Trump Passport agents or ex agents forced abortion 8 months and poisoned me also

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Dec 20, 2017
This letter is the only correspondence that I have had with family since I was in Weston except small messages and for the birth of our new family member, and heard there my parents received phone messages related to their own also hired surveillance on me and both threats and real attempts on my life which they have knowledge of but both withhold that information and play an integral role in the attempts on my life. After several escapes and phone calls to them I finally made a public statement exposing their motives and what evidence I could show as to their guilt, including my brother Martins participation when he paid one night for my hotel in Macao.​
There were times that during the attempts on my life .My father told me "That’s what you get...." and my mother told me that "Shell think about it...."
My mother has only this one email to me, and she has nothing else to say but she uses a play with words to threaten me again, She in all likeliness put a price on my head and I must again request that please would the Massachusetts government help me from a very real assassination, by way of subpoena or grand jury to inquire. I am not able to come file a report there and have to the resources. Please help save my life , and investigate.
Larry Margulies
P.S. Please see reference below

From: evieyud [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2017 12:28 PM
To: Shulman, Ken W.
Subject: Important

Dear Ken:
Please forward to Larry the enclosed letter. I only have old email addresses for him and
you stand a better chance of reaching him.
Thank you very much.

Re Please help investigat

This letter is the only correspondence that I have had with family since I was in Weston and heard there my parents received phone messages related to their own also hired surveillance on me and both threats and real attempts on my life which they have knowledge of but both withhold that information and play an integral role in the attempts on my life. After several escapes and phone calls to them I finally made a public statement exposing their motives and what evidence I could show as to their guilt, including my brother Martins participation when he paid one night for my hotel in Macao.
There were times that during the attempts on my life .My father told me "That’s what you get...." and my mother told me that "Shell think about it...."
My mother has only this one email to me, and she has nothing else to say but she uses a play with words to threaten me again, She in all likeliness put a price on my head and I must again request that please would the Massachusetts government help me from a very real assassination, by way of subpoena or grand jury to inquire o am not able to come file a report there and have to the resources. Please help save my life , and investigate.
Larry Margulies
P.S. Please see reference below

From: evieyud [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2017 12:28 PM
To: Shulman, Ken W.
Subject: Important

Dear Ken:
Please forward to Larry the enclosed letter. I only have old email addresses for him and
you stand a better chance of reaching him.
Thank you very much.

Dear Larry:

For quite a while I have been wanting to keep in touch with you but have sat on my hands because you had asked me to please not write to you. I am writing now because I think that in all fairness this situation needs immediate correspondence with you.

I looked on the internet to see what literary works our son, Larry Margulies, has written.
You succeeded in trashing our whole family and, to top it off, you put a price in our heads.

The money for December 2017 will be deposited by November 23rd and is the last of the monthly stipends to be sent to you. Beginning January 1, 2018 you will be on your own.

Keep well.


Dear Mother,
since 2009 there had been messages on your voicemail machine and threats and attempts on my life and I have not caused that nor do I know what it is about, but you have information relating to that.
I had called your home and spoken to you during those attempts on my life, yet now you claim that I told you not to write to me, which may have been to avoid your wrath. I am sure you can do something to help me from being murdered. My explanation about 'trash' was necessary to overcome the obstacle you presented that by your having told others, such as the embassy and more than one rabbi, and other family, that you believe me to be a liar and a manipulator, how was I to be believed when reporting the attempts on my life.
Now my life is in more danger because you are withholding that information and also making it more difficult.
Would you please consult someone for your health or some way to explain your behavior.
You have been forcing me to look for new ways to stop the hit ordered on my life, by people who know about personal family affairs, that I had either no knowledge of or had not told anyone.
I expect a copy of the police report soon, if you can do the right thing, I will accept limited correspondence from you while this is sorted out. I have not done anything to have caused the hit in Seattle, nor the other several attempts, it is an ordered hit and you do know about it. I have your letter to Ken and will hand that to law enforcement along with witness testimony.
Your son.
Love Larry

Dear Mother,
since 2009 there had been messages on your voicemail machine and threats and attempts on my life and I have not caused that nor do I know what it is about, but you have information relating to that.
I had called your home and spoken to you during those attempts on my life, yet now you claim that I told you not to write to me, which may have been to avoid your wrath. I am sure you can do something to help me from being murdered. My explanation about 'trash' was necessary to overcome the obstacle you presented that by your having told others, such as the embassy and more than one rabbi, and other family, that you believe me to be a liar and a manipulator, how was I to be believed when reporting the attempts on my life.
Now my life is in more danger because you are withholding that information and also making it more difficult.
Would you please consult someone for your health or some way to explain your behavior.
You have been forcing me to look for new ways to stop the hit ordered on my life, by people who know about personal family affairs, that I had either no knowledge of or had not told anyone.
I expect a copy of the police report soon, if you can do the right thing, I will accept limited correspondence from you while this is sorted out. I have not done anything to have caused the hit in Seattle, nor the other several attempts, it is an ordered hit and you do know about it. I have your letter to Ken and will hand that to law enforcement along with witness testimony.
Your son.
Love Larry

My statement is meant for anyone, that someone might actually be good towards others and might be willing to help me make a stand against some very terrible people, for I really haven’t done anything to deserve this. The forced abortion of my 8 month prenatal child about to be born and the simultaneous attempts on my life were orchestrated by someone with State Department contacts. in the letter here from my mother here the reader should know that the use of her word stipend is really the principle of the trust written about which I had begun using after my childs murxer and the attempts on my own for school tuition and a life saving liver medicine.

