Partial List of Items Prohibited/Permitted into the Gaza Strip


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
Having the recent incident with the shooting of the people on the flotilla. I decided to find out just what exactly is banned from the Gaza Strip. After all the argument I was told, if they have nothing that is banned on the list, it can be brought in.

As from the link:

The following list is approximate and partial, and it changes from time to time. It is based on
information from Palestinian traders and businesspersons, international organizations, and the
Palestinian Coordination Committee, all of whom "deduce" what is permitted and what is
banned based on their experience requesting permission to bring goods into Gaza and the
answers they receive from the Israeli authorities (approved or denied). It is not possible to
verify this list with the Israeli authorities because they refuse to disclose information regarding
the restrictions on transferring goods into Gaza.
It should be noted that Israel permits some of
the "prohibited" items into Gaza (for example: paper, biscuits, and chocolate), on the condition
that they are for the use of international organizations, while requests from private merchants
to purchase them are denied.

Some of the things on this list:

Chocolate, Ginger, potato chips, biscuits, fresh meat, wood for construction, fishing rods, sheets for huts, fabric (for clothing), musical instruments, writing implements, newspapers, toys, heaters, cattle, and sewing machines.

Can someone tell me how these things are a threat to Israel and not merely just trying to break the will of the people living in the Gaza Strip? It makes no sense to me on level.

They also have banned iron, and cement along with wood for construction. Which means materials to upgrade/build homes or fix homes are harder to come by.

What do you think USMB?
Having the recent incident with the shooting of the people on the flotilla. I decided to find out just what exactly is banned from the Gaza Strip. After all the argument I was told, if they have nothing that is banned on the list, it can be brought in.

As from the link:

The following list is approximate and partial, and it changes from time to time. It is based on
information from Palestinian traders and businesspersons, international organizations, and the
Palestinian Coordination Committee, all of whom "deduce" what is permitted and what is
banned based on their experience requesting permission to bring goods into Gaza and the
answers they receive from the Israeli authorities (approved or denied). It is not possible to
verify this list with the Israeli authorities because they refuse to disclose information regarding
the restrictions on transferring goods into Gaza.
It should be noted that Israel permits some of
the "prohibited" items into Gaza (for example: paper, biscuits, and chocolate), on the condition
that they are for the use of international organizations, while requests from private merchants
to purchase them are denied.

Some of the things on this list:

Chocolate, Ginger, potato chips, biscuits, fresh meat, wood for construction, fishing rods, sheets for huts, fabric (for clothing), musical instruments, writing implements, newspapers, toys, heaters, cattle, and sewing machines.

Can someone tell me how these things are a threat to Israel and not merely just trying to break the will of the people living in the Gaza Strip? It makes no sense to me on level.

They also have banned iron, and cement along with wood for construction. Which means materials to upgrade/build homes or fix homes are harder to come by.

Chocolate is not a potential weapon, but it does provide comfort to some extent and so restricting it DOES serve a military purpose. If the people get tired of their plight, maybe someday reason will prevail and they might get sick and tired of dealing with the consequences brought on them by the behavior of Hamas.

Newspapers can be used as tools of propaganda. Why would Israel not include that on the list of prohibited items?

Construction items like wood and cement can be used to build headquarters and bunkers and so forth. What kind of war do you imagine they are fighting there? "Oh hell, you peaceable and peace loving friendly Hamas folks, go ahead and have some more construction material. We are confident that peaceable folk like you would NEVER use it for anything other than proper shelter and housing for the people. " Yeah. That's gonna happen.

Next time, maybe you can get Israel to clear the prohibited items list with you, first.
Chocolate is not a potential weapon, but it does provide comfort to some extent and so restricting it DOES serve a military purpose. If the people get tired of their plight, maybe someday reason will prevail and they might get sick and tired of dealing with the consequences brought on them by the behavior of Hamas.

Newspapers can be used as tools of propaganda. Why would Israel not include that on the list of prohibited items?

Construction items like wood and cement can be used to build headquarters and bunkers and so forth. What kind of war do you imagine they are fighting there? "Oh hell, you peaceable and peace loving friendly Hamas folks, go ahead and have some more construction material. We are confident that peaceable folk like you would NEVER use it for anything other than proper shelter and housing for the people. " Yeah. That's gonna happen.

Next time, maybe you can get Israel to clear the prohibited items list with you, first.

