People with extremist views less able to do complex mental tasks, research suggests

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Well , I think that deep down we all knew this. But scientific evidence like this will help our society combat the rise of extremist filth in years to come. It explains the herd mentality behind trumpism. The Capitol insurrection. The abusive and aggresssive stance and the overwhelming fear of "other".

Read the report's findings and find yourself nodding in agreement.

A key finding was that people with extremist attitudes tended to think about the world in black and white terms, and struggled with complex tasks that required intricate mental steps, said lead author Dr Leor Zmigrod at Cambridge’s department of psychology.


“Individuals or brains that struggle to process and plan complex action sequences may be more drawn to extreme ideologies, or authoritarian ideologies that simplify the world,” she said.

Interestingly the Scientists distinguish between conservatives and the reall extremist loons.

The UK has seen the damage that this causes and can reference brexit as an outcome, a disastrous outcome of stupid people being unable to process facts.

Now I would ask my many American friends to consider the value of discussing any complex issue with an extremist. Is there any point ? Climate change is a complex issue that requires more than one sentence to explain it. Is this character likely to grasp it even if you speak slowly and use small words ?


Of course not. He will grasp at some simplistic nonsense that he has read on the internet because of course it must be true.

So I submit that this Cambridge study answers the big question.

Why do extremists believe such stupid shit ?

The answer,of course, is because they are stupid.

Well , I think that deep down we all knew this. But scientific evidence like this will help our society combat the rise of extremist filth in years to come. It explains the herd mentality behind trumpism. The Capitol insurrection. The abusive and aggresssive stance and the overwhelming fear of "other".

Read the report's findings and find yourself nodding in agreement.

A key finding was that people with extremist attitudes tended to think about the world in black and white terms, and struggled with complex tasks that required intricate mental steps, said lead author Dr Leor Zmigrod at Cambridge’s department of psychology.


“Individuals or brains that struggle to process and plan complex action sequences may be more drawn to extreme ideologies, or authoritarian ideologies that simplify the world,” she said.

Interestingly the Scientists distinguish between conservatives and the reall extremist loons.

The UK has seen the damage that this causes and can reference brexit as an outcome, a disastrous outcome of stupid people being unable to process facts.

Now I would ask my many American friends to consider the value of discussing any complex issue with an extremist. Is there any point ? Climate change is a complex issue that requires more than one sentence to explain it. Is this character likely to grasp it even if you speak slowly and use small words ?

View attachment 460649

Of course not. He will grasp at some simplistic nonsense that he has read on the internet because of course it must be true.

So I submit that this Cambridge study answers the big question.

Why do extremists believe such stupid shit ?

The answer,of course, is because they are stupid.


Well , I think that deep down we all knew this. But scientific evidence like this will help our society combat the rise of extremist filth in years to come. It explains the herd mentality behind trumpism. The Capitol insurrection. The abusive and aggresssive stance and the overwhelming fear of "other".

Read the report's findings and find yourself nodding in agreement.

A key finding was that people with extremist attitudes tended to think about the world in black and white terms, and struggled with complex tasks that required intricate mental steps, said lead author Dr Leor Zmigrod at Cambridge’s department of psychology.


“Individuals or brains that struggle to process and plan complex action sequences may be more drawn to extreme ideologies, or authoritarian ideologies that simplify the world,” she said.

Interestingly the Scientists distinguish between conservatives and the reall extremist loons.

The UK has seen the damage that this causes and can reference brexit as an outcome, a disastrous outcome of stupid people being unable to process facts.

Now I would ask my many American friends to consider the value of discussing any complex issue with an extremist. Is there any point ? Climate change is a complex issue that requires more than one sentence to explain it. Is this character likely to grasp it even if you speak slowly and use small words ?

View attachment 460649

Of course not. He will grasp at some simplistic nonsense that he has read on the internet because of course it must be true.

So I submit that this Cambridge study answers the big question.

Why do extremists believe such stupid shit ?

The answer,of course, is because they are stupid.
If you believe that then why doe the left keep voting in extremists and allowing extremist policies and acts and make their VP an extremist and openly and proudly claim rules for radicals as their playbook?-oops!

Well , I think that deep down we all knew this. But scientific evidence like this will help our society combat the rise of extremist filth in years to come. It explains the herd mentality behind trumpism. The Capitol insurrection. The abusive and aggresssive stance and the overwhelming fear of "other".

