Pentagon proposes covering hormone therapy for transgenders


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
The Pentagon announced Monday that it intends to pay for hormone treatment for transgender troops.
The change was one of several proposed in a package of reforms. Written public comments about this proposed new rule can be made in the Federal Register until April 1.

Tricare coverage for gender dysphoria treatments would be available to troops, their family members and retirees, including psychotherapy and hormone replacement therapy.

"This rulemaking proposes to remove the categorical exclusion on treatment of gender dysphoria. This proposed change will permit coverage of all non-surgical medically necessary and appropriate care in the treatment of gender dysphoria, consistent with the program requirements applicable for treatment of all mental or physical illnesses," the summary says.

Pentagon proposes covering hormone therapy for transgender troops

Yeah, money well spent here folks. Meanwhile the same government still determined that the Fort Hood brown scumbag did not commit and act of terror. For if the government did, it would be financially responsible for the 32 others that were wounded in that terror attack. Since, an official "terror attack" is considered an ACT OF WAR.

So, let us summarize here. The beloved government guided by this piece of American hating shit in the White House abandons the 32 some of which are permanently disabled but is willing to spend whatever amount for fucking freaks that cannot tell what sex they are.


Alonzo Lunsford still has one of Hasan's bullets in his body. Lunsford, now retired as a Staff Sergeant medic with the Army Reserves, lost sight in his left eye from where Hasan's first shot entered his temple. He suffers from post-traumatic stress syndrome, and has received treatment for that condition. He also has trouble moving his large six-foot, nine-inch frame from where other bullets riddled his insides.


Not many on the left know, and ALL of them certainly do not give one rat shit about this man. Could you imagine, COULD YOU IMAGINE, if there was a WHITE REPUBLICAN in the White House and this African American was abandoned like this.......


What an administration.


Outstanding left wing voters!! Bravo!!! Lets hear it for transgender soldiers!!!! Yeah!!!!

Here I thought you did not want to offend those who follow the prophet. Women in the military. Weird fucking freaks who cannot tell what sex they are based on how they feel. Yeeeeeah!!!!
The Pentagon announced Monday that it intends to pay for hormone treatment for transgender troops.
The change was one of several proposed in a package of reforms. Written public comments about this proposed new rule can be made in the Federal Register until April 1.

Tricare coverage for gender dysphoria treatments would be available to troops, their family members and retirees, including psychotherapy and hormone replacement therapy.

"This rulemaking proposes to remove the categorical exclusion on treatment of gender dysphoria. This proposed change will permit coverage of all non-surgical medically necessary and appropriate care in the treatment of gender dysphoria, consistent with the program requirements applicable for treatment of all mental or physical illnesses," the summary says.

Pentagon proposes covering hormone therapy for transgender troops

Yeah, money well spent here folks. Meanwhile the same government still determined that the Fort Hood brown scumbag did not commit and act of terror. For if the government did, it would be financially responsible for the 32 others that were wounded in that terror attack. Since, an official "terror attack" is considered an ACT OF WAR.

So, let us summarize here. The beloved government guided by this piece of American hating shit in the White House abandons the 32 some of which are permanently disabled but is willing to spend whatever amount for fucking freaks that cannot tell what sex they are.


Alonzo Lunsford still has one of Hasan's bullets in his body. Lunsford, now retired as a Staff Sergeant medic with the Army Reserves, lost sight in his left eye from where Hasan's first shot entered his temple. He suffers from post-traumatic stress syndrome, and has received treatment for that condition. He also has trouble moving his large six-foot, nine-inch frame from where other bullets riddled his insides.


Not many on the left know, and ALL of them certainly do not give one rat shit about this man. Could you imagine, COULD YOU IMAGINE, if there was a WHITE REPUBLICAN in the White House and this African American was abandoned like this.......


What an administration.


Outstanding left wing voters!! Bravo!!! Lets hear it for transgender soldiers!!!! Yeah!!!!

Here I thought you did not want to offend those who follow the prophet. Women in the military. Weird fucking freaks who cannot tell what sex they are based on how they feel. Yeeeeeah!!!!

Perhaps they should have seen this:

"50 Years of Sex Changes, Mental Disorders, and Too Many Suicides"
Early pioneers in gender-reassignment surgery and recent clinical studies agree that a majority of transgender people suffer from co-occurring psychological disorders, leading tragically high numbers to commit suicide. Outlawing psychotherapy for transgender people may be politically correct, but it shows a reckless disregard for human lives."
50 Years of Sex Changes, Mental Disorders, and Too Many Suicides

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