Paul Ryan, shame on you!


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!

Rep. Paul Ryan, one of those purveyors of toll-booth democracy, has kept a group of unemployed workers at bay for weeks now. Last week, they began a sit-in at his Kenosha district office in hopes that their voices would finally be heard. Earlier this week, Ryan staffers banned cameras from the premises, and then yesterday, they summoned the police to shoo the sit-in participants away.

“Due to an official complaint from the building’s owner, only persons with business in the building will be allowed in” was the official word, so Ryan and his staff apparently consider citizens from the district as “not having business” at a district constituent services office.

[ame=]The "Where Is Paul Ryan" Sit In Activisits Get Locked Out - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Rep. Paul Ryan Refuses To Meet With ADAPT Disabled Activists - YouTube[/ame]
And this surprises anyone, why?

Paul Ryan is just another politician, just like every other politician in D.C. No matter what kind of lofty pedestal Republicans try to put him on, he's just another politician. If anything a Republican or a Democrat does surprises you then you have your hopes WAY to high for these asshats in D.C.

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