My daughter’s murder was not her mother’s own fault. I had met her mother in 2014 well after 2009 when I was first threatened and some group tried to kill me, which I had briefed her about, incase they showed up. When they finally did show up and the threats and attempts began at her house, I remember she said this to me, “oh, now I believe you”. That particular address only the State department had on file because when applying for my repatriation loan.

For no reason should I have had a heart attack in front of several hospital staff in Bagiuo City while just standing up for a regular checkup appointment (see attached my healthy heart and brain images), and for no reason should I have been poisoned while standing in lines a few times at immigration offices in the Philippines. Each time attacked was when I called my parents in Weston letting them know where I was.

In Bagiao city at the time of the attempt on my life which happened at a scheduled regular check up, my father had kept nudging me for no reason to go to a hospital. I was getting a checkup in preparation to later apply a working visa in another country.

The same people from the time of my repatriation loan with the U.S. State Department were there in Bagiao same as those who had come to my girlfriends house in Cebu when my father had afterwards said to me “That’s what you get for writing that letter! (referring to the letter which I had attached to my repatriation loan application). The imposter doctor switched places with my scheduled doctor and tried to kill me as he tried also in Cebu.

My brother Martin said to me after my girl was murdered, “Never tell a murderer he’s wrong”.

I believe that my family orchestrated my murder out of a twisted rage. I was in their Weston Massachusetts house when the people surveillance me left messages on that home’s voicemail machine. That trip inside that home my father also had me translate another message on his voicemail was from the son of a Panama president. My mother had sent me email about messages about me to my email while I was in Asia. I had not given my contact to anyone and the calls on her caller I.D were from cities that I did not stay in; furthermore, the messages she said were about me and how money transactions were performed relating to the house they bought for me in Canada. The messages could have been meant for my father, mother, or even my sister Anne who lived with them. Every family member is involved in the attempts on my life and the death of my child. There was at least one witness already likely murdered who came between me and one gunman who approached me. I myself have witnessed one family and one other personal acquaintance have their lives threatened to not get involved with my situation, some tree trunk framed man showed a phone to their face with a message typed out or their were talked to .
It is also true that I was also under investigation by the Passport Agency, I know this because the Boston passport agency told me so at their window when picking up a new one after several losses. Another message on his machine was from an undercover agent working with the U.S. State Department who gave me his number at the Olympics when he asked where my visa was; he had invited me to Taiwan at my birthday about cooperating on an English School. My father sponsored that trip and I also met the black lady, the agent’s friend who founded “Descendants of African people”. She said Benny worked for the State Department.

My father’s father molested me and my fathers mother had stopped it from happening to him, Martins son is named after him, and this current situation grew worse because my family had tried to cover up the sexual abuse that I endured since my schools had uncovered it when I was engaging in sex in first grade. My brother Mike had witness him molesting me and called him a pervert and fag, but Mike never helped me, he just walked away. my mother had been afraid of my father for letting me skip school and she had no other way to take my temperature than with an anal thermometer when I was 11 and so 2016 when my father said “Nathan had taken everything from me”, he also said that I should deal with my issues I did. I mentioned this incident when my mother with the baby thermometer and she became frantic and called me a liar; she made copies of my emails to her and held them up she said while I called her phone, while some people were trying to kill me and my family refused to help (I had talked to a therapist about the abuse and its affects before I left Boston, proof that I wasn’t suddenly fictionalizing it)

18 and in another therapy session arranged by my father I was touched on my elbow revealing memories I always had of being molested; I had refused bathing making me smell and found it difficult sitting next to others. This particular psychologist at Desito Schools, wanted me to confront the abusers in order to help heal me, so, when my father said to “deal with” my issues I did. I believe my mother by her calling me a liar instigated the entire family to want me dead even more than they already did.

It was a miracle in 2009 that I discovered a report from 1979 which my school, Park in Brookline, had initiated after suspecting I was abused. That report requested that I should go to intensive therapy and my parents covered it up and switched schools, and because so I experienced many more years of abuse.

My mothers own psychiatrist, Silvio Onesti, quoted to me from his notes of my mother “everything was fine at home”, and my mother later wrote me a letter saying that “things were so bad at home as the reason she never took me for the counseling”. This was my fathers fault for threatening her and also me not to talk about my parents in counseling. My father’s positions were a real threat to anyone.

Driving my first car at nineteen, I caught my parents’ investigators taking u-turn after u-turn behind me, my mother denied it at first but her sister confronted her on my behalf she then admitted it and so did his private detective Paul McSweeney so I left Boston like my siblings had “to escape my father”.

