Party of No & Do Whatever it Takes has done nothing in years


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
It is hard to look at any positive legislation and point out anything the republicans have done for the people in years for the people they claim to represent. This begs the question, if all they do is strictly for the rich and corporations, why do the imbecile rightys support them? Politics is about you scratch my back & I will scratch yours, but the game the republicans play is all take and no give. They just want these duped cons to vote for them, and afterwards their supporters get the shaft.

Why do you support republicans?

What have they done for you or any American voter?

What have the republicans cost Americans that gave them no benefit in return?
QUOTE=shintao;4060535]It is hard to look at any positive legislation and point out anything the republicans have done for the people in years for the people they claim to represent. This begs the question, if all they do is strictly for the rich and corporations, why do the imbecile rightys support them? Politics is about you scratch my back & I will scratch yours, but the game the republicans play is all take and no give. They just want these duped cons to vote for them, and afterwards their supporters get the shaft.

Why do you support republicans?

What have they done for you or any American voter?

What have the republicans cost Americans that gave them no benefit in return?[/QUOTE]

:cuckoo::cuckoo: Nope just lessened the tax burden for all Americans. While democrats play pick and choose.

You suck at this.....

Just sayin............
QUOTE=shintao;4060535]It is hard to look at any positive legislation and point out anything the republicans have done for the people in years for the people they claim to represent. This begs the question, if all they do is strictly for the rich and corporations, why do the imbecile rightys support them? Politics is about you scratch my back & I will scratch yours, but the game the republicans play is all take and no give. They just want these duped cons to vote for them, and afterwards their supporters get the shaft.

Why do you support republicans?

What have they done for you or any American voter?

What have the republicans cost Americans that gave them no benefit in return?

:cuckoo::cuckoo: Nope just lessened the tax burden for all Americans. While democrats play pick and choose.

You suck at this.....

Just sayin............[/QUOTE]

How can they lessen the tax burden when they borrow & spent trillions of dollars, and gave out bailouts like candy suckers to every corporation who whined? Bring some solid evidence of the republicans lessening the tax burden, because currently you are the one that sucks with your pie in the sky example.:lol: It was Obama who rolled back the taxes below the Bush era hikes, so I have no clue what the hell you are talking about.

As expected, this is going to be a real short thread, because the republicans have done nothing for the American people they claim to represent.
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QUOTE=shintao;4060535]It is hard to look at any positive legislation and point out anything the republicans have done for the people in years for the people they claim to represent. This begs the question, if all they do is strictly for the rich and corporations, why do the imbecile rightys support them? Politics is about you scratch my back & I will scratch yours, but the game the republicans play is all take and no give. They just want these duped cons to vote for them, and afterwards their supporters get the shaft.

Why do you support republicans?

What have they done for you or any American voter?

What have the republicans cost Americans that gave them no benefit in return?

:cuckoo::cuckoo: Nope just lessened the tax burden for all Americans. While democrats play pick and choose.

You suck at this.....

Just sayin............

How can they lessen the tax burden when the borrow & spent trillions of dollars, and gave out bailouts like candy suckers to every corporation who whined? Bring some solid evidence of the republicans lessening the tax burden, because currently you are the one that sucks with your pie in the sky example.:lol:

As expected, this is going to be a real short thread, because the republicans have done nothing for the American people they claim to represent.[/QUOTE]

Nonsense. the main difference between parties is one provides opportunity while the other stays stuck in class warfare.

Repubs always do well when the public believes it can get ahead, dems do well when they eliminate hope.

Solid evidence. Just because your stupid and can not fathom the Bush tax cuts. Doesnt make them go away. And get off the whos paying for it shtick. Democrats added SS to the general fund in 1965.
Trying to show the Republicans in a bad light by pointing to Democrat inspired legislation is... what's the word? :eusa_think: Oh, yeah.... FUTILE!

They're both begging for scraps from the same table and it's disgusting.

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