Paul Krugman: Covid Is Coming for White-Supremacists in Florida


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
Folks, there is only one way to tell for certain when the virus situation is getting better. It is when the award winning economist who could not predict the time of day once during a day, given a clock, predicts we are doomed.

"Reality is coming for white supremacists driving golf carts," Krugman tweeted Tuesday while sharing a Bloomberg News story that included data on the number of Floridians age 75 and up testing positive for COVID-19.

And some conservatives still believe these people can be reasoned with. Best of luck with that...
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It is a biological weapon in an aerosol can that they are going around spraying certain groups of people.


Folks, there is only one way to tell for certain that the virus situation is getting better. It is when the award winning economist who could not predict the time of day once during a day, given a clock, predicts we are doomed.

"Reality is coming for white supremacists driving golf carts," Krugman tweeted Tuesday while sharing a Bloomberg News story that included data on the number of Floridians age 75 and up testing positive for COVID-19.

And some conservatives still believe these people can be reasoned with. Best of luck with that...
..there it is again--white liberals/blacks/etc PROVE beyond a doubt to be:
1. stupid
2. hypocritical
3. puppets/pawns/etc of the idiots of the MSM
4. etc proof???!!!
--WS murder less than 10 per year
--blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year
--whites 5 times the population of blacks:
------white on black murders 234
------black on white murders 514
--blacks graduate at lower rates -commit crime at higher rates
etc etc
--all linked and proven before

.....instead of trying to solve the IMPORTANT/critical problems, they talk about and go apeshit about white supremacists!!!!!!!!!! WHITE cops!!!!!!!!! STATUES!!!!!..racism that ISN'T there!!!! ---
..sure there is racism --on both sides--but nowhere near the amount the MSM says--and most of their claims of racism is bullshit = Smollet/Covington/etc
Folks, there is only one way to tell for certain when the virus situation is getting better. It is when the award winning economist who could not predict the time of day once during a day, given a clock, predicts we are doomed.

"Reality is coming for white supremacists driving golf carts," Krugman tweeted Tuesday while sharing a Bloomberg News story that included data on the number of Floridians age 75 and up testing positive for COVID-19.

And some conservatives still believe these people can be reasoned with. Best of luck with that...
Paul is just jealous of US who live here in Floor E. Da where sunshine and fresh air are what is bad for Democrats and the Kung Flu, while great for the citizens who live here and President Trump. But remember this before you libtards start chiming in...

Paul Krugman, who predicted 'global recession' under Trump, admits economy is 'strong'
When President Trump was elected president, Paul Krugman warned readers of the New York Times to brace themselves for a "global recession." Now, he admits the economy is "strong."
Krugman's latest comments came just before another jobs report that smashed expectations, with 225,000 workers added to payrolls in an already strong labor market. Unemployment, which ticked up slightly — was still at 3.6%.
Thanks to the Wuhan Virus from China, President Trump will make America great again...

Folks, there is only one way to tell for certain when the virus situation is getting better. It is when the award winning economist who could not predict the time of day once during a day, given a clock, predicts we are doomed.

"Reality is coming for white supremacists driving golf carts," Krugman tweeted Tuesday while sharing a Bloomberg News story that included data on the number of Floridians age 75 and up testing positive for COVID-19.

And some conservatives still believe these people can be reasoned with. Best of luck with that...
Give PK a little credit. He knows he doesn’t know didly about economics, knows we know he knows, so he’s trying to branch out, see if his brand’s got enough elasticity to survive in the white race-pimp market. So just sit back and enjoy the show as he continues to make a colossal ass of himself. The only thing he’s mastered careerwise thus far.
Kill em all

Kill all Floridians?

That's brave... very brave.
Kill white supremacists. Dumb ass

A typical stalinist tactic is to engage in genocide against those you disagree with.

Back in the 60's, Americans, even liberals, were a lot more tolerant of those they had disputes with. Here are national socialist leaders listening at an African American muslim meeting. Fuhrer Rockwell wasn't happy about the pic, and did threaten to make the Jewish photographer into a bar of soap over this. But this is still a lot more civil

"By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet's impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine's." -- Paul Krugman, leading Progressive economist
Our "Leaders" have almost unanimously concluded that "we" are incapable of looking out for our own best interests, and rather than focusing on those few among us who are seriously threatened by the pandemic, they issue global decrees that harm everyone, kill businesses, and create an economic catastrophe worse than a major war.

The Media, in their constant quest for relevance, focus on the trivial and nearly meaningless accumulation of "new cases," while hiding the more relevant information about hospital admissions and deaths of those not already at death's door for other reasons.

And here we have Krugman, reinforcing the phony Narrative that if only President Trump had taken this more seriously, we would all have our lives back already. Krugman is a pox on America who would have been relegated to the dustbin of journalistic history decades ago, were it not for the ridiculous award of a Nobel Prize many years ago. A worse political whore does not exist.
Krugman venting steam and making idiotic comments again. That poor little clown really can't help
himself. God bless ya, you dumb little turd.

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