Nathan was a boy five years my senior at camp Yavneh who took me into a shack there to see a Playboy and asked me for a blowjob. I would never had vists from Nathan into myh family home later but my father had takjen my best friend away, Bryan, by going to his home and yelling at his family since I gave him two of my dad baseball cards, Bryan was very popular and my only friend at our school of only 300 students.I told the therapist, also my dad'd friend to do something about my father but he replied that according to law not if the family was in therapy but we only went a few times. My father stopped his medication he said because it made him worse. My father told me that his own friend told him to stay away from me, but he did not.

I would not have thought of Nathan if my father hadn’t mentioned him so after finding his number from a background check I called Nathan feeling he owed me a favor for the hurt he had caused me as a kid. I sought his help to solve this murderous situation and he said that he received a letter from my father stating that I had some chemically induced psychosis. I immediately recognized that I was being set up, it was my father’s style. Like countless others after speaking to my father Nathan, later denied receiving this letter. It was too much of a coincidence that I was poisoned with a powerful hallucinogen at the same time.

The biggest question I have is How is it possible that my father’s investigators and the U.S. State Department’s investigators are linked? He probably used his connections inside which he gained from his work and friendships.

Already for years I was running from city to city escaping these people since the time which my house was mortgaged for creating a long planned business. and one million dollars was lost from these people, ironically my father had made a vicious circle and no one headed to my warnings, during which a gray SUV was parked at a vantage point outside our hotel, the Holiday Inn, below our window were people speaking of shooting me while she slept, and I suspected they parked outside the gates to avoid the guard’s log book recording their plate number, so I called my consulate. The consulate officer on duty said to me on that phone call there at 7:00 AM that the consulate had contacts in the Lapu Lapu police station so there I went while she slept. (See attachment) She wrote it after requesting that I immediately take her out of the city before sharing something that had happened. I reported the same people to the U.S. consulate already while she slept, and before they approached her.

2008 at the Olympics, two men inquired about my visa and lost passports, one white, Sasha, with a Ukrainian passport and MTV tattoo on the thumb flesh, the other black, Jonathon Benny, with a Nigerian passport and black pride which I found odd since he bragged about entrapping black criminals. Benny told Sasha aloud that I’m from Brookline, I never had said so but I am. Benny told me he was diplomatic security and afterwards was concerned I had a criminal record so I wonder now why he befriended me and invited me to Taiwan. Could it be that ‘Whitey could be code for one of these men? or even Obama?

2009 or so while staying in Hong Kong I was attacked with a bottle to my head, so I hired a bodyguard when making a police report inside the Mandarin Oriental Hotel then went for stitches. A few days later two men came to my table and sat down, one sounded Russian said they were going to kill me and asked if I was a Jew.
I told them “there was no reason to kill me”. So, I called my father who asked me specifically: Did you tell them there is no reason”.

A few days earlier and right after the bottle attack I phone called Benny from the Olympics from the hotel room where my bodyguard brought me to. Answering my call Benny said “I don’t know you” and at the moment we hung up I heard him softly say “You’re dead”.

It was in 2010 I went to Seattle for a new passport instead of Boston, because it was closer to my new house in British Columbia. The Seattle Passport Agency refused to renew my passport and then after leaving that office one Thursday morning at around 11:30, across the street to eat lunch and calling a taxi, a bottle fell to exactly where my head was, at the entrance to the Brooklyn Seafood restaurant. The new armed bodyguard I hired then confirmed with his contact inside the eatery that a bottle did indeed drop there that day. The police told me it could have been an accident. but that was impossible because it the building had closed roof access (Google has images of the building and its entrance).

Several men were following me after that in Seattle. I stopped one man behind me who when I asked what he did; he replied that he “killed people”, said he had a medal of honor, his name was Jean Luc from Alaska, said he was Seal team 5,but his story of being the last survivor did not check out at the Navy; his mother was nice to me on the phone. Several other men followed me including two bald men in Seattle, one of those two had also been in Hong Kong standing behind me on his phone asking the receiver if he should shoot me or not. Inside a Seattle restaurant the bald men sat down next to me and my friend who worked security next door; they did not order anything and I joked to my friend a security guard that “we had a file on them” to which the larger bald man asked the shorter one if it was true and he said “no”. My friend offered to apprehend them but I said “no”. Also was a huge black commando with a live security clearance (he said) who asked me about my trip in Asia (his “cousin with him nudged “When you gonna do him?). This commando reached his hand under the table we sat at with his phone on. Upon my leaving a coffee place where I had befriended a barista a certain gray haired man asked her if I bothered her to which she replied no. Yet another man in Seattle with a big bushy beard who I stopped from following me in zig zag, we got a beer together, he said he had been a secret agent.

After Seattle I went to Boston to apply for the new passport.

My father was upset, because he found out that I had a mortgage, but I explained I had no choice but to apply a loan because my mother had said I would not be given anymore money upon receiving the house.
I never asked them for money and so I went to a private lender, One Stop Mortgage.

I went to the Philippines on invitation from a girl and stayed in that country on and off for about four years, leaving and then coming back between girlfriends After a try with one girlfriend, back to Manila, a family at the hotel lobby invited me to dinner somewhere far so as a precaution I took a hotel van with the hotels security driver to the date, where totally new people greeted us and instructed us to drive under a bridge in the pitch black. The driver and I agreed not to do that and the man who greeted us clearly said on his phone “the hit is canceled”..

