Pearl Clutchers On Parade


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
Another brilliant article by Joan Swirsky. Read and ponder, whatever your political position.


Pearl-Clutchers on Parade (

In all those eight months––220 days, over 5,000 hours––what was the reaction of Democrats, both elected and civilian?
Pearl-Clutchers on Parade
By Joan Swirsky
January 9, 2021
Cover Story
Time to get out the ledger.
On the left––literally––we have had nearly eight months of rampaging criminality and violence in the many Democrat-controlled cities in our country, all conducted by thugs belonging to groups called Black Lives Matter and Antifa. This is the short list of what they have done:
  • Committed widespread arson, including burning down hundreds of minority-owned businesses in the Latino, Asian and black communities (the black owners clearly didn’t matter);
  • Incinerated cars and burned down buildings, court houses, police stations, et al;
  • Shot laser beams in the eyes of policemen;
  • Assaulted civilians, resulting in 30 deaths and thousands of hospitalizations;
  • Smashed plate-glass windows of numerous businesses, both large and small and then engaged in looting, stealing and grand theft;
  • Terrorized and then dragged people out of restaurants;
  • Tore down historic statues, including those of black icons (duh);
  • Defaced streets and avenues with BLM’s block-long, block-lettered, yellow-painted name.
  • Terrorized the citizenry of entire neighborhoods and towns for months on end;
  • Attacked people in locked cars.

In all those eight months––220 days, over 5,000 hours––what was the reaction of Democrats, both elected and civilian?
A thunderous silence. Not a word of opprobrium or disapproval or condemnation. Not. One. Word.


Because, as the esteemed Daniel Greenfield points out, Democrats heartily approve of violent acting-out riots ––as long as they support Democrat ideology! In 2018, he reminds us, there were “glowing stories” about the hundreds of Women’s March members who were engaging in “direct action” to disrupt the Senate’s Kavanaugh hearings. They blocked hallways, shouted down Senate members, and draped protest banners from balconies. Democrats cheered them on.
“In 2020,” Greenfield continues. “Black Lives Matter rioters vandalized the Lincoln Memorial and the WW2 Memorial, along with statues of Gandhi, General Kosciuszko, and Andrew Jackson. And Democrat House members proposed bills to protect the racist mobs from law enforcement.
“Meanwhile the BLM mob besieged the White House and battled Secret Service personnel, allegedly forcing the evacuation of President Trump and his family to a bunker. And a bail fund backed by Senator Kamala Harris and the Biden campaign staffers focused on helping the rioters and looters get out of prison.
“Now, as the Democrats expect to take power,” Greenfield writes, “they suddenly decided that rioting is bad.”
And let’s not forget that it was only last summer that Kalamity Harris encouraged her supporters to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund to provide bail money to the militant anarchists facing charges for setting fire to Minneapolis.
But don’t tell these things to Democrats who observed 55,000 hours of BLM and Antifa destruction with nary a critical word but watched the 4-5 hour incursion into the U.S. Congress on January 6th and could only wring their hands, clutch their pearls, gasp in horror and exclaim: the building, the building, the history, the sanctity, the inviolability!
On the right––literally––you have a president who has been conducting dozens of rallies over the past four years with jaw-dropping attendance. The “Stop the Steal” rally on January 6th was estimated to have about 150,000 attendees––with no untoward incident, upheaval, or arrest until the Capitol was breached. Back to this later.
Before this rally, the president chalked up accomplishments that made America safer, stronger, and richer. But because he repudiated both the paltry achievements and political philosophies of all his predecessors and the corrupt shills they left behind in the swamps of D.C., and because he had access to their indictable criminality, he became the biggest threat to the political establishment that ever existed. That said, President Trump:
  • Lowered taxes (which Democrats hate and never vote for);
  • Boosted the economy to all-time highs (which Democrats hate, which is why they vote for socialists);
  • Elevated black employment to an all-time high (which Democrats really hate, the reason why blacks have never risen during Democrat rule);
  • Strengthened our military (which Democrats hate since they loathe the military);
  • Signed the first law ever to make cruelty to animals a federal felony;
  • Signed Right-To-Try legislation allowing terminally ill patients to try experimental treatment that wasn’t allowed before.
  • Signed the First-Step Act prison-reform bill that frees mostly black prisoners from unfair sentences.
  • Supported and strengthened Israel by moving her capital to Jerusalem, giving Israel control over the Golan Heights, establishing peace treaties with the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Morocco, Bahrain and several to follow (which will never happen under Biden since his first priority is resurrecting the genocidal-to-Israel Iran deal––which Pres. Trump canceled––which the mullahs have oft-stated is necessary for them to fulfill their Number One goal––to eradicate Israel forever! Yet Democrats, including Jewish Democrats, support a candidate who wants to revive this deal, partly because their poor hearts bleed for the people who call themselves Palestinians….you know, the people who routinely strap suicide bombs on three-year-old toddlers and celebrate the death of Jews with streets named after the murderers and lifelong pensions).
  • Supported the pro-life movement, which the Democrats hate more than anything, given their devotion to abortions. In NY, the entire Democrat legislature stood and applauded when they allowed abortion up to the moment of birth! Not to be outdone by the Democrat Governor of VA, Ralph Northam, M.D., who signed a law that allows infanticide after the baby is born!
  • Here are some of President Trump’s other staggering achievements for the American people.

On November 3, 2020, the presidential election was held. Routinely, polls close at about 7 or 8 p.m., the votes are tallied electronically, and the Democrat operatives who pose as TV reporters start calling states as early as 9 or 10 p.m., with the final result usually not known until noon or so the next day.
On November 3rd, the entire world––which follows American elections assiduously––witnessed something unprecedented in the history of American voting. Just as President Trump was winning a huge number of states––and electoral votes––and appeared to be winning most or all of the six battleground states by a landslide, the tallying stopped abruptly. And it didn’t start again. Not for an hour. Not for two hours. Not for three hours. After three hours it did start again, and the whole world saw actual MAGIC befitting David Blaine, even Harry Houdini!
All of sudden, Joe Biden magically gained hundreds of thousands of votes, ultimately enough to win the election. This in spite of a Mt. Everest of reports of massive voter fraud into the multimillions, including (this is the short list):

All were strangely rejected by American courts––the same courts that believe traffic violations deserve their attention––but apparently not presidential voter fraud! Umm…does anyone else smell the rat I do?
As a final tribute to the outgoing president, a huge throng traveled to Washington, D.C. the other day to hear him speak and cheer him on. His entire speech was a rehash of the voting fiasco and an exhortation to protest peacefully the choosing of electors––and not the fomenting of violence that the corrupt media drones on about. Read the speech here.

Then, as if choreographed by George Ballanchine, a group of rally attendees marched across the street to the U.S. Congress to try to delay Congressional certification of the Electoral College vote. Who were they?
According to unassailable reporter Paul Sperry, a former FBI agent on the ground in Washington D.C “texted me and confirmed that at least 1 ‘bus load’ of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false flag ops.” Mmmmmm.

To compound this allegation, we then see that the Capitol policemen actually opened the doors to the protestors and invited them inside. Who authorized this? You can watch the whole thing here.
Of course, the Democrats and their acolytes who have been hounding the president for five years, besieging him with false accusations, dragging the entire country through their “show trial” hoaxes (of Russian collusion, Ukraine, Stormy Daniels, Impeachment, et al), topped off this false-flag operation with demands that he resign immediately. And in the predictable behavior of all fascists, the social media outlets run by the globalists among us––Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Shopify, Snapchat, on and on––cut off his ability to communicate with the American people. Starting to smell the same rat?
Yet life goes on. President Trump will leave office as a man of monumental accomplishments and tremendous esteem from more than the 75-million people who voted for him. If he starts a third political party, there is no counting the numbers of conservatives, moderates, blacks, Hispanics and women who will jump eagerly on board. If he starts a media company, Americans will have their first taste in years of genuinely unbiased news. And if he and Melania––who served America so gracefully and effectively these past four years––decide to go back to their old life, every one of their admirers will wish them only abundant health and great happiness.
Americans, unfortunately, will have to endure an Obama-redux regime. But America is strong and we will weather this debacle as we did the two failed terms of Obama, all the time hoping for the appearance of another peerless populist president like Donald J. Trump.
Another brilliant article by Joan Swirsky. Read and ponder, whatever your political position.