Read the report's findings and find yourself nodding in agreement.

A key finding was that people with extremist attitudes tended to think about the world in black and white terms, and struggled with complex tasks that required intricate mental steps, said lead author Dr Leor Zmigrod at Cambridge’s department of psychology.


“Individuals or brains that struggle to process and plan complex action sequences may be more drawn to extreme ideologies, or authoritarian ideologies that simplify the world,” she said.

Interestingly the Scientists distinguish between conservatives and the reall extremist loons.

The UK has seen the damage that this causes and can reference brexit as an outcome, a disastrous outcome of stupid people being unable to process facts.

Now I would ask my many American friends to consider the value of discussing any complex issue with an extremist. Is there any point ? Climate change is a complex issue that requires more than one sentence to explain it. Is this character likely to grasp it even if you speak slowly and use small words ?

View attachment 460649

Of course not. He will grasp at some simplistic nonsense that he has read on the internet because of course it must be true.

So I submit that this Cambridge study answers the big question.

Why do extremists believe such stupid shit ?

The answer,of course, is because they are stupid.
/——/ Tommy, Tommy, Tommy. You’re way to hard on yourself. Your extremest liberal views don’t make you stupid, just uneducated.

Well , I think that deep down we all knew this. But scientific evidence like this will help our society combat the rise of extremist filth in years to come. It explains the herd mentality behind trumpism. The Capitol insurrection. The abusive and aggresssive stance and the overwhelming fear of "other".

Read the report's findings and find yourself nodding in agreement.

A key finding was that people with extremist attitudes tended to think about the world in black and white terms, and struggled with complex tasks that required intricate mental steps, said lead author Dr Leor Zmigrod at Cambridge’s department of psychology.


“Individuals or brains that struggle to process and plan complex action sequences may be more drawn to extreme ideologies, or authoritarian ideologies that simplify the world,” she said.

Interestingly the Scientists distinguish between conservatives and the reall extremist loons.

The UK has seen the damage that this causes and can reference brexit as an outcome, a disastrous outcome of stupid people being unable to process facts.

Now I would ask my many American friends to consider the value of discussing any complex issue with an extremist. Is there any point ? Climate change is a complex issue that requires more than one sentence to explain it. Is this character likely to grasp it even if you speak slowly and use small words ?

View attachment 460649

Of course not. He will grasp at some simplistic nonsense that he has read on the internet because of course it must be true.

So I submit that this Cambridge study answers the big question.

Why do extremists believe such stupid shit ?

The answer,of course, is because they are stupid.
So basically.....all Democrats are unable to understand complex stuff?

Tell us something we didn't know.

Well , I think that deep down we all knew this. But scientific evidence like this will help our society combat the rise of extremist filth in years to come. It explains the herd mentality behind trumpism. The Capitol insurrection. The abusive and aggresssive stance and the overwhelming fear of "other".

Read the report's findings and find yourself nodding in agreement.

A key finding was that people with extremist attitudes tended to think about the world in black and white terms, and struggled with complex tasks that required intricate mental steps, said lead author Dr Leor Zmigrod at Cambridge’s department of psychology.


“Individuals or brains that struggle to process and plan complex action sequences may be more drawn to extreme ideologies, or authoritarian ideologies that simplify the world,” she said.

Interestingly the Scientists distinguish between conservatives and the reall extremist loons.

The UK has seen the damage that this causes and can reference brexit as an outcome, a disastrous outcome of stupid people being unable to process facts.

Now I would ask my many American friends to consider the value of discussing any complex issue with an extremist. Is there any point ? Climate change is a complex issue that requires more than one sentence to explain it. Is this character likely to grasp it even if you speak slowly and use small words ?

View attachment 460649

Of course not. He will grasp at some simplistic nonsense that he has read on the internet because of course it must be true.

So I submit that this Cambridge study answers the big question.

Why do extremists believe such stupid shit ?

The answer,of course, is because they are stupid.
That explains so much about trumpkins
The UK has seen the damage that this causes and can reference brexit as an outcome, a disastrous outcome of stupid people being unable to process facts.

The Welsh voted for Brexit, which I understand is an admission of your stupidity and inability to process facts.

You are a clown.