I went to Cebu again and awaited my mother to send my high school transcripts for my application to university in criminology. I was staying at the Tonros hotel. The day or so after my transcripts arrived several new men appeared to be staring at me from the Kukus Nest Hotel across the street so I went to say hello. I had also often gone to drink coffee there. Two gigantic Finnish sailor men were there, sat together and the leader of the two asked if I had ever been to the Cayman Islands, as it happened that during my previous meeting with my parents about the mortgage I copied a fax from my fathers folder in hopes to gain clues as to why someone tried to kill me. It was a fax of a transfer he had made to the Cayman Islands from Scotland. Perhaps my father in some paranoid rage thought I aimed to steal his money? I sent a scan of one of the men’s name card and sent it to my father who upon requesting it returned, he deleted his email account.

My money was running out and I could not stay safe staying in one place making my business plans seem impossible. and all requests I made to law enforcement in different countries and cities failed, so did requests to family.

I went to the Philippines on invitation from a girl and stayed in that country on and off for about four years, leaving and then coming back between girlfriends After a try with one girlfriend, back to Manila, a family at the hotel lobby invited me to dinner somewhere far so as a precaution I took a hotel van with the hotels security driver to the date, where totally new people greeted us and instructed us to drive under a bridge in the pitch black. The driver and I agreed not to do that and the man who greeted us clearly said on his phone “the hit is canceled”.

I went to Cebu again and awaited my mother to send my high school transcripts for my application to university in criminology. I was staying at the Tonros hotel. The day or so after my transcripts arrived several new men appeared to be staring at me from the Kukus Nest Hotel across the street so I went to say hello. I had also often gone to drink coffee there. Two gigantic Finnish sailor men were there, sat together and the leader of the two asked sarcastically if I had ever been to the Cayman Islands, as it happened that during my previous meeting with my parents about the mortgage I copied a fax from my fathers folder in hopes to gain clues as to why someone tried to kill me. It was a fax of a transfer he had made to the Cayman Islands from Scotland. Perhaps my father in some paranoid rage thought I aimed to steal his money? I sent a scan of one of the men’s name card and sent it to my father (After more serious attempts on my life and my daughters murder I requested from my father the name card’s return, so he deleted his email account.

One of the men, an American at the Kukus Nest, the next morning, offered to have a drink with me and called me by my Sunday school name Heart which I had put in a Sci-Fi story and gave to my family years earlier, that man spoke to me while on on his phone call. He made it a point to show me his elbow like Paul had and asked me to look at it.

That same man crossed my path to my hotel room when a paper similar looking to the Cayman fax had disappeared from my most important folder. I noticed it missing right away when I arrived home..

Another different man, at the Kukus Nest, he stayed there after these other men left, for over a month often came up to me. His name was David and he claimed to having a purple heart medal. He would run up to me from across my side of the street with his phone call lit on. I told him that I might investigate him for spying on me and he said if I did that he would tie my feet to concrete blocks and dump me in the ocean. The moment after his threat to me he made a telephone call in front of me and told the receiver to “delete all the telephone records”.

It was several times people had said this so I called my brother Martin for advice and he told me to ignore them. Martin’s actions cost my daughters life, nearly my own life and after the murder of my daughter continued his injury many times to call what happened a miscarriage.

My father had no right to speak to the US Consulate directly, because I had not signed a privacy waiver, but he found out about the letter with the Cayman Island account I attached to my repatriation loan application in which I said there was a threat by my dad and that in order to pay for my air ticket back to the states I needed to find out where my money were put such as from dividends.

After Cebu In Davao Philippines where I invited Lesyl and where I also applied to a university for my criminology degree I planned to open a coffee shop. An American named Jerry, showed up at the coffee place offering to help me. My potential business partner overheard Jerry talking to me specifically about my science fiction story written years earlier that I gave to my family and brother Michael, an amateur UFO researcher. I had told them to delete it but they didn’t; it was an embarrassing short story. Jerry’s comments about it scared her away.

Jerry, an American also had a fake Quezon City police ID with his photo and name on it. I told jerry that the FBI would not take any more of my phone calls, and he seriously said “They have people inside the FBI.”

Jerry came to my apartment in Davao and pointed to the photo of my father saying my father was “not someone to cross”.

Jerry was arrested for selling fake Marlboros in Davao, and I brought a sandwich to him at the jail. I am 100% sure he knows who hired the assassination team so I stress that the $50,000 dollar reward I now offer could be awarded by tracking this Jerry down and gaining evidence. A bar owner in Davao, a retired navy officer, also spoke with Jerry and made his own conclusion that Jerry may be in the federal witness protection program.

I went back to Cebu where he consulate’s citizen services asked my family for assistance to buy an air ticket for me back to the United States, a loan and they specified 2500 , but my father only sent 1500. I had told my father about my plans to return to America and to seek a lawyer about stopping these men stalking me; He sounded solemnly disappointed at that. I had spent several years running from these men and lost a home already because of it.

