Perhaps Trump really is a God-send


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
He's already going to go down as one of if not the greatest POTUS' in history. If you don't know why you're not paying attention, and you're ignorant of economics and history.

The left seems to have their panties in a bunch over hydroxychloroquine, because Trump is promoting its potential benefits. One of the left's complaints is Trump may have a financial interest in this drug.

Point missed is perhaps Trump felt there was good reason to invest in this drug, because he's somewhat a William Casey type and can feel the future. He didn't cure cancer, but people are still alive likely because of this drug. That's what I call leadership. Trump loves us.

Hail Trump!
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Hail yeah!

He's already going to go down as one of if not the greatest POTUS' in history. If you don't know why you're not paying attention, and you're ignorant of economics and history.

The left seems to have their panties in a bunch over hydroxychloroquine, because Trump is promoting its potential benefits. One of the left's complaints is Trump may have a financial interest in this drug.

Point missed is perhaps Trump felt there was good reason to invest in this drug, because he's somewhat a William Casey type and can feel the future. He didn't cure cancer, but people are still alive likely because of this drug. That's what I call leadership. Trump loves us.

Hail Trump!
I'm in total agreement with your wonderful post. I truly believe he WAS a godsend, somehow picked by God to save our country. He succeeded in defeating the hideous Hildebeast, something that VERY few said he had even a small chance of doing. In defeating her, he stopped the progress towards changing our country into a globalist and socialist sh*thole, which the Kenyan-born miscreant had started us on the road to in his EIGHT YEARS of wasted presidency. IF the Hildebeast HAD won in November of 2016, there would have been NO Me-Too Movement. She was quite good buddies with Harvey Weinstein, and we would have NEVER found out about his nefarious behavior. AND Jeffrey Epstein would still be alive and a free man. Illegal immigration would've gotten MUCH worse, and ICE most likely would have been abolished if the Beast had won. So yes, I believe Donald Trump deciding to run for president and WINNING the election truly WAS a sign from God that we were and are being looked after. Thank you.
You trump cult members are out of your minds. More people have died during this pandemic than died during the H1N1 pandemic with no end in sight.

We know plenty about economics. trump was handed full employment, job growth and a rising stock market. He did nothing but brag about the numbers. His policies certainly did not contribute to it and now that's all gone.

He's pushing a drug he has a vested financial interest in and doctors say it's not been tested to know whether it works.

This is the worst president in our lifetimes.
You trump cult members are out of your minds. More people have died during this pandemic than died during the H1N1 pandemic with no end in sight.

We know plenty about economics. trump was handed full employment, job growth and a rising stock market. He did nothing but brag about the numbers. His policies certainly did not contribute to it and now that's all gone.

He's pushing a drug he has a vested financial interest in and doctors say it's not been tested to know whether it works.

This is the worst president in our lifetimes.

Vested financial interest?

What $3 bucks..
You trump cult members are out of your minds. More people have died during this pandemic than died during the H1N1 pandemic with no end in sight.

We know plenty about economics. trump was handed full employment, job growth and a rising stock market. He did nothing but brag about the numbers. His policies certainly did not contribute to it and now that's all gone.

He's pushing a drug he has a vested financial interest in and doctors say it's not been tested to know whether it works.

This is the worst president in our lifetimes.

Silence, foul Heretic! How dare thou blasphemeth the Holy name of the Great God Trump?

Thou shalt be covered in tar and thrown in yonder briar patch, lest ye hold thy tongue.

I have never claimed that Obama was the greatest president in history.

I've seen Trump supporters say that.

You do know they are just rocking your boat correct?

Some of them, maybe. I'm convinced that most of them believe in all the stupid shit they say.
You trump cult members are out of your minds. More people have died during this pandemic than died during the H1N1 pandemic with no end in sight.

We know plenty about economics. trump was handed full employment, job growth and a rising stock market. He did nothing but brag about the numbers. His policies certainly did not contribute to it and now that's all gone.

He's pushing a drug he has a vested financial interest in and doctors say it's not been tested to know whether it works.

This is the worst president in our lifetimes.

Silence, foul Heretic! How dare thou blasphemeth the Holy name of the Great God Trump?

Thou shalt be covered in tar and thrown in yonder briar patch, lest ye hold thy tongue.
I'd laugh if I thought you were kidding.
You trump cult members are out of your minds. More people have died during this pandemic than died during the H1N1 pandemic with no end in sight.

We know plenty about economics. trump was handed full employment, job growth and a rising stock market. He did nothing but brag about the numbers. His policies certainly did not contribute to it and now that's all gone.

He's pushing a drug he has a vested financial interest in and doctors say it's not been tested to know whether it works.

This is the worst president in our lifetimes.

Silence, foul Heretic! How dare thou blasphemeth the Holy name of the Great God Trump?

Thou shalt be covered in tar and thrown in yonder briar patch, lest ye hold thy tongue.


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