Pedophiles or Taliban, you have your choice.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
The War in Afghanistan is Enabling Pedophilia
October 5, 2018
But while U.S. military inaction to stop sexual abuse abroad would be be one thing, what if America was actively, even if unintentionally, funding rape abroad? And not just rape—what if American tax dollars were enabling the most deplorable sexual abuse imaginable: pedophilia?

“Selling and using young boys (often dressed as girls) for sex—known colloquially as bacha bazi, or ‘boy play’—has deep roots in Afghanistan and has been widely practiced for generations,” the National Interest’s Amitai Etzioni reported in 2017.

“A State Department report in 2010 described the extent of the problem: ‘Child abuse was endemic throughout the country, based on cultural beliefs about child-rearing, and included general neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, abandonment, and confined forced labor to pay off family debts.’”

Etzioni continued (emphasis added): “It also noted that ‘most child sexual abusers were not arrested.’ American officers, who share quarters with Afghan ones, report boys screaming in agony, which they were instructed to ignore.”

The War in Afghanistan is Enabling Pedophilia

We need to end this now and let the Taliban take over. All pedophiles deserve what they get.
You need to rethink that. The Taliban has no problem with human trafficking and kidnapping and selling women.
And you find this interesting to post..

What do you think. As bad as I hate misogyny, I hate pedophilia worst. This war in Afghanistan has to end. It's like the Vietnam war, destruction, life lost and disabled vets, for what?? Vietnam is still dealing with the effects of Agent Orange.
Do you read?? Here's another article.
Bacha Bazi: An Afghan Tragedy
You need to rethink that. The Taliban has no problem with human trafficking and kidnapping and selling women.

Do you have links to back up your assumptions. There is no way I need to rethink it, I've been against it from the start.
You need to rethink that. The Taliban has no problem with human trafficking and kidnapping and selling women.

Do you have links to back up your assumptions. There is no way I need to rethink it, I've been against it from the start.

I am getting ready for work. If I get back at a decent hour then I will be happy to look up some information for you. If not, feel free to do some actual research on the Taliban. You should also look into their history of massacres.
You need to rethink that. The Taliban has no problem with human trafficking and kidnapping and selling women.

Do you have links to back up your assumptions. There is no way I need to rethink it, I've been against it from the start.

I am getting ready for work. If I get back at a decent hour then I will be happy to look up some information for you. If not, feel free to do some actual research on the Taliban. You should also look into their history of massacres.

Have a great day. :)
And you find this interesting to post..

What do you think. As bad as I hate misogyny, I hate pedophilia worst. This war in Afghanistan has to end. It's like the Vietnam war, destruction, life lost and disabled vets, for what?? Vietnam is still dealing with the effects of Agent Orange.
Do you read?? Here's another article.
Bacha Bazi: An Afghan Tragedy

Wait so your point of view we end it, some how it disappears?

Listen lady I made friends with other people over the years..

I never heard from again.. in countries like Vietnam, south Africa..
I have to agree with Penelope.

The only thing war is good for is the folks that are in control of it. It isn't good for the little people. Huge amounts of profit are made off of the corruption of death.

The heinous things we believe are going on, slavery, child trafficking, etc., they will go on, with or with out this war, but war is despicable either way.

IN a time of war, the only thing we can be sure of are lies and propaganda.
The War in Afghanistan is Enabling Pedophilia
October 5, 2018
But while U.S. military inaction to stop sexual abuse abroad would be be one thing, what if America was actively, even if unintentionally, funding rape abroad? And not just rape—what if American tax dollars were enabling the most deplorable sexual abuse imaginable: pedophilia?

“Selling and using young boys (often dressed as girls) for sex—known colloquially as bacha bazi, or ‘boy play’—has deep roots in Afghanistan and has been widely practiced for generations,” the National Interest’s Amitai Etzioni reported in 2017.

“A State Department report in 2010 described the extent of the problem: ‘Child abuse was endemic throughout the country, based on cultural beliefs about child-rearing, and included general neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, abandonment, and confined forced labor to pay off family debts.’”

Etzioni continued (emphasis added): “It also noted that ‘most child sexual abusers were not arrested.’ American officers, who share quarters with Afghan ones, report boys screaming in agony, which they were instructed to ignore.”

The War in Afghanistan is Enabling Pedophilia

We need to end this now and let the Taliban take over. All pedophiles deserve what they get.

You don't understand the Taliban at all do you? And what they do to all others besides pedophiles.
Now lets cut to the chase. WE ARE LETTING IT CONTINUE. NATO refuses to address the tribal issues.
National Islamic Movement of Afghanistan - Wikipedia

Read about the VP of Afghanistan put in place by the Pres of Afghanistan.
and read this. Let the Taliban have Afghanistan. They have Sharia Law in SA and we say nothing about it.
Why should we in Afghanistan, oh I know US companies want the mineral rights. Our men are dying for the rich to get richer, and we are making many enemies in the meantime.

(New York) – The Afghan government should prosecute militia members responsible for killings and other abuses against civilians in Afghanistan’s northern Faryab province in late June, 2016, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch interviewed villagers in the aftermath of the attack.

The Junbish militia is loyal to First Vice-President Abdul Rashid Dostum, a former warlord long implicated in war crimes, including the deaths of hundreds of Taliban prisoners in November 2001 in the custody of his militia forces. President Ashraf Ghani has reportedly ordered an investigation into attacks by the Junbish militia, and has detained some militia members allegedly involved.

“The killings in Faryab are the latest in a long record of atrocities by Dostum’s militia forces,” said Patricia Gossman, senior Afghanistan researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The fact that these forces, and Vice-President Dostum himself, have never been held accountable, has undermined security in northern Afghanistan.”