Then a gray haired American man came with two cowering policeman behind him. That address which only the State Department had for the repatriation loan was 26 C Imus Highway.

Right before these men appeared at the house that time, a short American had walked slowly pass me as if to identify me, his hair was obviously dyed black to blend in. Much later This man passed by me the time of the attempt on my life in Bagioa later.

I walked up to the gray haired man and he asked me how I made money so I told him. He joked in an evil way, that he was from France, because somehow he had overheard my joke the week before when I said that I was from France.

I told him I didn’t like being bothered and the following day another American who I recognized stopped me on the street
the year before at the mall (as if he was tailing me the whole time). He asked to borrow a dollar from me as before, then he asked me, “Aren’t You from France?”

Lesyl, my girlfriend became pregnant while I waited for the repatriation loan to process when I had already planned to leave her.

My father intervened in that loan process and he told the lady at the consulate helping me that I was “crazy”.

My father was now rampantly discrediting me so I asked her out of expectance, “Did my father tell you that I was crazy or something?” and she laughed saying “yea”.

My father had begun telling many people between 2008 and 2016 either that I was a crazy or a manipulator. Strangely enough my mother told me her best friend had died when I asked about her, though she had not. As the attempts on my life increased so did my family distance themselves.

I had previously called my dad about the gray haired American man coming and he said “That’s what you get for writing the letter!”
While walking back to Lesyls house one night, the Australian Gecko Bar’s acting owner in Cebu called me over to come have a private meeting with him, I had not ever known him personally, and inside it was just him, his sidekick in the corner and a waitress serving us a beer. He sat close to me and said there was a contract on my life, and he said specifically as if he were under oath not to say whom exactly “It isn’t a white man.”

His sidekick said “Just shoot him!”, and then the owner switched chairs to sit away from me. I was not a guilty man nor a rat, nor should anyone have a reason to kill me, so I got up and sat back next to him again. Then he asked me if there were any court documents, I replied that I was not involved with any courts. The only thing I could think of was a questionnaire had been sent to me to Philippines from Boston by a lawyer named Garabedian, when I became upset about discovering the 1979 “Park” report in 2009, the lawyers all said that my parents were responsible for holding back my abuse counseling as a child, and I was also angry at that time when my mother finally asked forgiveness for locking me in my room during two years she didn’t want to watch over me. I forgave her and moved on until she called me a liar and my father told me to deal with my issues while I was on holiday.

The Gecko bar owner knows who hired the assassination team for the $50,000 dollar reward.

One time I was poisoned in Cebu possibly by a dart to my calf muscle because something left a large puffy mark surrounding a small hole when I was suddenly hallucinating strongly, this is when I called the consulate nighttime duty officer and he said that after some research he found a warrant on my life, I called my mother to ask for help to pay for protection and she said “Ill think about it".

I called Martin and he said something that he had helped make the financial papers for my father, Martin also told me “Never tell a murderer that he is wrong”, and I did not know to what he referred to and he would not elaborate.

Lesyl and I came out of our room and then three men sat at our room’s entrance in Mactan’s Decca 5 apartments, Mactan, so I greeted them, said hi and shook their hands to which the first one, identifying himself as Jun from Decca 3, his ID later confirmed.

Jun said to the other two “I’m not gonna shoot this man.!”

The next man over had a huge birthmark surrounding one eye said he was from the Philippine army, and a bald American with arm tattoos sat to his left.

I asked the tattooed American if they were from the State Department and he replied “Why?, do you want to die?” to which I replied in reference to constantly being harassed, “No I want more evidence to make a complaint about” and this made his neck jerk far away to his left in fear.

These men also know who hired the assassination team for anyone seeking the $50,000 dollar reward.

Of course we immediately moved from there. Right after our move and in Lesyl’s last month of pregnancy there was a violent break-in into our next apartment through the air conditioner and front door which started when what appeared to be a fiber optic cable slithered in. I called 911 but there was no response. Lesly was acting strangely and when I called 911 she yelled to the air conditioner “Not tonight!”

I suspect these people targeted Lesyl after stopping our cash flow, she was seen with one of these people in secret, someone had sent me an email about that.

My loan had been stopped and neighbors had no food to let us borrow, because the Philippine are very poor people. Hospitals needed to be paid for any treatment received also, otherwise it would be seen as a crime if you were not to pay.

That week the loan was not given as it had every month previously. Lesyl and I were forced to switch apartments in order to use the room’s deposit money to eat with. My parents had sent money late a few months in a row so she was very hungry.

I wanted Lesyl to stay inside the last two months of the pregnancy as I feared those men coming around. After our loan was revoked (because they were told about my trust that even I did not know about) It was one day that I asked her to bring my extra phone to our neighbors to sell for our food. I would have taken her to live in a remote location while pregnant, but I felt it safer in busy neighborhoods to stay in public view in case those people came again which they did. This would have saved the child also.

I made a call to the embassy from the women’s services department and yelled at the consulate officer to urgently call my parents for money otherwise my baby would be killed. That week Lesyl was acting strange and looked as if she was trying to abort the baby by squeezing her belly and complained that we were starving.

