Pelosi taps Clyburn to head House Oversight to spend Coronavirus funds


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) announced Thursday that she tasking Majority Whip James Clyburn (D., S.C.) to lead a House oversight committee to ensure the government’s coronavirus funds “are spent wisely and effectively.”

“The panel will root out waste, fraud and abuse; it will protect against price-gauging, profiteering and political favoritism,” Pelosi told reporters on a press call. “The fact is, we do need transparency and accountability.”

She later added that the bipartisan committee would have subpoena power to carry out its tasks, and specifically cited the Truman Committee — formed by Congress during World War II to address profiteering and other abuses — as a guide.

“Where there’s money there’s also frequently mischief, and we want to just make sure that the funds that are expended, that are put out there, are done so with the conditions that we had in the legislation,” she said.

Clyburn drew the ire of Senate Republicans after he told caucus members on a call about provisions in the phase-three coronavirus package that the Senate’s bill was “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”

After Clyburn’s comments, Pelosi flew into Washington D.C. as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) was negotiating with Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.). Following Pelosi’s arrival, House Democrats introduced their own spending bill that included a number of unrelated environmental and corporate diversity regulations for companies receiving the emergency funding. Senate Democrats then blocked the legislation that McConnell and Schumer negotiated on the grounds that it did not provide enough oversight over the $500 million allocated to corporations harmed by the pandemic.

Clyburn is the guy to lead this committee, after what he said? This isn't about spending taxpayer dollars wisely and effectively, this is about spending as much money as they can to get themselves re-elected. Democrats have never cared one bit about fraud, waste, and abuse or political favoritism, and they only care are about transparency and accountability if it applies to Trump and the GOP.
Everything Pelosi does is a detriment to America...Where are her loyalties?...
Well as long as the money does what it's suppose to do but such a large amount of money will mostly go to businesses. So its a good idea to have oversight. Otherwise it will be another PR fiasco of the Hurricane Maria nature.
so when we give money to our own country, we demand oversight and wise spending.

1st - they are not the ones who knows what that even looks like.
2nd - how come we didn't demand oversight when obama wanted to give billions to the world to spend as they see fit?

so fucked up.
Just another way for govt to pick winners and losers.
here's the $ but you can only spend it on....

just seems another way to inject their bullshit into the system. ie - the "reduce emissions" - now they can simply say they must use the $ to do that and only that.
Just another way for govt to pick winners and losers.
here's the $ but you can only spend it on....

just seems another way to inject their bullshit into the system. ie - the "reduce emissions" - now they can simply say they must use the $ to do that and only that.
Friends and family of Congress no doubt will end up with a nice share
“The fact is, we do need transparency and accountability.”

She later added that the bipartisan committee would have subpoena power to carry out its tasks,

Nancy Pelosi is THE wicked witch of the west. Or was that Elizabeth Warren?

When they say "bipartisan," they mean both Democrats and obedient Republicans who do exactly what their Democrat overseers order them to do.

The Dems want congressional subpoena power to help ensure that their intellectual property rights are not being violated by any third parties who might otherwise be tempted to stay in business despite orders to close during the Coronavirus® political pandemic.
Well after Tres Gaudi …. I mean give the House any credence you want. I mean, the progressives would have had their own slush fund.

I will cry foul (TURKEY) IF the dems in the House try to investigate Trump's inaction in responding the Corvid 19 during the election.
There are already oversight committees in Congress. Is Nazi gonna disband those?
Well after Tres Gaudi …. I mean give the House any credence you want. I mean, the progressives would have had their own slush fund.

I will cry foul (TURKEY) IF the dems in the House try to investigate Trump's inaction in responding the Corvid 19 during the election.
you keep saying "inaction" (and so many others) and while trump has said some strange things, what has not been done in time.

specifics. i don't wanna hear "he was slow!" that is subjective and bullshit on it's own. when did we know enough to take advanced measures? when did we? what about the inaction of our congress and senate in their fight for a relief bill?

there's no shortage of crap to "investigate" in our entire government. if you're focused on 1 person, you're a huge reason why our government is crap these days.
Very sad President Trump got suckered into this insanity instead of saying obese fucktards should stay the fuck off the streets, since they and other immune compromised folks who would have died 30 years ago in the old days are the primary victims of the Kung Flu. The $1,200 is not even half my monthly rent. Sure it covers illegal aliens in a household of 12 for a few months, but they should not even be here.
Put a dumbass Moon Bat Neggra in charge of oversight? What could possibly go wrong?

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