Pelosi's Capital Police sue Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
A group of seven Capitol Police officers filed a lawsuit on Thursday accusing former President Donald J. Trump and nearly 20 members of far-right extremist groups and political organizations of a plot to disrupt the peaceful transition of power during the Capitol riot on Jan. 6.

Pelosi is a dangerous and totally corrupt far left extremist cult leader.
She uses the Capital Police like they are her Stasi Storm Troopers.
She has been instigating Left Wing Crackpot Conspiracies, like her crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy, her crazy Ukraine conspiracy, her crazy 2016 Stolen Election conspiracy and now her crazy Insurrection conspiracy.
Her HR1 bill will destroy our democracy* and her Infrastructure is a greedy looting spree that will enslave the American Taxpayers to the national debt for generations.
Her drunken out of control rage during President Trump's SOTU speech was disgraceful.
Pelosi will go down in history as the very worst SOTH in American history.
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There has already been a judicial finding that Trump was not responsible. However, Pelosi has to do something to throw some shade on chaos Biden's treason in Afghanistan
The beauty of this suit is that it hits Trump in one of his most sensitive spots, his pocketbook. It keeps his high priced lawyers tied up and the fee clock running. Of course, since it's Trump, whether or not they get paid is way up in the air.
A group of seven Capitol Police officers filed a lawsuit on Thursday accusing former President Donald J. Trump and nearly 20 members of far-right extremist groups and political organizations of a plot to disrupt the peaceful transition of power during the Capitol riot on Jan. 6.

Pelosi is a dangerous and totally corrupt far left extremist cult leader.
She uses the Capital Police like they are her Stasi Storm Troopers.
She has been instigating Left Wing Crackpot Conspiracies, like her crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy, her crazy Ukraine conspiracy, her crazy 2016 Stolen Election conspiracy and now her crazy Insurrection conspiracy.
Her HR1 bill will destroy our democracy* and her Infrastructure is a greedy looting spree that will enslave the American Taxpayers to the national debt for generations.
Her drunken out of control rage during President Trump's SOTU speech was disgraceful.
Pelosi will go down in history as the very worst SOTH in American history.

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Congressional Democrats have drafted a resolution to impeach President Donald Trump. Since the Mueller report cleared Trump of collusion with Russia, the Democrats weren’t sure why they should impeach Trump and have left the reasons for impeachment on their resolution blank for now.

“Donald Trump has committed the high crime of TBA,” reads the resolution written by freshman congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, “and should be impeached [INSERT SCARY THINGS HERE].”

“He absolutely should be impeached for something, I’m like pretty sure,” Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told reporters. “He’s a bad man and he made fun of my Green New Deal, which I worked on for like hours.”

Despite criticism that she needs to provide actual evidence of crimes worthy of impeachment, Representative Tlaib insisted: "We have to pass this resolution before we can decide what's in it."

The beauty of this suit is that it hits Trump in one of his most sensitive spots, his pocketbook. It keeps his high priced lawyers tied up and the fee clock running. Of course, since it's Trump, whether or not they get paid is way up in the air.
Yuppers.....Trump never had the right to give a speech in the first place....much less make a phone call or post on Twitter.
Under Trump, they never felt they could get away with murdering unarmed white prole women, which must have been just awful for the thugzz; Pelosi and Biden have shown them all just how great it is to now be able to do so with zero legal hassles, so their resentment of Trump is even greater now; all those lost opportunities to murder white people gone now. Has to be terribly frustrating for the thugzz.
Maybe we the people should be suing Pelosi and the capitol hill police for Ashli Babbit's murder resulting from their shoot first ask questions later policy.
No "maybes" about it! Ashli Babbitt was murdered in cold blood and then the shooter was exonerated
in a private, closed door gathering of Biden's In-Justice Department.

The whole thing stinks to high heaven. Meanwhile the bumbling stooge Biden goes around in a senile fog
trying to bury the US in a vat of red ink while his super spreader illegals are seeded throughout the US
thanks to his Homeland Security agency and their own rented out airliners.

Just the sort of people we want as US citizens.
No "maybes" about it! Ashli Babbitt was murdered in cold blood and then the shooter was exonerated
in a private, closed door gathering of Biden's In-Justice Department.

The whole thing stinks to high heaven. Meanwhile the bumbling stooge Biden goes around in a senile fog
trying to bury the US in a vat of red ink while his super spreader illegals are seeded throughout the US
thanks to his Homeland Security agency and their own rented out airliners.

Just the sort of people we want as US citizens.

You have every right to rant, typical of anarchists who are supporters of Trump and far right kooks in The Congress. Babbitt wasn't murdered, she was shot and killed within the Use of Force Policy in every law enforcement agency in the United States.
You have every right to rant, typical of anarchists who are supporters of Trump and far right kooks in The Congress. Babbitt wasn't murdered, she was shot and killed within the Use of Force Policy in every law enforcement agency in the United States.
Go fuck yourself! Seriously!

Babbitt was unarmed and represented no threat to anyone. Did the little lone retired lady Air Force vet, with no weapons threaten and frighten the big strong Capitol Policeman, with his pistol and his equally armed friends?