I had called my father, but he didn’t want to talk on the phone, he was upset, saying that I had disrespected him; Somehow he was referring to my own private conversation with a consulate officer but there was no privacy waiver signed, how was my father getting all my details from inside the State Department and also details of exactly what was happening in the Philippines. The Consulate should not have told him of certain things considering my bad history with him; Why would the consulate share information with him that would only made him more angry.

My sister Anne sent me an email asking me if Americans were still outside my room, even though I had never told her about it.

When I called my father to yell at him for the murder, he picked up the phone to say that he had terminal cancer, the Boston Globe said also. He took attention away from my baby’s murder and attempts on me.

Martin continued to send me emails insisting that the baby died of a miscarriage, he also denied that anyone was threatening me and that my father insisted I to be insane.

Lesyl killed the baby and felt bad about that. She had strained herself at different times that week squeezing her womb, I think she was trying to squeeze out the baby after the child had been poisoned. She was in great pain and screaming that day coming home with cash and the week those three men came to our house, and she huffed and puffed and squeezed her hands tight while screaming, I had no idea what was happening then.

In hindsight she was not squeezing her fists and puffing to kill the baby but that the baby was poisoned and fighting for her own life. Lesyl was trying to constrain her own pain as the baby child struggled inside.

I came to this conclusion after reading her statement about the S. U. V. of people who came to her and mentioned their own fear of poison inside the baby still inside her belly. The hospital who had agreed to test the baby’s blood for poison didn’t at the last minute, and those men stole the hair samples from my bag.

I was also poisoned after that SUV appeared and followed us, which can not be a coincidence. And it was clearly a set up.

Before the grey Suv stationed itself outside the holiday Inn we had stayed at the Escarion Hotel (See attached receipts) and there, four special agents identifying themselves as Philippine I.C.E and I talked outside our room. I looked at their four identical sports cars. Later I had heard some people outside my room there speaking American English asking the maid which room I stayed in.
After a food delivery to my room somehow I was poisoned,
I called my parents and an ambulance at the same time; My father answered my call right away and seemed strangely happy.

The ambulance just sat in the hotel parking lot for almost 30 minutes so I took a taxi instead as whatever poison got in my system progressed, it was t like an upper but then after my escape from the hospital later it became a hallucinogen.
When I arrived at the hospital, named Socceur, a man in a lab coat emerged from against the emergency room wall and gave me a pill from his pocket which made me feel like I was dying, really! So I asked him to take my vitals and he refused, so I ran out the hospital and threw it up.

The man in the lab coat was the same impostor that switched places with the doctor at my check up in Baguio approximately 1000 miles away during the assassination attempt in Baguio city later.

I left Lesyl alone at Escario and I ran somewhere else when I was poisoned and I called my mother who did not care at all but only yelled at me for lying about sexual abuse and when I asked her for help she said shed think about it. (The next day or so a Finish lady approached my face and asked me “Aren’t I confused?”)

More than a day later When I came back to get lesyl, we moved to a new hotel and upon arriving there at 6 am I noticed people below our room in the parking lot talking about shooting us so I immediately went to the security manager inside the lobby and pointed to one of the people on his way to a gray SUV outside the gate at the only vantage point.

There was a man in a yellow T-shirt on his way to that SUV and the manager said he did not see him even though he was right in front of us so I immediately called the American embassy because I was very afraid of what was going on there. Obviously the SUV parked at the vantage point outside the property line to avoid leaving its license plate on record at the guard’s gate.

The next week I asked Lesyl to take a moment and think about our relationship. She was clearly very disturbed about something and she said she would not tell me unless we left the city, so we did.

After our arrival to Bohol, where I buried my girl, she wrote a statement with a lawyer about the SUV but I hadn’t told her that already I had reported that same SUV to the U.S. embassy. (At one point Lesyl stated she had to choose between me or her son at the province for whatever reason.)

We went to Baguio city, I only told the embassy and my father where I was. I made a check up appointment at the doctors office incase I wanted to leave the country and obtain a working visa, I had checkups every year and I was very healthy.

In Baguio the same American short man with dyed hair who walked past me slowly before at her house during the repatriation loan application (where the gray haired man came with two shamed cops).

While in public I made one joke and one bad lie. I joked that I would quickly get a checkup to prove my good health in case those people tried to give me a heart attack. I also made the bad lie aloud in public while walking with Lesyl that I would use any extra money I wanted to hurt that bad man of a neighbor, who had raped Lesyl during Christmas and my birthday.

I called my mother to ask for more money in order to pay the exit fees and she asked me, that ”if she sent me more money would I hurt someone?”. I have never hurt anyone in my life and never had threatened anyone before. This was a first.

Furthermore, my father in the background hearing the call with my mother about my exiting and needing money to do so, threatened my mom aloud, saying that he would close her bank account if she did send more.

One thing that I want to mention to the readers now is that after the attempted break in to my apartment through the air conditioner just before our baby girl was murdered I called my father.

I was particularly disturbed that after the group breaking in went away upon sunrise, they left behind a five gallon drum of bleach left on the door mat .

I called my father on my way to the police station and he said to me on the phone “I guess you did a public service”. The public service which he referred I think was my mention of his Cayman Islands account to the State department during my repatriation loan.