View attachment 442683
Pearl-Clutchers on Parade (

In all those eight months––220 days, over 5,000 hours––what was the reaction of Democrats, both elected and civilian?
Pearl-Clutchers on Parade
By Joan Swirsky
January 9, 2021
Cover Story
Time to get out the ledger.
On the left––literally––we have had nearly eight months of rampaging criminality and violence in the many Democrat-controlled cities in our country, all conducted by thugs belonging to groups called Black Lives Matter and Antifa. This is the short list of what they have done:
  • Committed widespread arson, including burning down hundreds of minority-owned businesses in the Latino, Asian and black communities (the black owners clearly didn’t matter);
  • Incinerated cars and burned down buildings, court houses, police stations, et al;
  • Shot laser beams in the eyes of policemen;
  • Assaulted civilians, resulting in 30 deaths and thousands of hospitalizations;
  • Smashed plate-glass windows of numerous businesses, both large and small and then engaged in looting, stealing and grand theft;
  • Terrorized and then dragged people out of restaurants;
  • Tore down historic statues, including those of black icons (duh);
  • Defaced streets and avenues with BLM’s block-long, block-lettered, yellow-painted name.
  • Terrorized the citizenry of entire neighborhoods and towns for months on end;
  • Attacked people in locked cars.

In all those eight months––220 days, over 5,000 hours––what was the reaction of Democrats, both elected and civilian?
A thunderous silence. Not a word of opprobrium or disapproval or condemnation. Not. One. Word.


Because, as the esteemed Daniel Greenfield points out, Democrats heartily approve of violent acting-out riots ––as long as they support Democrat ideology! In 2018, he reminds us, there were “glowing stories” about the hundreds of Women’s March members who were engaging in “direct action” to disrupt the Senate’s Kavanaugh hearings. They blocked hallways, shouted down Senate members, and draped protest banners from balconies. Democrats cheered them on.
“In 2020,” Greenfield continues. “Black Lives Matter rioters vandalized the Lincoln Memorial and the WW2 Memorial, along with statues of Gandhi, General Kosciuszko, and Andrew Jackson. And Democrat House members proposed bills to protect the racist mobs from law enforcement.
“Meanwhile the BLM mob besieged the White House and battled Secret Service personnel, allegedly forcing the evacuation of President Trump and his family to a bunker. And a bail fund backed by Senator Kamala Harris and the Biden campaign staffers focused on helping the rioters and looters get out of prison.
“Now, as the Democrats expect to take power,” Greenfield writes, “they suddenly decided that rioting is bad.”
And let’s not forget that it was only last summer that Kalamity Harris encouraged her supporters to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund to provide bail money to the militant anarchists facing charges for setting fire to Minneapolis.
But don’t tell these things to Democrats who observed 55,000 hours of BLM and Antifa destruction with nary a critical word but watched the 4-5 hour incursion into the U.S. Congress on January 6th and could only wring their hands, clutch their pearls, gasp in horror and exclaim: the building, the building, the history, the sanctity, the inviolability!
On the right––literally––you have a president who has been conducting dozens of rallies over the past four years with jaw-dropping attendance. The “Stop the Steal” rally on January 6th was estimated to have about 150,000 attendees––with no untoward incident, upheaval, or arrest until the Capitol was breached. Back to this later.
Before this rally, the president chalked up accomplishments that made America safer, stronger, and richer. But because he repudiated both the paltry achievements and political philosophies of all his predecessors and the corrupt shills they left behind in the swamps of D.C., and because he had access to their indictable criminality, he became the biggest threat to the political establishment that ever existed. That said, President Trump:
  • Lowered taxes (which Democrats hate and never vote for);
  • Boosted the economy to all-time highs (which Democrats hate, which is why they vote for socialists);
  • Elevated black employment to an all-time high (which Democrats really hate, the reason why blacks have never risen during Democrat rule);
  • Strengthened our military (which Democrats hate since they loathe the military);
  • Signed the first law ever to make cruelty to animals a federal felony;
  • Signed Right-To-Try legislation allowing terminally ill patients to try experimental treatment that wasn’t allowed before.
  • Signed the First-Step Act prison-reform bill that frees mostly black prisoners from unfair sentences.
  • Supported and strengthened Israel by moving her capital to Jerusalem, giving Israel control over the Golan Heights, establishing peace treaties with the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Morocco, Bahrain and several to follow (which will never happen under Biden since his first priority is resurrecting the genocidal-to-Israel Iran deal––which Pres. Trump canceled––which the mullahs have oft-stated is necessary for them to fulfill their Number One goal––to eradicate Israel forever! Yet Democrats, including Jewish Democrats, support a candidate who wants to revive this deal, partly because their poor hearts bleed for the people who call themselves Palestinians….you know, the people who routinely strap suicide bombs on three-year-old toddlers and celebrate the death of Jews with streets named after the murderers and lifelong pensions).
  • Supported the pro-life movement, which the Democrats hate more than anything, given their devotion to abortions. In NY, the entire Democrat legislature stood and applauded when they allowed abortion up to the moment of birth! Not to be outdone by the Democrat Governor of VA, Ralph Northam, M.D., who signed a law that allows infanticide after the baby is born!
  • Here are some of President Trump’s other staggering achievements for the American people.

On November 3, 2020, the presidential election was held. Routinely, polls close at about 7 or 8 p.m., the votes are tallied electronically, and the Democrat operatives who pose as TV reporters start calling states as early as 9 or 10 p.m., with the final result usually not known until noon or so the next day.
On November 3rd, the entire world––which follows American elections assiduously––witnessed something unprecedented in the history of American voting. Just as President Trump was winning a huge number of states––and electoral votes––and appeared to be winning most or all of the six battleground states by a landslide, the tallying stopped abruptly. And it didn’t start again. Not for an hour. Not for two hours. Not for three hours. After three hours it did start again, and the whole world saw actual MAGIC befitting David Blaine, even Harry Houdini!
All of sudden, Joe Biden magically gained hundreds of thousands of votes, ultimately enough to win the election. This in spite of a Mt. Everest of reports of massive voter fraud into the multimillions, including (this is the short list):

All were strangely rejected by American courts––the same courts that believe traffic violations deserve their attention––but apparently not presidential voter fraud! Umm…does anyone else smell the rat I do?
As a final tribute to the outgoing president, a huge throng traveled to Washington, D.C. the other day to hear him speak and cheer him on. His entire speech was a rehash of the voting fiasco and an exhortation to protest peacefully the choosing of electors––and not the fomenting of violence that the corrupt media drones on about. Read the speech here.

Then, as if choreographed by George Ballanchine, a group of rally attendees marched across the street to the U.S. Congress to try to delay Congressional certification of the Electoral College vote. Who were they?
According to unassailable reporter Paul Sperry, a former FBI agent on the ground in Washington D.C “texted me and confirmed that at least 1 ‘bus load’ of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false flag ops.” Mmmmmm.