So I was right, you want the people in the Gaza strip, innocent civilians included, to suffer. I doubt Israel will admit what they ban upfront, especially since it would make them look bad. Especially since not everyone is a neocon like yourself.

Tell me though there Liability, did the U.S ban newspapers and such after we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq? A short yes or no answer will suffice.
Chocolate is not a potential weapon, but it does provide comfort to some extent and so restricting it DOES serve a military purpose. If the people get tired of their plight, maybe someday reason will prevail and they might get sick and tired of dealing with the consequences brought on them by the behavior of Hamas.

Newspapers can be used as tools of propaganda. Why would Israel not include that on the list of prohibited items?

Construction items like wood and cement can be used to build headquarters and bunkers and so forth. What kind of war do you imagine they are fighting there? "Oh hell, you peaceable and peace loving friendly Hamas folks, go ahead and have some more construction material. We are confident that peaceable folk like you would NEVER use it for anything other than proper shelter and housing for the people. " Yeah. That's gonna happen.

Next time, maybe you can get Israel to clear the prohibited items list with you, first.

So I was right, you want the people in the Gaza strip, innocent civilians included, to suffer. I doubt Israel will admit what they ban upfront, especially since it would make them look bad. Especially since not everyone is a neocon like yourself.

Tell me though there Liability, did the U.S ban newspapers and such after we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq? A short yes or no answer will suffice.
No. You remain wrong trumpeting a bogus bit of propaganda.

If the desire were to make the people of Gaza "suffer" there'd be a true SEIGE like in the days of old. There'd be no list of exceptions for humanitarian purposes. So, all in all, your efforts at propaganda are pitiable.

When asking for simple yes or no answers to "questions," it would be helpful if you'd first make the two scenarios at least moderately analogous. Since you failed to even attempt that, there's no valid purpose served in pretending that you did.

We liberated Iraq. And our fight in Afghanistan has never been against the Afghani people, so there would be no rational purpose in trying to impose that kind of a blockade on the people of Iraq or Afghanistan.
No. You remain wrong trumpeting a bogus bit of propaganda.

If the desire were to make the people of Gaza "suffer" there'd be a true SEIGE like in the days of old. There'd be no list of exceptions for humanitarian purposes. So, all in all, your efforts at propaganda are pitiable.

When asking for simple yes or no answers to "questions," it would be helpful if you'd first make the two scenarios at least moderately analogous. Since you failed to even attempt that, there's no valid purpose served in pretending that you did.

We liberated Iraq. And our fight in Afghanistan has never been against the Afghani people, so there would be no rational purpose in trying to impose that kind of a blockade on the people of Iraq or Afghanistan.

So since when is Hamas the entire people in Gaza? If Israel's fight is with Hamas, why the blockade against everyone? After all, applying your logic here. Also, Israel couldn't get away with a full ban even if they wanted to because they would have even America on their ass.

There is no safety issue here for a good number of things on that list other than making people suffer.
No. You remain wrong trumpeting a bogus bit of propaganda.

If the desire were to make the people of Gaza "suffer" there'd be a true SEIGE like in the days of old. There'd be no list of exceptions for humanitarian purposes. So, all in all, your efforts at propaganda are pitiable.

When asking for simple yes or no answers to "questions," it would be helpful if you'd first make the two scenarios at least moderately analogous. Since you failed to even attempt that, there's no valid purpose served in pretending that you did.

We liberated Iraq. And our fight in Afghanistan has never been against the Afghani people, so there would be no rational purpose in trying to impose that kind of a blockade on the people of Iraq or Afghanistan.

So since when is Hamas the entire people in Gaza? If Israel's fight is with Hamas, why the blockade against everyone? After all, applying your logic here. Also, Israel couldn't get away with a full ban even if they wanted to because they would have even America on their ass.

There is no safety issue here for a good number of things on that list other than making people suffer.

No chocolate!

No chocolate!


If Obama decided to ban chocolate tomorrow, you'd be crying so badly in your whines that a new river would be created.

Besides, great non-answer you gave there. :thup:
No chocolate!


If Obama decided to ban chocolate tomorrow, you'd be crying so badly in your whines that a new river would be created.

Besides, great non-answer you gave there. :thup:

Still unable to make sense, you are.

President Obama has no authority to ban us from obtaining chocolate.