Well , I think that deep down we all knew this. But scientific evidence like this will help our society combat the rise of extremist filth in years to come. It explains the herd mentality behind trumpism. The Capitol insurrection. The abusive and aggresssive stance and the overwhelming fear of "other".

Read the report's findings and find yourself nodding in agreement.

A key finding was that people with extremist attitudes tended to think about the world in black and white terms, and struggled with complex tasks that required intricate mental steps, said lead author Dr Leor Zmigrod at Cambridge’s department of psychology.


“Individuals or brains that struggle to process and plan complex action sequences may be more drawn to extreme ideologies, or authoritarian ideologies that simplify the world,” she said.

Interestingly the Scientists distinguish between conservatives and the reall extremist loons.

The UK has seen the damage that this causes and can reference brexit as an outcome, a disastrous outcome of stupid people being unable to process facts.

Now I would ask my many American friends to consider the value of discussing any complex issue with an extremist. Is there any point ? Climate change is a complex issue that requires more than one sentence to explain it. Is this character likely to grasp it even if you speak slowly and use small words ?

View attachment 460649

Of course not. He will grasp at some simplistic nonsense that he has read on the internet because of course it must be true.

So I submit that this Cambridge study answers the big question.

Why do extremists believe such stupid shit ?

The answer,of course, is because they are stupid.

Strange you only see it from the right. Is it too politically incorrect to say that Black Lives Matter and ecowarriors cannot do complex tasks?

Well , I think that deep down we all knew this. But scientific evidence like this will help our society combat the rise of extremist filth in years to come. It explains the herd mentality behind trumpism. The Capitol insurrection. The abusive and aggresssive stance and the overwhelming fear of "other".

Read the report's findings and find yourself nodding in agreement.

A key finding was that people with extremist attitudes tended to think about the world in black and white terms, and struggled with complex tasks that required intricate mental steps, said lead author Dr Leor Zmigrod at Cambridge’s department of psychology.


“Individuals or brains that struggle to process and plan complex action sequences may be more drawn to extreme ideologies, or authoritarian ideologies that simplify the world,” she said.

Interestingly the Scientists distinguish between conservatives and the reall extremist loons.

The UK has seen the damage that this causes and can reference brexit as an outcome, a disastrous outcome of stupid people being unable to process facts.

Now I would ask my many American friends to consider the value of discussing any complex issue with an extremist. Is there any point ? Climate change is a complex issue that requires more than one sentence to explain it. Is this character likely to grasp it even if you speak slowly and use small words ?

View attachment 460649

Of course not. He will grasp at some simplistic nonsense that he has read on the internet because of course it must be true.

So I submit that this Cambridge study answers the big question.

Why do extremists believe such stupid shit ?

The answer,of course, is because they are stupid.

So not believing that man is changing the global climate is an extremist view....fag limey rat do you have any evidence that yes indeed man is responsible for changing the global climate with his miniscule co2 output...?

Of course you don't cause your stupid enough to belive the science was already settled rotflmao

Well , I think that deep down we all knew this. But scientific evidence like this will help our society combat the rise of extremist filth in years to come. It explains the herd mentality behind trumpism. The Capitol insurrection. The abusive and aggresssive stance and the overwhelming fear of "other".

Read the report's findings and find yourself nodding in agreement.

A key finding was that people with extremist attitudes tended to think about the world in black and white terms, and struggled with complex tasks that required intricate mental steps, said lead author Dr Leor Zmigrod at Cambridge’s department of psychology.


“Individuals or brains that struggle to process and plan complex action sequences may be more drawn to extreme ideologies, or authoritarian ideologies that simplify the world,” she said.

Interestingly the Scientists distinguish between conservatives and the reall extremist loons.

The UK has seen the damage that this causes and can reference brexit as an outcome, a disastrous outcome of stupid people being unable to process facts.

Now I would ask my many American friends to consider the value of discussing any complex issue with an extremist. Is there any point ? Climate change is a complex issue that requires more than one sentence to explain it. Is this character likely to grasp it even if you speak slowly and use small words ?

View attachment 460649

Of course not. He will grasp at some simplistic nonsense that he has read on the internet because of course it must be true.

So I submit that this Cambridge study answers the big question.

Why do extremists believe such stupid shit ?

The answer,of course, is because they are stupid.

I hope this extremist stabs you one day lol
Progressives.. Traitors to the west the lot of em


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