To compound this allegation, we then see that the Capitol policemen actually opened the doors to the protestors and invited them inside. Who authorized this? You can watch the whole thing here.
Of course, the Democrats and their acolytes who have been hounding the president for five years, besieging him with false accusations, dragging the entire country through their “show trial” hoaxes (of Russian collusion, Ukraine, Stormy Daniels, Impeachment, et al), topped off this false-flag operation with demands that he resign immediately. And in the predictable behavior of all fascists, the social media outlets run by the globalists among us––Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Shopify, Snapchat, on and on––cut off his ability to communicate with the American people. Starting to smell the same rat?
Yet life goes on. President Trump will leave office as a man of monumental accomplishments and tremendous esteem from more than the 75-million people who voted for him. If he starts a third political party, there is no counting the numbers of conservatives, moderates, blacks, Hispanics and women who will jump eagerly on board. If he starts a media company, Americans will have their first taste in years of genuinely unbiased news. And if he and Melania––who served America so gracefully and effectively these past four years––decide to go back to their old life, every one of their admirers will wish them only abundant health and great happiness.
Americans, unfortunately, will have to endure an Obama-redux regime. But America is strong and we will weather this debacle as we did the two failed terms of Obama, all the time hoping for the appearance of another peerless populist president like Donald J. Trump.

Greenfield is a notorious hack...and Dominion is suing Trump for 1.3 billion for defamation. They'll win.
Another brilliant article by Joan Swirsky. Read and ponder, whatever your political position.

View attachment 442683
Pearl-Clutchers on Parade (

In all those eight months––220 days, over 5,000 hours––what was the reaction of Democrats, both elected and civilian?
Pearl-Clutchers on Parade
By Joan Swirsky
January 9, 2021
Cover Story
Time to get out the ledger.
On the left––literally––we have had nearly eight months of rampaging criminality and violence in the many Democrat-controlled cities in our country, all conducted by thugs belonging to groups called Black Lives Matter and Antifa. This is the short list of what they have done:
  • Committed widespread arson, including burning down hundreds of minority-owned businesses in the Latino, Asian and black communities (the black owners clearly didn’t matter);
  • Incinerated cars and burned down buildings, court houses, police stations, et al;
  • Shot laser beams in the eyes of policemen;
  • Assaulted civilians, resulting in 30 deaths and thousands of hospitalizations;
  • Smashed plate-glass windows of numerous businesses, both large and small and then engaged in looting, stealing and grand theft;
  • Terrorized and then dragged people out of restaurants;
  • Tore down historic statues, including those of black icons (duh);
  • Defaced streets and avenues with BLM’s block-long, block-lettered, yellow-painted name.
  • Terrorized the citizenry of entire neighborhoods and towns for months on end;
  • Attacked people in locked cars.

In all those eight months––220 days, over 5,000 hours––what was the reaction of Democrats, both elected and civilian?
A thunderous silence. Not a word of opprobrium or disapproval or condemnation. Not. One. Word.


Because, as the esteemed Daniel Greenfield points out, Democrats heartily approve of violent acting-out riots ––as long as they support Democrat ideology! In 2018, he reminds us, there were “glowing stories” about the hundreds of Women’s March members who were engaging in “direct action” to disrupt the Senate’s Kavanaugh hearings. They blocked hallways, shouted down Senate members, and draped protest banners from balconies. Democrats cheered them on.
“In 2020,” Greenfield continues. “Black Lives Matter rioters vandalized the Lincoln Memorial and the WW2 Memorial, along with statues of Gandhi, General Kosciuszko, and Andrew Jackson. And Democrat House members proposed bills to protect the racist mobs from law enforcement.
“Meanwhile the BLM mob besieged the White House and battled Secret Service personnel, allegedly forcing the evacuation of President Trump and his family to a bunker. And a bail fund backed by Senator Kamala Harris and the Biden campaign staffers focused on helping the rioters and looters get out of prison.
“Now, as the Democrats expect to take power,” Greenfield writes, “they suddenly decided that rioting is bad.”
And let’s not forget that it was only last summer that Kalamity Harris encouraged her supporters to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund to provide bail money to the militant anarchists facing charges for setting fire to Minneapolis.
But don’t tell these things to Democrats who observed 55,000 hours of BLM and Antifa destruction with nary a critical word but watched the 4-5 hour incursion into the U.S. Congress on January 6th and could only wring their hands, clutch their pearls, gasp in horror and exclaim: the building, the building, the history, the sanctity, the inviolability!
On the right––literally––you have a president who has been conducting dozens of rallies over the past four years with jaw-dropping attendance. The “Stop the Steal” rally on January 6th was estimated to have about 150,000 attendees––with no untoward incident, upheaval, or arrest until the Capitol was breached. Back to this later.
Before this rally, the president chalked up accomplishments that made America safer, stronger, and richer. But because he repudiated both the paltry achievements and political philosophies of all his predecessors and the corrupt shills they left behind in the swamps of D.C., and because he had access to their indictable criminality, he became the biggest threat to the political establishment that ever existed. That said, President Trump:
  • Lowered taxes (which Democrats hate and never vote for);
  • Boosted the economy to all-time highs (which Democrats hate, which is why they vote for socialists);
  • Elevated black employment to an all-time high (which Democrats really hate, the reason why blacks have never risen during Democrat rule);
  • Strengthened our military (which Democrats hate since they loathe the military);
  • Signed the first law ever to make cruelty to animals a federal felony;
  • Signed Right-To-Try legislation allowing terminally ill patients to try experimental treatment that wasn’t allowed before.
  • Signed the First-Step Act prison-reform bill that frees mostly black prisoners from unfair sentences.
  • Supported and strengthened Israel by moving her capital to Jerusalem, giving Israel control over the Golan Heights, establishing peace treaties with the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Morocco, Bahrain and several to follow (which will never happen under Biden since his first priority is resurrecting the genocidal-to-Israel Iran deal––which Pres. Trump canceled––which the mullahs have oft-stated is necessary for them to fulfill their Number One goal––to eradicate Israel forever! Yet Democrats, including Jewish Democrats, support a candidate who wants to revive this deal, partly because their poor hearts bleed for the people who call themselves Palestinians….you know, the people who routinely strap suicide bombs on three-year-old toddlers and celebrate the death of Jews with streets named after the murderers and lifelong pensions).
  • Supported the pro-life movement, which the Democrats hate more than anything, given their devotion to abortions. In NY, the entire Democrat legislature stood and applauded when they allowed abortion up to the moment of birth! Not to be outdone by the Democrat Governor of VA, Ralph Northam, M.D., who signed a law that allows infanticide after the baby is born!
  • Here are some of President Trump’s other staggering achievements for the American people.

On November 3, 2020, the presidential election was held. Routinely, polls close at about 7 or 8 p.m., the votes are tallied electronically, and the Democrat operatives who pose as TV reporters start calling states as early as 9 or 10 p.m., with the final result usually not known until noon or so the next day.
On November 3rd, the entire world––which follows American elections assiduously––witnessed something unprecedented in the history of American voting. Just as President Trump was winning a huge number of states––and electoral votes––and appeared to be winning most or all of the six battleground states by a landslide, the tallying stopped abruptly. And it didn’t start again. Not for an hour. Not for two hours. Not for three hours. After three hours it did start again, and the whole world saw actual MAGIC befitting David Blaine, even Harry Houdini!
All of sudden, Joe Biden magically gained hundreds of thousands of votes, ultimately enough to win the election. This in spite of a Mt. Everest of reports of massive voter fraud into the multimillions, including (this is the short list):

All were strangely rejected by American courts––the same courts that believe traffic violations deserve their attention––but apparently not presidential voter fraud! Umm…does anyone else smell the rat I do?
As a final tribute to the outgoing president, a huge throng traveled to Washington, D.C. the other day to hear him speak and cheer him on. His entire speech was a rehash of the voting fiasco and an exhortation to protest peacefully the choosing of electors––and not the fomenting of violence that the corrupt media drones on about. Read the speech here.

