Palestine was always Israel

If the Jews won it by conquest, then they were not the original inhabitants.

God promises the Jews a land of their own but first they must obey His commandments.

Promised Land“Moses went up Mount Nebo to the top of Pisgah, looked over the promised land of Israel spread out before him, and died, at the age of one hundred and twenty, according to Talmudic legend on 7 Adar, his 120th birthday exactly.
Moab is the historical name for a mountainous strip of land in modern-day
Jordan running along the eastern shore of the Dead Sea. In ancient times, it was home to the kingdom of the Moabites, a people often in conflict with their Israelite neighbors to the west.
The Moabites were a historical people, whose existence is attested to by numerous archeological findings, most notably the
Mesha Stele, which describes the Moabite victory over an unnamed son of King Omri of Israel. Their capital was Dibon, located next to the modern Jordanian town of Dhiban.

Where the True Promised Land is & they love it
The PROMISRED LAND which turns out to be the .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.USA.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,

Time line

70th correction/change/addition --12/02/2016PM 05:41 PM
This is a time line

If you need to enlarge the text, i.e. the two pages where you can read it without squinting your eyes
[1] Just hold dawn the [Ctri] key while rolling your mouse up or down.
Just a suggestion
The reason this site was built –

Why they were chosen follows in verses. Where they gathered is another story. The PROMISRED LAND turns out to be the USA.
68th correction/change -- 10/16/2016

This is a time line from the time God talked to them face to face, His suggestions & what they have done with them up to today. There is a beginning but there is no end. They can always change their ways and embrace the stranger as one of their own. Still the choice is theirs alone to make. Hopefully I will see this occur in my life time and if so I will include it here as the final entry on page 15. The truth is they were scattered & then they gathered just as it was written so long ago only the true Promised Land turns out to be the USA, not some place beyond the river and they are happy campers along with the rest of us, in that old United States of America; aka USA.
Love the Stranger as thyself

Anyone agree-?
If the Jews won it by conquest, then they were not the original inhabitants.

God promises the Jews a land of their own but first they must obey His commandments.

Promised Land“Moses went up Mount Nebo to the top of Pisgah, looked over the promised land of Israel spread out before him, and died, at the age of one hundred and twenty, according to Talmudic legend on 7 Adar, his 120th birthday exactly.
Moab is the historical name for a mountainous strip of land in modern-day Jordan running along the eastern shore of the Dead Sea. In ancient times, it was home to the kingdom of the Moabites, a people often in conflict with their Israelite neighbors to the west.
The Moabites were a historical people, whose existence is attested to by numerous archeological findings, most notably the Mesha Stele, which describes the Moabite victory over an unnamed son of King Omri of Israel. Their capital was Dibon, located next to the modern Jordanian town of Dhiban.

Where the True Promised Land is & they love it
The PROMISRED LAND which turns out to be the .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.USA.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,

Time line

70th correction/change/addition --12/02/2016PM 05:41 PM
This is a time line

If you need to enlarge the text, i.e. the two pages where you can read it without squinting your eyes
[1] Just hold dawn the [Ctri] key while rolling your mouse up or down.
Just a suggestion
The reason this site was built –

Why they were chosen follows in verses. Where they gathered is another story. The PROMISRED LAND turns out to be the USA.
68th correction/change -- 10/16/2016

This is a time line from the time God talked to them face to face, His suggestions & what they have done with them up to today. There is a beginning but there is no end. They can always change their ways and embrace the stranger as one of their own. Still the choice is theirs alone to make. Hopefully I will see this occur in my life time and if so I will include it here as the final entry on page 15. The truth is they were scattered & then they gathered just as it was written so long ago only the true Promised Land turns out to be the USA, not some place beyond the river and they are happy campers along with the rest of us, in that old United States of America; aka USA.
Love the Stranger as thyself

Anyone agree-?
Tell me how many times you will use the verses you choose to perpetuate your lie.
Genesis, Chapter 10, moron.
Eat shit.
Tell me how many times you will use the verses you choose to perpetuate your lie.
Genesis, Chapter 10, moron.
Eat shit.
I could care less about the linage of the Jewish family tree. Whatever they were in that past is not who they are today.

The Israelis are murders, thieving, lying pigs who grow a mustache to hide their zion tattoo across their upper lip with the star of david tattooed on their ass.
When a Canaanite shows up with a receipt ... he can have it.
You have never lived in Israel, nor visited it either. You are a back seat driver who failed your driver’s test because you were doped up on heroin.

Sorry, I am getting personal

Tell me how many times you will use the verses you choose to perpetuate your lie.
Genesis, Chapter 10, moron.
Eat shit.
I could care less about the linage of the Jewish family tree. Whatever they were in that past is not who they are today.

