Pelosi's "great replacement" conspiracy theory


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called on her Republican colleagues on Thursday to denounce the “great replacement” theory, which sprung into the national spotlight this week after a gunman who allegedly espoused the racist conspiracy shot 13 people in Buffalo, N.Y., 11 of whom were Black.

The Left's "great replacement" conspiracy theory is their latest campaign of hate and fear.
They are exploiting the Buffalo shooting spree to heighten racial tensions.
The Democrats have been bragging about how "changing demographics" will doom the Republicans for over 30 years.
The "great replacement" theory belongs to Pelosi and the Dems.
She is who should be denouncing it.
Maybe there are people who will buy into Pelosi scare mongering, but by now most people understand that Democrat Politicians are the worst racist demagogues who ever sucked air on our planet.
Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called on her Republican colleagues on Thursday to denounce the “great replacement” theory, which sprung into the national spotlight this week after a gunman who allegedly espoused the racist conspiracy shot 13 people in Buffalo, N.Y., 11 of whom were Black.

The Left's "great replacement" conspiracy theory is their latest campaign of hate and fear.
They are exploiting the Buffalo shooting spree to heighten racial tensions.
The Democrats have been bragging about how "changing demographics" will doom the Republicans for over 30 years.
The "great replacement" theory belongs to Pelosi and the Dems.
She is who should be denouncing it.
Maybe there are people who will buy into Pelosi scare mongering, but by now most people understand that Democrat Politicians are the worst racist demagogues who ever sucked air on our planet.
They need to call on Nancy to fund a wall and denounce illegal immigration or FUCK OFF.
Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called on her Republican colleagues on Thursday to denounce the “great replacement” theory, which sprung into the national spotlight this week after a gunman who allegedly espoused the racist conspiracy shot 13 people in Buffalo, N.Y., 11 of whom were Black.

The Left's "great replacement" conspiracy theory is their latest campaign of hate and fear.
They are exploiting the Buffalo shooting spree to heighten racial tensions.
The Democrats have been bragging about how "changing demographics" will doom the Republicans for over 30 years.
The "great replacement" theory belongs to Pelosi and the Dems.
She is who should be denouncing it.
Maybe there are people who will buy into Pelosi scare mongering, but by now most people understand that Democrat Politicians are the worst racist demagogues who ever sucked air on our planet.
I seem to recall a Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville a few years back where the marchers were chanting "Jews will not replace us". I don't think it is a Leftist conspiracy theory at all.
I seem to recall a Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville a few years back where the marchers were chanting "Jews will not replace us". I don't think it is a Leftist conspiracy theory at all.
They'll try to claim that was fake news or the FBI or Antifa or BLM. The standard cover.

They are what they are. And they're not hiding it very well.

Replacement theory is what Democrats are doing as they intentionally flood our country with illegal aliens. They need to replace the Blacks and Hispanics who are finally realizing they have been bamboozled by the Democrat party.
But they are miscalculating >>

They'll try to claim that was fake news or the FBI or Antifa or BLM. The standard cover.

They are what they are. And they're not hiding it very well.
Got any proof it wasn't BLM or Antifa, or other leftist agent provocteurs ? If so, let's hear it. Got any names ? Addresses ? Phone numbers ? Voter registration numbers ? 😐
Replacement theory is what Democrats are doing as they intentionally flood our country with illegal aliens. They need to replace the Blacks and Hispanics who are finally realizing they have been bamboozled by the Democrat party.
Illegal aren't allowed to vote. If they get caught all kinds of shit hits the fan, of course if your a republican citizen living in florida your ok.
I heard a republican state we are Native Americans, didn't we slather most of those and the rest live on reservations with no voting rights.
Illegal aren't allowed to vote. If they get caught all kinds of shit hits the fan, of course if your a republican citizen living in florida your ok.
In leftist areas, not only are illegals allowed to vote, they allowed to hold elected positions! The goal of anti-American leftists is to blur the line entirely between decent, law-abiding American citizens and scofflaws breaking into our country from foreign lands.

None of is true, we are a country of immigrants, not just old white men and women.
Yup. But we are a country of LEGAL immigrants and ILLEGAL immigrants. You’re blurring the line, and by intention.
None of is true, we are a country of immigrants, not just old white men and women.
What a tired old saw.

Most folks want immigration reform and along with it a secure border/legal immigration but our politicians can't get there so we are left with tighting things up when the gop runs the show and what amounts to open borders when the dems run it like we see now.

A country of 350 million went to 351.50 in a year and a half....We can't sustain that and live as we do now. It's really as simple as that. Why would any rational person see it otherwise?

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