Then, as if choreographed by George Ballanchine, a group of rally attendees marched across the street to the U.S. Congress to try to delay Congressional certification of the Electoral College vote. Who were they?
According to unassailable reporter Paul Sperry, a former FBI agent on the ground in Washington D.C “texted me and confirmed that at least 1 ‘bus load’ of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false flag ops.” Mmmmmm.

To compound this allegation, we then see that the Capitol policemen actually opened the doors to the protestors and invited them inside. Who authorized this? You can watch the whole thing here.
Of course, the Democrats and their acolytes who have been hounding the president for five years, besieging him with false accusations, dragging the entire country through their “show trial” hoaxes (of Russian collusion, Ukraine, Stormy Daniels, Impeachment, et al), topped off this false-flag operation with demands that he resign immediately. And in the predictable behavior of all fascists, the social media outlets run by the globalists among us––Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Shopify, Snapchat, on and on––cut off his ability to communicate with the American people. Starting to smell the same rat?
Yet life goes on. President Trump will leave office as a man of monumental accomplishments and tremendous esteem from more than the 75-million people who voted for him. If he starts a third political party, there is no counting the numbers of conservatives, moderates, blacks, Hispanics and women who will jump eagerly on board. If he starts a media company, Americans will have their first taste in years of genuinely unbiased news. And if he and Melania––who served America so gracefully and effectively these past four years––decide to go back to their old life, every one of their admirers will wish them only abundant health and great happiness.
Americans, unfortunately, will have to endure an Obama-redux regime. But America is strong and we will weather this debacle as we did the two failed terms of Obama, all the time hoping for the appearance of another peerless populist president like Donald J. Trump.
Sorry, but the Trumpistas are the pearl-clutchers now. :auiqs.jpg:
Another brilliant article by Joan Swirsky. Read and ponder, whatever your political position.

View attachment 442683
Pearl-Clutchers on Parade (

In all those eight months––220 days, over 5,000 hours––what was the reaction of Democrats, both elected and civilian?
Pearl-Clutchers on Parade
By Joan Swirsky
January 9, 2021
Cover Story
Time to get out the ledger.
On the left––literally––we have had nearly eight months of rampaging criminality and violence in the many Democrat-controlled cities in our country, all conducted by thugs belonging to groups called Black Lives Matter and Antifa. This is the short list of what they have done:
  • Committed widespread arson, including burning down hundreds of minority-owned businesses in the Latino, Asian and black communities (the black owners clearly didn’t matter);
  • Incinerated cars and burned down buildings, court houses, police stations, et al;
  • Shot laser beams in the eyes of policemen;
  • Assaulted civilians, resulting in 30 deaths and thousands of hospitalizations;
  • Smashed plate-glass windows of numerous businesses, both large and small and then engaged in looting, stealing and grand theft;
  • Terrorized and then dragged people out of restaurants;
  • Tore down historic statues, including those of black icons (duh);
  • Defaced streets and avenues with BLM’s block-long, block-lettered, yellow-painted name.
  • Terrorized the citizenry of entire neighborhoods and towns for months on end;
  • Attacked people in locked cars.

In all those eight months––220 days, over 5,000 hours––what was the reaction of Democrats, both elected and civilian?
A thunderous silence. Not a word of opprobrium or disapproval or condemnation. Not. One. Word.


Because, as the esteemed Daniel Greenfield points out, Democrats heartily approve of violent acting-out riots ––as long as they support Democrat ideology! In 2018, he reminds us, there were “glowing stories” about the hundreds of Women’s March members who were engaging in “direct action” to disrupt the Senate’s Kavanaugh hearings. They blocked hallways, shouted down Senate members, and draped protest banners from balconies. Democrats cheered them on.
“In 2020,” Greenfield continues. “Black Lives Matter rioters vandalized the Lincoln Memorial and the WW2 Memorial, along with statues of Gandhi, General Kosciuszko, and Andrew Jackson. And Democrat House members proposed bills to protect the racist mobs from law enforcement.
“Meanwhile the BLM mob besieged the White House and battled Secret Service personnel, allegedly forcing the evacuation of President Trump and his family to a bunker. And a bail fund backed by Senator Kamala Harris and the Biden campaign staffers focused on helping the rioters and looters get out of prison.
“Now, as the Democrats expect to take power,” Greenfield writes, “they suddenly decided that rioting is bad.”
And let’s not forget that it was only last summer that Kalamity Harris encouraged her supporters to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund to provide bail money to the militant anarchists facing charges for setting fire to Minneapolis.
But don’t tell these things to Democrats who observed 55,000 hours of BLM and Antifa destruction with nary a critical word but watched the 4-5 hour incursion into the U.S. Congress on January 6th and could only wring their hands, clutch their pearls, gasp in horror and exclaim: the building, the building, the history, the sanctity, the inviolability!
On the right––literally––you have a president who has been conducting dozens of rallies over the past four years with jaw-dropping attendance. The “Stop the Steal” rally on January 6th was estimated to have about 150,000 attendees––with no untoward incident, upheaval, or arrest until the Capitol was breached. Back to this later.
Before this rally, the president chalked up accomplishments that made America safer, stronger, and richer. But because he repudiated both the paltry achievements and political philosophies of all his predecessors and the corrupt shills they left behind in the swamps of D.C., and because he had access to their indictable criminality, he became the biggest threat to the political establishment that ever existed. That said, President Trump:
  • Lowered taxes (which Democrats hate and never vote for);
  • Boosted the economy to all-time highs (which Democrats hate, which is why they vote for socialists);
  • Elevated black employment to an all-time high (which Democrats really hate, the reason why blacks have never risen during Democrat rule);
  • Strengthened our military (which Democrats hate since they loathe the military);
  • Signed the first law ever to make cruelty to animals a federal felony;
  • Signed Right-To-Try legislation allowing terminally ill patients to try experimental treatment that wasn’t allowed before.
  • Signed the First-Step Act prison-reform bill that frees mostly black prisoners from unfair sentences.
  • Supported and strengthened Israel by moving her capital to Jerusalem, giving Israel control over the Golan Heights, establishing peace treaties with the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Morocco, Bahrain and several to follow (which will never happen under Biden since his first priority is resurrecting the genocidal-to-Israel Iran deal––which Pres. Trump canceled––which the mullahs have oft-stated is necessary for them to fulfill their Number One goal––to eradicate Israel forever! Yet Democrats, including Jewish Democrats, support a candidate who wants to revive this deal, partly because their poor hearts bleed for the people who call themselves Palestinians….you know, the people who routinely strap suicide bombs on three-year-old toddlers and celebrate the death of Jews with streets named after the murderers and lifelong pensions).
  • Supported the pro-life movement, which the Democrats hate more than anything, given their devotion to abortions. In NY, the entire Democrat legislature stood and applauded when they allowed abortion up to the moment of birth! Not to be outdone by the Democrat Governor of VA, Ralph Northam, M.D., who signed a law that allows infanticide after the baby is born!
  • Here are some of President Trump’s other staggering achievements for the American people.

On November 3, 2020, the presidential election was held. Routinely, polls close at about 7 or 8 p.m., the votes are tallied electronically, and the Democrat operatives who pose as TV reporters start calling states as early as 9 or 10 p.m., with the final result usually not known until noon or so the next day.
On November 3rd, the entire world––which follows American elections assiduously––witnessed something unprecedented in the history of American voting. Just as President Trump was winning a huge number of states––and electoral votes––and appeared to be winning most or all of the six battleground states by a landslide, the tallying stopped abruptly. And it didn’t start again. Not for an hour. Not for two hours. Not for three hours. After three hours it did start again, and the whole world saw actual MAGIC befitting David Blaine, even Harry Houdini!
All of sudden, Joe Biden magically gained hundreds of thousands of votes, ultimately enough to win the election. This in spite of a Mt. Everest of reports of massive voter fraud into the multimillions, including (this is the short list):

All were strangely rejected by American courts––the same courts that believe traffic violations deserve their attention––but apparently not presidential voter fraud! Umm…does anyone else smell the rat I do?
As a final tribute to the outgoing president, a huge throng traveled to Washington, D.C. the other day to hear him speak and cheer him on. His entire speech was a rehash of the voting fiasco and an exhortation to protest peacefully the choosing of electors––and not the fomenting of violence that the corrupt media drones on about. Read the speech here.