The Israelis are murders, thieving, lying pigs who grow a mustache to hide their zion tattoo across their upper lip with the star of david tattooed on their ass.
Please tell us that the Muslims have been living in peace with the world since 1948.
The OP fails to establish that Hebrews have always occupied Palestine since they were not the first settlers of the region.
The OP fails to establish that Hebrews have always occupied Palestine since they were not the first settlers of the region.
For those who use Biblical verses, this fact is established in Genesis, Chapter 10 where it states the children of Noach settled.
Other than that, it works like all of history...winner takes all, which these days applies to everyone but JOOS.
The OP fails to establish that Hebrews have always occupied Palestine since they were not the first settlers of the region.
For those who use Biblical verses, this fact is established in Genesis, Chapter 10 where it states the children of Noach settled.
Other than that, it works like all of history...winner takes all, which these days applies to everyone but JOOS.
Hardly, should we give the Native American Indians their land back because they were established and pushed off their homeland?
The OP fails to establish that Hebrews have always occupied Palestine since they were not the first settlers of the region.
For those who use Biblical verses, this fact is established in Genesis, Chapter 10 where it states the children of Noach settled.
Other than that, it works like all of history...winner takes all, which these days applies to everyone but JOOS.
Hardly, should we give the Native American Indians their land back because they were established and pushed off their homeland?
Yes. And the Southwest was stolen from Mexico at gunpoint in the name of God.
The OP fails to establish that Hebrews have always occupied Palestine since they were not the first settlers of the region.
For those who use Biblical verses, this fact is established in Genesis, Chapter 10 where it states the children of Noach settled.
Other than that, it works like all of history...winner takes all, which these days applies to everyone but JOOS.
Hardly, should we give the Native American Indians their land back because they were established and pushed off their homeland?
Yes. And the Southwest was stolen from Mexico at gunpoint in the name of God.
You mean God doesn't deserve what we stole?
The OP fails to establish that Hebrews have always occupied Palestine since they were not the first settlers of the region.
For those who use Biblical verses, this fact is established in Genesis, Chapter 10 where it states the children of Noach settled.
Other than that, it works like all of history...winner takes all, which these days applies to everyone but JOOS.
Hardly, should we give the Native American Indians their land back because they were established and pushed off their homeland?
Yes. And the Southwest was stolen from Mexico at gunpoint in the name of God.
You mean God doesn't deserve what we stole?
The Mexicans, who owned the land, did not want the territories becoming Protestant.
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.

Sorry but totally and completely wrong.

1. Until the Hebrew invasion around 1000 BC, it was always known as the Land of Canaan. The Hebrew did not come from there before going to Egypt for 400 years, because the Hebrew went to Egypt to escape a drought, and there was no drought along the River Jordan.
So the best guess is the Hebrew tribes were nomadic herders in the Sinai.
2. Jews did invade, but you do not win land by conquest and that is considered immoral. The Assyrians then also defeated and kicked out the Jews in 720 BC, so at most the Jews ruled for only 280 years.
3. Philistines were not at all the primary opponents. They just were never beaten by the Jews. The primary opponents were the Canaanites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans. The only ones the Jews beat was the Canaanites.
4. Romans came in and defeated the Parthians, so then created Israel, Judea, and Sumaria as a means of controlling the locals by hosting the weakest minority as Roman puppets. For example, King Herod was just a Roman who claimed to convert to Judaism.
5. The British never owned Palestine. The British Mandate for Palestine was a responsibility for the British to create a liberated and independent Palestine in return for help against the Ottoman Empire, as promised. Jews were owed nothing. Movies are not history. Jews were less then 5% of the population of Palestine back in 1920, and according to Judaism, we are supposed to wait for the coming of the Messiah before looking for Zion on Earth.
The UN created Israel out of half of Palestine in 1948 because the Zionists murdered the British high command in the King David Hotel bombing in 1946 and no one wanted anything to do with it any more.
6. No one attacked Israel. Zionists started massacring Arab villages, like Dier Yassin, and since the British would not do anything, neighboring countries were obligated to stop the massacres of unarmed innocent civilians.
The Jews were trying to invade Jerusalem, which is not part of Israel as created by the UN, and lost totally.
7. Palestine has been official and recognized since the Treaty of San Remo and the Treaty of Sevres in 1920.
8. The Israelis started the 1967 war with a sneak attack that destroyed the entire Egyptian air force.
This time the illegal Israeli invasion of Jerusalem and the west bank succeeded.
9. The promise of return is supposed to be contingent on the success of atonement and the coming of the Messiah.
10, Rome did not defeat the Jews in order to capture Palestine. It was the Parthians who were in control that the Roman were fighting.
The Romans put Jews in charge of Palestine as governors for Rome, because they were the weakest minority, so the least threat to them.
The Jews then were so stupid and arrogant they still rebelled and even the Romans finally kicked them out.
There are not Israeli weapons the US uses. Iron dome is a joke and clearly does not work.
How did Noah have not Black sons?

