People of NY OVERWHELMINGLY In Favor of #OccupyWallStreet


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Including Republicans...

Check it out.

[ame=]Poll: NYers Support Occupy Wall Street, Taxes On Rich - YouTube[/ame]

If there are any on USMB who may have been wondering why they have been able to stay there and will continue to stay there, that's why.

Pretty cool huh?
People in NYC march to the music and the beat of the Pied Pipers down in the NYT's all male conga line. They're confused to start with. Same situation that Lot ran into trying to find his "One honest man" in all of Soddom and Gommorha.
Yes, NYC does not have enough troubles, let's let the Marxists move "Wall Street" to a more business friendly country that respects private and intellectual property.
Yes, NYC does not have enough troubles, let's let the Marxists move "Wall Street" to a more business friendly country that respects private and intellectual property.

come on Frank.. don't you remember the Christmas NYC lit up the Empire State Building in Chinese commie red! That was so damn cool.
dont you get it, republicans dont care what people want, they know what is best.
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I highly doubt the people of New York want to kill jews or overthrow our Republic. I doubt they are socialist, communist, or nazis.
National polls say ows are misguided at best. National polls blame DC more than Wallstreet.

Stop trying to turn a Gremlin into a BMW.

Ofcourse national polls conflict with polls of eyewitnesses. The national media's role is to keep the country from uniting on important issues like corruption, cronyism, and corporate influence on politics.

Oh wait, your one of those sheep that still thinks the society we live in was created to cultivate peace, justice, and prosperity. Truth is the society we live in was created to maintain the rich by keeping the population pitted agianst each other. While were concerned about dumb shit that doesnt matter like a homosexuals right to marry the other hand is systematically stripping us of personel liberty's and freedom.
National polls say ows are misguided at best. National polls blame DC more than Wallstreet.

Stop trying to turn a Gremlin into a BMW.

Ofcourse national polls conflict with polls of eyewitnesses. The national media's role is to keep the country from uniting on important issues like corruption, cronyism, and corporate influence on politics.

Oh wait, your one of those sheep that still thinks the society we live in was created to cultivate peace, justice, and prosperity. Truth is the society we live in was created to maintain the rich by keeping the population pitted agianst each other. While were concerned about dumb shit that doesnt matter like a homosexuals right to marry the other hand is systematically stripping us of personel liberty's and freedom.

I keep forgetting to put you on ignore.
Good for NY, could you please tell those jerks Georgia has enough NYers here already. We surely don't need anymore. Let them stay and clean up all that poop.

Hmmm I wonder how many in Woodruff Park are native Georgians?? Heck I wonder how many actually live in Georgia.
Including Republicans...

Check it out.

Poll: NYers Support Occupy Wall Street, Taxes On Rich - YouTube

If there are any on USMB who may have been wondering why they have been able to stay there and will continue to stay there, that's why.

Pretty cool huh?

Q Poll: 67% Of NYC Voters Agree With OWS | New York Daily News

You do realize there is a difference between saying OWS should be allowed to stay in the park, and agreeing with what they say, right? Of course you don't.

The article you linked to, however, does understand the difference, based on their title...
Q Poll: 67% Of NYC Voters Agree With OWS

The 'overwhelming' part is the 87% that say 'it's OK that they are protesting'. The support for the OWS message itself is lower... 67%. Significant, but not OVERWHELMING.

72% of NYC voters say that as long as the protestors obey the law, they should be allowed to stay. They'd say that if they were protesting anything.
Including Republicans...

Check it out.

Poll: NYers Support Occupy Wall Street, Taxes On Rich - YouTube

If there are any on USMB who may have been wondering why they have been able to stay there and will continue to stay there, that's why.

Pretty cool huh?

Yeah-:lol::lol:--but coming from New York YOUTH--not at all surprising. They could move Wall Street to Colorado we sure wouldn't mind the additional JOBS and wealth it would bring us.

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wow... MarcATL pulled a TM and abandoned his own thread after getting bitch slapped...lololol

You consider that a bitch-slapping? If you got run over by a truck, would you also say the truck lost? :tongue:

In all nationwide polls conducted to date except for the deliberately deceptive Rasmussen poll, the movement has found more approval than disapproval, although the most common answer has usually been that people don't know enough about it to say. The poll of New York City residents quoted above, in which 67% of the respondents expressed approval, fits pretty well with the national results given that New Yorkers are much more likely to have some familiarity with it. For example, here's Gallup's latest:

Most Americans Uncertain About "Occupy Wall Street" Goals

22% approve of the movement's goals, 15% disapprove, 63% don't know enough to say. If everyone had given an approve or disapprove answer and that ratio between the two had persisted, Gallup would have gotten a 59% approval rating, which by the way is very close to a Time poll result from a short time ago.

The New York poll result with a higher approval than that may simply be due to the fact that New York's population is more liberal than the national average.
wow... MarcATL pulled a TM and abandoned his own thread after getting bitch slapped...lololol

You consider that a bitch-slapping? If you got run over by a truck, would you also say the truck lost? :tongue:

In all nationwide polls conducted to date except for the deliberately deceptive Rasmussen poll, the movement has found more approval than disapproval, although the most common answer has usually been that people don't know enough about it to say. The poll of New York City residents quoted above, in which 67% of the respondents expressed approval, fits pretty well with the national results given that New Yorkers are much more likely to have some familiarity with it. For example, here's Gallup's latest:

Most Americans Uncertain About "Occupy Wall Street" Goals

22% approve of the movement's goals, 15% disapprove, 63% don't know enough to say. If everyone had given an approve or disapprove answer and that ratio between the two had persisted, Gallup would have gotten a 59% approval rating, which by the way is very close to a Time poll result from a short time ago.

The New York poll result with a higher approval than that may simply be due to the fact that New York's population is more liberal than the national average.

Just like a New Yorker--:lol::lol: 63% don't know enough to say. Don't KNOW what the Occupy whatever protest is about it--but will cast a vote anyway---:lol::lol: They typically vote that way in elections too--LOL
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Yes, NYC does not have enough troubles, let's let the Marxists move "Wall Street" to a more business friendly country that respects private and intellectual property.

I say stop investing in wallstreet period, let them fail. People have been brainwashed into believing that wallstreet is the be-all end-all, and it's not true, there are plenty of places to invest, I say invest with strict conservative firms around the country and let wallstreet support the Democrats just like they always have. I wont invest my money with anyone who sends money to politicians who are not conservative.

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