Then, as if choreographed by George Ballanchine, a group of rally attendees marched across the street to the U.S. Congress to try to delay Congressional certification of the Electoral College vote. Who were they?
According to unassailable reporter Paul Sperry, a former FBI agent on the ground in Washington D.C “texted me and confirmed that at least 1 ‘bus load’ of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false flag ops.” Mmmmmm.

To compound this allegation, we then see that the Capitol policemen actually opened the doors to the protestors and invited them inside. Who authorized this? You can watch the whole thing here.
Of course, the Democrats and their acolytes who have been hounding the president for five years, besieging him with false accusations, dragging the entire country through their “show trial” hoaxes (of Russian collusion, Ukraine, Stormy Daniels, Impeachment, et al), topped off this false-flag operation with demands that he resign immediately. And in the predictable behavior of all fascists, the social media outlets run by the globalists among us––Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Shopify, Snapchat, on and on––cut off his ability to communicate with the American people. Starting to smell the same rat?
Yet life goes on. President Trump will leave office as a man of monumental accomplishments and tremendous esteem from more than the 75-million people who voted for him. If he starts a third political party, there is no counting the numbers of conservatives, moderates, blacks, Hispanics and women who will jump eagerly on board. If he starts a media company, Americans will have their first taste in years of genuinely unbiased news. And if he and Melania––who served America so gracefully and effectively these past four years––decide to go back to their old life, every one of their admirers will wish them only abundant health and great happiness.
Americans, unfortunately, will have to endure an Obama-redux regime. But America is strong and we will weather this debacle as we did the two failed terms of Obama, all the time hoping for the appearance of another peerless populist president like Donald J. Trump.

Sorry, but the Trumpistas are the pearl-clutchers now. :auiqs.jpg:

So true.. Especially Trump.. He's in full self pity mode and lashing out at everyone... while corporate America runs from everything Trump.
Another brilliant article by Joan Swirsky. Read and ponder, whatever your political position.

View attachment 442683
Pearl-Clutchers on Parade (

In all those eight months––220 days, over 5,000 hours––what was the reaction of Democrats, both elected and civilian?
Pearl-Clutchers on Parade
By Joan Swirsky
January 9, 2021
Cover Story
Time to get out the ledger.
On the left––literally––we have had nearly eight months of rampaging criminality and violence in the many Democrat-controlled cities in our country, all conducted by thugs belonging to groups called Black Lives Matter and Antifa. This is the short list of what they have done:
  • Committed widespread arson, including burning down hundreds of minority-owned businesses in the Latino, Asian and black communities (the black owners clearly didn’t matter);
  • Incinerated cars and burned down buildings, court houses, police stations, et al;
  • Shot laser beams in the eyes of policemen;
  • Assaulted civilians, resulting in 30 deaths and thousands of hospitalizations;
  • Smashed plate-glass windows of numerous businesses, both large and small and then engaged in looting, stealing and grand theft;
  • Terrorized and then dragged people out of restaurants;
  • Tore down historic statues, including those of black icons (duh);
  • Defaced streets and avenues with BLM’s block-long, block-lettered, yellow-painted name.
  • Terrorized the citizenry of entire neighborhoods and towns for months on end;
  • Attacked people in locked cars.

In all those eight months––220 days, over 5,000 hours––what was the reaction of Democrats, both elected and civilian?
A thunderous silence. Not a word of opprobrium or disapproval or condemnation. Not. One. Word.


Because, as the esteemed Daniel Greenfield points out, Democrats heartily approve of violent acting-out riots ––as long as they support Democrat ideology! In 2018, he reminds us, there were “glowing stories” about the hundreds of Women’s March members who were engaging in “direct action” to disrupt the Senate’s Kavanaugh hearings. They blocked hallways, shouted down Senate members, and draped protest banners from balconies. Democrats cheered them on.
“In 2020,” Greenfield continues. “Black Lives Matter rioters vandalized the Lincoln Memorial and the WW2 Memorial, along with statues of Gandhi, General Kosciuszko, and Andrew Jackson. And Democrat House members proposed bills to protect the racist mobs from law enforcement.
“Meanwhile the BLM mob besieged the White House and battled Secret Service personnel, allegedly forcing the evacuation of President Trump and his family to a bunker. And a bail fund backed by Senator Kamala Harris and the Biden campaign staffers focused on helping the rioters and looters get out of prison.
“Now, as the Democrats expect to take power,” Greenfield writes, “they suddenly decided that rioting is bad.”
And let’s not forget that it was only last summer that Kalamity Harris encouraged her supporters to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund to provide bail money to the militant anarchists facing charges for setting fire to Minneapolis.
But don’t tell these things to Democrats who observed 55,000 hours of BLM and Antifa destruction with nary a critical word but watched the 4-5 hour incursion into the U.S. Congress on January 6th and could only wring their hands, clutch their pearls, gasp in horror and exclaim: the building, the building, the history, the sanctity, the inviolability!
On the right––literally––you have a president who has been conducting dozens of rallies over the past four years with jaw-dropping attendance. The “Stop the Steal” rally on January 6th was estimated to have about 150,000 attendees––with no untoward incident, upheaval, or arrest until the Capitol was breached. Back to this later.
Before this rally, the president chalked up accomplishments that made America safer, stronger, and richer. But because he repudiated both the paltry achievements and political philosophies of all his predecessors and the corrupt shills they left behind in the swamps of D.C., and because he had access to their indictable criminality, he became the biggest threat to the political establishment that ever existed. That said, President Trump:
  • Lowered taxes (which Democrats hate and never vote for);
  • Boosted the economy to all-time highs (which Democrats hate, which is why they vote for socialists);
  • Elevated black employment to an all-time high (which Democrats really hate, the reason why blacks have never risen during Democrat rule);
  • Strengthened our military (which Democrats hate since they loathe the military);
  • Signed the first law ever to make cruelty to animals a federal felony;
  • Signed Right-To-Try legislation allowing terminally ill patients to try experimental treatment that wasn’t allowed before.
  • Signed the First-Step Act prison-reform bill that frees mostly black prisoners from unfair sentences.
  • Supported and strengthened Israel by moving her capital to Jerusalem, giving Israel control over the Golan Heights, establishing peace treaties with the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Morocco, Bahrain and several to follow (which will never happen under Biden since his first priority is resurrecting the genocidal-to-Israel Iran deal––which Pres. Trump canceled––which the mullahs have oft-stated is necessary for them to fulfill their Number One goal––to eradicate Israel forever! Yet Democrats, including Jewish Democrats, support a candidate who wants to revive this deal, partly because their poor hearts bleed for the people who call themselves Palestinians….you know, the people who routinely strap suicide bombs on three-year-old toddlers and celebrate the death of Jews with streets named after the murderers and lifelong pensions).
  • Supported the pro-life movement, which the Democrats hate more than anything, given their devotion to abortions. In NY, the entire Democrat legislature stood and applauded when they allowed abortion up to the moment of birth! Not to be outdone by the Democrat Governor of VA, Ralph Northam, M.D., who signed a law that allows infanticide after the baby is born!
  • Here are some of President Trump’s other staggering achievements for the American people.

