Pennsylvania lawmakers want your personal information


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Get a load of THIS. They haven't even chosen a contractor yet (Cyber Ninjas?) and want to hand over this personal information to whomever they choose . What could possibly go wrong?

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Republicans in the Pennsylvania Senate prepared Wednesday to test how far they can go in pursuing what the GOP calls a “forensic investigation” of last year’s presidential election, as Democrats accused them of helping perpetuate the “big lie” of baseless claims that former President Donald Trump was cheated out of victory.​
The Republican-controlled Senate Intergovernmental Operations Committee held a party-line vote to issue a subpoena for detailed state election records, including the names of who voted in last year’s presidential election, their birth date, address, driver’s license number, and the last four digits of their Social Security number.​
Pennsylvania law prohibits the public release of a voter’s driver’s license number and Social Security number, and Senate Democrats said they will go to court within days to contend that the demand violates the separation of powers and the authority of lawmakers.​

I agree they don’t need the last four of a social security number. But all the other stuff is standard registered voter lists available to each political party.

Canvassing is important to do to understand how widespread the fraud is. We did it here in AZ and found lots of crazy shit. People had no idea their home address were being used as a front for dozens of fake registrations.
Get a load of THIS. They haven't even chosen a contractor yet (Cyber Ninjas?) and want to hand over this personal information to whomever they choose . What could possibly go wrong?

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Republicans in the Pennsylvania Senate prepared Wednesday to test how far they can go in pursuing what the GOP calls a “forensic investigation” of last year’s presidential election, as Democrats accused them of helping perpetuate the “big lie” of baseless claims that former President Donald Trump was cheated out of victory.​
The Republican-controlled Senate Intergovernmental Operations Committee held a party-line vote to issue a subpoena for detailed state election records, including the names of who voted in last year’s presidential election, their birth date, address, driver’s license number, and the last four digits of their Social Security number.​
Pennsylvania law prohibits the public release of a voter’s driver’s license number and Social Security number, and Senate Democrats said they will go to court within days to contend that the demand violates the separation of powers and the authority of lawmakers.​

This reminds me of the IRS looking into our spending habits without a subpoena.
I'm against both, it's government overreaching its authority.
Get a load of THIS. They haven't even chosen a contractor yet (Cyber Ninjas?) and want to hand over this personal information to whomever they choose . What could possibly go wrong?

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Republicans in the Pennsylvania Senate prepared Wednesday to test how far they can go in pursuing what the GOP calls a “forensic investigation” of last year’s presidential election, as Democrats accused them of helping perpetuate the “big lie” of baseless claims that former President Donald Trump was cheated out of victory.​
The Republican-controlled Senate Intergovernmental Operations Committee held a party-line vote to issue a subpoena for detailed state election records, including the names of who voted in last year’s presidential election, their birth date, address, driver’s license number, and the last four digits of their Social Security number.​
Pennsylvania law prohibits the public release of a voter’s driver’s license number and Social Security number, and Senate Democrats said they will go to court within days to contend that the demand violates the separation of powers and the authority of lawmakers.​

If this isn't illegal it should be.

The anti vaxxers scream people can't ask someone if they have been vaccinated but have no problem with republicans handing over personal information to just anyone.

The last 4 digits to a person's social security number can unlock a lot of doors to get into someone's financial and personal information.

Drivers license numbers and addresses are also used to identify people for financial situations.

I hope the ACLU or someone sues to stop this.

Where is the justice department? This has to violate people's fourth amendment privacy rights.
But all the other stuff is standard registered voter lists available to each political party.
Then why the need to subpoena the information if they can get it from voter list? It will give them a complete list of which citizens voted who. In this era of hyper-hyperbole, that means a list of targets of opportunities for areas as well as individual, for both parties.
So a partisan hack "auditor" knocks on the door of a butt hurt sore loser Trump supporter who didn't bother to vote.

AUDITOR: It says here you didn't vote. Is that true?

TRUMPIE: I damn well did vote! And I voted for Trump!

AUDITOR: I KNEW there was fraud!
Get a load of THIS. They haven't even chosen a contractor yet (Cyber Ninjas?) and want to hand over this personal information to whomever they choose . What could possibly go wrong?

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Republicans in the Pennsylvania Senate prepared Wednesday to test how far they can go in pursuing what the GOP calls a “forensic investigation” of last year’s presidential election, as Democrats accused them of helping perpetuate the “big lie” of baseless claims that former President Donald Trump was cheated out of victory.​
The Republican-controlled Senate Intergovernmental Operations Committee held a party-line vote to issue a subpoena for detailed state election records, including the names of who voted in last year’s presidential election, their birth date, address, driver’s license number, and the last four digits of their Social Security number.​
Pennsylvania law prohibits the public release of a voter’s driver’s license number and Social Security number, and Senate Democrats said they will go to court within days to contend that the demand violates the separation of powers and the authority of lawmakers.​

Well, you folks support the gun control bill that will 1) require every gun to be registered and 2) this is the big one: make that registry that shows the number and type of gun owned by each citizen and the address where those guns are located. Be careful what you wish for.
If this isn't illegal it should be.

