Pet idiosyncrasies


Feb 14, 2011
One of my kitties loves yogurt. But he'll ignore it if I just try to put a dish of it down for him.

I have to feed it to him with a spoon.

Not that I mind ..... :tongue:
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I could pretend I took this! Looks a lot like he did when we started this tradition, 11 years ago.


But no, we've never captured it on film.

Here's a recent picture of my fellow, sans yogurt. Elmo won the battle.

Funny, I came here to start a thread about my cat, the bed hog.

I want to go lie down and read under the covers, with my Kindle. Oh, but I can't. Because there's a pissy little old (15) cat on my bed, sleeping. What happens after I wake her is positively tragic; so I let her sleep.

Her mom (my housemate) finds it hilarious that Folly is the boss of me. >.>
My ceased-to-be cat Eric the Cat used to just lick it out of the container when we were done with it. He was quite fun with goldfish crackers . . . we'd throw them across the room and he'd go fetch them, eat them and look at us to 'do it again'! lol
I have a cat, Pinky (he's actually orange), who loves pistachios. The only time I buy pistachio nuts is the few weeks before Christmas. So an entire year will have gone by and I buy pistachios. Pinky will be clear on the other side of the house somewhere, sound asleep, but without fail he hears me crack that first pistachio of the season and comes running. It is absolutely amazing. I've tried to be really quiet, but he recognizes that distinctive sound, no matter how quiet I try to be. : )

Pinky is kind of fat, but life is too short not to have something you love that much once in a while. It's only once a year, and I give him limited amounts of them. But damn, I like them too! I guess I could go out in the car and eat them. : )
One of my kitties loves yogurt. But he'll ignore it if I just try to put a dish of it down for him.

I have to feed it to him with a spoon.

Not that I mind ..... :tongue:

Same with our three cats! Must eat yogurt and tapioca pudding with a spoon! One of our beloved cats whom we lost years back loved speghetti sauce. Would literally cry if you rinsed your speghetti plate without allowing him to help himself to the leftovers. He also held his head under a running facet, and would only drink by dipping his paw in water and licking the paw. :)
my doberman puts his nose underwater when he drinks....not a little but a lot....

cats are normal....for the most part....tiff sits in the water bowl when she wants water....
All three have their little quirks but Jasper (the middle one) probably has the most. He will fetch the plastic rings from jar lids, his favorite toy and when I'm taking a porcelain sabbatical he waits for me to tear off a strip of TP then attacks the strip.
He's always jumps up on the bed when I get into bed, walks up to my face, smells my breath then curls up in my arm, stuffs his face into the crook of my elbow and goes to sleep. If it's cold he will slide under the top throw, curl up and go to sleep.
He also has one we haven't figured out yet. He goes down to the laundry, fetches socks then carries them upstairs while mewling loudly. :dunno:

Our little girl who lived to be 20 and still looked kittenish to the end did that with the socks!

Miss her:

Our little girl who lived to be 20 and still looked kittenish to the end did that with the socks!

Miss her:


My wife had Baby and Mugsy when I first met here, Mugsy would sleep on my feet and baby would sleep on me. My wife told me when ever I rolled over Baby would walk on me like I was a log then lay back down and go back to sleep. :lol:
Mugsy died of thyroid cancer at 15 and baby died of congestive heart failure at 18, three years past what they predicted.
One of my kitties loves yogurt. But he'll ignore it if I just try to put a dish of it down for him.

I have to feed it to him with a spoon.

Not that I mind ..... :tongue:

My dog will only take a dump in a spot where no one or nothing can see him, and he will only eat the red kibble that comes in his food blend.
I got my first full kitty love treatment this morning. May as well have been playing Barry White.

This house has a 15 y/o beautiful lady of the house, and two 2 y/o's. One is part Siamese, and the other is orange on white - they're all gorgeous. He's a long hair, the others are medium and short, respectively.

My door is usually shut, so the first two come in whenever they can. The Siamese is very skittish, people make him nervous unless they are immobilized. Don't know what that's about. So Fanty comes in (bonus points to anybody who knows where the name is from) and winds up lying the length of me, from hips to chest, purring madly and demanding skritches.

This made my day. :)

When I'm lying on the couch, sometimes I get 50 pounds of cat on top of me. Everyone's pretty still until the scary part of the movie. Then it's like a cat pipe bomb when I scream.



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