I had been poisoned several times and called a night duty officer at the consulate, who identified himself as Noel and I begged him for help several different occasions. I told him I believed myself to be a good person and to please help my situation. After my begging he finally said he had done some research; He said to me :“There is a warrant on your life”.

I had never heard of such a thing and I immediately told him that it was impossible, and asked him by whom. He answered “Whitey”.

He cut the call short and told me to call in the day time. Next, the daytime duty officer sounded suspicious and asked if I had spoken to someone at night there.

The scariest attempt on my life was In Bagiuo at the check up appointment. I asked Lesyl to wait outside with her stencil pad. I stayed with the intern to attach the electrodes and we watched my heart on screen for an hour while waiting for the doctor to arrive. My heart was in good condition according to the aid and I had already been examined fully several times previously in other countries. (See attached my healthy heart sonogram taken just after escaping the Philippines)
Then after a whole hour of waiting finally a new different nurse came in wearing a mask and told me something very odd.

The previous nurse explained that if I jogged on the running machine later to hit the red button if I felt faint, but this time the new nurse said NOT to hit the button but if feeling faint later to tell her about it instead.

Then the impostor doctor came in wearing normal clothes, looking back in time I realized that if he had worn a lab coat I would have recognized him right away as the same emergency room doctor in Cebu who gave me the poison tablet at Socceur hospital.

I went to stand on the running machine and then noticed while looking at the monitor, just by standing still my heart then went racing to 120 and I could not believe it so I asked him about it and he said “not to bother him”, that he was “Busy with procedure”.

Then I saw my heart beat go up more to 130 and I had not even begun jogging and when I went to say something, he snapped at me asking “how I should know?”.

This was when I told him that I was raised among Harvard doctors and knew that 120 represented a problem. My resting heart rate was about 75,

Then suddenly a moment later he said, like he was pretending, “Oh, I see a problem” and my heart went to 190 and fluctuated to 200 at which point I felt a chemical in my blood so strong I could taste it.

I knew then it was another hit on my life.

I thought fast and pulled off the electrodes, quickly wiping the gel off my chest, grabbed my clothes and pulling out a wad of cash that totaled much more than the amount owed for the checkup, I told them I was leaving - that I was late for another appointment.

The impostor that moment grabbed a nun passing by to pray over my dying body and he immediately made a cell phone call at the same time as if to ask for further orders.

I successfully paid and dressed and left while concentrating not to have a heart attack, stumbling out the door.

I left the entranceway and a guard asked me to stop so I told him I’d already paid and was late for an appointment.

He still would not let me pass after confirming that I had already paid so I made an immediate decision to run for my life, up the private road for about 500 meters to the public street.

I was then chased by four guards and upon reaching the street a large masked woman, civilian, stepped out from around the street corner; she said was a police woman, that “I must return to the doctor”.

I explained again that I had already paid and had to go somewhere else, and when asked, she had no id. She and the guards kept telling me several times that I must go back to the doctor, he wanted me to come back.

Lesyl suddenly reached where we were all stood and said “I thought you were going to give me a heart attack” as she stood there also wondering what to do. I offered a bribe to the guards.

Finally I yelled to the street side and yelled. “I am Larry Margulies and they poisoned me.”

They then let me leave. At which time the concerned reception nurse from inside also ran to me and gave me a receipt.

We jumped on a bus and immediately left the city. If you wanted to find this hospital, it is at the top of Session Road in Bagiuo, upon leaving the art cafe take a left, then take the first right, and the road across the street leads to the emergency room.

We ran to Manila immediately and stayed at the White Night Hotel where three workers witnessed my will and testament to Donald Trump the presidential nominee and Steven Seagal, giving them my family photo collection, bank account savings, email account and asking them to investigate my statement here, several police reports and the NBI report about the impostor doctor.

In hindsight there were two other times outside of my different residences that that impostor was seen loitering across the street from our door.

He is about 5’ 9’’ and 210 pounds with a barrel shaped chest and tanned skin with a trimmed goatee and short to medium length black hair, and about fifty years old.

I applied for my exit visa properly and efficiently, but upon going to pick the exit clearance up, the Immigration department told me that I had to do the entire process all over again, and for no reason at all. During this extra time I was poisoned again and eventually they gave me the exit visa but also a letter stating that there was a humane issue in granting it, it looked like an apology.

The time that I was poisoned lethally I went to the U.S. embassy twice the same day to meet the federal law officer who by coincidence invited me that same day. That time I was poisoned while inside the immigration bureau, already there for a couple hours and then feeling the effects suddenly I made a written note and put it inside the complaint box. A foreign man black skinned and similar looking to Benny laughed at me and said “That won’t do you any good’ and so I looked at him. He then put on covert operative sunglasses while we caught eyes and he left.

Lesyl was with me and had promised to stay with me in line, but something scared her and she suddenly wanted to stay at the coffee shop and wait.

I was poisoned while at that immigration office while standing in line and the symptoms gradually increased over several hours as if from the ice bullet in spy novels that slowly dissolved. I was so afraid that night after crawling the stairs to my room that I sent a fax to Steven Seagal’s police office asking for help, since local police were involved and FBI would not help either.