The anti vaxxers scream people can't ask someone if they have been vaccinated but have no problem with republicans handing over personal information to just anyone.

The last 4 digits to a person's social security number can unlock a lot of doors to get into someone's financial and personal information.

Drivers license numbers and addresses are also used to identify people for financial situations.

I hope the ACLU or someone sues to stop this.

Where is the justice department? This has to violate people's fourth amendment privacy rights.
Should political donor identities be made public?
Should political donor identities be made public?

Political donations are pubic it has to be reported to the government and FEC.

That information doesn't include driver license numbers and the last 4 of anyone's social security number.

The information is legally filed with the FEC. Which are subject to strict privacy laws and regulations. Anyone who violates those laws and regulations are held responsible.

That information is NOT filed with an unnamed private company with absolutely no oversight.

If I lived in PA I would be looking for the best barracuda lawyer I could find to sue all involved with violating my fourth amendment rights and probably other laws and regulations at both the federal and state level that are designed to comply and respect the fourth amendment rights to all voters and are designed to protect the security of those ballots and the voter information.

You are trying to compare apples and oranges.

And failed miserably.
Political donations are pubic it has to be reported to the government and FEC.

That information doesn't include driver license numbers and the last 4 of anyone's social security number.

The information is legally filed with the FEC. Which are subject to strict privacy laws and regulations. Anyone who violates those laws and regulations are held responsible.

That information is NOT filed with an unnamed private company with absolutely no oversight.

If I lived in PA I would be looking for the best barracuda lawyer I could find to sue all involved with violating my fourth amendment rights and probably other laws and regulations at both the federal and state level that are designed to comply and respect the fourth amendment rights to all voters and are designed to protect the security of those ballots and the voter information.

You are trying to compare apples and oranges.

And failed miserably.
Not all political donations are public information.
I agree they don’t need the last four of a social security number. But all the other stuff is standard registered voter lists available to each political party.

Canvassing is important to do to understand how widespread the fraud is. We did it here in AZ and found lots of crazy shit. People had no idea their home address were being used as a front for dozens of fake registrations.
Drivers license numbers? Ehhh NO - Currently illegal to release those in PA
If this isn't illegal it should be.

The anti vaxxers scream people can't ask someone if they have been vaccinated but have no problem with republicans handing over personal information to just anyone.

The last 4 digits to a person's social security number can unlock a lot of doors to get into someone's financial and personal information.

Drivers license numbers and addresses are also used to identify people for financial situations.

I hope the ACLU or someone sues to stop this.

Where is the justice department? This has to violate people's fourth amendment privacy rights.

Indeed Dana. This is illegal on a whole bunch of levels. And if they get away with it, a dozen other states will copycat. There appears to be no end to The Big Lie. :(
Democrats don't want to end PAC's anymore than anyone else. Y'all need to stop pretending to be
I’m not a Democrat but am perfectly willing to give them up. Let small donors contribute up to $2500, corporations up to 10k (no secrecy) and the government funds all the rest in an equal manner.
Get a load of THIS. They haven't even chosen a contractor yet (Cyber Ninjas?) and want to hand over this personal information to whomever they choose . What could possibly go wrong?

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Republicans in the Pennsylvania Senate prepared Wednesday to test how far they can go in pursuing what the GOP calls a “forensic investigation” of last year’s presidential election, as Democrats accused them of helping perpetuate the “big lie” of baseless claims that former President Donald Trump was cheated out of victory.​
The Republican-controlled Senate Intergovernmental Operations Committee held a party-line vote to issue a subpoena for detailed state election records, including the names of who voted in last year’s presidential election, their birth date, address, driver’s license number, and the last four digits of their Social Security number.​
Pennsylvania law prohibits the public release of a voter’s driver’s license number and Social Security number, and Senate Democrats said they will go to court within days to contend that the demand violates the separation of powers and the authority of lawmakers.​

Oh look the dems are upset that the republicans want to account for each vote by matching up voters to see which votes were legal. Don't want them going around asking people if they actually voted if someone voted for them or if groups of voters voted who aren't even legal voters to begin with. Dems cheated and we all know it.
I’m not a Democrat but am perfectly willing to give them up. Let small donors contribute up to $2500, corporations up to 10k (no secrecy) and the government funds all the rest in an equal manner.
Corporations can't make political donations.

Government fund political campaigns? Hell fuckin

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