On November 3, 2020, the presidential election was held. Routinely, polls close at about 7 or 8 p.m., the votes are tallied electronically, and the Democrat operatives who pose as TV reporters start calling states as early as 9 or 10 p.m., with the final result usually not known until noon or so the next day.
On November 3rd, the entire world––which follows American elections assiduously––witnessed something unprecedented in the history of American voting. Just as President Trump was winning a huge number of states––and electoral votes––and appeared to be winning most or all of the six battleground states by a landslide, the tallying stopped abruptly. And it didn’t start again. Not for an hour. Not for two hours. Not for three hours. After three hours it did start again, and the whole world saw actual MAGIC befitting David Blaine, even Harry Houdini!
All of sudden, Joe Biden magically gained hundreds of thousands of votes, ultimately enough to win the election. This in spite of a Mt. Everest of reports of massive voter fraud into the multimillions, including (this is the short list):

All were strangely rejected by American courts––the same courts that believe traffic violations deserve their attention––but apparently not presidential voter fraud! Umm…does anyone else smell the rat I do?
As a final tribute to the outgoing president, a huge throng traveled to Washington, D.C. the other day to hear him speak and cheer him on. His entire speech was a rehash of the voting fiasco and an exhortation to protest peacefully the choosing of electors––and not the fomenting of violence that the corrupt media drones on about. Read the speech here.

Then, as if choreographed by George Ballanchine, a group of rally attendees marched across the street to the U.S. Congress to try to delay Congressional certification of the Electoral College vote. Who were they?
According to unassailable reporter Paul Sperry, a former FBI agent on the ground in Washington D.C “texted me and confirmed that at least 1 ‘bus load’ of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false flag ops.” Mmmmmm.

To compound this allegation, we then see that the Capitol policemen actually opened the doors to the protestors and invited them inside. Who authorized this? You can watch the whole thing here.
Of course, the Democrats and their acolytes who have been hounding the president for five years, besieging him with false accusations, dragging the entire country through their “show trial” hoaxes (of Russian collusion, Ukraine, Stormy Daniels, Impeachment, et al), topped off this false-flag operation with demands that he resign immediately. And in the predictable behavior of all fascists, the social media outlets run by the globalists among us––Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Shopify, Snapchat, on and on––cut off his ability to communicate with the American people. Starting to smell the same rat?
Yet life goes on. President Trump will leave office as a man of monumental accomplishments and tremendous esteem from more than the 75-million people who voted for him. If he starts a third political party, there is no counting the numbers of conservatives, moderates, blacks, Hispanics and women who will jump eagerly on board. If he starts a media company, Americans will have their first taste in years of genuinely unbiased news. And if he and Melania––who served America so gracefully and effectively these past four years––decide to go back to their old life, every one of their admirers will wish them only abundant health and great happiness.
Americans, unfortunately, will have to endure an Obama-redux regime. But America is strong and we will weather this debacle as we did the two failed terms of Obama, all the time hoping for the appearance of another peerless populist president like Donald J. Trump.

Damned fine post and spot on.
Another brilliant article by Joan Swirsky. Read and ponder, whatever your political position.

View attachment 442683
Pearl-Clutchers on Parade (

In all those eight months––220 days, over 5,000 hours––what was the reaction of Democrats, both elected and civilian?
Pearl-Clutchers on Parade
By Joan Swirsky
January 9, 2021
Cover Story
Time to get out the ledger.
On the left––literally––we have had nearly eight months of rampaging criminality and violence in the many Democrat-controlled cities in our country, all conducted by thugs belonging to groups called Black Lives Matter and Antifa. This is the short list of what they have done:
  • Committed widespread arson, including burning down hundreds of minority-owned businesses in the Latino, Asian and black communities (the black owners clearly didn’t matter);
  • Incinerated cars and burned down buildings, court houses, police stations, et al;
  • Shot laser beams in the eyes of policemen;
  • Assaulted civilians, resulting in 30 deaths and thousands of hospitalizations;
  • Smashed plate-glass windows of numerous businesses, both large and small and then engaged in looting, stealing and grand theft;
  • Terrorized and then dragged people out of restaurants;
  • Tore down historic statues, including those of black icons (duh);
  • Defaced streets and avenues with BLM’s block-long, block-lettered, yellow-painted name.
  • Terrorized the citizenry of entire neighborhoods and towns for months on end;
  • Attacked people in locked cars.

In all those eight months––220 days, over 5,000 hours––what was the reaction of Democrats, both elected and civilian?
A thunderous silence. Not a word of opprobrium or disapproval or condemnation. Not. One. Word.


Because, as the esteemed Daniel Greenfield points out, Democrats heartily approve of violent acting-out riots ––as long as they support Democrat ideology! In 2018, he reminds us, there were “glowing stories” about the hundreds of Women’s March members who were engaging in “direct action” to disrupt the Senate’s Kavanaugh hearings. They blocked hallways, shouted down Senate members, and draped protest banners from balconies. Democrats cheered them on.
“In 2020,” Greenfield continues. “Black Lives Matter rioters vandalized the Lincoln Memorial and the WW2 Memorial, along with statues of Gandhi, General Kosciuszko, and Andrew Jackson. And Democrat House members proposed bills to protect the racist mobs from law enforcement.
“Meanwhile the BLM mob besieged the White House and battled Secret Service personnel, allegedly forcing the evacuation of President Trump and his family to a bunker. And a bail fund backed by Senator Kamala Harris and the Biden campaign staffers focused on helping the rioters and looters get out of prison.
“Now, as the Democrats expect to take power,” Greenfield writes, “they suddenly decided that rioting is bad.”
And let’s not forget that it was only last summer that Kalamity Harris encouraged her supporters to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund to provide bail money to the militant anarchists facing charges for setting fire to Minneapolis.
But don’t tell these things to Democrats who observed 55,000 hours of BLM and Antifa destruction with nary a critical word but watched the 4-5 hour incursion into the U.S. Congress on January 6th and could only wring their hands, clutch their pearls, gasp in horror and exclaim: the building, the building, the history, the sanctity, the inviolability!
On the right––literally––you have a president who has been conducting dozens of rallies over the past four years with jaw-dropping attendance. The “Stop the Steal” rally on January 6th was estimated to have about 150,000 attendees––with no untoward incident, upheaval, or arrest until the Capitol was breached. Back to this later.
Before this rally, the president chalked up accomplishments that made America safer, stronger, and richer. But because he repudiated both the paltry achievements and political philosophies of all his predecessors and the corrupt shills they left behind in the swamps of D.C., and because he had access to their indictable criminality, he became the biggest threat to the political establishment that ever existed. That said, President Trump:
  • Lowered taxes (which Democrats hate and never vote for);
  • Boosted the economy to all-time highs (which Democrats hate, which is why they vote for socialists);
  • Elevated black employment to an all-time high (which Democrats really hate, the reason why blacks have never risen during Democrat rule);
  • Strengthened our military (which Democrats hate since they loathe the military);
  • Signed the first law ever to make cruelty to animals a federal felony;
  • Signed Right-To-Try legislation allowing terminally ill patients to try experimental treatment that wasn’t allowed before.
  • Signed the First-Step Act prison-reform bill that frees mostly black prisoners from unfair sentences.
  • Supported and strengthened Israel by moving her capital to Jerusalem, giving Israel control over the Golan Heights, establishing peace treaties with the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Morocco, Bahrain and several to follow (which will never happen under Biden since his first priority is resurrecting the genocidal-to-Israel Iran deal––which Pres. Trump canceled––which the mullahs have oft-stated is necessary for them to fulfill their Number One goal––to eradicate Israel forever! Yet Democrats, including Jewish Democrats, support a candidate who wants to revive this deal, partly because their poor hearts bleed for the people who call themselves Palestinians….you know, the people who routinely strap suicide bombs on three-year-old toddlers and celebrate the death of Jews with streets named after the murderers and lifelong pensions).
  • Supported the pro-life movement, which the Democrats hate more than anything, given their devotion to abortions. In NY, the entire Democrat legislature stood and applauded when they allowed abortion up to the moment of birth! Not to be outdone by the Democrat Governor of VA, Ralph Northam, M.D., who signed a law that allows infanticide after the baby is born!
  • Here are some of President Trump’s other staggering achievements for the American people.