Were we at war with some folks who had voted for some filthy scumbag organization like Hamas, however, Odert, we MIGHT just want to underscore that their support for that organization will pay them NO rewards and get them no dividends. In addition to taking cement and wood and newspapers off their shelves, we might very well deprive them of chocolate, too. HELP them see that their support of a filthy murderous scumbag organization only serves to make them MORE AND MORE deprived of creature comforts.

I have answered your questions. I am not at all bothered by the fact that you don't care for my answers. That's a different matter entirely, in fact.
Still unable to make sense, you are.

President Obama has no authority to ban us from obtaining chocolate.

Were we at war with some folks who had voted for some filthy scumbag organization like Hamas, however, Odert, we MIGHT just want to underscore that their support for that organization will pay them NO rewards and get them no dividends. In addition to taking cement and wood and newspapers off their shelves, we might very well deprive them of chocolate, too. HELP them see that their support of a filthy murderous scumbag organization only serves to make them MORE AND MORE deprived of creature comforts.

I have answered your questions. I am not at all bothered by the fact that you don't care for my answers. That's a different matter entirely, in fact.

You seem to not get that you shot yourself in the foot.

You say we shouldn't blockade the people of Afghanistan because we're trying to free them from Al Qaeda and The Taliban. However, you feel that the people in the Gaza Strip should be blockaded because of Hamas.
Still unable to make sense, you are.

President Obama has no authority to ban us from obtaining chocolate.

Were we at war with some folks who had voted for some filthy scumbag organization like Hamas, however, Odert, we MIGHT just want to underscore that their support for that organization will pay them NO rewards and get them no dividends. In addition to taking cement and wood and newspapers off their shelves, we might very well deprive them of chocolate, too. HELP them see that their support of a filthy murderous scumbag organization only serves to make them MORE AND MORE deprived of creature comforts.

I have answered your questions. I am not at all bothered by the fact that you don't care for my answers. That's a different matter entirely, in fact.

You seem to not get that you shot yourself in the foot.

You say we shouldn't blockade the people of Afghanistan because we're trying to free them from Al Qaeda and The Taliban. However, you feel that the people in the Gaza Strip should be blockaded because of Hamas.

I seem not to "get" your fantasy. I have NOT shot myself in the foot in any way.

You simply remain wrong. Stubbornly wrong, but wrong all the same.

The people of Gaza voted for Hamas. The people of Afghanistan didn't get to vote for the Taliban.

Nobody voted for them. They seized power. They did enjoy some popularity with a portion of the people -- bringing an end to the almost ceaseless war that had been going on. but they were never a legitimate government.

And nobody in Iraq voted for al qaeda or any of the other fuckers who came to aid those bastards after the Americans helped to oust Saddam's illicit regime.

Again, your would-be analogy falls far short of a having valid working analog anywhere in its premises.
I seem not to "get" your fantasy. I have NOT shot myself in the foot in any way.

You simply remain wrong. Stubbornly wrong, but wrong all the same.

The people of Gaza voted for Hamas. The people of Afghanistan didn't get to vote for the Taliban.

Nobody voted for them. They seized power. They did enjoy some popularity with a portion of the people -- bringing an end to the almost ceaseless war that had been going on. but they were never a legitimate government.

And nobody in Iraq voted for al qaeda or any of the other fuckers who came to aid those bastards after the Americans helped to oust Saddam's illicit regime.

Again, your would-be analogy falls far short of a having valid working analog anywhere in its premises.

You seem to not get the circumstances under which Hamas came to power.
I seem not to "get" your fantasy. I have NOT shot myself in the foot in any way.

You simply remain wrong. Stubbornly wrong, but wrong all the same.

The people of Gaza voted for Hamas. The people of Afghanistan didn't get to vote for the Taliban.

Nobody voted for them. They seized power. They did enjoy some popularity with a portion of the people -- bringing an end to the almost ceaseless war that had been going on. but they were never a legitimate government.

And nobody in Iraq voted for al qaeda or any of the other fuckers who came to aid those bastards after the Americans helped to oust Saddam's illicit regime.

Again, your would-be analogy falls far short of a having valid working analog anywhere in its premises.

You seem to not get the circumstances under which Hamas came to power.

Nice non sequitor. And irrelevant.

But you are also wrong.

Funny that.
If I were the elected leader of a country who was being bombarded on nearly a daily basis by some type of missile or motor round, Those responsible and their people would be very hard pressed for me to even let them have the correct time of day.