Afghanistan: Forces Linked to Vice President Terrorize Villagers
The War in Afghanistan is Enabling Pedophilia
October 5, 2018
But while U.S. military inaction to stop sexual abuse abroad would be be one thing, what if America was actively, even if unintentionally, funding rape abroad? And not just rape—what if American tax dollars were enabling the most deplorable sexual abuse imaginable: pedophilia?

“Selling and using young boys (often dressed as girls) for sex—known colloquially as bacha bazi, or ‘boy play’—has deep roots in Afghanistan and has been widely practiced for generations,” the National Interest’s Amitai Etzioni reported in 2017.

“A State Department report in 2010 described the extent of the problem: ‘Child abuse was endemic throughout the country, based on cultural beliefs about child-rearing, and included general neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, abandonment, and confined forced labor to pay off family debts.’”

Etzioni continued (emphasis added): “It also noted that ‘most child sexual abusers were not arrested.’ American officers, who share quarters with Afghan ones, report boys screaming in agony, which they were instructed to ignore.”

The War in Afghanistan is Enabling Pedophilia

We need to end this now and let the Taliban take over. All pedophiles deserve what they get.

You don't understand the Taliban at all do you? And what they do to all others besides pedophiles.

The Taliban is against pedophile.
The War in Afghanistan is Enabling Pedophilia
October 5, 2018
But while U.S. military inaction to stop sexual abuse abroad would be be one thing, what if America was actively, even if unintentionally, funding rape abroad? And not just rape—what if American tax dollars were enabling the most deplorable sexual abuse imaginable: pedophilia?

“Selling and using young boys (often dressed as girls) for sex—known colloquially as bacha bazi, or ‘boy play’—has deep roots in Afghanistan and has been widely practiced for generations,” the National Interest’s Amitai Etzioni reported in 2017.

“A State Department report in 2010 described the extent of the problem: ‘Child abuse was endemic throughout the country, based on cultural beliefs about child-rearing, and included general neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, abandonment, and confined forced labor to pay off family debts.’”

Etzioni continued (emphasis added): “It also noted that ‘most child sexual abusers were not arrested.’ American officers, who share quarters with Afghan ones, report boys screaming in agony, which they were instructed to ignore.”

The War in Afghanistan is Enabling Pedophilia

We need to end this now and let the Taliban take over. All pedophiles deserve what they get.

You don't understand the Taliban at all do you? And what they do to all others besides pedophiles.

The Taliban is against pedophile.

You don't have a clue do you about the Taliban do you? They are evil sons of bitches. I rolled in 95 to try to help the women and children in Afghanistan against these monsters. By the way, they have no problem bum fucking kids either.

ETA: use them as trojan horses
The War in Afghanistan is Enabling Pedophilia
October 5, 2018
But while U.S. military inaction to stop sexual abuse abroad would be be one thing, what if America was actively, even if unintentionally, funding rape abroad? And not just rape—what if American tax dollars were enabling the most deplorable sexual abuse imaginable: pedophilia?

“Selling and using young boys (often dressed as girls) for sex—known colloquially as bacha bazi, or ‘boy play’—has deep roots in Afghanistan and has been widely practiced for generations,” the National Interest’s Amitai Etzioni reported in 2017.

“A State Department report in 2010 described the extent of the problem: ‘Child abuse was endemic throughout the country, based on cultural beliefs about child-rearing, and included general neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, abandonment, and confined forced labor to pay off family debts.’”

Etzioni continued (emphasis added): “It also noted that ‘most child sexual abusers were not arrested.’ American officers, who share quarters with Afghan ones, report boys screaming in agony, which they were instructed to ignore.”

The War in Afghanistan is Enabling Pedophilia

We need to end this now and let the Taliban take over. All pedophiles deserve what they get.

Morning, Penelope. Hope you're doing well.

That said, I wish you could have been there prior to our (US Army's) main invasion 2001. The Taliban ruled the roost meaning they raped, pillaged and crucified apostates (figuratively speaking) with impunity. There was this thing where we (the US) noticed how the "good guys" were outgunned by the Taliban years prior to our boots on the ground. See, the Taliban was running around with modernized, Russian modified long range assault rifles meaning they could kill Afghan good guys from so far away, said good guys' old Kalashnikovs couldn't reach back to hit them. So the Taliban did whatever they wanted to the people of A-Stan. Until we came along and did as the Cars said to, Shake It Up.

You know Penny, it's okay to be proud of your country, proud to be an American, I promise.

The War in Afghanistan is Enabling Pedophilia
October 5, 2018
But while U.S. military inaction to stop sexual abuse abroad would be be one thing, what if America was actively, even if unintentionally, funding rape abroad? And not just rape—what if American tax dollars were enabling the most deplorable sexual abuse imaginable: pedophilia?

“Selling and using young boys (often dressed as girls) for sex—known colloquially as bacha bazi, or ‘boy play’—has deep roots in Afghanistan and has been widely practiced for generations,” the National Interest’s Amitai Etzioni reported in 2017.

“A State Department report in 2010 described the extent of the problem: ‘Child abuse was endemic throughout the country, based on cultural beliefs about child-rearing, and included general neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, abandonment, and confined forced labor to pay off family debts.’”

Etzioni continued (emphasis added): “It also noted that ‘most child sexual abusers were not arrested.’ American officers, who share quarters with Afghan ones, report boys screaming in agony, which they were instructed to ignore.”

The War in Afghanistan is Enabling Pedophilia

We need to end this now and let the Taliban take over. All pedophiles deserve what they get.

We are there to fight our enemies, not to turn Afghanistan into NOT a Third World Hellhole.

BTW, would you support using this cultural information to prevent immigration from this shit hole?

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