Peter Kay


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011

I don't remember seeing this guy before. This is pretty funny.
Reminds me of my dad. His hearing was bad and he'd only catch portions of sentences. One day he and mom were at the Home Depot and they were selling five gallon buckets of peanut oil for deep frying the Thanksgiving turkeys. Mom said "why would someone want five gallons of peanut oil" to the sales person. The sales person responded and told her for deep frying turkeys. Dad pops up, "Why would you use penis oil to fry turkey, gross". Mom insisted at that point he either get a hearing aid or stay silent when they were out in public.
Pork! That guy is good.

Northern English humour.
I like this guy...I find most British standups to be really shitty though. Though, I do like Gervais' standup. The Scots are very funny people as well.
You wanna know where they really suck...and you wouldn't think they would...Ireland. Every Irish standup I have ever seen has sucked hard.

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