Pentagon Restricted D.C. Guard Commander Before Riot


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The break-in at the Capitol happened while President Trump was still speaking at the Ellipse.

So, with this new information, we can see the co-ordination that the deep state was doing.

Now with the sideshow circus of a fauxpeachmnet trial, they are ignoring all the things that Biden has already done (in one video he can be heard saying that he doesn't know what he is signing).

And you can tell that Pelosi and Schumer at least had wind of this with the way they sprang into action.

Insurrection? Right now, with Biden. Traitor Joe's©™ is open for business and Xi is already a happy customer.

“The commander of the D.C. National Guard said the Pentagon restricted his authority ahead of the riot at the U.S. Capitol, requiring higher level sign-off to respond that cost time as the events that day spiraled out of control,” the Washington Post reports.

“Local commanders typically have the power to take military action on their own to save lives or prevent significant property damage in an urgent situation when there isn’t enough time to obtain approval from headquarters.”

“But Maj. Gen. William J. Walker, the commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard, said the Pentagon essentially took that power and other authorities away from him ahead of a pro-Trump protest on Jan. 6. That meant he couldn’t immediately roll out troops when he received a panicked phone call from the Capitol Police chief warning that rioters were about to enter the U.S. Capitol.”

The break-in at the Capitol happened while President Trump was still speaking at the Ellipse.

So, with this new information, we can see the co-ordination that the deep state was doing.

Now with the sideshow circus of a fauxpeachmnet trial, they are ignoring all the things that Biden has already done (in one video he can be heard saying that he doesn't know what he is signing).

And you can tell that Pelosi and Schumer at least had wind of this with the way they sprang into action.

Insurrection? Right now, with Biden. Traitor Joe's©™ is open for business and Xi is already a happy customer.

“The commander of the D.C. National Guard said the Pentagon restricted his authority ahead of the riot at the U.S. Capitol, requiring higher level sign-off to respond that cost time as the events that day spiraled out of control,” the Washington Post reports.
“Local commanders typically have the power to take military action on their own to save lives or prevent significant property damage in an urgent situation when there isn’t enough time to obtain approval from headquarters.”
“But Maj. Gen. William J. Walker, the commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard, said the Pentagon essentially took that power and other authorities away from him ahead of a pro-Trump protest on Jan. 6. That meant he couldn’t immediately roll out troops when he received a panicked phone call from the Capitol Police chief warning that rioters were about to enter the U.S. Capitol.”

Now we also know why the Nation Guard troops were "punished" after Biden got in via being sent out to rot in the garage----pay back against Walker for talking.
Who said there were no NG at tramps inauguration. I heard it on fox news.

During the 2017 Presidential Inauguration, Walker commanded the Joint Task Force-District of Columbia (JTF-DC) which deployed nearly 8,000 National Guard personnel, from 43 states and territories, to support security, traffic control, and crowd management during the Inauguration of Donald Trump. JTF-DC supported seven, federal and D.C. agencies during the presidential inauguration. National Guard personnel helped monitor the 248 traffic, access and security points, and blocking positions along the National Mall and parade route.
William J. Walker - Wikipedia
trump refused to consider the threat of domestic terrorism throughout his time in office, and he and his minions set the stage for the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol by inserting his moles into positions in which they could facilitate it in advance of it actually taking place. His attempted coup was planned far in advance.
The commander for Washington DC’s National Guard has said that Trump officials at the Pentagon restricted his ability to respond to the Capitol riots on 6 January.
National Guard commander for DC says Trump officials restricted his response to riots | The Independent
I knew that was going to be the preferred spin when actually it was no doubt Pentagon deep staters trying to drum up a charge against Trump. The troops love Trump but many of the brass are establishment con men.
I knew that was going to be the preferred spin when actually it was no doubt Pentagon deep staters trying to drum up a charge against Trump. The troops love Trump but many of the brass are establishment con men.

Totally. And I have little doubt that Pelosi and Schumer had a heads up as it took no time to cook up another fauxpeachment.

Remember that General Milley was appointed by Trump but ran scared when Trump wanted to use troops to protect the White House during 'The Summer of Hate'. As did the Trump-appointed USSecDef.

But as soon as the tiny group from a mostly peaceful protest went into the Capitol (while Trump was still speaking at the Ellipse) their objections to using troops went away. Hell, Pelosi was demanding 2-man machine gun crews but at least they denied that crazy hag that. For now.

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