stormed the Capitol because they believed they could alter the results of something that was constitutionally mandated...which is why they wanted to assassinate Mike Pence behind it....

That is what weak bitches do
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If you are black and famous, feel free to put contracts out on police officers you think are racist

Law enforcement and the judicial system don't care, really.
labron james is afraid to walk the streets in the USA because he is black, he says. I don't think james lives in the hood.
I think Lebrone might have fewer blacks in his neighborhood than the founder of BLM has in the multi million dollar home she bought.

These people must live in a continuous state of paralyzing fear not knowing when they might get lynched by Whitey.
Oh the fragility
"trump caused an insurrection by saying not to be violent" DERP
Trump lost an election...and fragile minded weak ass cucks stormed the Capitol because they believed they could alter the results of something that was constitutionally mandated...which is why they wanted to assassinate Mike Pence behind it....

That is what weak bitches do

Biff Poindexter. Thinks he post "I hate Orange man" into any thread with impunity and derail it.

Well done.

Now I have lost my train of thought and must close the thread.
Funny how when you cucks lack a point -- you just make up shit to distract from the fact you have no point.....

Still waiting for these "Anti-White" Jim Crow laws that were put in place by majority white state, local and federal legislatures...

Can you point to one?

We get the point, you Nazis are shameless hypocrites who if not for double standards would have no standards at all,

Still waiting for you or ANY Nazi to explain how ID to vote is "Jim Crow."

REAL ID: US travelers will need more secure ID to fly by late 2020 | CNN Travel

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