Pallywood ... staging "massacres" Pali Style


Aug 1, 2006
I am new to this board and maybe you have all seen this 60 Minutes Report...
for those that haven't here is the link:

I saw the Pallywood video a few months ago, and since then, ahve been paying attention to the Middle East news.

If you look, every time there is a shot of a Palestinian, Lebanese, (insert Arabic nation) wounded, there is an ambulence and 50 people holding up a stretcher with a little boy in it. There is no way that 50 people are needed to hold a stretcher... and if you watch, the ambulence leaves without the medics who put the stretcher in the ambulence... <this is not once incident... Im saying that I see this all the time>.

If you see the movie "V for Vendetta", 15 minutes into the movie, 'V' (the main character and glorified terrorist) holds a British News TV station hostage and then when the police come, puts everyone in similar masks so the cops dont know who to arrest. The TV guy working for the government decides to videotape what is going on and then air it. The police shoot an innocent man wearing a mask, but the news stations airs it as the police shooting and killing 'V' (the terrorist).

It is interesting how video editing can change an event entirely. I wouldn't be surprised if many of US news stations did this to get a political agenda across. I WOULD be surprised if Arabic TV news stations DONT ALREADY do this to make it seem that they are winning battles, and 'innocent' arabs are dying.

This is also intersting:
It seems to be a two fold scenario. Staging of a scene and editing the footage to maximize the percived reality.

I've always wondered about the need to parade a dead guy around on a stretcher. As many times as they drop the guy it must suck to have that assignment.

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