The first few hours of the poison’s affects I went to the U. S. embassy twice. I went to the gate claiming to have an emergency. A Federal law enforcement officer took my call the week previously about investigators harassing me and he told me to come in, so at that time I was poisoned I went there to ask to speak to a law enforcement officer. I told them some people were trying to kill me outside and that I was poisoned. They refused both times I asked to speak to the law officer there and the window person told me I had to leave, but I was so scared, as the poison was becoming strong. It felt deadly, and it was, after a few hours progressively getting worse, I was shaking and losing vision, until later when I got home and called the duty officer at the consulate I could sense all my body functions were failing, so tried my best using any knowledge of body mind control, strange that an ambulance came to park below my window just after that call.

Outside the embassy I jumped in a taxi and chose a destination an hour away to my ex girlfriends house to give me time to decide how to deal with the poison. Obviously the assassins wanted me to go to the hospital or get arrested if I didn’t die. They arranged my child’s death already. Then we turned around and went back to the White knight hotel. I had tried to take a water break on the way, but I could not stand up, extremely dizzy and head shaking and throwing up for no reason.

I literally crawled up the stairs to our room and two red laser dots were on the wall coming through an open window near Lesyl and I. Lesyl said loudly “Finally its over”.

After my escape through the airport made my way to Macao and the ATM machine ate my card, so I called Martin for help to pay my hotel while a new ATM card was on its way. He answered my telephone call by yelling into the phone before I had the chance to say anything.

“Larry you need help!” He was acting and setting me up for something as if fooling his wife if she was there listening.

I told him that giving my address put me at risk because of those people. He promised to pay for the waiting time for my new card but then after his promise he only paid for one night using his credit card. Martin insisted I give my exact address as a condition, otherwise I would face arrest being destitute, and face the group threatening me.

Two men appeared at the entrance and on their phone. Martin then commented about my physical appearance he knew what I was wearing.

Martin instructed me to call him the next day so he cover the hotel costs until my card arrived, but he did not answer any calls nor emails. There was no way to get in touch with him all of a sudden which was not normal.

He intentionally asked for my location and broke his promise. This was at the Masters hotel in Macao. Martin had also said that dad told him to “Take care of me”, a question of semantics.

I managed to find a hotel that let me stay for ten days with my delayed payment.

My other brother Michael called my Skype after my escape. He sounded desperate to talk about my trust account.

Mike Yudowitz: “There is money. Send email. Confirming that you want me to be trustee and not Ken Shulman. Tell me now if you do Not want me involved. I am doing this to help you. It is not something I want to do.”

Larry Margulies: I don’t want you involved Mike; honestly, I don’t Trust you.”

Mike Yudowitz: “Ken Shulman will do it; I will call dad now, all family contact from now on will be though Shulman. I will block you now, bye”

2017 – 2018 after Macao twice men came behind me and used some tool to inject me with some strange stimulant; once while sitting in an internet bar man came looked at my face as if to identify me, after which a younger man came from his side and injected me with something that made my heart race over 130 Beats per minute for several hours.

A second time inside of a Walmart a man came to my side about five times and then upon coming to me lastly said to me that my English was very good, then moved swiftly around behind me and injected a poison into my backside through the air while barely touching with something, but in both incidents the police and I could find no video proving that.

February 27th, 2017 in Mongolia, there were two armed men, one with a metal rod and their other one with a concealed weapon which made a shifting click, who came into my hotel I believe I was followed into Mongolia and set up since I was in a carpool from the border, and at the airport a group of people had shown up at the same border thousands of miles away.

room at 7AM, grabbed my arm and asked me to go in a car with them, but I yelled out of the window for help, and a child called the police thus saving me. The police come allowing me to escape, and the police were talking to a man on the phone who is from the consulate named Jason, and a separate call to the consulate officer on duty. Jason told me he was two hours away., he also asked me sounding mostly concerned who if anyone had I also called, when I told him I called other numbers. Then afterwards at my next location that same Jason crosses my Skype wifi connection, saying Hello loudly while I dialed someone’s Skype, it was ringing. The scariest part after having the two men come into my room, the maid closed the curtain, a maid they had switched for the one who was on duty, she said to me while they went to meet the police downstairs, “they are going to kill you”. As I left the hotel, she went to tell the police that they didn’t want a dead body in the room, the police man raised his hands as if to mimic their plan which was to hit me on the head. They then stole my ipad in front of me and I ran into a white Ubu taxi had miraculously stopped by me. The police had turned my way and tested me to see if I would respond to my previous name which they shouted out.

My statement may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without my written permission because in the future these people mentioned can be held accountable, and I hope their war medals are stripped away, and that their children’s children may see them for what they really are, bad apples.

Thank you for reading my statement what really happened, Larry Margulies.

In my thoughts, no nobody should lose their metals I don't give a dam what they did because at the time they received those metals they earned those metals. I don't even care if they end up in prison they earned them at that time fair and square. Just like their retirement, I don't think they should ever lose it no matter what.

They only strip ppl of those so it can save the greddy ass fed. money and they'll strip it all from whoever in order to save a buck and put in their own pockets.

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