On November 3, 2020, the presidential election was held. Routinely, polls close at about 7 or 8 p.m., the votes are tallied electronically, and the Democrat operatives who pose as TV reporters start calling states as early as 9 or 10 p.m., with the final result usually not known until noon or so the next day.
On November 3rd, the entire world––which follows American elections assiduously––witnessed something unprecedented in the history of American voting. Just as President Trump was winning a huge number of states––and electoral votes––and appeared to be winning most or all of the six battleground states by a landslide, the tallying stopped abruptly. And it didn’t start again. Not for an hour. Not for two hours. Not for three hours. After three hours it did start again, and the whole world saw actual MAGIC befitting David Blaine, even Harry Houdini!
All of sudden, Joe Biden magically gained hundreds of thousands of votes, ultimately enough to win the election. This in spite of a Mt. Everest of reports of massive voter fraud into the multimillions, including (this is the short list):

All were strangely rejected by American courts––the same courts that believe traffic violations deserve their attention––but apparently not presidential voter fraud! Umm…does anyone else smell the rat I do?
As a final tribute to the outgoing president, a huge throng traveled to Washington, D.C. the other day to hear him speak and cheer him on. His entire speech was a rehash of the voting fiasco and an exhortation to protest peacefully the choosing of electors––and not the fomenting of violence that the corrupt media drones on about. Read the speech here.

Then, as if choreographed by George Ballanchine, a group of rally attendees marched across the street to the U.S. Congress to try to delay Congressional certification of the Electoral College vote. Who were they?
According to unassailable reporter Paul Sperry, a former FBI agent on the ground in Washington D.C “texted me and confirmed that at least 1 ‘bus load’ of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false flag ops.” Mmmmmm.

To compound this allegation, we then see that the Capitol policemen actually opened the doors to the protestors and invited them inside. Who authorized this? You can watch the whole thing here.
Of course, the Democrats and their acolytes who have been hounding the president for five years, besieging him with false accusations, dragging the entire country through their “show trial” hoaxes (of Russian collusion, Ukraine, Stormy Daniels, Impeachment, et al), topped off this false-flag operation with demands that he resign immediately. And in the predictable behavior of all fascists, the social media outlets run by the globalists among us––Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Shopify, Snapchat, on and on––cut off his ability to communicate with the American people. Starting to smell the same rat?
Yet life goes on. President Trump will leave office as a man of monumental accomplishments and tremendous esteem from more than the 75-million people who voted for him. If he starts a third political party, there is no counting the numbers of conservatives, moderates, blacks, Hispanics and women who will jump eagerly on board. If he starts a media company, Americans will have their first taste in years of genuinely unbiased news. And if he and Melania––who served America so gracefully and effectively these past four years––decide to go back to their old life, every one of their admirers will wish them only abundant health and great happiness.
Americans, unfortunately, will have to endure an Obama-redux regime. But America is strong and we will weather this debacle as we did the two failed terms of Obama, all the time hoping for the appearance of another peerless populist president like Donald J. Trump.
great post
Another brilliant article by Joan Swirsky. Read and ponder, whatever your political position.

View attachment 442683
Pearl-Clutchers on Parade (

In all those eight months––220 days, over 5,000 hours––what was the reaction of Democrats, both elected and civilian?
Pearl-Clutchers on Parade
By Joan Swirsky
January 9, 2021
Cover Story
Time to get out the ledger.
On the left––literally––we have had nearly eight months of rampaging criminality and violence in the many Democrat-controlled cities in our country, all conducted by thugs belonging to groups called Black Lives Matter and Antifa. This is the short list of what they have done:
  • Committed widespread arson, including burning down hundreds of minority-owned businesses in the Latino, Asian and black communities (the black owners clearly didn’t matter);
  • Incinerated cars and burned down buildings, court houses, police stations, et al;
  • Shot laser beams in the eyes of policemen;
  • Assaulted civilians, resulting in 30 deaths and thousands of hospitalizations;
  • Smashed plate-glass windows of numerous businesses, both large and small and then engaged in looting, stealing and grand theft;
  • Terrorized and then dragged people out of restaurants;
  • Tore down historic statues, including those of black icons (duh);
  • Defaced streets and avenues with BLM’s block-long, block-lettered, yellow-painted name.
  • Terrorized the citizenry of entire neighborhoods and towns for months on end;
  • Attacked people in locked cars.

In all those eight months––220 days, over 5,000 hours––what was the reaction of Democrats, both elected and civilian?
A thunderous silence. Not a word of opprobrium or disapproval or condemnation. Not. One. Word.


Because, as the esteemed Daniel Greenfield points out, Democrats heartily approve of violent acting-out riots ––as long as they support Democrat ideology! In 2018, he reminds us, there were “glowing stories” about the hundreds of Women’s March members who were engaging in “direct action” to disrupt the Senate’s Kavanaugh hearings. They blocked hallways, shouted down Senate members, and draped protest banners from balconies. Democrats cheered them on.
“In 2020,” Greenfield continues. “Black Lives Matter rioters vandalized the Lincoln Memorial and the WW2 Memorial, along with statues of Gandhi, General Kosciuszko, and Andrew Jackson. And Democrat House members proposed bills to protect the racist mobs from law enforcement.
“Meanwhile the BLM mob besieged the White House and battled Secret Service personnel, allegedly forcing the evacuation of President Trump and his family to a bunker. And a bail fund backed by Senator Kamala Harris and the Biden campaign staffers focused on helping the rioters and looters get out of prison.
“Now, as the Democrats expect to take power,” Greenfield writes, “they suddenly decided that rioting is bad.”
And let’s not forget that it was only last summer that Kalamity Harris encouraged her supporters to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund to provide bail money to the militant anarchists facing charges for setting fire to Minneapolis.
But don’t tell these things to Democrats who observed 55,000 hours of BLM and Antifa destruction with nary a critical word but watched the 4-5 hour incursion into the U.S. Congress on January 6th and could only wring their hands, clutch their pearls, gasp in horror and exclaim: the building, the building, the history, the sanctity, the inviolability!
On the right––literally––you have a president who has been conducting dozens of rallies over the past four years with jaw-dropping attendance. The “Stop the Steal” rally on January 6th was estimated to have about 150,000 attendees––with no untoward incident, upheaval, or arrest until the Capitol was breached. Back to this later.
Before this rally, the president chalked up accomplishments that made America safer, stronger, and richer. But because he repudiated both the paltry achievements and political philosophies of all his predecessors and the corrupt shills they left behind in the swamps of D.C., and because he had access to their indictable criminality, he became the biggest threat to the political establishment that ever existed. That said, President Trump:
  • Lowered taxes (which Democrats hate and never vote for);
  • Boosted the economy to all-time highs (which Democrats hate, which is why they vote for socialists);
  • Elevated black employment to an all-time high (which Democrats really hate, the reason why blacks have never risen during Democrat rule);
  • Strengthened our military (which Democrats hate since they loathe the military);
  • Signed the first law ever to make cruelty to animals a federal felony;
  • Signed Right-To-Try legislation allowing terminally ill patients to try experimental treatment that wasn’t allowed before.
  • Signed the First-Step Act prison-reform bill that frees mostly black prisoners from unfair sentences.
  • Supported and strengthened Israel by moving her capital to Jerusalem, giving Israel control over the Golan Heights, establishing peace treaties with the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Morocco, Bahrain and several to follow (which will never happen under Biden since his first priority is resurrecting the genocidal-to-Israel Iran deal––which Pres. Trump canceled––which the mullahs have oft-stated is necessary for them to fulfill their Number One goal––to eradicate Israel forever! Yet Democrats, including Jewish Democrats, support a candidate who wants to revive this deal, partly because their poor hearts bleed for the people who call themselves Palestinians….you know, the people who routinely strap suicide bombs on three-year-old toddlers and celebrate the death of Jews with streets named after the murderers and lifelong pensions).
  • Supported the pro-life movement, which the Democrats hate more than anything, given their devotion to abortions. In NY, the entire Democrat legislature stood and applauded when they allowed abortion up to the moment of birth! Not to be outdone by the Democrat Governor of VA, Ralph Northam, M.D., who signed a law that allows infanticide after the baby is born!
  • Here are some of President Trump’s other staggering achievements for the American people.

