Photo id requirement 'political genocide?"


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

WTF? Rev. Al Sharpton and other democrat need to repent and go to confession for their lies. Sharpton said the photo identification requirement to vote is “political genocide” and a large population of Democrats “cannot afford to pay for them.” How much does a DMV photo identification cost in your state? In Nevada it used to be $5 but now it’s $12. That cost of a quart of beer or cigarettes. I cannot imagine any American that do not have a state photo identification if he or she has ever been to school, worked or applied for welfare or unemployment and received Social Security.

Democrats don’t want government photo identification because it stop illegal aliens from voting. And they do vote with the many stolen Social Security cards and identifications. Government issued photo identifications stop voter fraud in it’s tracks and to obtain one a birth certificate is required.

Those people who oppose photo identification to vote should be ashamed of themselves
The poor all have photo ID so they can get their government benefits. They are lying if they say they can't afford a $10 photo ID.
If Obama gets re-elected, Muslim women will be allowed to have a photo-ID wearing that mask (I don't remember what it's called} but remember a long ways back when this was a top story? I think it was an afghan/american woman who went for her Drivers License and wanted the pic taken with her face completely covered. Who didn't laugh? and she had a cow when they told her she had to take the mask off !!!
I say let's require photo ID and dip the voter's finger in purple ink so nobody votes twice. The liberals will oppose anything that prevents them from stealing an election.
If a 80 year old black woman don’t have a governemnt photo id or birth certificate? Then who the hell is she?

WTF? Rev. Al Sharpton and other democrat need to repent and go to confession for their lies. Sharpton said the photo identification requirement to vote is “political genocide” and a large population of Democrats “cannot afford to pay for them.” How much does a DMV photo identification cost in your state? In Nevada it used to be $5 but now it’s $12. That cost of a quart of beer or cigarettes. I cannot imagine any American that do not have a state photo identification if he or she has ever been to school, worked or applied for welfare or unemployment and received Social Security.

Democrats don’t want government photo identification because it stop illegal aliens from voting. And they do vote with the many stolen Social Security cards and identifications. Government issued photo identifications stop voter fraud in it’s tracks and to obtain one a birth certificate is required.

Those people who oppose photo identification to vote should be ashamed of themselves

right outta da horses mouth.
The Democrats do not want voters to be identifiable. Dead people have stolen many an election, especially in Chicago.

Senior Card
This card was created for Illinois residents over age 65. This card is issued free of charge and has a lifetime expiration date. You can obtain one with proper documentation at your nearest Driver Services Facility.

Disabled Person ID card
This card was created for disabled Illinois residents. The card shows a photo of the applicant and lists the classification of the applicant's disability.
The card is issued free of charge and is valid for ten years. Besides bringing proper documentation, the applicant must also ask his or her doctor to fill out an Application for Disabled Person ID Card and bring that with him or her.
Find your nearest Driver Services Facility.

Identification Card for the Homeless
Effective July 1, 2010, pursuant to Public Act 96-0183, the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office will begin issuing no fee state identification cards to qualified homeless individuals.
A person qualifies for the no-fee identification card, if he or she is considered homeless as defined by the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 11302 or 42 U.S.C. 11434a(2).
This card is issued free of charge with the proper documentation to show proof of legal name, date of birth, social security number, and signature. The individual must also bring a completely executed Homeless Status Certification.
FAQ’s for Homeless
Identification Cards
I found a State issued Non-Driver ID in the parking lot of the grocery store last week. I mailed it back to the young lady. I figured her to be poor since she was from a poor neighborhood, young, black, 25/yr old & never got a Drivers License.

I have worked as an election judge at polling places & have witnessed poor democrats commit election fraud first hand. The poor have nothing to lose by committing election fraud, therefore they do it often. The jails are so full that convicted criminals are turned lose. You have to stop the vote fraud before it happens instead of trying to punish the offenders after they commit the crime.
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