Rockets and Mortars Launched from Gaza Jan-Dec '08 [6]
Type.. ... Jan Feb .. Mar Apr May June Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Rockets 136 228 103 373 206 158 ... 4 ... 8 .. 1 ... 1 125 361
Mortar . 241 257 196 145 149 87 ... 8 ... 3 ... 3 .. 1 .. 68 241
Nice non sequitor. And irrelevant.

But you are also wrong.

Funny that.

Actually, when you reference the way Hamas comes to power, it does count about the circumstances. Just sayin'.

Seems like this is a good point to simply agree to disagree and call it a day.
If I were the elected leader of a country who was being bombarded on nearly a daily basis by some type of missile or motor round, Those responsible and their people would be very hard pressed for me to even let them have the correct time of day.

Rockets and Mortars Launched from Gaza Jan-Dec '08 [6]
Type.. ... Jan Feb .. Mar Apr May June Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Rockets 136 228 103 373 206 158 ... 4 ... 8 .. 1 ... 1 125 361
Mortar . 241 257 196 145 149 87 ... 8 ... 3 ... 3 .. 1 .. 68 241

Just curious, where are those numbers from? Wikipedia?
Chocolate is not a potential weapon, but it does provide comfort to some extent and so restricting it DOES serve a military purpose. If the people get tired of their plight, maybe someday reason will prevail and they might get sick and tired of dealing with the consequences brought on them by the behavior of Hamas.

Newspapers can be used as tools of propaganda. Why would Israel not include that on the list of prohibited items?

Construction items like wood and cement can be used to build headquarters and bunkers and so forth. What kind of war do you imagine they are fighting there? "Oh hell, you peaceable and peace loving friendly Hamas folks, go ahead and have some more construction material. We are confident that peaceable folk like you would NEVER use it for anything other than proper shelter and housing for the people. " Yeah. That's gonna happen.

Next time, maybe you can get Israel to clear the prohibited items list with you, first.

So I was right, you want the people in the Gaza strip, innocent civilians included, to suffer. I doubt Israel will admit what they ban upfront, especially since it would make them look bad. Especially since not everyone is a neocon like yourself.

Tell me though there Liability, did the U.S ban newspapers and such after we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq? A short yes or no answer will suffice.

Sorry Mod but this (one) post is nothing but disingenuous.... except maybe Liability being a neocon. :lol: Hamas doesn't care if the people suffer as long as they refuse to stop the terrorist in their midsts. Remember the Iraq embargo? We acted along roughly the same lines. Our government and Israel's are somewhat different as is our geo-political situation, of course we wouldn't ban newspapers. We aren't surrounded by enemies on our boarders sworn to our destruction (just an observation, not a judgment).
Chocolate is not a potential weapon, but it does provide comfort to some extent and so restricting it DOES serve a military purpose. If the people get tired of their plight, maybe someday reason will prevail and they might get sick and tired of dealing with the consequences brought on them by the behavior of Hamas.

Newspapers can be used as tools of propaganda. Why would Israel not include that on the list of prohibited items?

Construction items like wood and cement can be used to build headquarters and bunkers and so forth. What kind of war do you imagine they are fighting there? "Oh hell, you peaceable and peace loving friendly Hamas folks, go ahead and have some more construction material. We are confident that peaceable folk like you would NEVER use it for anything other than proper shelter and housing for the people. " Yeah. That's gonna happen.

Next time, maybe you can get Israel to clear the prohibited items list with you, first.

So I was right, you want the people in the Gaza strip, innocent civilians included, to suffer. I doubt Israel will admit what they ban upfront, especially since it would make them look bad. Especially since not everyone is a neocon like yourself.

Tell me though there Liability, did the U.S ban newspapers and such after we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq? A short yes or no answer will suffice.

Sorry Mod but this (one) post is nothing but disingenuous.... except maybe Liability being a neocon. :lol: Hamas doesn't care if the people suffer as long as they refuse to stop the terrorist in their midsts. Remember the Iraq embargo? We acted along roughly the same lines. Our government and Israel's are somewhat different as is our geo-political situation, of course we wouldn't ban newspapers. We aren't surrounded by enemies on our boarders sworn to our destruction (just an observation, not a judgment).

Good points (except that crack about me allegedly being a damn neocon).

Israel IS always under the gun. We are not in that exact position.

The Modbert would-be analogy fails on several levels.

Meanwhile, I am not now nor have I ever been a neocon. I am guilty of once having been a lib, though. :eek:

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