Perry 32% (Romney 18% Paul 6%)...Dam*


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Perry jumps to top of another national poll

By Domenico Montanaro, Political Reporter, NBC News

Rick Perry has shot to the top of yet another national poll.

The Texas governor now leads in a new CNN/Opinion Research poll 32%-18% over Mitt Romney.

Rep. Michele Bachmann is third with 12%. No one else cracks double digits.

Newt Gingrich pulls in 7%, Rep. Ron Paul 6%, Herman Cain 3%, Gary Johnson 2%, Jon Huntsman, Rick Santorum, and Thaddeus McCotter all at 1%. Neither Huntsman nor Santorum has been able to break through despite full-fledged, on-the-ground campaigning.
Let Perry get a little more exposure and we shall see

Actually participating in a debate would help
Let Perry get a little more exposure and we shall see

Actually participating in a debate would help
Perry is rising so fast he does not need to debate the other candidates for the republican nomination!!!and as far as the election goes Obama will not debate Perry!!
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Theres are some problems I have with Perry. First of all I have a problem with his cfr open border bs and he believes that people after having worked there whole life, while paying into SSI shouldn't get there dues. That is bull crap...I agree that it should be reformed, but to take it away from old people is just evil. If we're going to do away with it, lets do it slowly to make sure people can adopt to the huge change.

Expect to lose every election of the next 20 years if Perry doesn't stop on that last one.
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Theres are some problems I have with Perry. First of all I have a problem with his cfr open border bs and he believes that people after having worked there whole life, while paying into SSI shouldn't get there dues. That is bull crap...I agree that it should be reformed, but to take it away from old people is just evil. If we're going to do away with it, lets do it slowly to make sure people can adopt to the huge change.

Expect to lose every election of the next 20 years if Perry doesn't stop on that last one.

That is exactly what Perry is proposing.

Asked by a woman in the crowd about Social Security being viewed as an entitlement program, Perry reiterated the suggestion in his anti-Washington book, Fed Up!, that the program amounts to a Ponzi scheme.

"It is a Ponzi scheme for these young people. The idea that they're working and paying into Social Security today, that the current program is going to be there for them, is a lie," Perry said. "It is a monstrous lie on this generation, and we can't do that to them."

Later, in Des Moines, when a reporter asked about the suggestion that his campaign was backing off some positions in the staunch states-rights book, Perry said, "I haven't backed off anything in my book. So read the book again and get it right."

National conversation

He told the Ottumwa crowd that for people who are drawing Social Security or near eligibility "like me," he wasn't proposing a change in the program. But he said there should be a national conversation about potential changes for others, including raising the age of eligibility and establishing a threshold based on a person's means.

"Does Warren Buffett need to get Social Security? Maybe not," he said.

More interesting facts and quotes in the article, but that's all I'm comfortable posting.
Theres are some problems I have with Perry. First of all I have a problem with his cfr open border bs and he believes that people after having worked there whole life, while paying into SSI shouldn't get there dues. That is bull crap...I agree that it should be reformed, but to take it away from old people is just evil. If we're going to do away with it, lets do it slowly to make sure people can adopt to the huge change.

Expect to lose every election of the next 20 years if Perry doesn't stop on that last one.

He hasn't provided a lot of specifics about how he would like to see it go, so I'll reserve judgment on whether I can agree with him on that or not. I am a strong advocate of slowly and carefully disassembling the federal program and returning it to the states where it should have been all along. But like you, I agree it has to be done carefully and incrementally as it has accrued so as not to break faith with those the government has made dependent on the program.

The thing is the President can only suggest and lead by example. He can enact no law but that remains the prerogative of Congress. That is why I don't require that every candidate agree with me on every issue. I only require that they recognize good legislation and bad legislation when it reaches the President's desk so that he signs what he should and he vetoes what he should.

As yet I haven't picked a candidate to support. But I am glad Perry is in the race as I think he will shake up the debate and require all the candidates to be forthcoming in what their vision for the country is.
Eh. This early polls are really irrelevant.

I wish there was actually a candidate I was getting super excited over. I could support almost any of them really. But It be nice to be excited about supporting someone.
Odd part is Paul is beating Obama...

Every current republican candidate is beating Obama...
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Let Perry get a little more exposure and we shall see

Actually participating in a debate would help

Does anyone actually watch debates? seriously, I don't waste my time on them. Sorry, making the guys who have a reasonable chance of being the nominee having to share a stage with nutbags like Ron Paul and Herman Cain isn't a productive excercise.

Perry is a far better retail politician than Romney is. He has run in a half dozen elections and never lost. Romney has been defeated in nearly every race he's been in except the 2002 Governor's race, and that was because he was running against non-entities and buried them in cash.
You know who will win the GOP nod?

Whatever POL will allow the GOP partisans to cast their MOST SPITEFUL VOTE.

Perry looks like that guy to me.
Let Perry get a little more exposure and we shall see

Actually participating in a debate would help

Does anyone actually watch debates? seriously, I don't waste my time on them. Sorry, making the guys who have a reasonable chance of being the nominee having to share a stage with nutbags like Ron Paul and Herman Cain isn't a productive excercise.

Perry is a far better retail politician than Romney is. He has run in a half dozen elections and never lost. Romney has been defeated in nearly every race he's been in except the 2002 Governor's race, and that was because he was running against non-entities and buried them in cash.

Nobody watches them, but your best soundbites come from the debates and that is what shows up on the news. The failed Governor from Texas has not been subjected to probing questions or had to compete with other candidates. When he does, his numbers will drop
Heck, Obama is talking about SS reform and he's only leading Bachman (the 4th candidate in line) by 4 points. Yea, he's got a lot going for him.

Well 25% of Dems want another candidate. Well that's the number that's willing to admit it. :)
What the failed Governor from Texas has in store for us


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