'Cause you know Yefet (of beauty),
and Shem A"H were specifically not associated with being dark.

Can you actually prove anything from the text or only resort to logical fallacies?

That is silly.
Humans could never survive with fewer than 500 or so, for genetic diversity.
Noah and the Ark is totally and completely impossible.

And not only is it impossible for Noah to have Black children, clearly Blacks are the ancestors of anyone like Noah who could have existed.
Sorry but totally and completely wrong.

1. Until the Hebrew invasion around 1000 BC, it was always known as the Land of Canaan. The Hebrew did not come from there before going to Egypt for 400 years, because the Hebrew went to Egypt to escape a drought, and there was no drought along the River Jordan.
So the best guess is the Hebrew tribes were nomadic herders in the Sinai.
2. Jews did invade, but you do not win land by conquest and that is considered immoral. The Assyrians then also defeated and kicked out the Jews in 720 BC, so at most the Jews ruled for only 280 years.
3. Philistines were not at all the primary opponents. They just were never beaten by the Jews. The primary opponents were the Canaanites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans. The only ones the Jews beat was the Canaanites.
4. Romans came in and defeated the Parthians, so then created Israel, Judea, and Sumaria as a means of controlling the locals by hosting the weakest minority as Roman puppets. For example, King Herod was just a Roman who claimed to convert to Judaism.
5. The British never owned Palestine. The British Mandate for Palestine was a responsibility for the British to create a liberated and independent Palestine in return for help against the Ottoman Empire, as promised. Jews were owed nothing. Movies are not history. Jews were less then 5% of the population of Palestine back in 1920, and according to Judaism, we are supposed to wait for the coming of the Messiah before looking for Zion on Earth.
The UN created Israel out of half of Palestine in 1948 because the Zionists murdered the British high command in the King David Hotel bombing in 1946 and no one wanted anything to do with it any more.
6. No one attacked Israel. Zionists started massacring Arab villages, like Dier Yassin, and since the British would not do anything, neighboring countries were obligated to stop the massacres of unarmed innocent civilians.
The Jews were trying to invade Jerusalem, which is not part of Israel as created by the UN, and lost totally.
7. Palestine has been official and recognized since the Treaty of San Remo and the Treaty of Sevres in 1920.
8. The Israelis started the 1967 war with a sneak attack that destroyed the entire Egyptian air force.
This time the illegal Israeli invasion of Jerusalem and the west bank succeeded.
9. The promise of return is supposed to be contingent on the success of atonement and the coming of the Messiah.
10, Rome did not defeat the Jews in order to capture Palestine. It was the Parthians who were in control that the Roman were fighting.
The Romans put Jews in charge of Palestine as governors for Rome, because they were the weakest minority, so the least threat to them.
The Jews then were so stupid and arrogant they still rebelled and even the Romans finally kicked them out.
There are not Israeli weapons the US uses. Iron dome is a joke and clearly does not work.
You’re completely wrong. I was there you were not.
Who told you that Black people couldnt have light skinned children?

Blacks most definitely do have light skinned children sometimes, but light skinned people can never have Black children.
That is because Black is dominant.
Blacks can have recessive white that comes out rarely.
But whites can't have Black children because if they had any Black, it is dominant and would take over as the person being Black.
You’re completely wrong. I was there you were not.

We have the written history from thousands of different sources.
The Hebrew were the bad guys.
I am Jewish, but Ashkenazi so then a convert around 1600 AD, with no Mideast background at all.
Makes no sense for Israel to exist.
My culture is lox, bagels, gefilti fish, potato latkes, etc., and has nothing to do with the Mideast.
The Mideast is crowded, hot, and dry, and is no place for light skinned Jews like us.

Glorifying Joshua and King David is like glorifying Hitler.
They were evil and massacred the natives.
We have the written history from thousands of different sources.
The Hebrew were the bad guys.
I am Jewish, but Ashkenazi so then a convert around 1600 AD, with no Mideast background at all.
Makes no sense for Israel to exist.
My culture is lox, bagels, gefilti fish, potato latkes, etc., and has nothing to do with the Mideast.
The Mideast is crowded, hot, and dry, and is no place for light skinned Jews like us.

Glorifying Joshua and King David is like glorifying Hitler.
They were evil and massacred the natives.
Like I said you weren’t there I was. We were the good guys
Like I said you weren’t there I was. We were the good guys

Ok, then tell me why our ancestors invaded Jericho and bragged about murdering every single man, woman, child, and even animals?
It is clear the Canaanites not only lived there as far back as 8,000 BC, and were likely the single oldest civilization on the planet, but also they did not seem to beat up on anyone, allowed dozens of other cultures to spring up and be supported, while being benevolent and kind.

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