Palestinian traditional costumes

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
[ame=]Palestinian traditional costumes (Canaanites Heritage) - YouTube[/ame]
Fakey Fakey Fakestinians :clap2:

Guy Milliere, Eminent Professor of History and Political Science, Sorbonne, Paris
No one had heard of a Palestinian people before the mid-1960s. They did not exist. Israel under the British Mandate until Israel' s Independence in 1948 was called Palestine. All Jews who were born there until i948 had the word « Palestine » stamped on their passports. The current Palestinians are those Arabs who, for a variety of reasons, decided to leave the land during the 1947 War of Independence, when five countries – Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq – attacked the 600,000 people in the fledgling state of Israel the day after its birth, hoping to kill it in the crib.

[ame=]What the Palestinians do not want Jews to know - YouTube[/ame]
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Since "Palestine" was invented by the British and by the Romans, do so-called Palestinians buy their costumes from Harrods in London and at Dolce & Gabbana in Italy? :lol:
We know other Palestinian traditional costumes.




Palestinian traditional costumes (Canaanites Heritage)

Fakestinians have no Canaanite heritage. Arafat made up that fairy tale. :lol:

Eminent Archaeologist and Historian, former Fulbright Scholar Eric Cline...
The claims that modern Palestinians are descended from the ancient Jebusites are madewithout any supporting evidence. Historians and archaeologists have generally concluded that most, if not all, modern Palestinians are probably more closely related to the Arabs of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan and other countries than they are to the ancient Jebusites, Canaanites or Philistines.

Rashid Khalidi, professor of Middle East history and director of the Center for International Studies at the University of Chicago and advisor to various Arab groups...
There is a relatively recent tradition which argues that Palestinian nationalism has deep historical roots. As with other national movements, extreme advocates of this view anachronistically read back into the history of Palestine over the past few centuries a nationalist consciousness and identity that are in fact relatively modern. Among the manifestations of this outlook are a predilection for seeing in peoples such as the Canaanites, Jebusites and Philistines the lineal ancestors of the modern Palestinians.
We know other Palestinian traditional costumes.





Glad to see womens rights have finally come to the barbaric palestinian culture and women can be suicide bombers, too. Do they have 72 boy virgins in paradise for them? allahu fucku
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Traditional costume of the young Palesteenian suicide bomber and, you know, they blow up so fast. allahu fucku :clap2:

Shahad, 9 year old Palestinian...
The Prophet Muhammad said the hour of resurrection will not take place until you fight the Jews The rock and the tree will say, "Oh, Muslim, servant of allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and fight him!"
[ame=]Palestinian children are taught: Genocide is God's will - YouTube[/ame]
And some stupid countries support this band of crazy morons.

[ame=]***MUST SEE Muslims "Palestinians" Celebrating 9/11 (CNN - Fox) September 11 ARABS twin towers 911 - YouTube[/ame]

Unfortunately the videos above can not be aired by politically correct mainstream medias in the western countries.
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