On November 3, 2020, the presidential election was held. Routinely, polls close at about 7 or 8 p.m., the votes are tallied electronically, and the Democrat operatives who pose as TV reporters start calling states as early as 9 or 10 p.m., with the final result usually not known until noon or so the next day.
On November 3rd, the entire world––which follows American elections assiduously––witnessed something unprecedented in the history of American voting. Just as President Trump was winning a huge number of states––and electoral votes––and appeared to be winning most or all of the six battleground states by a landslide, the tallying stopped abruptly. And it didn’t start again. Not for an hour. Not for two hours. Not for three hours. After three hours it did start again, and the whole world saw actual MAGIC befitting David Blaine, even Harry Houdini!
All of sudden, Joe Biden magically gained hundreds of thousands of votes, ultimately enough to win the election. This in spite of a Mt. Everest of reports of massive voter fraud into the multimillions, including (this is the short list):

All were strangely rejected by American courts––the same courts that believe traffic violations deserve their attention––but apparently not presidential voter fraud! Umm…does anyone else smell the rat I do?
As a final tribute to the outgoing president, a huge throng traveled to Washington, D.C. the other day to hear him speak and cheer him on. His entire speech was a rehash of the voting fiasco and an exhortation to protest peacefully the choosing of electors––and not the fomenting of violence that the corrupt media drones on about. Read the speech here.

Then, as if choreographed by George Ballanchine, a group of rally attendees marched across the street to the U.S. Congress to try to delay Congressional certification of the Electoral College vote. Who were they?
According to unassailable reporter Paul Sperry, a former FBI agent on the ground in Washington D.C “texted me and confirmed that at least 1 ‘bus load’ of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false flag ops.” Mmmmmm.

To compound this allegation, we then see that the Capitol policemen actually opened the doors to the protestors and invited them inside. Who authorized this? You can watch the whole thing here.
Of course, the Democrats and their acolytes who have been hounding the president for five years, besieging him with false accusations, dragging the entire country through their “show trial” hoaxes (of Russian collusion, Ukraine, Stormy Daniels, Impeachment, et al), topped off this false-flag operation with demands that he resign immediately. And in the predictable behavior of all fascists, the social media outlets run by the globalists among us––Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Shopify, Snapchat, on and on––cut off his ability to communicate with the American people. Starting to smell the same rat?
Yet life goes on. President Trump will leave office as a man of monumental accomplishments and tremendous esteem from more than the 75-million people who voted for him. If he starts a third political party, there is no counting the numbers of conservatives, moderates, blacks, Hispanics and women who will jump eagerly on board. If he starts a media company, Americans will have their first taste in years of genuinely unbiased news. And if he and Melania––who served America so gracefully and effectively these past four years––decide to go back to their old life, every one of their admirers will wish them only abundant health and great happiness.
Americans, unfortunately, will have to endure an Obama-redux regime. But America is strong and we will weather this debacle as we did the two failed terms of Obama, all the time hoping for the appearance of another peerless populist president like Donald J. Trump.
If we had a credible media, this would be an acclaimed worthy of a fuckin Pulitzer Op-Ed in every major outlet.

Instead it's a peep on an obscure message board.

Then again a Pulitzer is about as much of a fucking insult to truth and integrity as obozo's Nobel Prize.

You Trump humpers have been doing nothing but clutching your pearls since he lost the election. This hack's article is just the latest sad chapter in the reality TV show "Desperately Trying to Change the Narrative". It shouldn't surprise me to see the amount of false equivalencies being drawn since last Wednesday's frat party at the Capitol. It's sweet that they keep trying to compare the protests over social justice over the insurrection to overthrow the government. It tells you where there minds are at. Running scared.
You Trump humpers have been doing nothing but clutching your pearls since he lost the election. This hack's article is just the latest sad chapter in the reality TV show "Desperately Trying to Change the Narrative". It shouldn't surprise me to see the amount of false equivalencies being drawn since last Wednesday's frat party at the Capitol. It's sweet that they keep trying to compare the protests over social justice over the insurrection to overthrow the government. It tells you where there minds are at. Running scared.

In a nutshell..

Now, Eric Trump is speaking out about the whole thing and–surprise!–he’s playing the victim.
“We live in the age of cancel culture, but this isn’t something that started this week,” he told the Associated Press yesterday. “It is something that they have been doing to us and others for years.”

“If you disagree with them, if they don’t like you, they try and cancel you.”

In this case, we’d say people aren’t “trying” to cancel the Trumps. They are canceling the Trumps. The Trumps have officially been #canceled.
Nice photo's for the article you have there. Is that representative of the loose logic applied to the various characters it seeks to assas..... ummmm, abuse, by somehow claiming they approved of and/or were responsible for the policing riots this past summer?
Democrats' version of "success":

Hunter Biden, on the take in Communist China, Ukraine, banging topless dancer and whores, smoking cocaine and documenting it all for the world to see

Joe Biden, of whom Barack Obama said "Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck everything up."

Barack Obama, "community organizer," homosexual, cocaine smoker, Leftist communist, who was only elected because he was black

Maxine Waters, hateful, vicious, incompetent, bitter and ugly

Nancy Pelosi, hateful, vicious, incompetent, bitter and ugly

AOC, bartender and socialist

George Soros, billionaire who aided Nazis in murdering and imprisoning Jews who became a socialist America-hater like so many other Democrats

Democrats' version of "success":

Hunter Biden, on the take in Communist China, Ukraine, banging topless dancer and whores, smoking cocaine and documenting it all for the world to see

Joe Biden, of whom Barack Obama said "Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck everything up."

Barack Obama, "community organizer," homosexual, cocaine smoker, Leftist communist, who was only elected because he was black

Maxine Waters, hateful, vicious, incompetent, bitter and ugly

Nancy Pelosi, hateful, vicious, incompetent, bitter and ugly

AOC, bartender and socialist

George Soros, billionaire who aided Nazis in murdering and imprisoning Jews who became a socialist America-hater like so many other Democrats

Wow.. You're a really vicious conspiracy peddler. Check your lies. They don't hold up to scrutiny.
Democrats' version of "success":

Hunter Biden, on the take in Communist China, Ukraine, banging topless dancer and whores, smoking cocaine and documenting it all for the world to see

Joe Biden, of whom Barack Obama said "Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck everything up."

Barack Obama, "community organizer," homosexual, cocaine smoker, Leftist communist, who was only elected because he was black

Maxine Waters, hateful, vicious, incompetent, bitter and ugly

Nancy Pelosi, hateful, vicious, incompetent, bitter and ugly

AOC, bartender and socialist

George Soros, billionaire who aided Nazis in murdering and imprisoning Jews who became a socialist America-hater like so many other Democrats

I like your attitude! It's that kind of attitude that will ensure the situation doesn't just stagnate into letting the establishment cheat the people for more years to come.

And it's harmless if you can hold back from getting involved in violence. You weren't involved at the Capitol were you?
Wow.. You're a really vicious conspiracy peddler. Check your lies. They don't hold up to scrutiny.
The fight in him doesn't allow stagnation that leads back to the status quo ripoff of the working people. The left needs to join the fray to keep the working people's voices on both sides alive and being heard.

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