Shove your "use of force policy" b.s.. Murdering unarmed citizens is no one's policy, except for assholes like you.
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A group of seven Capitol Police officers filed a lawsuit on Thursday accusing former President Donald J. Trump and nearly 20 members of far-right extremist groups and political organizations of a plot to disrupt the peaceful transition of power during the Capitol riot on Jan. 6.

Pelosi is a dangerous and totally corrupt far left extremist cult leader.
She uses the Capital Police like they are her Stasi Storm Troopers.
She has been instigating Left Wing Crackpot Conspiracies, like her crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy, her crazy Ukraine conspiracy, her crazy 2016 Stolen Election conspiracy and now her crazy Insurrection conspiracy.
Her HR1 bill will destroy our democracy* and her Infrastructure is a greedy looting spree that will enslave the American Taxpayers to the national debt for generations.
Her drunken out of control rage during President Trump's SOTU speech was disgraceful.
Pelosi will go down in history as the very worst SOTH in American history.

They should be suing the stupid commie lawyers that told them they had standing to sue in the first place, they don't.

Go fuck yourself! Seriously!

Babbitt was unarmed and represented no threat to anyone. Did the little lone retired lady Air Force vet, with no weapons threaten and frighten the big strong Capitol Policeman, with his pistol and his equally armed friends?

Shove your "use of force policy" b.s.. Murdering unarmed citizens is no one's policy, except for assholes like you.
Telling me to go fuck myself and calling me an asshole isn't a rebuttal to my comment. It strongly suggests you can't face reality, and have decided the mob attacking the police agencies defending the Capitol were engaged in a peaceful protest. This video and text shows the violence and the efforts to breach the H. or Rep.

A group of seven Capitol Police officers filed a lawsuit on Thursday accusing former President Donald J. Trump and nearly 20 members of far-right extremist groups and political organizations of a plot to disrupt the peaceful transition of power during the Capitol riot on Jan. 6.

Pelosi is a dangerous and totally corrupt far left extremist cult leader.
She uses the Capital Police like they are her Stasi Storm Troopers.
She has been instigating Left Wing Crackpot Conspiracies, like her crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy, her crazy Ukraine conspiracy, her crazy 2016 Stolen Election conspiracy and now her crazy Insurrection conspiracy.
Her HR1 bill will destroy our democracy* and her Infrastructure is a greedy looting spree that will enslave the American Taxpayers to the national debt for generations.
Her drunken out of control rage during President Trump's SOTU speech was disgraceful.
Pelosi will go down in history as the very worst SOTH in American history.

I hear that the wife of the CP officer who had a stroke while being attacked is trying to sue the four guys who attacked him, because the COD reports says the stroke was likely triggered by the attack. Shes also demanded criminal charges be filed.
A group of seven Capitol Police officers filed a lawsuit on Thursday accusing former President Donald J. Trump and nearly 20 members of far-right extremist groups and political organizations of a plot to disrupt the peaceful transition of power during the Capitol riot on Jan. 6.
Jan 6th began the moment Trump blurted the lie "the only way I'll lose is if the election is rigged" on the campaign trail.

After that, he just kept pounding away, gaining more sycophants willing to join the lie along the way.

No one else is more responsible for January 6th.
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Telling me to go fuck myself and calling me an asshole isn't a rebuttal to my comment. It strongly suggests you can't face reality, and have decided the mob attacking the police agencies defending the Capitol were engaged in a peaceful protest. This video and text shows the violence and the efforts to breach the H. or Rep.
Of course it's a rebuttal when your comments justifiy the murder of an unarmed woman by Capital Police
thugs who could have taken this person into custody in so many other ways.

Your comments are callous and cowardly and gives a thumbs up to fascistic police state criminals.
You should be ashamed but that seems beyond your ability to feel shame for your idiocy.

Briana Kirkland is demanding “accountability for Trump’s central role in inciting the Jan. 6 insurrection,” according to the lawsuit filed Thursday in U.S. District Court in Washington. The officer was forced to take a year off work after suffering a traumatic brain injury while fending off the pro-Trump mob that breached the Capitol, the complaint says. At one point, she was outnumbered 450 to 1 at one of the Capitol doors and armed with only a baton, the lawsuit alleges.


Patrick Malone, Kirkland’s attorney, told The Washington Post that Kirkland’s was one of several Jan. 6 lawsuits filed this week on behalf of officers of the Capitol Police and D.C. police. Capitol Police officer Marcus J. Moore and D.C. police officers Bobby Tabron and DeDivine K. Carter are also calling for accountability for Trump’s actions. The lawsuits assert that Trump violated the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, which prohibits mob violence aimed at obstructing the operations of the federal government and its officers, Malone said.


In August, seven Capitol Police officers sued Trump and more than a dozen alleged Jan. 6 participants, saying the defendants are responsible for the officers being “violently assaulted, spat on, tear-gassed, bear-sprayed, subjected to racial slurs and epithets, and put in fear for their lives.” This week, Moore sued Trump and accused him of inflicting “physical and emotional injuries” by inciting the riot.

Loser Donald Trump should have taken his election loss like a man.

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