Phoenix: marketing fake crowds at president Trump's rallies: CNN black anchor Don Lemon v supporters


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
"President Trump"'s rallies: Marketing fake crowds as real: Phoenix
Examples range from "supporters" to the #1 black "liberal" "news" anchor.

Just [before/after] Trump's first rally since the Charlottesville script was launched:
"Liberal" media implying [it will be/it was] full house:
Aug 22 - "Phoenix was Trump country long before Trump" headlines;
Aug 23 - ".. thousands of supporters ... who’d crowded into the cavernous Phoenix Convention Center" under "In Arizona, Trump defends Charlottesville response, blames media" headlines.

Psy-op techniques: faking crowds vs omitting the overview
Trump supporters post fake photos of huge crowds at Phoenix rally as real images show room half-empty.
This while media has omitted any overview images of any rally of "president Trump".

Who is the perfect actor to divert human cattle from this omission?
Answer: Black "Don Lemon", a fake identity, same as most people in politics:
- from "black Obama", not a mulatto but rather an ethnic indonesian who also plays Osama Bi(n La)den,
- to "billionaire Trump", named after Tramp (actor who obviously doesn't own any of the jewels of "his" empire) and Trumpe(nce)ts, to name just two of the "inspirations".

Black "liberal" "news" anchor marketing Trump's fake CROWDS as real
Aug 23, 2017- Don Lemon On ‘Unhinged’ Trump Speech: ‘There Was No Sanity There’: for dummies:
"Don Lemon", same as every "journalist", is an actor, serving simulated reality as "news".
Don Lemon is not only serving "news" setting the stage for the manhunt for non-whites but also, same as every black in the headlines, in the cast of some scripts.
Example: Don Lemon refers to Trump's speech as unhinged (mentally unbalanced; deranged) while, same as with every rally of "president Trump", no overview of the "crowd" is included in the report.

Aug 23, 2017 - Trump supporters post fake photos of huge crowds at Phoenix rally - as real images show room half-empty
Trump supporters post fake photos of huge crowds at Phoenix rally - as real images show room half-empty
Aug 22, 2017 - Phoenix was Trump country long before Trump
Phoenix was Trump country long before Trump
August 23, 2017 - In Arizona, Trump defends Charlottesville response, blames media
In Arizona, Trump defends Charlottesville response, blames media
Aug 23, 2017 - Don Lemon On ‘Unhinged’ Trump Speech: ‘There Was No Sanity There’
Don Lemon On ‘Unhinged’ Trump Speech: ‘There Was No Sanity There’

Feb 2017 - why first rally (one month) AFTER the inauguration again at Melbourne, Fla: to confuse the audience by having them see the images with the wrong date.
After reading this you'll know why illuminati media this time didn't show any overview of Trump's first rally as president, in Melbourne, Fla, Feb 18, 2017.
End of The USA - Horrible Facts revealed first by Prophet: Trump first rally after inauguration Why NO crowd overview at Melbourne, Fla

What follows Obama Bin Laden's resurrection, crucified to a Boeing 777
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war: BIG BANG 2017 for dummies

All in Blog
Illuminati Media: Phoenix: marketing fake crowds at 'president Trump''s rallies: "supporters" v CNN anchor Don Lemon
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Trump had the biggest inauguration in history.....Believe me
Trump's inauguration broadcast ALONE reveals illuminati total control - contrast crowd with Obama 2009
Not one global TV news channel mentioned the fact that only 40,000 came (excluding those who had to attend because of professional reasons, such as secret service, shock police and US Navy choir).
Same goes for any US national channel or any other channel around the world.
The omission of this fact ALONE reveals the same basic fact as ANY of the 10 never asked questions below.
Inaugurations: Trump 2017 v Obama 2009 and 2013
How many times smaller was Trump's crowd? The answer is:
- 20 v 2009, when 800,000 came to chant "Yes, we can";
- 6+ v 2013, when a cattle herd of 250,000 still came although the actor casted as "first black president" and suicide bomber was already detonating for 4 long years.
End Times Data: Trump inauguration broadcast ALONE reveals illuminati total control: v Obama 2009
Trump's inauguration broadcast ALONE reveals illuminati total control - contrast crowd with Obama 2009
Not one global TV news channel mentioned the fact that only 40,000 came (excluding those who had to attend because of professional reasons, such as secret service, shock police and US Navy choir).
Same goes for any US national channel or any other channel around the world.
The omission of this fact ALONE reveals the same basic fact as ANY of the 10 never asked questions below.
Inaugurations: Trump 2017 v Obama 2009 and 2013
How many times smaller was Trump's crowd? The answer is:
- 20 v 2009, when 800,000 came to chant "Yes, we can";
- 6+ v 2013, when a cattle herd of 250,000 still came although the actor casted as "first black president" and suicide bomber was already detonating for 4 long years.
End Times Data: Trump inauguration broadcast ALONE reveals illuminati total control: v Obama 2009
You are obviously mentally unstable.
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